891 resultados para School learning


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The relationship between affective-emotional problems and school learning is present in areas of Psychology and Education. In the present study, of theoretical and bibliographic characteristics, we investigated elements that might confirm the thesis of the historicity of cognitive and affective processes, giving to these processes a social and symbolic connotation . Through the Historic-Cultural Psychology we approached the subject-object relationship and affective-cognitive unit proposing to overcome the subjectivist and organicist thinking. The study suggested the importance for us to (re) think the relationships that the subject establishes with the environment, the role of knowledge and practical conditions of life and education. Besides, it highlighted the activity as a main category in the constitution of needs and motives, as well in the formation of desires and the objectification of them. In this way, it enhances the learning and promotes the development, considering that the formation of subjectivity in each subject is the effect of an educative process that shall be object of study of both Psychology and Education.


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This study aimed to develop procedures for assessing reading comprehension of words and phrases and characterize the performance of students of 2nd year of elementary school in this procedure. It was divided into two phases: 1) preparation of evaluation tests of reading comprehension, consisting of three events: comprehension of written word (CWW), sentences (CWS) and sentences through pictures (CSP) and 2) application of the elaborated evaluation in 120 students distributed in the following groups: GI, 60 students from a public (municipal) school and GII, 60 students from a private school. The CWW test obtained the highest average of score, followed by CSP and CWS for both groups, since the picture contributes to the comprehension of the meaning either of the word and sentences. The procedure was effective to assess initial skills of reading comprehension once it identified inherent difficulties related to the literacy process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the conceptions of a group of teachers in cycle-1 elementary school on intellectual disability and assessment of school learning. It is a qualitative research that used a semi-structured interview script for its investigation. The teachers' reports showed some weakness and lack of preparation to deal with the inclusion of pupils with intellectual disabilities, and consequently difficult to assess their learning conditions. It was also found that the assessment used by them was characterized by sluggish and it was based mainly on the use of quantitative measuring instruments. Such instruments shortly guide the process of teaching and learning, consequently do not contribute to effective the inclusion of these school students.


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This research aimed do verify the contribution of the games of rules to the development and learning of the mathematics of a philantropic institution for preschool children – Centro de Educação Infantil Santo Antônio (CEISA) - from March to September 2010. The overall universe comprehends one teacher, one class auxiliary, one trainee, the organization teaching coordinator and twenty six students. The main objective was to explore games as a strategic resource for the development and learning, by searching auxiliary contributions for teaching the mathematics, and ways to wake and keep the interest of the students for the games as tools of development and learning; to identify important points for such development and learning by using games; to detect the difficulties of the students in the process of teaching-learning mathematics; to use games as a moment for fun; to show the teachers the possibilities of using ludic materials as methodic resources and to make interventions, by means of the games, to enhance the process of teaching-learning the matematics, through a qualitative approach, using the interview as instrument by means of an observation and study of case


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In this work, we have some considerations about the interactive process between teacher and students, and we analyze the subjective aspects of how the teacher reacts from its interpretation of the student's motivation throughout his lecture. We utilized Vigotski's theories, about the importance of dealing with the social cognitive process, which may contribute to an efficient school learning and when the teacher is engaged and motivated is able to motivate and excite all students who are in their classroom. We therefore investigated how it relates to the constructs of Werstch, the arguments of the teacher and students' excitement


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This article discusses non-daily concept formation in children talking about contributions from historical-cultural theory, highlighting school learning and teaching mediation as effective instruments on the development of these concepts. The goal is to reaffirm the understanding that it is by teaching activity that children acquire cultural concepts that are necessary to their humanization process. It also discusses the opposition established between psychogenic understanding on the formation of non-spontaneous concepts and the perspective in this historical-cultural theory, lines of development of daily concepts and not daily ones, and finally highlights the assumption that school educative practices are universal and necessary forms for this development.


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In order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of São Paulo established as the official curriculum Read and Write Program (2007) and EMAI (2012). In municipal elementary schools in Bauru SP, since 2013, went into action the Common curriculum, targeting a unified curriculum. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions, which vary according to the conception of the authors, as well as its practice can occur of different ways resulting from the worldview and teacher's work. So, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of state and municipal schools in Bauru regarding its articulation with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing proposal curriculum and teaching practice. For this, was necessary check the view of teachers on this process, because they are responsible for putting the curriculum in action and link it with the use of technology. Several authors report that the use of technology in education to provide qualitative advances in school learning, thereby we asked whether there is a joint in the daily life of state and municipal schools, through the existing curriculum. To answer these and other questions in this work, we realized a qualitative empirical research base that used as an instrument of data collection: literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city Bauru, on which we identified that there curricular flexibility to articulate the use of technologies. However, there are also many challenges and opportunities related to public policies and training of teachers to cope with the demands of the digital age


