97 resultados para Sargassum Baccularia
(1Z,3Z)-Butyltelluro-o-4-methoxy-1,3-butadiene 2 was obtained by the hydrotelluration of(Z)-1-methoxy-but-1-en-3-ynes 1. The butadienyllithium 3 obtained by the Te/Li exchange reaction in the (1Z,3Z)-1-butyltelluro-4-methoxy-1.3-butadiene 2 reacted with aldehydes to form the corresponding alcohols 4a-d with total retention of configuration. The alcohols formed undergo hydrolysis, resulting in the alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated aldehydes of (E,E) configuration, which are precursors of trienes obtained from natural sources. The products of this reaction were employed in the synthesis of methyl-(2E,4E)-decadienoate 7, which is a component of the flavor principles of ripe Bartlett pears. Performing the Wittig reaction of the methyl triphenylphosphorane with the deca-(2E,4E)-dienal 5a, we were able to synthesize the undeca-(1,3E,5E)-triene 6a. This compound is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown algae Fucus serratus, Dictyopteris plagiograma, and Dictyopteris australis. Performing the Wittig reaction of methyl triphenylphosphorane with the octa-(2E,4E)-dienal 5c, the nona-(1,3E,5E)-triene 6b was synthesized. The compound obtained is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown alga Sargassum horneri. The octa-( 1,3E,5E)-triene 6c was easily obtained from hepta-(2E,4E)-dienal 5d by the Wittig reaction with methyl triphenylphophorane. This compound is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown alga Fucus serratus. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AICMA 2012 (BIT's 1st Annual International Congress of Marine Algae), World Expo Center, Dalian, China, 20-23 de Setembro.
Specific marine macro algae species abundant at the Portuguese coast (Laminaria hyperborea, Bifurcaria bifurcata, Sargassum muticum and Fucus spiralis) were shown to be effective for removing toxic metals (Cd(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II)) from aqueous solutions. The initial metal concentrations in solution were about 75–100 mg L−1. The observed biosorption capacities for cadmium, zinc and lead ions were in the ranges of 23.9–39.5, 18.6–32.0 and 32.3–50.4 mg g−1, respectively. Kinetic studies revealed that the metal uptake rate was rather fast, with 75% of the total amount occurring in the first 10 min for all algal species. Experimental data were well fitted by a pseudo-second order rate equation. The contribution of internal diffusion mechanism was significant only to the initial biosorption stage. Results indicate that all the studied macro algae species can provide an efficient and cost-effective technology for eliminating heavy metals from industrial effluents.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia
Ostracods were collected on Sargassum sp. from the littoral of São Sebastião, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. A new species, Aurila ornellasae, is illustrated and described based on a population with various instars and adult specimens. This is the first living species of this genus described from Brazil. A brief discussion on the systematics of the genus Aurila Pokorný, 1955 and its allied genera is presented.
The performance of natural extracts obtained from underutilized and residual vegetal and macroalgal biomass processed with food-grade green solvents was compared with that of commercial antioxidants. Selected extracts were obtained from two terrestrial sources: winery byproducts concentrate (WBC) and chestnut burs hydrothermally fractionated extract (CBAE), and from two underutilized seaweeds: Sargassum muticum extracts, either extracted with ethanol (SmEE) or after alginate extraction and hydrothermal fractionation (SmAE) and from Ulva lactuca processed by mild acid extraction and membrane concentration (UlAE). These extracts showed in vitro antioxidant properties comparable to commercial antioxidants and were safe for topical use based on the absence of skin-irritant effects at 0.1% on reconstructed human tissues. The stability of several cosmetic model emulsions was assessed during accelerated oxidation assays. The incorporation of natural extracts produced from renewable underutilized resources at 0.4-0.5% in an oil-in-water emulsions reduced lipid oxidation during storage.
