886 resultados para Scale Development


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Objectives: To translate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Fear of Complications Questionnaire. Design: Cross-sectional study design and scale development. Settings: Totally, 469 adults (response rate 63.5%) with Type 1 diabetes completed the questionnaires. Participants were recruited from two university hospitals in Sweden. Participants: Eligible patients were those who met the following inclusion criteria: diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, diabetes duration of at least 1 year and aged at least 18 years. Methods: The Fear of Complications Questionnaire was translated using the forward-backward translation method. Factor analyses of the questionnaire were performed in two steps using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity was examined using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Fear of Hypoglycaemia Fear Survey. Internal consistency was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha.Results: Exploratory factor analysis supported a two-factor solution. One factor contained three items having to do with fear of kidney-related complications and one factor included the rest of items concerning fear of other diabetes-related complications, as well as fear of complications in general. Internal consistency was high Cronbach’s alpha 0.96. The findings also gave support for convergent validity, with significant positive correlations between measures (r = 0.51 to 0.54). Conclusion: The clinical relevance of the identified two-factor model with a structure of one dominant subdomain may be considered. We suggest, however a one-factor model covering all the items as a relevant basis to assess fear of complications among people with Type 1 diabetes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente estudo aborda a avaliação e intervenção com bebês em uma instituição de acolhimento infantil na cidade de Belém-Pa, através da aplicação da Escala de Desenvolvimento do Comportamento da Criança – EDCC e de um programa de atividades elaborado pela pesquisadora para a estimulação precoce/essencial das habilidades motoras, cognitivas, linguagem e afetivas. Dados referentes à história pregressa de todas as crianças envolvidas no estudo também foram considerados e obtidos por meio de relatos informais da equipe da instituição de acolhimento e através de documentos (prontuários) junto à direção. Participaram do estudo quatro bebês, com idade entre seis a onze meses, que não apresentavam disfunções neurológicas e com o maior tempo de permanência na instituição. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi qualitativa, com característica descritiva e interventiva de pesquisa. A avaliação com a utilização da EDCC no período pré-intervenção demonstrou que todos os bebês participantes da pesquisa obtiveram a pontuação “4” referente a classificação “bom” da escala, sendo que inicialmente apresentaram dificuldades na realização de comportamentos que envolvem a linguagem e a interação social. Na reavaliação, a maioria dos bebês participantes manteve a pontuação “4” com apenas um evoluindo para “5” (excelente), visto que obtiveram melhora significativa nos comportamentos que exigiam a interação com outra pessoa. Assim como através do programa de estimulação, as crianças evoluíram na aquisição das habilidades motoras e afetivo-sociais. Os bebês passaram a demonstrar comportamentos como olhar nos olhos, sorrisos, reconhecimento do rosto do adulto, vocalizações, entre outros. Isto evidenciou que o contexto de acolhimento pode ser um fator de proteção para a infância que encontra-se em situação de vulnerabilidade. Por fim, propõe-se que estudos futuros possam reconhecer a importância da avaliação do desenvolvimento infantil em contextos institucionais e de propostas de estimulação que possam ser incorporadas no cotidiano desses ambientes.


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A carência de instrumentos de mensuração confiáveis tem atrasado o desenvolvimento da pesquisa psicológica sobre dinheiro e fenômenos relacionados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar uma Escala de Significado do Dinheiro. Para desenvolver a escala, dados preliminares foram coletados com amostra heterogênea de 61 sujeitos e organizados através de procedimento incluindo análises de conteúdo, combinatória, semântica e de juízes. A compreensão teórica baseou-se em referencial das ciências sociais, resultando em um modelo hipotético com 10 fatores. A escala foi validada em amostra heterogênea com 1.464 sujeitos de todas as regiões brasileiras. Os resultados apontaram uma estrutura multifatorial ortogonal, confirmada separadamente para homens e mulheres, e constituída por 9 componentes: os alpha de Cronbach variaram entre 0,70 e 0,88 para 6 componentes; os demais foram 0,66, 0,67 e 0,57. Comparada aos estudos anteriores, esta escala apresenta avanços e abre novas possibilidades para pesquisas psicológicas em temas relacionados a dinheiro.


