998 resultados para Saproxylic and phytophagous hoverflies


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Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a phytophagous insect associated with the reduction of eggplant productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium silicate and/or an organic mineral fertilizer, together or separately, in increasing the resistance of eggplants to T. palmi. The treatments were calcium silicate, organic mineral fertilizer, calcium silicate associated with this fertilizer and the control. Mortality and number of lesions caused by nymphs of this insect on eggplant leaves were evaluated after 3, 6, 9 and 12 leaf applications of these products. The calcium silicate and the organic mineral fertilizer reduced both the population of T. palmi and the damage caused by its nymphs, suggesting a possible increase in eggplant resistance to this pest as a result of the treatments.


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Uma espécie nova de Serrasalmidae, Tometes camunani, é descrita para as drenagens superiores da bacia do rio Trombetas, estado do Pará, Brasil. A espécie nova distingue-se dos congêneres pela presença de uma ligeira concavidade no neurocrânio na altura do frontal (vs. concavidade ausente, perfil dorsal do neurocrânio reto). Também pode ser adicionalmente distinguido dos seus congêneres por possuir dentes com a cúspide central mais alta e cume agudo (vs. cúspide central mais baixa e com cume arredondado em T. trilobatus), a boca terminal (vs. boca orientada para cima em T. lebaili), e 12-26 espinhos pré-pélvicos (vs. 0-9 em T. makue). A espécie nova é estritamente reofílica, como as demais espécies de Tometes, e ocorre exclusivamente nas zonas encachoeiradas dos rios de escudo, biótopos complexos, frágeis e ameaçados por ações antropogênicas. Uma chave de identificação para as espécies do grupo Myleus é apresentada.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Forest plantations with Eucalyptus spp. (L'H,r) in Brazil are highly yielding. However, this activity is more and more threatened due to interactions with phytophagous insects, especially by exotic species, such as the red gum lerp psyllid Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). This study aimed to evaluate the resistance in eucalyptus against the psyllid in oviposition and biological development assays, attempting to identify potential genotypes resistant to the pest for forest plantations. In addition, we tested the hypothesis of that concentration of total phenolics and lignin, and amount of epicuticular wax were associated with the expression of resistance. Results showed that there was variation in the levels of resistance among the genotypes assessed. Oviposition non-preference was observed on Eucalyptus citriodora (Hook) in free-choice and no-choice tests, and Clone FP10 was least preferred in the no-choice test. The genotypes E. citriodora and Clone FP6 provided 100 % nymphal mortality, and Clones FP7 and FP9 also affected negatively the G. brimblecombei development by lengthening the duration of the nymphal stage and reducing adult emergence. Clone FP6 had higher concentration of total phenolics and larger contact angle formed between the water droplet and leaf surface, which may be associated with thicker layer of epicuticular wax on the leaves, and one of the causes of high nymphal mortality. Thus, the use of the resistant genotypes of eucalyptus screened against G. brimblecombei is a promising and viable alternative for forest plantations infested with this pest.


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It is thought that speciation in phytophagous insects is often due to colonization of novel host plants, because radiations of plant and insect lineages are typically asynchronous. Recent phylogenetic comparisons have supported this model of diversification for both insect herbivores and specialized pollinators. An exceptional case where contemporaneous plant-insect diversification might be expected is the obligate mutualism between fig trees (Ficus species, Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Agaonidae, Hymenoptera). The ubiquity and ecological significance of this mutualism in tropical and subtropical ecosystems has long intrigued biologists, but the systematic challenge posed by >750 interacting species pairs has hindered progress toward understanding its evolutionary history. In particular, taxon sampling and analytical tools have been insufficient for large-scale cophylogenetic analyses. Here, we sampled nearly 200 interacting pairs of fig and wasp species from across the globe. Two supermatrices were assembled: on an average, wasps had sequences from 77% of 6 genes (5.6 kb), figs had sequences from 60% of 5 genes (5.5 kb), and overall 850 new DNA sequences were generated for this study. We also developed a new analytical tool, Jane 2, for event-based phylogenetic reconciliation analysis of very large data sets. Separate Bayesian phylogenetic analyses for figs and fig wasps under relaxed molecular clock assumptions indicate Cretaceous diversification of crown groups and contemporaneous divergence for nearly half of all fig and pollinator lineages. Event-based cophylogenetic analyses further support the codiversification hypothesis. Biogeographic analyses indicate that the present-day distribution of fig and pollinator lineages is consistent with a Eurasian origin and subsequent dispersal, rather than with Gondwanan vicariance. Overall, our findings indicate that the fig-pollinator mutualism represents an extreme case among plant-insect interactions of coordinated dispersal and long-term codiversification.


