990 resultados para Scenario design


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This deliverable outlines the design blueprints for the RAGE application scenario games and forms the rest of the scope for WP4’s tasks. The game designs have been developed in collaboration with application scenario partners in WP5, and informed by WP1, 2 & 3. Additionally peer-feedback has been provided by game developers across WP4. The designs outline the integration of the RAGE assets developed in WP2 and WP3. Each section provides in detail the game play descriptions, game dynamics and mechanics, pedagogies and technical implementation of the RAGE assets into the game applications as described in detailed in WP5’s application documents. The full description of the application objectives and associated learning outcomes has been provided in the project’s MS2 Application Scenario Outlines document.


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In this paper, a multi-level wordline driver scheme is presented to improve 6T-SRAM read and write stability. The proposed wordline driver generates a shaped pulse during the read mode and a boosted wordline during the write mode. During read, the shaped pulse is tuned at nominal voltage for a short period of time, whereas for the remaining access time, the wordline voltage is reduced to save the power consumption of the cell. This shaped wordline pulse results in improved read noise margin without any degradation in access time for small wordline load. The improvement is explained by examining the dynamic and nonlinear behavior of the SRAM cell. Furthermore, during the hold mode, for a short time (depending on the size of boosting capacitance), wordline voltage becomes negative and charges up to zero after a specific time that results in a lower leakage current compared to conventional SRAM. The proposed technique results in at least 2× improvement in read noise margin while it improves write margin by 3× for lower supply voltages than 0.7 V. The leakage power for the proposed SRAM is reduced by 2% while the total power is improved by 3% in the worst case scenario for an SRAM array. The main advantage of the proposed wordline driver is the improvement of dynamic noise margin with less than 2.5% penalty in area. TSMC 65 nm technology models are used for simulations.


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Continuous research endeavors on hard turning (HT), both on machine tools and cutting tools, have made the previously reported daunting limits easily attainable in the modern scenario. This presents an opportunity for a systematic investigation on finding the current attainable limits of hard turning using a CNC turret lathe. Accordingly, this study aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing the latest experimental results of hard turning of AISI 4340 steel (69 HRC) using a CBN cutting tool. An orthogonal array was developed using a set of judiciously chosen cutting parameters. Subsequently, the longitudinal turning trials were carried out in accordance with a well-designed full factorial-based Taguchi matrix. The speculation indeed proved correct as a mirror finished optical quality machined surface (an average surface roughness value of 45 nm) was achieved by the conventional cutting method. Furthermore, Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio analysis, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Multiple regression analysis were carried out on the experimental datasets to assert the dominance of each machining variable in dictating the machined surface roughness and to optimize the machining parameters. One of the key findings was that when feed rate during hard turning approaches very low (about 0.02mm/rev), it could alone be most significant (99.16%) parameter in influencing the machined surface roughness (Ra). This has, however also been shown that low feed rate results in high tool wear, so the selection of machining parameters for carrying out hard turning must be governed by a trade-off between the cost and quality considerations.


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This study introduces an inexact, but ultra-low power, computing architecture devoted to the embedded analysis of bio-signals. The platform operates at extremely low voltage supply levels to minimise energy consumption. In this scenario, the reliability of static RAM (SRAM) memories cannot be guaranteed when using conventional 6-transistor implementations. While error correction codes and dedicated SRAM implementations can ensure correct operations in this near-threshold regime, they incur in significant area and energy overheads, and should therefore be employed judiciously. Herein, the authors propose a novel scheme to design inexact computing architectures that selectively protects memory regions based on their significance, i.e. their impact on the end-to-end quality of service, as dictated by the bio-signal application characteristics. The authors illustrate their scheme on an industrial benchmark application performing the power spectrum analysis of electrocardiograms. Experimental evidence showcases that a significance-based memory protection approach leads to a small degradation in the output quality with respect to an exact implementation, while resulting in substantial energy gains, both in the memory and the processing subsystem.