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Although brand authenticity is gaining increasing interest in academia and managerial practice, empirical studies on its contribution to the branding literature are still limited. The authors therefore conceptually and empirically examine the emergence and outcomes of perceived brand authenticity (PBA). A prior multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 17-item PBA scale to measure its four dimensions of credibility, integrity, symbolism, and longevity. Brand authenticity perceptions are influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby the latter’s influence is moderated by consumers’ level of marketing skepticism. Further, PBA increases emotional brand attachment. This relationship is particularly strong for consumers with a high level of self-authenticity. In addition, PBA effects are stronger in a North American market context compared to a European context.


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Although brand authenticity is gaining increasing interest in consumer behavior research and managerial practice, literature on its measurement and contribution to branding theory is still limited. This article develops an integrative framework of the concept of brand authenticity and reports the development and validation of a scale measuring consumers' perceived brand authenticity (PBA). A multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 15-item PBA scale measuring four dimensions: credibility, integrity, symbolism, and continuity. This scale is reliable across different brands and cultural contexts. We find that brand authenticity perceptions are influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby some of the latters' influence is moderated by consumers' level of marketing skepticism. Results also suggest that PBA increases emotional brand attachment and word-of-mouth, and that it drives brand choice likelihood through self-congruence for consumers high in self-authenticity.


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The holdout problem is commonly cited as the justification for eminent domain, but the nature of the problem is not well understood. This paper models the holdout problem in a bargaining framework, where a developer seeks to acquire several parcels of land for a large-scale development. We show that in the absence of eminent domain, holdouts are inevitable, threatening costly delay. However, if the developer has the power to use eminent domain to acquire the land from holdouts, all sellers will bargain, thus avoiding delay. An offsetting cost is that owners may negotiate prices below their true value, possibly resulting in excessive transfer of land to the developer.


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Drilling was undertaken at five sites (739-743) on ODP Leg 119 on a transect across the continental shelf of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, to elucidate the long-term glacial history of the area and to examine the importance of the area with respect to the development of the East Antarctic ice sheet as a whole. In addition to providing a record of glaciation spanning 36 m.y. or more, Leg 119 has provided information concerning the development of a continental margin under the prolonged influence of a major ice sheet. This has allowed the development of a sedimentary model that may be applicable not only to other parts of the Antarctic continental margin, but also to northern high-latitude continental shelves. The cored glacial sedimentary record in Prydz Bay consists of three major sequences, dominated by diamictite: 1. An upper flat-lying sequence that ranges in thickness from a few meters in inner and western Prydz Bay to nearly 250 m in the outer or eastern parts of the bay. The uppermost few meters consist of Holocene diatom ooze and diatomaceous mud with a minor ice-rafted component overlying diamicton and diamictite of late Miocene to Quaternary age. The diamictite is mainly massive, but stratified varieties and minor mudstone and diatomite also occur. 2. An upper prograding sequence cored at Sites 739 and 743, unconformly below the flat-lying sequence. This consists of a relatively steep (4° inclination) prograding wedge with a number of discrete sedimentary packages. At Sites 739 and 743 the sequence is dominated by massive and stratified diamictite, some of which shows evidence of slumping and minor debris flowage. 3. A lower, more gently inclined, prograding sequence lies unconformably below the flat-lying sequence at Site 742 and the upper prograding sequence at Site 739. This extends to the base of both sites, to 316 and 487 mbsf, respectively. It is dominated by massive, relatively clast-poor diamictite which is kaolinite-rich, light in color, and contains sporadic carbonate-cemented layers. The lower part of Site 742 includes well-stratified diamictites and very poorly sorted mudstones. The base of this site has indications of large-scale soft-sediment deformation and probably represents proximity to the base of the glacial sequence. Facies analysis of the Prydz Bay glacial sequence indicates a range of depositional environments. Massive diamictite is interpreted largely as waterlain till, deposited close to the grounding line of a floating glacier margin, although basal till and debris flow facies are also present. Weakly stratified diamictite is interpreted as having formed close to or under the floating ice margin and influenced by the input of marine diatomaceous sediment (proximal glaciomarine setting). Well-stratified diamictite has a stronger marine input, being more diatom-rich, and probably represents a proximal-distal glaciomarine sediment with the glaciogenic component being supplied by icebergs. Other facies include a variety of mudstones and diatom-rich sediments of marine origin, in which an ice-rafted component is still significant. None of the recovered sediments are devoid of a glacial influence. The overall depositional setting of the prograding sequence is one in which the grounded ice margin is situated close to the shelf edge. Progradation was achieved primarily by deposition of waterlain till. The flat-lying sequence illustrates a complex sequence of advances and retreats across the outer part of the shelf, with intermittent phases of ice loading and erosion. The glacial chronology is based largely on diatom stratigraphy, which has limited resolution. It appears that ice reached the paleoshelf break by earliest Oligocene, suggesting full-scale development of the East Antarctic ice sheet by that time. The ice sheet probably dominated the continental margin for much of Oligocene to middle Miocene time. Retreat, but not total withdrawal of the ice sheet, took place in late Miocene to mid-Pliocene time. The late Pliocene to Pleistocene was characterized by further advances across, and progradation of, the continental shelf. Holocene time has been characterized by reduced glacial conditions and a limited influence of glacial processes on sedimentation.


