937 resultados para Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
This dissertation analyzes the effect of market analysts’ expectations of share prices (price targets) on executive compensation. It examines how well the estimated effects of price targets on compensation fit with two competing views on determining executive compensation: the arm’s length bargaining model, which assumes that a board seeks to maximize shareholders’ interests, and the managerial power model, which assumes that a board seeks to maximize managers’ compensation (Bebchuk et al. 2005). The first chapter documents the pattern of CEO pay from fiscal year 1996 to 2010. The second chapter analyzes the Institutional Broker Estimate System Detail History Price Target data file, which that reports analysts’ price targets for firms. I show that the number of price target announcements is positively associated with company share price’s volatility, that price targets are predictive of changes in the value of stocks, and that when analysts announce positive (negative) expectations of future stock price, share prices change in the same direction in the short run. The third chapter analyzes the effect of price targets on executive compensation. I find that analysts' price targets alter the composition of executive pay between cash-based compensation and stock-based compensation. When analysts forecast a rise (fall) in the share price for a firm, the compensation package tilts toward stock-based (cash-based) compensation. The substitution effect is stronger in companies that have weaker corporate governance. The fourth chapter explores the effect of the introduction of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002 and its reinforcement in 2006 on the options granting process. I show that the introduction of SOX and its reinforcement eliminated the practice of backdating options but increased “spring-loading” of option grants around price targets announcements. Overall, the dissertation shows that price targets provide insights into the determinants of executive pay in favor of the managerial power model.
Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2002, it has become commonplace in the advertising industry to use creativity-award-show prizes instead of gross income figures to attract new customers. Therefore, achieving a top creativity ranking and winning creativity awards have become high priorities in the advertising industry. Agencies and marketers have always wondered what elements in the advertising creation process would lead to the winning of creativity awards. Although this debate has been dominated by pure speculation about the success of different routines, approaches and strategies in winning creativity awards, for the first time our study delivers an empirical insight into the key drivers of creativity award success. We investigate what strategies and which elements of an advertising campaign are truly likely to lead to winning the maximum number of creativity awards. Using a sample of 108 campaigns, we identify factors that influence campaign success at international advertising award shows. We identify innovativeness and the integration of multiple channels as the key drivers of creativity award success. In contrast to industry beliefs, meaningful or personally connecting approaches do not seem to generate a significant benefit in terms of winning creativity awards. Finally, our data suggest that the use of so-called “fake campaigns” to win more creativity awards does not prove to be effective.
In 1997, the Adoption and Safe Families Act shifted from the preservation of families to an emphasis on safety, permanency, and well-being through expediting the termination of parental rights, establishing exceptions to the reasonable efforts clause of preserving the family, and fiscal incentives for finalizing adoptions. The current project assessed the role of a full service array in achieving the outcomes set forth in ASF A. Concept mapping was utilized to elicit information from participants (both urban and rural) regarding the identified research question. Participants recognized family preservation versus safety, community connections, mandates versus reality, and worker recruitment and retention as critical components for meeting ASFA goals. Perceived importance and level of success in implementing these services was also highlighted. Recommendations supported through the data are also provided.
"January 2002 (Revised)."
"January 2002 (Revised)."
"January 2002 (revised)."
"January 2002 (Revised)."
"January 2002 (Revised)."
This dissertation consists of three essays and investigates issues related to the impact of financial restatements on auditor change, shareholder actions, and executive turnover in the post-Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) period. For the first essay, we examined auditor change at 569 restatement firms and 5,605 control firms for 2004. We found that restatement announcements significantly increased the likelihood of auditor resignation and dismissal in the post-SOX period. The second essay examines shareholder voting on auditor ratifications in 2006 following restatement announcements by SEC registrants in 2005. The proportion of votes not supporting auditor ratification is low even in the presence of a restatement. However, we find that shareholders are more likely to vote against auditor ratification after a restatement when compared to votes at (a) films without restatements, or (b) restating firms in the preceding period. The third essay examines the consequences of financial restatements on the turnover of chief financial officers (CFO). We find that restatement announcements do significantly increase the likelihood of CFO turnover no matter whether the departure is voluntary or forced in nature. Also, the significant relationship is present even after controlling for the effect of CEO turnover.
