97 resultados para Schwerin
The coagulation factor IX gene (179), the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase 1 gene (HPRT1), and the X-inactive specific transcript gene (XIST) were physically assigned in cattle to analyze chromosomal breakpoints on BTAX recently identified by radiation hybrid (RH) mapping experiments. Whereas the FISH assignment of XIST indicates a similar location on the q-arm of the human and cattle X chromosomes, the locus of HPRT1 supported the assumption of a chromosome rearrangement between the distal half of the q-arm of HSAX and the p-arm of BTAX identified by RH mapping. F9 previously located on the Cl-arm of BTAX was assigned to the p-arm of BTAX using RH mapping and FISH. The suggested new position of F9 close to HPRT I supports the homology between HSAXq and BTAXp. The F9 locus corresponds with the gene order found in the homologous human chromosome segment. XIST was assigned on BTAXq23, HPRT1 and F9 were mapped to BTAXp22, and the verification of the location of F9 in a 5000 rad cattle-hamster whole genome radiation hybrid panel linked the gene to markers URB10 and HPRT1. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Durch die Entwicklung der chemischen Industrie im 19. Jahrhundert traten völlig neue medizinische Probleme auf. 1895 postulierte Dr. Ludwig Rehn, ein Chirurg am Städtischen Krankenhaus in Frankfurt am Main, auf dem Chirurgenkongreß erstmals einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Blasenkarzinom und seinem gehäuften Auftreten bei Arbeitern der organisch-chemischen Farbenfabriken. Er hatte bemerkt, daß er in relativ kurzer Zeit einige Patienten mit Blasenkrebs operiert hatte, die auffälligerweise alle in derselben Fabrik arbeiteten. Da diese Krankheit sehr selten war, versuchte er in Zusammenarbeit mit Heinrich Paul Schwerin das Phänomen zu ergründen. Einerseits mußte die schädliche Substanz selbst genau identifiziert werden, andererseits die Kanzerogenese aufgeklärt sowie eine Therapie gefunden bzw. prophylaktische Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden. Wie auch heute bei vielen neuen Entdeckungen dauerte es Jahrzehnte, bis Ärzte diese These anerkannten. Besonders starke Anfeindung erfuhr Ludwig Rehn von Fabrikärzten aufgrund ihrer Verpflichtung für das Wohlergehen der Arbeiter und ihrer Abhängigkeit von der wirtschaftlichen Prosperität der Fabriken, z. B. von Friedrich Wilhelm Grandhomme. Es ergab sich die bis heute bestehende Schwierigkeit, zwischen den Wünschen der produzierenden, arbeitsplätzeschaffenden Industrie und dem Schutz der Arbeitnehmer und der Umwelt einen Konsens herzustellen. Die Probleme Therapie und Prophylaxe sowie Identifikation aller Blasenkrebs verursachenden Substanzen sind auch im 21. Jahrhundert noch nicht völlig geklärt.
BACKGROUND: During the past ten years many quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting mastitis incidence and mastitis related traits like somatic cell score (SCS) were identified in cattle. However, little is known about the molecular architecture of QTL affecting mastitis susceptibility and the underlying physiological mechanisms and genes causing mastitis susceptibility. Here, a genome-wide expression analysis was conducted to analyze molecular mechanisms of mastitis susceptibility that are affected by a specific QTL for SCS on Bos taurus autosome 18 (BTA18). Thereby, some first insights were sought into the genetically determined mechanisms of mammary gland epithelial cells influencing the course of infection. METHODS: Primary bovine mammary gland epithelial cells (pbMEC) were sampled from the udder parenchyma of cows selected for high and low mastitis susceptibility by applying a marker-assisted selection strategy considering QTL and molecular marker information of a confirmed QTL for SCS in the telomeric region of BTA18. The cells were cultured and subsequently inoculated with heat-inactivated mastitis pathogens Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. After 1, 6 and 24 h, the cells were harvested and analyzed using the microarray expression chip technology to identify differences in mRNA expression profiles attributed to genetic predisposition, inoculation and cell culture. RESULTS: Comparative analysis of co-expression profiles clearly showed a faster and stronger response after pathogen challenge in pbMEC from less susceptible animals that inherited the favorable QTL allele 'Q' than in pbMEC from more susceptible animals that inherited the unfavorable QTL allele 'q'. Furthermore, the results highlighted RELB as a functional and positional candidate gene and related non-canonical Nf-kappaB signaling as a functional mechanism affected by the QTL. However, in both groups, inoculation resulted in up-regulation of genes associated with the Ingenuity pathways 'dendritic cell maturation' and 'acute phase response signaling', whereas cell culture affected biological processes involved in 'cellular development'. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the complex expression profiling of pathogen challenged pbMEC sampled from cows inheriting alternative QTL alleles is suitable to study genetically determined molecular mechanisms of mastitis susceptibility in mammary epithelial cells in vitro and to highlight the most likely functional pathways and candidate genes underlying the QTL effect.