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The post-middle Miocene evolution of sedimentary patterns in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean has been deduced from a compilation and synthesis of CaCO3, opal, and nannofossil assemblage data from 11 sites drilled during Leg 138. Improvements in stratigraphic correlation and time scale development enabled the construction of lithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic frameworks of exceptional quality. These frameworks, and the high sedimentation rates (often exceeding 4 cm/k.y.) provided a detailed and synoptic paleoceanographic view of a large and highly productive region. The three highlights that emerge are: (1) a middle late Miocene "carbonate crash" (Lyle et al., this volume); (2) a late Miocene-early Pliocene "biogenic bloom"; and (3) an early Pliocene "opal shift". During the carbonate crash, an interval of dissolution extending from -11.2 to 7.5 Ma, CaCO3 accumulation rates declined to near zero over much of the eastern equatorial Pacific, whereas opal accumulation rates remained substantially unchanged. The crash nadir, near 9.5 Ma, was marked by a brief shoaling of the regional carbonate compensation depth by more than 1400 m. The carbonate crash has been correlated over the entire tropical Pacific Ocean, and has been attributed to tectonically-induced changes in abyssal flow through the Panamanian seaway. The biogenic bloom extended from 6.7 to 4.5 Ma, and was characterized by an overall increase in biogenic accumulation and by a steepening of the latitudinal accumulation gradient toward the equator. The bloom has been observed over a large portion of the global ocean and has been linked to increased productivity. The final highlight, is a distinct and permanent shift in the locus of maximum opal mass accumulation rate at 4.4 Ma. This shift was temporally, and perhaps causally, linked to the final closure of the Panamanian seaway. Before 4.4 Ma, opal accumulation was greatest in the eastern equatorial Pacific Basin (near 0°N, 107°W). Since then, the highest opal fluxes in the equatorial Pacific have occurred in the Galapagos region (near 3°S, 92°W).