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Extant terrestrial biodiversity arguably is driven by the evolutionary success of angiosperm plants, but the evolutionary mechanisms and timescales of angiosperm-dependent radiations remain poorly understood. The Scarabaeoidea is a diverse lineage of predominantly plant- and dung-feeding beetles. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of Scarabaeoidea based on four DNA markers for a taxonomically comprehensive set of specimens and link it to recently described fossil evidence. The phylogeny strongly supports multiple origins of coprophagy, phytophagy and anthophagy. The ingroup-based fossil calibration of the tree widely confirmed a Jurassic origin of the Scarabaeoidea crown group. The crown groups of phytophagous lineages began to radiate first (Pleurostict scarabs: 108 Ma; Glaphyridae between 101 Ma), followed by the later diversification of coprophagous lineages (crown-group age Scarabaeinae: 76 Ma; Aphodiinae: 50 Ma). Pollen feeding arose even later, at maximally 62 Ma in the oldest anthophagous lineage. The clear time lag between the origins of herbivores and coprophages suggests an evolutionary path driven by the angiosperms that first favoured the herbivore fauna (mammals and insects) followed by the secondary radiation of the dung feeders. This finding makes it less likely that extant dung beetle lineages initially fed on dinosaur excrements, as often hypothesized.


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Plant quality is one of the main factors influencing the fitness of phytophagous insects. Plant quality can vary not only among genotypes of the same host plant species, but also relative to the insect sex or its life stage. In the present study, the performance of larvae and adults of the pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus F., Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a major insect pest of oilseed rape crops, is compared on six genotypes of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). All of the traits that are measured vary among genotypes, and comprise larval developmental duration, life span of unfed emerging adults and survival time of field-sampled adults fed with pollen from the different genotypes. No correlation is found between insect performance and quantity of food available, showing that the quality of the food (i.e. pollen) is the fitness determinant for this insect species. Additionally, the performance of larvae and adults is also not correlated despite use of the same plant genotypes, suggesting that the determinants of pollen quality differ at least partially between both life stages. It is hypothesized that this may be a result of extensive differences in diet breadth between the life stages: larvae are specialists of brassicaceous plants, whereas adults are generalists. Finally, it is suggested that the manipulation of plant quality to increase pollen beetle development time may comprise a valuable strategy for favouring biological control by natural enemies of this pest; for example, as a result of extending the vulnerability window of larvae to attack by parasitoids.


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Theory and observation indicate that changes in the rate of primary production can alter the balance between the bottom-up influences of plants and resources and the top-down regulation of herbivores and predators on ecosystem structure and function. The Exploitation Ecosystem Hypothesis (EEH) posited that as aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) increases, the additional biomass should support higher trophic levels. We developed an extension of EEH to include the impacts of increases in ANPP on belowground consumers in a similar manner as aboveground, but indirectly through changes in the allocation of photosynthate to roots. We tested our predictions for plants aboveground and for phytophagous nematodes and their predators belowground in two common arctic tundra plant communities subjected to 11 years of increased soil nutrient availability and/or exclusion of mammalian herbivores. The less productive dry heath (DH) community met the predictions of EEH aboveground, with the greatest ANPP and plant biomass in the fertilized plots protected from herbivory. A palatable grass increased in fertilized plots while dwarf evergreen shrubs and lichens declined. Belowground, phytophagous nematodes also responded as predicted, achieving greater biomass in the higher ANPP plots, whereas predator biomass tended to be lower in those same plots (although not significantly). In the higher productivity moist acidic tussock (MAT) community, aboveground responses were quite different. Herbivores stimulated ANPP and biomass in both ambient and enriched soil nutrient plots; maximum ANPP occurred in fertilized plots exposed to herbivory. Fertilized plots became dominated by dwarf birch (a deciduous shrub) and cloudberry (a perennial forb); under ambient conditions these two species coexist with sedges, evergreen dwarf shrubs, and Sphagnum mosses. Phytophagous nematodes did not respond significantly to changes in ANPP, although predator biomass was greatest in control plots. The contrasting results of these two arctic tundra plant communities suggest that the predictions of EEH may hold for very low ANPP communities, but that other factors, including competition and shifts in vegetation composition toward less palatable species, may confound predicted responses to changes in productivity in higher ANPP communities such as the MAT studied here.