Mastitis is the most prevalent infectious disease in dairy herds. Breeding programs considering mastitis susceptibility were adopted as approaches to improve udder health status. In recent decades, conventional selection criteria based on phenotypic characteristics such as somatic cell score in milk have been widely used to select animals. Recently, approaches to incorporate molecular information have become feasible because of the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting mastitis resistance. The aims of the study were to explore molecular mechanisms underlying mastitis resistance and the genetic mechanisms underlying a QTL on Bos taurus chromosome 18 found to influence udder health. Primary cell cultures of mammary epithelial cells from heifers that were selected for high or low susceptibility to mastitis were established. Selection based on estimated pedigree breeding value or on the basis of marker-assisted selection using QTL information was implemented. The mRNA expression of 10 key molecules of the innate immune system was measured using quantitative real-time PCR after 1, 6, and 24 h of challenge with heat-inactivated mastitis pathogens (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) and expression levels in the high and low susceptibility groups were compared according to selection criteria. In the marker-assisted selection groups, mRNA expression in cells isolated from less-susceptible animals was significantly elevated for toll-like receptor 2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal t-cell expressed and secreted), complement factor C3, and lactoferrin. In the estimated pedigree breeding value groups, mRNA expression was significantly elevated only for V-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A, IL-1 beta, and RANTES. These observations provide first insights into genetically determined divergent reactions to pathogens in the bovine mammary gland and indicate that the application of QTL information could be a successful tool for the selection of animals resistant to mastitis.
Boberach: Verfassungsentwurf des Ministeriums Camphausen
Boberach: Behandelt werden die Märzereignisse und Mißstände vor der Revolution, insbesondere die Bürokratie, kommunistische und sozialistische Bestrebungen, die Lichtfreunde, Itzstein und die badischen Kammern, der Hungertyphus in Oberschlesien, die Entwicklung in Hannover, Sachsen und Württemberg und von den Politikern besonders Blum, Jacoby und Gagern. - Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Mit lithographischen Porträts der Politiker Bassermann, Camphausen, Simon, von Itzstein, Graf von Schwerin, von Auerswald, Braun, von Vincke, Hansemann, von Beckerath, Welcker, Jordan, Erzherzog Johann, Robert Blum, Todt, Jacoby, Dittmer, Uhland, von Soiron sowie von Gagern
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Versuch des preußischen Königs, sich an die Spitze der revolutionären Nationalbewegung zu stellen ("Preußen geht fortan in Deutschland auf"); Inaussichtstellung einer deutschen Ständeversammlung, einer konstitutionellen Verfassung, von Geschworenengerichten sowie Gleichstellung der Konfessionen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Versuch des preußischen Königs, sich an die Spitze der revolutionären Nationalbewegung zu stellen ("Preußen geht fortan in Deutschland auf"); Inaussichtstellung einer deutschen Ständeversammlung, einer konstitutionellen Verfassung, von Geschworenengerichten sowie Gleichstellung der Konfessionen. Ernennung des Freiherrn Alexander Heinrich von Arnim zum Minister des Auswärtigen
Ludwig Schwerin
Ludwig Schwerin
Ludwig Schwerin
Ludwig Schwerin
Ludwig Schwerin