988 resultados para Salmonella fermentadoras de lactose


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Serovars of a total of 5,490 Salmonella strains isolated during the period of 1991-95, from human infections (2,254 strains) and from non-human materials (3,236 strains) were evaluated. In the studied period, 81 different serovars were determined among human isolates. Salmonella Enteritidis corresponded to 1.2% in 1991, 2% in 1992, 10.1% in 1993, 43.3% in 1994, and 64.9% in 1995 of all isolates. A significant rise on the isolation of this serovar was seen since 1993 linked to food poisoning outbreaks. It is reported also an increase on the isolation of S. Enteritidis from blood cultures, associated mainly with patients with immunodeficiency syndrome. S. Enteritidis was prevalent among one hundred and thirty different serovars isolated from non-human sources. Increasing number of isolation of this serovar was seen from shell eggs, breeding flocks and from environmental samples. It is also reported a contamination of commercial feed stuffs by S. Enteritidis which represents a major concern for Brazilian poultry industry.


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Two young men with Salmonella bacteraemia, active schistosomiasis and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are reported. The clinical presentation comprised nonspecific signs and symptoms, such as fatigue, malaise, weight loss, diarrhoea, prolonged fever, and hepatosplenomegaly. In one patient, liver biopsy showed poorly formed granulomata around Schistosoma mansoni eggs and hepatitis. Treatment of schistosomiasis alone induced consistent clinical improvement with eventual cure of both Salmonella and S. mansoni infections. Recognition of the Salmonella-S. mansoni association in patients with AIDS is important because treatment of schistosomiasis makes a difference, improving the prognosis of this otherwise, recurrent, potentially fatal bacteraemia.


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A Salmonella é um microrganismo responsável por grande parte das doenças alimentares, podendo por em causa a saúde pública da área contaminada. Uma deteção rápida, eficiente e altamente sensível e extremamente importante, sendo um campo em franco desenvolvimento e alvo de variados e múltiplos estudos na comunidade cientifica atual. Foi desenvolvido um método potenciométrico para a deteção de Salmonellas, com elétrodos seletivos de iões, construídos em laboratório com pontas de micropipetas, fios de prata e sensores com composição otimizada. O elétrodo indicador escolhido foi um ESI seletivo a cadmio, para redução da probabilidade de interferências no método, devido a pouca abundancia do cadmio em amostras alimentares. Elétrodos seletivos a sódio, elétrodos de Ag/AgCl de simples e de dupla juncão foram também construídos e caracterizados para serem aplicados como elétrodos de referência. Adicionalmente otimizaram-se as condições operacionais para a analise potenciométrica, nomeadamente o elétrodo de referencia utilizado, condicionamento dos elétrodos, efeito do pH e volume da solução amostra. A capacidade de realizar leituras em volumes muito pequenos com limites de deteção na ordem dos micromolares por parte dos ESI de membrana polimérica, foi integrada num ensaio com um formato nao competitivo ELISA tipo sanduiche, utilizando um anticorpo primário ligado a nanopartículas de Fe@Au, permitindo a separação dos complexos anticorpo-antigénio formados dos restantes componentes em cada etapa do ensaio, pela simples aplicação de um campo magnético. O anticorpo secundário foi marcado com nanocristais de CdS, que são bastante estáveis e é fácil a transformação em Cd2+ livre, permitindo a leitura potenciométrica. Foram testadas várias concentrações de peroxido de hidrogénio e o efeito da luz para otimizar a dissolução de CdS. O método desenvolvido permitiu traçar curvas de calibração com soluções de Salmonellas incubadas em PBS (pH 4,4) em que o limite de deteção foi de 1100 CFU/mL e de 20 CFU/mL, utilizando volumes de amostra de 10 ƒÊL e 100 ƒÊL, respetivamente para o intervalo de linearidade de 10 a 108 CFU/mL. O método foi aplicado a uma amostra de leite bovino. A taxa de recuperação media obtida foi de 93,7% } 2,8 (media } desvio padrão), tendo em conta dois ensaios de recuperação efetuados (com duas replicas cada), utilizando um volume de amostra de 100 ƒÊL e concentrações de 100 e 1000 CFU/mL de Salmonella incubada.