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La aparición y avance de la enfermedad del marchitamiento del pino (Pine Wilt Desease, PWD), causada por Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), el nematodo de la madera del pino (NMP), en el suroeste de Europa, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar la fenología y la dispersión de su único vector conocido en Europa, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Col., Cerambycidae). El análisis de 12 series de emergencias entre 2010 y 2014, registradas en Palencia, València y Teruel, con material procedente de diversos puntos de la península ibérica, demostró una alta variabilidad en la fenología de M. galloprovincialis y la divergencia térmica respecto de las poblaciones portuguesas. Para éstas, el establecimiento de los umbrales térmicos de desarrollo de las larvas post-dormantes del vector (12,2 y 33,5ºC) permitió la predicción de la emergencia mediana para la fecha en la que se acumulaban de 822 grados-día. Ninguna de las series analizadas en este trabajo necesitó de dichos grados-día estimados para la emergencia mediana. Asimismo, la emergencia se adelantó en las regiones más calurosas, mientras que se retrasó en las zonas más templadas. Más allá de la posible variabilidad entre poblaciones locales peninsulares, se detectaron indicios de que la diferencia en la acumulación de calor durante el otoño puede afectar el grado de maduración de las larvas invernantes, y su posterior patrón temporal de emergencia. Por último, también fueron observados comportamientos de protandria en las emergencias. Respecto a la fenología de su vuelo, entre los años 2010 y 2015, fueron ejecutados un total de 8 experimentos de captura de M. galloprovincialis mediante trampas cebadas con atrayentes en diferentes regiones (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia y Alicante) permitiendo el seguimiento del periodo de vuelo. Su análisis permitió constatar la disminución de las capturas y el acortamiento del periodo de vuelo con la altitud, el inicio del vuelo en el mes de mayo/junio a partir de los 14ºC de temperatura media diaria, la influencia de las altas temperaturas en la disminución de las capturas estivales (potencial causante de perfiles bimodales en las curvas de vuelo en las zonas menos frías), la evolución de la proporción de sexos a lo largo del periodo de vuelo (que muestra una mayor captura de hembras al inicio y de machos al final) y el comportamiento diurno y ligado a las altas temperaturas del vuelo circadiano del insecto. Dos redes de muestreo sistemático de insectos saproxílicos instaladas en la Comunitat Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 parcelas, año 2013) y en Murcia (Red ESFP, 20 parcelas, años 2008-2010) permitieron el estudio de la comunidad de insectos relacionada con M. galloprovincialis. Cada una de las parcelas contaba con una trampa cebada con atrayentes y una estación meteorológica. El registro de más de 250 especies de coleópteros saproxílicos demostró el potencial que tiene el empleo de redes de trampas vigía para la detección temprana de organismos exóticos, además de permitir la caracterización y evaluación de las comunidades de entomofauna útil, representando una de las mejores herramientas de la gestión integrada de plagas. En este caso, la comunidad de saproxílicos estudiada mostró ser muy homogénea respecto a la variación ambiental de las zonas de muestreo, y que pese a las pequeñas variaciones entre las comunidades de los diferentes ecosistemas, el rol que M. galloprovincialis desempeña en ellas a lo largo de todo el gradiente estudiado es el mismo. Con todo, el análisis mediante redes de interacción mostró su relevancia ecológica al actuar de conector entre los diferentes niveles tróficos. Por último, un total de 12 experimentos de marcaje-liberación-recaptura desarrollados entre 2009 y 2012 en Castellón, Teruel, Valencia y Murcia permitieron evaluar el comportamiento dispersivo de M. galloprovincialis. Las detecciones mediante trampas cebadas de los insectos liberados se dieron por lo menos 8 días después de la emergencia. La abundancia de población pareció relacionada con la continuidad, la naturalización de la masa, y con la afección previa de incendios. La dispersión no estuvo influida por la dirección ni la intensidad de los vientos dominantes. La abundancia de material hospedante (en lo referente a las variables de masa y a los índices de competencia) influyó en la captura del insecto en paisajes fragmentados, aunque la ubicación de las trampas optimizó el número de capturas cuando se ubicaron en el límite de la masa y en zonas visibles. Por último también se constató que M. galloprovincialis posee suficiente capacidad de dispersión como para recorrer hasta 1500 m/día, llegando a alcanzar distancias máximas de 13600m o de 22100 m. ABSTRACT The detection and expansion of the Pine Wilt Desease (PWD), caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), Pine Wood Nematode (PWN), in southwestern Europe since 1999, has triggered off the study of the phenology and the dispersion of its unique vector in the continent, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The analysis of 12 emergence series between 2010 and 2014 registered in Palencia, Teruel and Valencia (Spain), registered from field colonized material collected at several locations of the Iberian Peninsula, showed a high variability in the emergence phenology of M. galloprovincialis. In addition, these patterns showed a very acute thermal divergence regarding a development model fitted earlier in Portugal. Such model forecasted the emergence of 50% of M. galloprovincialis individuals in the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal) when an average of 822 degree-days (DD) were reached, based on the accumulation of heat from the 1st of March until emergence and lower and upper thresholds of 12.2 ºC and 33,5 °C respectively. In our results, all analyzed series needed less than 822 DD to complete the 50% of the emergence. Also, emergency occurred earlier in the hottest regions, while it was delayed in more temperate areas. Beyond the possible variability between local populations, the difference in the heat accumulation during the fall season may have affected the degree of maturation of overwintering larvae, and subsequently, the temporal pattern of M. galloprovincialis emergences. Therefore these results suggest the need to differentiate local management strategies for the PWN vector, depending on the location, and the climatic variables of each region. Finally, protandrous emergence patterns were observed for M. galloprovincialis in most of the studied data-sets. Regarding the flight phenology of M. galloprovincialis, a total of 8 trapping experiments were carried out in different regions of the Iberian Peninsula (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia and Alicante) between 2010 and 2015. The use of commercial lures and traps allowed monitoring of the flight period of M. galloprovincialis. The analyses of such curves, helped confirming different aspects. First, a decline in the number of catches and a shortening of the flight period was observed as the altitude increased. Flight period was recorded to start in May / June when the daily average temperature went over 14 ° C. A significant influence of high temperatures on the decrease of catches in the summer was found in many occasions, which frequently lead to a bimodal profile of the flight curves in warm areas. The evolution of sex ratio along the flight period shows a greater capture of females at the beginning of the period, and of males at the end. In addition, the circadian response of M. galloprovincialis to lured traps was described for the first time, concluding that the insect is diurnal and that such response is linked to high temperatures. Two networks of systematic sampling of saproxylic insects were installed in the Region of Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 plots, 2013) and Murcia (Red ICPF, 20 plots, 2008-2010). These networks, intended to serve the double purpose of early-detection and long term monitoring of the saproxylic beetle assemblies, allowed the study of insect communities related to M. galloprovincialis. Each of the plots had a trap baited with attractants and a weather station. The registration of almost 300 species of saproxylic beetles demonstrated the potential use of such trapping networks for the early detection of exotic organisms, while at the same time allows the characterization and evaluation of useful entomological fauna communities, representing one of the best tools for the integrated pest management. In this particular case, the studied community of saproxylic beetles was very homogeneous with respect to environmental variation of the sampling areas, and despite small variations between communities of different ecosystems, the role that M. galloprovincialis apparently plays in them across the studied gradient seems to be the same. However, the analysis through food-webs showed the ecological significance of M. galloprovincialis as a connector between different trophic levels. Finally, 12 mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out between 2009 and 2012 in Castellón, Teruel, Valencia and Murcia (Spain) with the aim to describe the dispersive behavior of M. galloprovincialis as well as the stand and landscape characteristics that could influence its abundance and dispersal. No insects younger than 8 days were caught in lured traps. Population abundance estimates from mark-release-recapture data, seemed related to forest continuity, naturalization, and to prior presence of forest fires. On the other hand, M. galloprovincialis dispersal was not found to be significantly influenced by the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. The abundance of host material, very related to stand characteristics and spacing indexes, influenced the insect abundance in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the location of the traps optimized the number of catches when they were placed in the edge of the forest stands and in visible positions. Finally it was also found that M. galloprovincialis is able to fly up to 1500 m / day, reaching maximum distances of up to 13600 m or 22100 m.