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Cultural-Historical Psychology alleges the thesis of social experience as the basis of human formation and points the affective-cognitive unity as the intermediate in subject relations with the knowledge on the development of psychological functions. This article presents some elements that indicate the constitution of affective processes from the relations the subject maintains with human objectifications. Part of the critics to the organismic and subjectivist thought that, both in Psychology and in Education, separates emotions from other functions of human consciousness – treating them as deterrents in the teaching and school learning processes – and signs the importance of (re) thinking the relations the subject establishes with reality, the role of knowledge and of the concrete conditions of life and education that produce the affective processes. It defends that thinking and feeling are psychological processes developed from history of appropriation and objectification of signs and instruments that each subject realizes and affirms in scholar education, and the intentional character of teaching – in the organizational and pedagogical practice – as determinant elements in the transformation of the ways of thinking and feeling.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Having in sight the current inertia found on the school physical environments as well as on the High School learning methods used, digital games appear as a different tool to build the individuals'/students' knowledge and becomes a driving factor for this research. The usage of this media resource tries to rescue a stimulant type of learning focused on the students' experiences while getting them closer to Science, Technology and Society (STS). The usefulness of this method falls short, however, without the capacitated guidance of a teacher. A literature review has been made about the possible schooling that electronic/digital games provide; it also brings the opinions of students and teachers to help comprehend how the insertion of this new tool in the classroom happens, as well as its efficiency and acceptance. Having in sight the relationship between individuals and the preoccupations about the future of mankind, components of humanity's destiny have been evidenced in the teaching of Chemistry. It is possible to conclude that these games can, indeed, help in the teaching process, although it is necessary that they develop a main didactic role, linked to the teaching of concepts and content, or else become only educational for that matter. Using the tools given by digital games it is possible, for example, through playfulness, to teach the theory of many abstract models, mathematical equations and chemical formulas, making it possible then to grab the students' attention, to thrill them and to develop their participation based on the experience they so often already have with cell phones and personal computers


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Der Text versucht, einen Einblick in die Bedeutung von Emotionen für das Lernen in der Schule zu geben und einen Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Bedeutung des Umgangs mit Emotionen in der Schule zu leisten. Zunächst werden Grundlagen zur Wirkung von Emotionen in der Schule erläutert und am Beispiel von Fehlersituationen illustriert. Der zweite Teil widmet sich der Regulation von Emotionen, um sich theoretisch und empirisch der Beantwortung der folgenden Frage anzunähern: Wie gehen Schülerinnen und Schüler mit ihren negativen Lern- und Leistungsemotionen um?


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El presente artículo se propone dejar planteados algunos aportes y debates en torno a la definición de políticas educativas que promueven la inclusión y sus efectos en las prácticas curriculares que se configuran en el dispositivo escolar, el que define sus condiciones de posibilidad. Se plantea que no existe una aplicación lineal de las políticas educativas, atendiendo a las mediaciones que los actores educativos ponen en juego en las prácticas curriculares fundadas en una lógica escolar naturalizada. Por ello la necesidad de propiciar procesos de desnaturalización de las creencias de los actores educativos acerca de las formas de lo escolar, el aprender y el enseñar, el curriculum, la educación común, la educación especial y sus posibles relaciones. De este modo habilitar movimientos instituyentes que transformen las prácticas curriculares en herramientas para la inclusión educativa en términos de igualdad para todos/as.


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En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de una investigación (período 2006-2008) destinada a indagar las concepciones y opiniones sobre la inclusión de niños con discapacidades, proporcionadas por dos tipos de actores técnico-docentes. Se trata, en el primer caso, de directivos y docentes procedentes de Institutos Superiores de Formación Docente. En el segundo, de directivos, docentes y personal de los Equipos de Orientación Escolar de escuelas destinadas a niños con necesidades educativas derivadas de las discapacidades (NEDD) y de escuelas de Educación Primaria Básica (EPB). La información fue recabada a través de la realización de entrevistas en profundidad con los participantes seleccionados. Las dimensiones incluidas contemplaron: tipo y calidad de la formación recibida en distintas instancias (grado, en ejercicio, posgrado); conocimientos de los problemas de las personas con discapacidades (tipos y determinantes causales); actitudes frente a la integración e inclusión escolar y sus condiciones de posibilidad; valoraciones sobre los derechos de los niños con discapacidad a ser incluidos en la EPB; y posibilidades de reflexionar sobre la problemática. El objetivo final se orientó a obtener información relevante que colabore en el diseño de estrategias destinadas a propiciar las condiciones para un aprendizaje escolar cooperativo y colaborativo, que contemple la problemática de la diversidad y de las diferencias individuales