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Electrocerâmicos são uma classe de materiais avançados com propriedades eléctricas valiosas para aplicações. Estas propriedades são geralmente muito dependentes da microestrutura dos materiais. Portanto, o objectivo geral deste trabalho é investigar o desenho da resposta dieléctrica de filmes espessos obtidos por Deposição Electroforética (EPD) e cerâmicos monolíticos, através do controlo da evolução da microestrutura durante a sinterização de electrocerâmicos à base de titanatos. Aplicações sem fios na indústria microelectrónica e de comunicações, em rápido crescimento, tornaram-se um importante mercado para os fabricantes de semicondutores. Devido à constante necessidade de miniaturização, redução de custos e maior funcionalidade e integração, a tecnologia de filmes espessos está a tornar-se uma abordagem de processamento de materiais funcionais cada vez mais importante. Uma técnica adequada neste contexto é EPD. Os filmes espessos resultantes necessitam de um passo subsequente de sinterização que é afectada pelo substrato subjacente, tendo este um forte efeito sobre a evolução da microestrutura. Relacionado com a miniaturização e a discriminação do sinal, materiais dieléctricos usados como componentes operando a frequências das microondas em aplicações na industria microelectrónica de comunicações devem apresentar baixas perdas dieléctricas e elevadas permitividade dieléctrica e estabilidade com a temperatura. Materiais do sistema BaO-Ln2O3- TiO2 (BLnT: Ln = La ou Nd), como BaLa4Ti4O15 (BLT) e Ba4.5Nd9Ti18O54 (BNT), cumprem esses requisitos e são interessantes para aplicações, por exemplo, em estações de base para comunicações móveis ou em ressonadores para telefones móveis, onde a miniaturização dos dispositivos é muito importante. Por sua vez, o titanato de estrôncio (SrTiO3, STO) é um ferroeléctrico incipiente com constante dieléctrica elevada e baixas perdas, que encontra aplicação em, por exemplo, condensadores de camada interna, tirando partido de fronteiras de grão altamente resistivas. A dependência da permitividade dieléctrica do campo eléctrico aplicado torna este material muito interessante para aplicações em dispositivos de microondas sintonizáveis. Materiais à base de STO são também interessantes para aplicações termoeléctricas, que podem contribuir para a redução da actual dependência de combustíveis fósseis por meio da geração de energia a partir de calor desaproveitado. No entanto, as mesmas fronteiras de grão resistivas são um obstáculo relativamente à eficiência do STO para aplicações termoeléctricas. Para além do efeito do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida, outros factores, como a presença de fase líquida, a não-estequiometria ou a temperatura de sinterização, afectam significativamente não apenas a microestrutura dos materiais funcionais, mas também a sua resposta dieléctrica. Se adequadamente compreendidos, estes factores podem ser intencionalmente usados para desenhar a microestrutura dos electrocerâmicos e, desta forma, as suas propriedades dieléctricas. O efeito da não-estequiometria (razão Sr/Ti 0.995-1.02) no crescimento de grão e resposta dieléctrica de cerâmicos de STO foi investigado neste trabalho. A mobilidade das fronteiras de grão aumenta com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti. A resistividade do interior dos grãos e das fronteiras de grão é sistematicamente diminuída em amostras não-estequiométricas de STO, em comparação com o material estequiométrico. O efeito é muito mais forte para as fronteiras de grão do que para o seu interior. Dependências sistemáticas da não-estequiometria foram também observadas relativamente à dependência da condutividade da temperatura (muito mais afectada no caso da contribuição das fronteiras de grão), à capacitância do interior e fronteiras de grão e à espessura das fronteiras de grão. Uma anomalia no crescimento de grão em cerâmicos de STO ricos em Ti foi também observada e sistematicamente analisada. Foram detectadas três descontinuidades na dependência do tipo Arrhenius do crescimento de grão relativamente à temperatura com diminuições no tamanho de grão a temperaturas em torno de 1500, 1550 e 1605 °C. Além disso, descontinuidades semelhantes foram também observadas na dependência da energia de activação relativamente à condutividade das fronteiras de grão e na espessura das fronteiras de grão, avaliadas por Espectroscopia de Impedância. Estas notáveis coincidências suportam fortemente a formação de diferentes complexos de fronteira de grão com transições entre os regimes de crescimento de grão observados, que