Esta nota é a primeira contribuição para a distribuição especial das algas marinhas do litoral paranaense (Caiobá). São considerados três tipos de litoral: a) Litoral rochoso sujeito à ação de arrebentação. b) Litoral rochoso mais ou menos abrigado. c) Manguesais. Dentro do esquema proposto, o primeiro tipo é subdividido em 2 zonas: 1.º) Zona dos borrifos, situada acima do limite médio da maré alta (fig. 2 n.º 1), correspondente à "Splash zone" ou à "Sprit zone" dos autores estrangeiros. 2.º) Zona de arrebentação (Ressaca), situada entre os níveis médios das marés baixa e alta, correspondendo à "Interdital zone" ou à "Gezeitenzone" dos autores estrangeiros, (fig. 2 n.º 2). A primeira zona só conta com uma alga, Lyngbya confervoides e pelo menos mais duas espécies de moluscos do gênero Littorina. A segunda zona, a mais rica tanto em algas como em animais, é essencialmente caracterizada em Caiobá pelas algas seguintes: Levringia sp. Chaetomorpha media e Centroceras clavulatum na parte mais alta, associadas a balanoides (craca) e a Mytilus perna (marisco). Mais abaixo domina Pterosiphonia pennata, Hypnea musciformis e Bryocladia thyrsigera. São apresentados também mais três tipos secundários dependendo das condições locais dos rochedos. Esta sucessão de Littorina, Balanus e Mytilus é a mesma existente no sul da África, segundo se depreende dos trabalhos de Stephenson (11,12) e de vários de seus colaboradores. O segundo tipo apresenta também duas zonas, sendo a segunda a mais rica e variada, aparecendo aqui como dominante, uma associação na qual, Callithamnion, Laurencia papulosa, Gigartina Teedii e Sargassum cymosum são as mais abundantes. É sugerida a existência de uma zona abaixo do limite inferior das marés baixas, zona essa representada por Rhodymenia Palmetta, Plocamium brasiliensis e Spatoglossum Schroederi pelo menos. É feita uma rápida enumeração das algas dos manguesais.
Caracteriza-se neste estudo a estrutura das comunidades fitobentônicas em cinco locais da baía de Sepetiba, RJ. Foram realizadas amostragens do tipo destrutiva desde a região mais interna da baía, sujeita diretamente aos impactos antrópicos locais, até a região próxima ao mar aberto, onde a interferência humana é reduzida, em quatro épocas do ano de 1999 (janeiro, maio, agosto e novembro). Para comparação dos resultados foram utilizados: o número total de espécies, a biomassa total, a diversidade (H') e a equitabilidade (J). Foram identificados 96 táxons, sendo 61 rodofíceas, 18 clorofíceas, 15 feofíceas e duas cianofíceas. O maior número de táxons (65) e os mais elevados valores de biomassa (492,4 g.m-2) foram observados no ponto 5, situado na Ponta da Marambaia. Ficou evidenciado o aumento da diversidade da região mais interna da baía em relação ao local mais próximo ao oceano. Sargassum spp. apresentaram a maior biomassa, seguida por Padina gymnospora e outras algas de menor porte como Hypnea spp., Gelidium pusillum, Pterocladiella caerulescens e Gelidiopsis spp. A utilização do método destrutivo permitiu uma caracterização detalhada da composição e da estrutura das comunidades fitobentônicas da baía de Sepetiba, facilitando no futuro, a identificação das mudanças impostas às comunidades através de abordagens metodológicas mais simples.
As macroalgas podem ser usadas para indicar distúrbios biológicos e físicos do ambiente. Neste estudo, a estrutura das comunidades fitobentônicas serviu para caracterizar a Área de Proteção Ambiental de Cairuçú. Seis locais de coleta representaram diversas condições ambientais dentro da Baía de Parati, RJ. O local mais exposto às ondas foi a Ponta da Cajaíba, seguido pela Praia da Conceição, moderadamente exposta às ondas, e os demais foram protegidos. Coletas quali e quantitativas das macroalgas foram realizadas em quatro épocas do ano. A cobertura destas foi estimada em grupos morfo-funcionais no sublitoral em transectos de 10 m, cada um com 10-30 quadrados aleatórios de 0,04 m². A densidade dos ouriços herbívoros foi estimada em 10 áreas de 0,25 m². Foram acrescidos 15 táxons à flora do Município de Parati, totalizando 136. Na comparação entre floras do sul fluminense, Parati assemelha-se ao grupo da Baía de Sepetiba e o restante da Baía da Ilha Grande. A Ilha Comprida, Saco da Velha, Praia Vermelha e Ponta do Buraco apresentaram comunidades dominadas por algas eretas, coriáceas e calcárias articuladas e menor cobertura de algas calcárias incrustantes. Sargassum dominou em condições ambientais mais estáveise, após senescência, foi substituído por rodofíceas menores, sugerindo competição entre diferentes estratos na comunidade. Locais mais expostos às ondas e/ou herbivoria (Praia da Conceição e Ponta da Cajaíba) foram dominados por algas crostosas e eretas de pequeno porte, concordando com padrões previstos em modelos de abundância de grupos morfo-funcionais de algas em função do grau de distúrbios.
The carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii was introduced in 1995 and vegetatively propagated in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, for the purpose of commercial cultivation. This species produces tetraspores mainly in the austral summer and fall. Tetraspore germination and survival were studied under different conditions of temperature, photon flux density, and photoperiod in the laboratory. Field experiments were also carried out. Although tetraspores of K. alvarezii germinated, they had low survival rates, most dying after 20 days. Recruitment of K. alvarezii tetraspores did not occur in experiments conducted in the field. The results indicated that the establishment of K. alvarezii via spore production in the natural environment of the south-east coast of Brazil is rather remote.
Ao longo de um ano (junho 2009 – maio 2010), estudou-se as comunidades de macroalgas do intertidal de quatro locais na costa sul (Reis Magos, Barreirinha,Cais do Carvão e Ribeira Brava) e quatro na costa norte (Porto da Cruz, Seixal,Praia da Laje e Porto Moniz) da ilha da Madeira. A área de estudo estendeu-se desde a linha de maré baixa até à zona superiordo intertidal. Identificou-se um total de 73 Taxa na ilha da Madeira: 1 Cyanobacteria, 35 Rhodophyta, 18 Ochrophyta e 18 Chlorophyta. No sul foram identificados 49 Taxa (17 exclusivos desta costa) e no norte 56 Taxa (24 exclusivos). Duas metodologias conjugadas permitem-nos caracterizar o coberto algal do Intertidal rochoso da ilha da Madeira: amostragem manual e trabalho em laboratório (trabalho mais detalhado e rigoroso) e análise de imagens digitais através de um programa informático específico (determinação de categorias ecológicas). Considerando as categorias ecológicas, o intertidal da ilha da Madeira é dominado por Musgo Calcário e Crosta não calcária. Duas espécies, Corallina elongata e Padina pavonica, são dominantes na ilha da Madeira e sete espécies são novos registos: Ganonema farinosum, Hypnea arbuscula, cf. Itonoa marginifera, Grateloupia dichotoma, Cystoseira wildpretii,Sargassum furcatum e Cladophora lehmanniana. As análises CLUSTER e nMDS determinaram a existência de semelhanças relativamente elevadas entre quatro locais de amostragem, no entanto verificou-se uma primeira diferenciação entre norte e sul. Existe uma desigualdade evidente do coberto algal entre as duas costas, com predominância de algas vermelhas e verdes no sul, contrastando com a maior ocorrência de algas castanhas no norte. Esta diferença poderá ser causada pela herbivoria (mais evidente a sul) e pelo hidrodinamismo (mais forte no norte). Verfificou-se que a exposição à ação das ondas é o principal fator responsável pela variação entre amostras (R=0,537, Sig.=0,1%).