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Saproxylic beetle diversity is high at the Cabañeros National Park (central Spain), where woodland habitats exhibit remarkable heterogeneity. Our aim was to explain the diversity of saproxylic beetles, focusing on species turnover among mature woodland types. We surveyed five woodland types that represented the heterogeneity of the park’s woodland habitats. Beetles were collected using window traps over a period of 20 months. The Jaccard Similarity Index was used as indirect value of beta diversity among woodlands and to test the relation between species turnover and geographical distance. We also identified the contribution of species turnover to landscape diversity by using a partitioning model. Moreover, the presence of mixed woodlands (more than one tree species) allowed us to attempt to valorise the effect of tree species (coupled with their historical management) on species turnover among woodlands. Finally, we looked for different saproxylic beetle preferences for habitat and tree species using an indicator value method. We found that saproxylic beetle species composition varied significantly among the studied woodlands. The variation in species turnover was independent from the distance among woodlands, which suggested that beetle dispersal abilities could not explain this high turnover. Tree species within woodlands were a key factor that increased diversity turnover in woodlands and, consequently, the diversity of the park. Moreover, we found saproxylic beetle species that had different habitat and tree species preferences. We conclude that woodland heterogeneity (highly affected by woodland composition) seems to be the driving force for saproxylic beetle diversity in this protected area.