podem ser correlacionados com diferentes mobilidades de fronteira de grão e propriedades dieléctricas. Um modelo é sugerido, que se baseia na diminuição da fase líquida localizada nas fronteiras de grão, como o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, um cenário compatível com um fenómeno de solubilidade retrógrada, observado anteriormente em metais e semicondutores, mas não em cerâmicos. A EPD de filmes espessos de STO em substratos de folha de Pt e a sinterização constrangida dos filmes fabricados foram também preliminarmente tratadas. Filmes espessos de STO foram depositados com êxito por EPD sobre substratos de Pt e, depois de sinterizados, atingiram densidades elevadas. Um aumento da densificação e do tamanho de grão assim como o alargamento da distribuição de tamanho do grão foram observados com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti, tal como anteriormente observado em amostras cerâmicas. Grãos equiaxiados foram observados para todas as composições, mas um certo grau de anisotropia na orientação dos poros foi detectado: os poros revelaram uma orientação vertical preferencial. Este trabalho focou-se também na sinterização constrangida do sistema BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd), nomeadamente de filmes espessos de BLT e BNT sobre substratos de folha de platina, e na relação do desenvolvimento de anisotropia microestrutural com as propriedades dieléctricas. As observações durante a sinterização constrangida foram comparadas com cerâmicos monolíticos equivalentes sinterizados livremente. Filmes espessos de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) com elevada densidade foram obtidos por EPD e subsequente sinterização constrangida. A anisometria cristalográfica do material em conjunto com um passo de sinterização constrangida resultou em grãos alongados e microestruturas anisotrópicas. O efeito do stress do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida originou graus mais elevados de anisotropia (grãos e poros alongados e orientação preferencial, bem como textura cristalográfica) nos filmes sinterizados relativamente aos cerâmicos equivalentes sinterizados livremente, não obstante o estado equivalente das amostras em verde. A densificação dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é retardada em comparação com os cerâmicos, mas depois de longos tempos de sinterização densidades semelhantes são obtidas. No entanto, em oposição a observações na sinterização constrangida de outros sistemas, o crescimento do grão em filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é favorecido pelo constrangimento causado pelo substrato. Além disso, grãos e poros alongados orientados paralelamente ao substrato foram desenvolvidos durante a sinterização constrangida de filmes espessos. Verificou-se uma forte correlação entre a evolução de grãos e poros, que começou assim que o crescimento do grão se iniciou. Um efeito da tensão do substrato no aumento do crescimento de grão, bem como um forte “Zener pinning”, origina microestruturas altamente texturizadas, o que também é observado a nível cristalográfico. Efeitos marcantes da anisotropia microestrutural foram também detectados nas propriedades dieléctricas dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd). Juntamente com o aumento da razão de aspecto dos grãos, do factor de orientação e do grau de textura cristalográfica, a permitividade relativa é ligeiramente diminuída e o coeficiente de temperatura da permitividade evolui de negativo para positivo com o aumento do tempo isotérmico de sinterização. Este trabalho mostra que a não-estequiometria pode ser usada para controlar a mobilidade das fronteiras de grão e, portanto, desenhar a microestrutura e as propriedades dieléctricas de electrocerâmicos à base de STO, com ênfase nas propriedades das fronteiras de grão. O papel da não-estequiometria no STO e dos complexos de fronteira de grão no desenvolvimento microestrutural é discutido e novas oportunidades para desenhar as propriedades de materiais funcionais são abertas. As observações relativamente à sinterização constrangida apontam para o efeito de tensões mecânicas desenvolvidas devido ao substrato subjacente no desenvolvimento da microestrutura de materiais funcionais. É assim esperado que a escolha adequada de substrato permitia desenhar a microestrutura de filmes espessos funcionais com desempenho optimizado. “Stress Assisted Grain Growth” (SAGG) é então proposto como uma técnica potencial para desenhar a microestrutura de materiais funcionais, originando microestruturas anisotrópicas texturizadas com propriedades desejadas.