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The formation of many arctic wetlands is associated with the occurrence of polygon-patterned permafrost. Existing scenarios to describe and explain surface landforms in arctic wetlands (low-center and high-center polygons and polygon ponds) invoke competing hypotheses: a cyclic succession (the thaw-lake hypothesis) or a linear succession (terrestrialization). Both hypotheses infer the predictable development of polygon-patterned wetlands over millennia. However, very few studies have applied paleoecological techniques to reconstruct long-term succession in tundra wetlands and thereby test the validity of existing hypotheses. This paper uses the paleoecological record of diatoms to investigate long-term development of individual polygons in a High Arctic wetland. Two landform processes were examined: (1) the millennial-scale development of a polygon-pond, and (2) the transition from low-center to erosive high-center polygons. Diatom assemblages were quantified from habitats associated with contrasting landforms in the present-day landscape, and used as an analog to reconstruct past transitions between polygon types. On the basis of this evidence, the paleoecological record does not support either of the existing models describing the predictable succession of polygon landforms in an arctic wetland. Our results indicate a need for greater paleoecological understanding, in combination with in situ observations in present-day geomorphology, in order to identify patterns of polygon wetland development and elucidate the long-term drivers of these landform transitions.


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As condições inadequadas vivenciadas nas organizações afligem não só os trabalhadores da iniciativa privada, pois são igualmente encontradas no segmento estatal, contrariando a expectativa de que o aparato governamental eliminaria as condições insalubres e criaria outras melhores nas quais prevalecesse à promoção de saúde. Diante desse panorama questionou-se porque, uma vez que, pelo menos do ponto de vista da sociedade leiga, esses servidores estão submetidos a condições privilegiadas de trabalho. O presente estudo objetivou identificar e descrever possíveis relações entre o clima organizacional e o burnout em servidores públicos de uma instituição federal de ensino. Objetivou-se ainda descrever o clima organizacional predominante. A pesquisa realizada teve cunho quantitativo, tipo estudo de caso e exploratória. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio das escalas ECO (escala de clima organizacional), ECB (escala de caracterização do burnout) e um questionário sociodemográfico, todos os instrumentos autoaplicáveis eletronicamente disponíveis à instituição. Participaram do estudo 201 servidores públicos federais, com idade média de 37 anos, majoritariamente de nível superior e casados. Os resultados revelaram que cerca de um quarto dos participantes raramente experimentaram burnout, no entanto outra quarta parte deles frequentemente experimentaram altos níveis de burnout, resultado bastante expressivo. Os servidores perceberam clima organizacional mediano, destacando-se a boa coesão entre os colegas de trabalho e a percepção de baixa recompensa. Merece destaque a grande dispersão entre as percepções de clima, o que permite inferir haver subclimas não identificados nesta investigação, possivelmente ocasionados por uma força de clima fraca e pela participação dos servidores de unidades de ensino geograficamente distintas, geridas por gestores locais com relativa autonomia. Os resultados dos cálculos de correlação revelaram que, quanto menos os participantes percebem apoio da chefia e da organização, coesão entre colegas, e mais controle/pressão, mais exaustos se sentem, mais desumanizam as pessoas com quem tratam e mais se decepcionam no trabalho e vice-versa. Conforto físico menor está associado a maior desumanização e a mais decepção no trabalho e vice-versa; e que controle/pressão, relaciona-se positiva e fracamente com desumanização e vice-versa. Desta forma, a hipótese de que existe associação entre burnout e clima organizacional foi confirmada. Os resultados também revelaram que os servidores com burnout, perceberam pior clima organizacional que os seus pares sem burnout, confirmando a segunda hipótese. Esses servidores também se mostraram neutros quanto à percepção de apoio da chefia e conforto físico; não percebem controle pressão, nem recompensa; todavia percebem coesão entre os colegas. Esses resultados sugerem que os participantes têm se apoiado nessas relações para suportar a indiferença e ausência de estímulos experimentados no trabalho. Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo permitiram concluir que o clima organizacional é fraco, provavelmente influenciado por uma cultura organizacional fraca, explicando a heterogeneidade da percepção do clima organizacional pelos servidores. Além disso, embora haja burnout entre poucos participantes, há que se atentar que cerca de um quarto deles, encontra-se acometido desta síndrome e isto poderá contagiar os demais.