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The choice of sampling methods to survey saproxylic beetles is a key aspect to assessing conservation strategies for one of the most endangered assemblages in Europe. We evaluated the efficiency of three sampling methods: baited tube traps (TT), window traps in front of a hollow opening (WT), and emergence traps covering tree hollows (ET) to study richness and diversity of saproxylic beetle assemblages at species and family levels in Mediterranean woodlands. We also examined trap efficiency to report ecological diversity, and changes in the relative richness and abundance of species forming trophic guilds: xylophagous, saprophagous/saproxylophagous, xylomycetophagous, predators and commensals. WT and ET were similarly effective in reporting species richness and diversity at species and family levels, and provided an accurate profile of both the flying active and hollow-linked saproxylic beetle assemblages. WT and ET were the most complementary methods, together reporting more than 90 % of richness and diversity at both species and family levels. Diversity, richness and abundance of guilds were better characterized by ET, which indicates higher efficiency in outlining the ecological community of saproxylics that inhabit tree hollows. TT were the least effective method at both taxonomic levels, sampling a biased portion of the beetle assemblage attracted to trapping principles, however they could be used as a specific method for families such as Bostrichiidae, Biphyllidae, Melyridae, Mycetophagidae or Curculionidae Scolytinae species. Finally, ET and WT combination allows a better characterization of saproxylic assemblages in Mediterranean woodland, by recording species with different biology and linked to different microhabitat types.


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Saproxylic diversity assessment is a major goal for conservation strategies in woodlands and it should consider woodland composition and configuration at site and tree level as key modelling factors. However, in Mediterranean woodlands little is known about the relation with the environmental factors that structure their assemblages, especially those linked to tree hollow microhabitats. We assessed the diversity of Syrphidae (Diptera) and Coleoptera saproxylic guilds that co-occurred in tree hollows located in three different Iberian Mediterranean woodlands in the Cabañeros National Park (Spain). Furthermore, we evaluated how differences in tree hollow microenvironmental variables (understood as the physical and biotic characteristics of a hollow and tree individual) influenced saproxylic guild diversity both within and among woodland sites. We found that woodland sites that provided greater heterogeneity of trees and hollow microhabitats determined higher saproxylic guild diversity. Nevertheless, certain species or even complete guilds can be favoured in woodlands where some hollow microhabitats predominate as a consequence of historical tree management. In general, hollow volume was the main determining factor for saproxylic guild richness and abundance in woodland sites, and large hollow volume was usually related to higher diversity, which highlighted the importance of multi-habitat hollow trees. Moreover, saproxylic guilds also responded to other different microenvironmental variables, which indicated different ecological preferences among guilds. The conservation of saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean areas must be addressed to protect woodland sites that provide high diversity and large numbers of tree hollow microhabitats, and practices to enhance microhabitat heterogeneity should even be encouraged.


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One of the main challenges in biological conservation has been to understand species distribution across space and time. Over the last decades, many diversity and conservation surveys have been conducted that have revealed that habitat heterogeneity acts as a major factor that determines saproxylic assemblages. However, temporal dynamics have been poorly studied, especially in Mediterranean forests. We analyzed saproxylic beetle distribution at inter and intra-annual scales in a “dehesa” ecosystem, which is a traditional Iberian agrosilvopastoral ecosystem that is characterized by the presence of old and scattered trees that dominate the landscape. Significant differences in effective numbers of families/species and species richness were found at the inter-annual scale, but this was not the case for composition. Temperature and relative humidity did not explain these changes which were mainly due to the presence of rare species. At the intra-annual scale, significant differences in the effective numbers of families/species, species richness and composition between seasons were found, and diversity partitioning revealed that season contributed significantly to gamma-diversity. Saproxylic beetle assemblages exhibited a marked seasonality in richness but not in abundance, with two peaks of activity, the highest between May and June, and the second between September and October. This pattern is mainly driven by the seasonality of the climate in the Mediterranean region, which influences ecosystem dynamics and imposes a marked seasonality on insect assemblages. An extended sampling period over different seasons allowed an overview of saproxylic dynamics, and revealed which families/species were restricted to particular seasons. Recognizing that seasons act as a driver in modelling saproxylic beetle assemblages might be a valuable tool in monitoring and for conservation strategies in Mediterranean forests.