Seaweeds are organisms known to exhibit a variety of biomolecules with pharmacological properties. The coast of Rio Grande do Norte has over 100 species of seaweeds, most of them not yet explored for their pharmacological potential. Sugars and phenolic compounds are the most studied of these being assigned a range of biological properties, such as anticoagulant , antiinflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant activities. In this work, we obtained methanolic extracts from thirteen seaweeds of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (Dictyota cervicornis; Dictiopterys delicatula; Dictyota menstruallis; D. mertensis; Sargassum filipendula; Spatoglossum schröederi; Acanthophora specifera; Botryocladia occidentalis; Caulerpa cupresoides; C. racemosa; C. prolifera; C. sertularioides e Codium isthmocladum). They were evaluated as anticoagulant and antioxidant drugs, as well as antiproliferative drugs against the tumor cell line HeLa. None of the methanolic extracts showed anticoagulant activity, but when they were evaluated as antioxidant drugs all of extracts showed antioxidant activity in all tests performed (total antioxidant capacity, sequestration of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, ferric chelation and reductase activity), especially the algae D. mentrualis, D. cilliolata and C. prolifera, who had the greatest potential to donate electrons.In addition, the ability of iron ions chelation appears as the main antioxidant mechanism of the methanolic extracts of these seaweeds mainly for the extract of the C. racemosa seaweed, which reached almost 100% activity. In the MTT assay, all extracts showed inhibitory activity at different levels againts HeLa cells. Moreover, D. cilliolata (MEDC) and D. menstrualis (MEDM) extracts showed specific activity to this cell line, not inhibiting the viability of 3T3 normal cell line, so they were chosen for detailing the antiproliferative mechanism of action. Using flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and in vitro assays we demonstrated that MEDC and MEDM induced apoptosis in HeLa cells by activation of caspases 3 and 9 and yet, MEDC induces cell cycle arrest in S phase. Together, these results showed that the methanolic extracts of brown seaweed D. menstrualis and D. cilliolata may contain agents with potential use in combatting cells from human uterine adenocarcinoma. This study also points to the need for more in-depth research on phytochemical and biological context to enable the purification of biologically active products of these extracts
The reef area of Pirangi beach has been experiencing antropogenic actions, mainly due to tourism activity. In order to evaluate these effects, surveys on seaweeds were conducted at nine stations located over the fringing reef. Benthic community (seaweeds/corals) were identified using the photoquadrat method, with 50 meters random transects located paralleled to the coast. The general categories evaluated in each transect were: rock, sand, seaweeds, corals and mollusks. Data achieved were processed at Coral Point Count with Excel Extensions software. A total of 30 seaweed species, 5 coral species and 1 mollusk species were identified. There was a high dominance of short algae at stations with high tourism pressure, whereas frondose algae usually occurred at places without human interference. Seaweeds with the highest percent cover were composed by Sargassum vulgare (59%), Caulerpa racemosa (47%) and Dictyopteris delicatula (33%). Cluster analyses considering benthic organisms revealed five benthic features: (1) submersed area characterized by a diversified marine flora; (2) area with dominance of Caulerpa racemosa and presence of Millepora alcicornis; (3) area with high cover of Sargassum vulgare; (4) trampling area characterized by bare rocks, short algae and Zoanthus sociatus and (5) area with high coverage of Palythoa caribaeroum. Obtained data suggest that the studied area has been damaged by tourism activities. Furthermore, observed differences in algal communities may be a good indicator of ecosystem health of Pirangi reefs
The larval development of the spider crab Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards which Lives on rocky shores with algae such as Sargassum and Hypneia, is described. Larvae were obtained from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rearing was carried out at 24 +/- 1 degreesC, with an average salinity of 35 parts per thousand. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. Zoeal development was completed in 9.5 days. Analysis indicated that zoeae of E. bituberculatus are very similar to those of E. brasiliensis Dana and Acanthonyx scutiformis (Dana). Differences noted between these species pertain to the setation of the carapace, maxillule and second maxilliped. The main morphological features useful for identification are presented together with a summary of features that characterize larvae of majid subfamilies in Brazil. A key for the identification of southwestern Atlantic majid zoeae to the family level is provided.
This study proposes a method for decontamination of acid drainage water from a uranium mine, as an alternative process to lime treatment. The research embodied the recovery of uranium with an ion-exchange resin, treatment of effluent resin with lime, or with inorganic adsorbents and biosorbents. The uranium decontamination level using the resin process was 94% and allowed the recovery of this element as a commercial product. Among the inorganic adsorbents studied, phosphogypsum was effective for Ra-226, Ra-228, and Pb-210 removal. Among the biosorbents, Sargassum sp.was superior in relation to its specific capacity to accumulate and remove Ra-226.