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London is changing, to a breath-taking extent. Beneath this fast paced activity, new patterns are forming and divisions that had been relatively unremarked before are now becoming increasingly visible. The ‘square mile’ of the City of London, which is now identified by some dramatically tall buildings, forms a contrast to the traditional urbanism of the City of Westminster, the majority of which is covered by conservation area legislation. This paper will consider this contrast from the perspective of urban design, examining both the wider development context for these changes and the separate design policies of these two historic organisations of local government. One of the key questions to be investigated is how these changes have impacted on the character of central London as a place. Moving on from the well-rehearsed debates about London’s skyline, the paper considers the significance of urban design in the context of a global urban spatial economy. It suggests that central London faces severe dilemmas about its future if the growth scenario continues.


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A major determinant of the level of effective natural gas supply is the ease to feed customers, minimizing system total costs. The aim of this work is the study of the right number of Gas Supply Units – GSUs - and their optimal location in a gas network. This paper suggests a GSU location heuristic, based on Lagrangean relaxation techniques. The heuristic is tested on the Iberian natural gas network, a system modelized with 65 demand nodes, linked by physical and virtual pipelines. Lagrangean heuristic results along with the allocation of loads to gas sources are presented, using a 2015 forecast gas demand scenario.


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This paper reports the design of a new remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), which has been developed at the Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory (USTL) - University of Porto. This design is contextualized on the KOS project (Kits for underwater operations). The main issues addressed here concern directional drag minimization, symmetry, optimized thruster positioning, stability and layout of ROV components. This design is aimed at optimizing ROV performance for a set of different operational scenarios. This is achieved through modular configurations which are optimized for each different scenario.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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The need of miniaturization in the present day communication industry is challenging. In the present scenario, printed antenna technology is highly suitable for wireless communication due to its low profile and other desirable radiation characteristics. Small monopole type antennas are overruled by compact small antennas for present day mobile communication applications. Coplanar waveguides (CPW) are printed on one side of a dielectric substrate. CPW have attracted the attention of antenna designers due to their excellent properties like ease of integration with ‘MMIC’, low cost, wide bandwidth, flexibility towards multiband operation, low radiation leakage and less dispersion. The requirement of omnidirectional coverage, light weight and low cost made these CPW fed antennas a good candidate for wireless applications. The main focus of the thesis is the study of coplanar waveguide transmission line. Rigorous investigations were performed on both the ground plane and signal strip of a coplanar waveguide transmission line to create effective radiation characteristics. Good amount of works have been done to transform CPW line to antenna suitable for mobile phone applications