Para a tomada de decisão tornou-se imprescindível a informação financeira prestada pelas empresas. No início do século passado aquela informação não era muito fiável e muito completa. Porém, o crash da Bolsa de New York foi determinante na criação de normas contabilísticas para divulgação de informação verdadeira, tendo em vista reduzir o risco dos investidores. Contudo, a criação de grandes empresas, alavancadas pela Teoria da Agência, segundo a qual muitos investidores colocam pequenas fortunas nas mãos de executivos, confiando na sua gestão, acentuou a necessidade de informação credível e comparável, atendendo à globalização dos mercados financeiros. Entretanto, os recentes escândalos financeiros conduziram ao endurecimento das medidas para garantir a qualidade de informação e que se traduziram, até ao momento, na publicação da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley, cujo impacto, também, já se fez sentir na Europa, levando à criação de um Public Oversight europeu, com objectivo do controlo da qualidade da auditoria.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada por Mestre Carlos Manuel Antunes Mendes
O objetivo central deste estudo consiste em demonstrar de que forma o trabalho do auditor interno contribui no processo de gestão de riscos empresariais. Neste sentido, faz-se uma abordagem sobre o conceito de Auditoria Interna, sendo uma atividade destinada a acrescentar valor à organização na medida em que a auxilia na consecução dos seus objetivos, proporcionando-lhe informações oportunas e relevantes para a tomada de decisão. Faz também considerações ao Controlo Interno, no sentido de que as organizações vão sentir diferentes necessidades de controlo interno dependendo da sua dimensão e complexidade do negócio. O controlo interno é um processo desenvolvido pelos Orgãos de Gestão com o propósito de garantir uma segurança razoável no cumprimento dos objetivos estabelecidos. Cabe ao auditor interno auxiliar nesse sentido, ou seja, debruçar-se sobre a avaliação da adequação e eficiência do Sistema de Controlo Interno. Por fim é abordada a importância da Gestão do Risco, neste contexto as organizações têm como compromisso prioritário a implementação de mecanismos de avaliação e gestão dos riscos que possam afetar as suas operações e o cumprimento dos objetivos estratégicos definidos. A Auditoria Interna vai fornecer segurança acerca da eficácia das atividades de gestão do risco das organizações para assegurar que os principais riscos de negócio estão a ser geridos de forma apropriada bem como os sistemas de controlo interno estão a funcionar eficazmente. Ainda na gestão do risco é abordado o modelo COSO ERM, instrumento importante para as organizações na medida em que melhoram a performance e o desempenho dos controlos internos implementados e progridem para um processo de gestão do risco. Faz-se também uma breve referência sobre a Lei Sox, que veio promover uma profunda reforma na elaboração dos relatórios financeiros, no detalhe minucioso sobre os aspetos do controlo interno nas organizações e na transparência das informações divulgadas pelas organizações.
RESUMO: OS distúrbios mentais, neurológicos e devidos ao abuso de substâncias tem uma grande prevalência e peso em todo o Mundo. O objetivo principal deste estudo é contribuir para a melhoria dos direitos humanos das pessoas com deficiências mentais na Gâmbia, através de uma revisão e análise críticas de uma obsoleta legislação de saúde mental do País o "Lunatic Act Detention (LDA) de 1917".----- ABSTRACT: Mental, neurological, and substance use disorders are highly prevalente and burdensome worlwide. The violations of human rights directed towards people with this disorders compound the problam. This study mainly aims to contribute do the improvement of human rights of people with mental disabilities in Gambia by doing a critical review and analysis to the countries outdated mental health legislation - Lunatic Detention ct (LDA) from 1917.
Federal agencies will shortly begin distributing funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). They must do so in accordance with all nondiscrimination and equal opportunity statutes, regulations, and Executive Orders that apply to the distribution of funds under the Recovery Act. Agencies that grant funds also must ensure that their recipients and sub recipients comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (prohibiting race, color, and national origin discrimination including language access for limited English proficient persons), Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973 (prohibiting disability discrimination), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (prohibiting sex discrimination in education and training programs), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (prohibiting age discrimination in the provision of services), and a variety of program-specific statutes with nondiscrimination requirements.
This book, published jointly by the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of American and Iowa State University presents the papers that were given at a symposium held in Ames, Iowa, on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1965 on the general topic of plant environment and efficient water use.