971 resultados para Saxony (Kingdom). Armee


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Rapid urbanization in developing countries is putting stress on current infrastructure, which is resulting in the rapid consumption of natural resources to cope with the increasing demand of the population. Saudi Arabia is one of the developing countries facing rapid urbanization where its infrastructure is facing a huge demand by the increasing urbanization levels of its major cities. Developing sustainable housing in Saudi Arabia is a must for the preservation of resources for future generations of the region and of the world. In the coming years, several resources (such as fossil fuels and natural water) will be facing shortage if not managed properly. Providing electricity for housing in Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest challenges facing the country, where it is estimated that by 2050 energy demand in the Kingdom will be approximately 120 GW, and to meet this growing demand, 8 million barrels of oil per day will be required. However, implementation of Sustainable Housing in Saudi is still problematic to reach the desired goals of various key Saudi stakeholders. This paper analyses three case studies that have adopted sustainable construction methods and compares them to traditional non-sustainable houses. The outcome suggests that there is a viable chance for development of sustainable housing in the region if supported by the government with less red tape to deal with. This paper recommends that the Saudi governments should mandate new laws to reduce the overall consumption of energy and water to reduce the overall consumption of natural resources to secure the future generation’s demand of natural resources.


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We sought to determine the impact of optometric practice setting on contact lens prescribing by analysing annual survey data of lens fits collected between 2009 and 2013 from independent and national group practices throughout the United Kingdom. Compared to national group practices, independent practices fit contact lenses to older patients and more females. Independent practices also undertake a lower proportion of soft lens fits overall (and thus a higher proportion of rigid lens fits), soft toric lens fits and daily disposable lens fits. There is a higher proportion of soft extended wear and multifocal lens fits in independent practices. We conclude that contact lens fitting behaviour is influenced by optometric practice setting.


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As of now, there is little evidence on the questions of whether pro bono services are effective, whether lawyer charity is a cheaper way to provide them (because it does cost money to do pro bono), or whether it would in fact be more efficient and effective if firms and attorneys stopped giving their time and instead donated money to the organizations already specializing in these clients and causes. Pro bono may or may not be an efficient way of doing socially important work; at this point, we simply do not know


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Background: The Pharmacy Board of Australia stipulated that for renewal of registration, pharmacists must have accrued a minimum of 20 CPD credits over the 2010-11 registration years (1). Mandatory CPD is not new in Pharmacy. The UK and New Zealand have both established systems of CPD in recent years. The purpose of this study is to investigate established CPD processes in the UK and New Zealand with the view to making recommendations for the implementation of the CPD process in Australia. Objectives: To compare the acquisition and guidance on documentation of CPD credit points in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Methodology: A comparative online search of the websites of each of the registering authorities was undertaken. Any practice standards or guidelines which relate to registration or continuing professional development were analysed and compared. Results: In New Zealand the Pharmacy Council require Pharmacists to have a minimum of 12 outcome credits over a 3-year period for recertification (2, 3). The outcome credit related to each CPD action and is based on relevance to the pharmacist and their practice. It is graded between one, for CPD which has occasional relevance to practice and three which have considerable relevance to practice. There are examples of completed CPD recording sheets on their website (8). In the UK, The General Pharmaceutical Council require Pharmacists to make a minimum of nine CPD entries per year (4) and detailed guidance on how to record CPD activities is provided (5,7). The Pharmacy Board of Australia divides CPD activities into three groups (6). Of the 20 credits required annually only 10 can be gained from group one activities, which is information accessed without assessment. There is only brief guidance on the recording of CPD. Discussion: The GPhC in the UK provided the most comprehensive guidance on acquisition of CPD credit points and documentation (5,7) The Pharmacy Council of New Zealand made CPD points relevant to practice.(2,8) The Pharmacy Board of Australia provided limited information for pharmacists on CPD activities, which may impede pharmacist participation. Information may assist in increasing pharmacists’ engagement in CPD activities. In conclusion, there is variation between the three countries in the amount and type of information provided about CPD requirements.


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Objective - To investigate the HLA class I associations of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in the white population, with particular reference to HLA-B27 subtypes. Methods - HLA-B27 and -B60 typing was performed in 284 white patients with AS. Allele frequencies of HLA-B27 and HLA-B60 from 5926 white bone marrow donors were used for comparison. HLA-B27 subtyping was performed by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) in all HLA-B27 positive AS patients, and 154 HLA-B27 positive ethnically matched blood donors. Results - The strong association of HLA-B27 and AS was confirmed (odds ratio (OR) 171, 95% confidence interval (CI) 135 to 218; p < 10-99). The association of HLA-B60 with AS was confirmed in HLA-B27 positive cases (OR 3.6, 95% CI 2.1 to 6.3; p < 5 x 10-5), and a similar association was demonstrated in HLA-B27 negative AS (OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.1 to 11.4; p < 0.05). No significant difference was observed in the frequencies of HLA-B27 allelic subtypes in patients and controls (HLA-B*2702, three of 172 patients v five of 154 controls; HLA-B*2705, 169 of 172 patients v 147 of 154 controls; HkA-B*2708, none of 172 patients v two of 154 controls), and no novel HLA-B27 alleles were detected. Conclusion - HLA-B27 and -B60 are associated with susceptibility to AS, but differences in BLA-B27 subtype do not affect susceptibility to AS in this white population.