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The aim of this study was to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol for the detection of Salmonella in artificially contaminated chicken meat. Tests were performed with different dilutions of Salmonella Typhimurium or Salmonella Enteritidis cells (10-7, 10-8 or 10-9 CFU/mL) inoculated in chicken meat samples, in order to establish the limits of detection, incubation times (0, 6, 8 and 24 hours of pre-enrichment in PBW 1%) and three DNA extraction protocols (phenol-chloroform, thermal treatment and thermal treatment and Sephaglass). The assay was able to detect until 10-9 CFU/mL of initial dilution of Salmonella cells inoculated in chicken meat, which allows detection of Salmonella within 48 hours, including 24 hours of pre-enrichment and using the phenol-chloroform DNA extraction protocol. As the results are obtained in a shorter time period than that of microbiological culture, this procedure will be useful in the methodology for detection of Salmonella in chicken.


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The presence of Salmonella enterica and serologic evidence of infection by Leptospira interrogans, were detected in the opossum Didelphis virginiana in a semi-urban locality of the Yucatán State, México. Ninety-one opossums were captured during the period April 1996 and May 1998. From a total of 17 feces samples, four Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotypes (Sandiego, Newport, Anatum, and Minnesota), and one Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar O44:Z4,Z23:- were isolated. Some opossums presented mixed infections. From 81 sera samples, four (4.9%) were positive to antibodies to Leptospira serovars pomona and wolfii. Both animals infected with Salmonella enterica and those serologically positive to Leptospira interrogans were captured in peridomestic habitat. Opossums infected with Salmonella enterica, were captured in dry season, and those seropositive to Leptospira interrogans during the rainy season. The implications of infection and reactivity of these zoonotic pathogens in D. virginiana in the Yucatan state are briefly discussed.


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Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Salmonella Typhi were studied in 30 strains, isolated in different years, from some areas in Brazil. Conventional typing methods were performed by biochemical tests, Vi phage-typing scheme, and antimicrobial susceptibility test. Molecular typing methods were performed by analysis of plasmid DNA and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). For the latter, an optimization step was performed to ensure the reproducibility of the process in genetic characterization of S. Typhi. The predominance of 76.7% of biotype I (xylose +, arabinose -) was noticed in all studied areas. Three phage types were recognized, with prominence for the phage types A (73.3%) and I+IV (23.3%). All the strains were susceptible to the drugs used. However, 36.7% of the strains contained plasmids, with predominance of the 105 Kb plasmid. RAPD was capable of grouping the strains in 8 genotypic patterns using primer 784, in 6, using primer 787 and in 7, using primer 797. Conventional phenotypic typing methods, as well as the DNA plasmid analysis, presented nonsignificant discriminatory power; however, RAPD-PCR analysis showed discriminatory power, reproducibility, easy interpretation and performance, being considered as a promising alternative typing method for S. Typhi.


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272 isolates of Salmonella Enteritidis (111 isolated from frozen broiler chicken carcasses, 126 from human food and other biological materials involved in food poisoning outbreaks and 35 from different poultry materials) were selected for phage typing. From these, 111 were phage typed, 57.65% being classified as phage type 4, 32.43% as phage type 4a, 3.60% as phage type 6a and 0.90% as phage type 7, whereas 5.40% samples were not phage typeable. The predominance of phage type 4 is in agreement with the results published worldwide, and reinforces the need for studies related to the epidemiological meaning of these findings.


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In São Paulo State, Brazil, the epidemic increase in isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis has been observed since 1994. A total of 105 S. Enteritidis strains (72 from human and 33 from non-human sources) isolated during the period 1975-1995, previously characterized by phage typing, was analyzed by antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profile, and ribotyping. Over 70% of the strains were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested, however, multiple resistance to antimicrobials was observed among the studied strains, mainly those from hospitalized patients. Phage type 8 (PT-8) was predominant among the strains isolated during the period of 1975-1992, but in the following years, PT-4 was the most frequent phage type identified. Seven different plasmid profiles were detected and 96% of the isolates harbored a plasmid of approximately 36 MDa. Ribotyping discriminated fourteen ribotypes (R1 to R14) among the strains examined. By analysis of dendrogram the strains were included in three groups with similarity level of 60%. The obtained results indicate that, a single ribotype (R11), determined for PT-4 strains isolated from 1993, characterizes the epidemic clone of S. Enteritidis in our region.


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Bacteremia due to non-typhi Salmonella is more frequent in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, focal complications have been rarely described. We report a case of liver abscess due to Salmonella enteritidis in an HIV-infected patient who recently returned to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from a trip in the Caribbean. A good clinical and radiological response was seen with both percutaneous catheter drainage and antibiotic treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first culture proven case of non-typhi Salmonellaliver abscess in an HIV-infected patient in Brazil.