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Land use is a crucial link between human activities and the natural environment and one of the main driving forces of global environmental change. Large parts of the terrestrial land surface are used for agriculture, forestry, settlements and infrastructure. Given the importance of land use, it is essential to understand the multitude of influential factors and resulting land use patterns. An essential methodology to study and quantify such interactions is provided by the adoption of land-use models. By the application of land-use models, it is possible to analyze the complex structure of linkages and feedbacks and to also determine the relevance of driving forces. Modeling land use and land use changes has a long-term tradition. In particular on the regional scale, a variety of models for different regions and research questions has been created. Modeling capabilities grow with steady advances in computer technology, which on the one hand are driven by increasing computing power on the other hand by new methods in software development, e.g. object- and component-oriented architectures. In this thesis, SITE (Simulation of Terrestrial Environments), a novel framework for integrated regional sland-use modeling, will be introduced and discussed. Particular features of SITE are the notably extended capability to integrate models and the strict separation of application and implementation. These features enable efficient development, test and usage of integrated land-use models. On its system side, SITE provides generic data structures (grid, grid cells, attributes etc.) and takes over the responsibility for their administration. By means of a scripting language (Python) that has been extended by language features specific for land-use modeling, these data structures can be utilized and manipulated by modeling applications. The scripting language interpreter is embedded in SITE. The integration of sub models can be achieved via the scripting language or by usage of a generic interface provided by SITE. Furthermore, functionalities important for land-use modeling like model calibration, model tests and analysis support of simulation results have been integrated into the generic framework. During the implementation of SITE, specific emphasis was laid on expandability, maintainability and usability. Along with the modeling framework a land use model for the analysis of the stability of tropical rainforest margins was developed in the context of the collaborative research project STORMA (SFB 552). In a research area in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, socio-environmental impacts of land-use changes were examined. SITE was used to simulate land-use dynamics in the historical period of 1981 to 2002. Analogous to that, a scenario that did not consider migration in the population dynamics, was analyzed. For the calculation of crop yields and trace gas emissions, the DAYCENT agro-ecosystem model was integrated. In this case study, it could be shown that land-use changes in the Indonesian research area could mainly be characterized by the expansion of agricultural areas at the expense of natural forest. For this reason, the situation had to be interpreted as unsustainable even though increased agricultural use implied economic improvements and higher farmers' incomes. Due to the importance of model calibration, it was explicitly addressed in the SITE architecture through the introduction of a specific component. The calibration functionality can be used by all SITE applications and enables largely automated model calibration. Calibration in SITE is understood as a process that finds an optimal or at least adequate solution for a set of arbitrarily selectable model parameters with respect to an objective function. In SITE, an objective function typically is a map comparison algorithm capable of comparing a simulation result to a reference map. Several map optimization and map comparison methodologies are available and can be combined. The STORMA land-use model was calibrated using a genetic algorithm for optimization and the figure of merit map comparison measure as objective function. The time period for the calibration ranged from 1981 to 2002. For this period, respective reference land-use maps were compiled. It could be shown, that an efficient automated model calibration with SITE is possible. Nevertheless, the selection of the calibration parameters required detailed knowledge about the underlying land-use model and cannot be automated. In another case study decreases in crop yields and resulting losses in income from coffee cultivation were analyzed and quantified under the assumption of four different deforestation scenarios. For this task, an empirical model, describing the dependence of bee pollination and resulting coffee fruit set from the distance to the closest natural forest, was integrated. Land-use simulations showed, that depending on the magnitude and location of ongoing forest conversion, pollination services are expected to decline continuously. This results in a reduction of coffee yields of up to 18% and a loss of net revenues per hectare of up to 14%. However, the study also showed that ecological and economic values can be preserved if patches of natural vegetation are conservated in the agricultural landscape. -----------------------------------------------------------------------


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Building services are worth about 2% GDP and are essential for the effective and efficient operations of the building. It is increasingly recognised that the value of a building is related to the way it supports the client organisation’s ongoing business operations. Building services are central to the functional performance of buildings and provide the necessary conditions for health, well-being, safety and security of the occupants. They frequently comprise several technologically distinct sub-systems and their design and construction requires the involvement of numerous disciplines and trades. Designers and contractors working on the same project are frequently employed by different companies. Materials and equipment is supplied by a diverse range of manufacturers. Facilities managers are responsible for operation of the building service in use. The coordination between these participants is crucially important to achieve optimum performance, but too often is neglected. This leaves room for serious faults. The need for effective integration is important. Modern technology offers increasing opportunities for integrated personal-control systems for lighting, ventilation and security as well as interoperability between systems. Opportunities for a new mode of systems integration are provided by the emergence of PFI/PPP procurements frameworks. This paper attempts to establish how systems integration can be achieved in the process of designing, constructing and operating building services. The essence of the paper therefore is to envisage the emergent organisational responses to the realisation of building services as an interactive systems network.


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When competing strategies for development programs, clinical trial designs, or data analysis methods exist, the alternatives need to be evaluated in a systematic way to facilitate informed decision making. Here we describe a refinement of the recently proposed clinical scenario evaluation framework for the assessment of competing strategies. The refinement is achieved by subdividing key elements previously proposed into new categories, distinguishing between quantities that can be estimated from preexisting data and those that cannot and between aspects under the control of the decision maker from those that are determined by external constraints. The refined framework is illustrated by an application to a design project for an adaptive seamless design for a clinical trial in progressive multiple sclerosis.


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This paper presents the notion of Context-based Activity Design (CoBAD) that represents context with its dynamic changes and normative activities in an interactive system design. The development of CoBAD requires an appropriate context ontology model and inference mechanisms. The incorporation of norms and information field theory into Context State Transition Model, and the implementation of new conflict resolution strategies based on the specific situation are discussed. A demonstration of CoBAD using a human agent scenario in a smart home is also presented. Finally, a method of treating conflicting norms in multiple information fields is proposed.