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Objective. To undertake a systematic wholegenome screen to identify regions exhibiting genetic linkage to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. Two hundred fifty-two RA-affected sibling pairs from 182 UK families were genotyped using 365 highly informative microsatellite markers. Microsatellite genotyping was performed using fluorescent polymerase chain reaction primers and semiautomated DNA sequencing technology. Linkage analysis was undertaken using MAPMAKER/SIBS for single-point and multipoint analysis. Results. Significant linkage (maximum logarithm of odds score 4.7 [P = 0.000003] at marker D6S276, 1 cM from HLA-DRB1) was identified around the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region on chromosome 6. Suggestive linkage (P < 7.4 × 10-4) was identified on chromosome 6q by single- and multipoint analysis. Ten other sites of nominal linkage (P < 0.05) were identified on chromosomes 3p, 4q, 7p, 2 regions of 10q, 2 regions of 14q, 16p, 21q, and Xq by single-point analysis and on 3 sites (1q, 14q, and 14q) by multipoint analysis. Conclusion. Linkage to the MHC region was confirmed. Eleven non-HLA regions demonstrated evidence of suggestive or nominal linkage, but none reached the genome-wide threshold for significant linkage (P = 2.2 × 10-5). Results of previous genome screens have suggested that 6 of these regions may be involved in RA susceptibility.


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This summarizes the results of recently conducted surveys in the United States and Britain to assess employer response in each of these countries to their respective employment disability nondiscrimination legislation.


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Caption: Zur Erinnerung an das fuenfzigjaehrige Gruendungsfest Saechsisch Anhaltinischen Bezirksvereins Deutscher Ingenieure am 11. und 12. Mai 1912 in Bernburg.


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Names and dates of 5 members of the Mendelsohn family from Zeitz, Saxony, who were killed during World War I and during the Holocaust


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This paper seeks to review the operation of Australian corporate law rescue regimes in the context of those originally contemplated by Sir Kenneth Cork and more latterly in Australia, primarily in the hands of Ron Harmer. In doing so, it draws upon some of the observations made by Professor Fletcher in the second wave of 20th century corporate rescue reform in the United Kingdom.


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Työ käsittelee vasemmistoradikalismia ilmiönä ja erityisesti kyseisen ilmiön eri vaiheita. Tarkempana tarkastelukohtana on Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) -niminen vasemmistovallankumouksellinen ryhmä, joka toimi Saksan liittotasavallassa vuosina 1970-1998. Ryhmää tarkastellaan siltä kannalta, kuinka uutislehti Der Spiegel on en toimintaa eri aikoina tulkinnut. Alkuperäislähteenä on käytetty pääasiassa saksalaisessa Der Spiegel - viikkolehdessä ilmestyneitä ryhmää käsitteleviä artikkeleita. Erityistä painoa on laitettu sille, miten ryhmän toiminnassa ja toimintaympäristössä tapahtuneet muutokset ovat vaikuttaneet eri ajankohtina julkaistuissa artikkeleissa näkyvissä oleviin tapoihin käsitellä ryhmää ilmiönä. Tarkastelu on rajattu koskemaan lähinnä vuosia 1970. 1977. 2007 ja 2008. Lisäksi mukaan on valikoitu vuosilta 1968. 1972 ja 1975 muutamia yksittäisiä artikkeleita. Aihe liittyy osaltaan keskusteluun sekä opiskelijaliikkeen radikalisoitumisesta 1960-ja 1970-lukujen vaihteessa että terrorismista laajempana ilmiönä. Tutkimustavoitetta lähestytään kolmen eri teeman kautta. Ensimmäisenä teemana tarkastellaan RAF:iin liittyviä artikkeleita siltä kannalta, mitä nimitystä ryhmästä on milloinkin käytetty. Toisena sitä. missä vaiheessa Der Spiegelissä alettiin pitää ryhmän toimintaa terrorismina ja toimijoita terroristeina ia kolmantena temaattisena aiheena analysoidaan sitä. millaista kirjoitustyyliä on ryhmää koskevissa artikkeleissa eri aikoina käytetty. Vuoden 1977 vaikutus siihen, kuinka ryhmästä kirjoitetaan vielä 2000-luvun alussa, on ollut suuri. Kun vielä RAF:n terroriaallon ollessa kovimmillaan syksyllä 1977 kerrottiin Der Spiegelissä ryhmän pitäneen Länsi-Saksaa polvillaan edeltäneet kaksi vuotta, puhuttiin vuonna 2007 seitsemästä vuodesta. Samanaikaisesti kun 2000-luvulla kirjoitetuissa artikkeleissa annetaan ryhmälle koko sen toiminnan ajaksi se asema ja nimi, jotka se oikeastaan lopulta sai vasta syksyn 1977 myötä ja vain muutamaksi kuukaudeksi, on artikkeleissa tyylillisesti kuitenkin palattu lähemmäs 1970-luvun alkua. Heti ryhmän perustamisen jälkeen ei sitä otettu vakavana yhteiskunnallisena toimijana ja tämä näkyi Der Spiegelin uutisoinnissa viihteellisenä kerrontatyylinä. Terroriaallon ollessa pahimmillaan ei tällainen kerrontatyyli ollut käytössä vaan RAF liitettiin osaksi laajempaa terrorismi-ilmiötä. Sen sijaan vuonna 2007 ilmestyneessä artikkelisarjassa jälleen palattiin samanlaiseen suorastaan vallankumousromantiikalla leikittelevään kerrontatyyliin. Näin Der Spiegelin tuli piirtäneeksi lähes neljässäkymmenessä vuodessa pitkän kaaren opiskelijaliikkeen äärilaidan radikalisoitumisesta 1960- ja 1970-lukujen vaihteessa aina Saksan liittotasavallan tuomiseen polvilleen 1977 ja yli kolmekymmentä vuotta aikaisemmin selleissään kuolleiden RAF-johtohahmojen muodostumiseen osaksi populaarikulttuuria 2000-luvun alussa.