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Salmonella Infantis has been the second most common serovar in Argentina in the last two years, being isolated mostly from paediatric hospitalised patients. In order to determine the clonal relationship among Salmonella Infantis strains, we examined 15 isolates from paediatric patient faeces in Argentina (12 geographically related and 3 geographically non-related) by using antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profiling, repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) PCR, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) PCR, and low-frequency restriction analysis of chromosomal DNA by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Four Spanish strains were included as controls of clonal diversity in molecular techniques. Antibiotype and plasmid profile was not useful as epidemiological tools. PFGE and REP-PCR were able to discriminate between Argentinean and Spanish isolates of Salmonella Infantis allowing to detect genetically related strains in three different cities. This finding indicates that a possible spread of a clone of this serovar in the North-eastern Region of Argentina has taken place in 1998.


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Salmonella spp. are the etiologic agents of salmonellosis, a worldwide spread zoonoses causing foodborne outbreaks and clinical diseases. By serological identification, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:- accounted for 8.8% of human and 1.6% of nonhuman Salmonella strains isolated in São Paulo State, during 1991-2000. A total of 28.6% of them amplified a fragment corresponding to H:1,2 (flagellar phase two) through PCR analysis and were further assigned as S. Typhimurium. Antimicrobial resistance was detected in 36.3% of the 369 PCR-negative strains tested, including the multiresistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin.


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We described a case of salmonellosis in a 33-year old HIV-infected patient. The patient presented oral and esophageal candidiasis, intense epigastric and retrosternal pain. During the physical examination he was hypochloraemic, acyanotic, hypohydrated, anicteric and afebrile. Admittance laboratorial tests indicated: red cells 3.6 millions/mm³; hemoglobin, 10.1 g/dL; leukocyte count, 3,000/mm³, with 1% of eosinophils, 14% of non-segmented and 53% of segmented neutrophils and 31% of lymphocytes. The blood culture was positive for Salmonella enterica subsp houtenae serogroup O:16. This is probably the first human report of bacteremia due to Salmonella enterica subsp houtenae in Brazil associated to HIV-infected patient.


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The presence of Vibrio spp. and Salmonella spp. in crabs marketed at the Bezerra de Menezes Ave., Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, was assessed between February and May, 2003. The number of individuals sampled in each one of the fifteen weekly samplings ranged between four and eight. Seven strains of Salmonella, from four different samplings, were identified, being five of them identified as serotype S. Senftenberg and two as S. Poona. All strains of Salmonella were sensitive to the tested anti-microbial drugs, with the exception of tetracycline and nalidixic acid, for which an intermediary sensibility was found. The MPN's for Vibrio ranged between 110/g and 110,000/g. Of the forty five Vibrio strains isolated from the crab samples, only 10 were identified up to the species level: two V. alginolyticus and eight V. parahaemolyticus. Bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonaceae families were also identified, namely Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Pantoea agglomerans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The proper cooking of the animals is recommended in order to avoid problems for the consumers of this crustacean.


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Salmonellosis remains an important cause of diarrheal illness in humans in São Paulo State, Brazil. In this study were identified 3554 Salmonella isolates from human infections, during the period 1996-2003. Among 68 different serovars determined, S. Enteritidis was the most frequent one in gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal infections accounting for 67.4% of all isolates. S. Typhimurium and S. enterica subsp. enterica (4,5,12:i:-) were most frequently isolated from children aged < 1-4 year-old, in contrast, people with S. Enteritidis infections were most likely to be 20-50 year-old. In our geographic area the continued laboratorial surveillance of salmonellosis, including serotyping, has showed the trends in Salmonella serovars causing infections in humans throughout the time.


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Potentiometric detection with homemade polymeric membrane microelectrodes was coupled to a magnetic sandwich immunoassay for Salmonella typhimurium determination. Cadmium and sodium ion selective electrodes were used respectively as indicator and pseudo-reference electrodes and were prepared in pipette tips to allow potentiometric measurements in microliter sample volumes. In the proposed method, the concentration of S. typhimurium was proportional to the amount of cadmium released upon dissolution of a CdS nanoparticle labeled to the secondary detection antibody. The limit of detection was 2 cells per 100 μL. The immunomagnetic assay with potentiometric detection is suitable for sensitive and rapid (average total time per assay of 75 minutes) detection of S. typhimurium in milk samples. The proposed method is easy to perform, safe, sensitive, and low cost and has potential for in situ analysis.