923 resultados para Sahlin, Gunnar


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Purpose: To perform in vivo imaging of the cerebellum with an in-plane resolution of 120 mm to observe its cortical granular and molecular layers by taking advantage of the high signal-to-noise ratio and the increased magnetic susceptibility-related contrast available at high magnetic field strength such as 7 T. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the institutional review board, and all patients provided written consent. Three healthy persons (two men, one woman; mean age, 30 years; age range, 28-31 years) underwent MR imaging with a 7-T system. Gradient-echo images (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 1000/25) of the human cerebellum were acquired with a nominal in-plane resolution of approximately 120 mum and a section thickness of 1 mm. Results: Structures with dimensions as small as 240 mum, such as the granular and molecular layers in the cerebellar cortex, were detected in vivo. The detection of these structures was confirmed by comparing the contrast obtained on T2*-weighted and phase images with that obtained on images of rat cerebellum acquired at 14 T with 30 mum in-plane resolution. Conclusion: In vivo cerebellar imaging at near-microscopic resolution is feasible at 7 T. Such detailed observation of an anatomic area that can be affected by a number of neurologic and psychiatric diseases, such as stroke, tumors, autism, and schizophrenia, could potentially provide newer markers for diagnosis and follow-up in patients with such pathologic conditions. (c) RSNA, 2010.


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Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.


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In this work, we propose a method for prospective motion correction in MRI using a novel image navigator module, which is triggered by a free induction decay (FID) navigator. Only when motion occurs, the image navigator is run and new positional information is obtained through image registration. The image navigator was specifically designed to match the impact on the magnetization and the acoustic noise of the host sequence. This detection-correction scheme was implemented for an MP-RAGE sequence and 5 healthy volunteers were scanned at 3T while performing various head movements. The correction performance was demonstrated through automated brain segmentation and an image quality index whose results are sensitive to motion artifacts.


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Samlingen med signum HF fil finns vid Humanistiska biblioteket i samband med ämnet Filosofi. Vid huvudbiblioteket finns dessutom en samling filosofisk litteratur Som grund för akademibibliotekets filosofiska samlingar ligger donationer. Några donatorer från tidigare år kan nämnas, folkskollärare Ivar Wihlman, doktor Gösta Enckell, FM Max Söderman, vicehäradshövding Jon Hartman, professor Gunnar Landtman, lektor Axel Söderholm och studerande Leo Lillja. Den filosofiska litteraturen vid Humanistiska biblioteket söks i databasen Alma med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HF fil.


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Samlingen med signum HB IVb1 finns vid huvudbiblioteket och innehåller finlandssvensk skönlitteratur, även barnlitteratur. Samlingen tillväxer kontinuerligt. Biblioteket fick friexemplarsrätt år 1919 och har därefter erhållit ett exemplar av det mesta som utkommit på svenska i Finland. Biblioteket inköper sådant som saknas, t.ex. böcker utgivna i annat land, för att göra samlingen möjligast komplett. Dessutom görs inköp för att beståndet skall innehålla både arkivexemplar och utlåningsexemplar. Bevakningen av den finlandssvenska litteraturen hör till bibliotekets specialuppgifter. Genom målmedvetet inköpande och tack vare talrika donationer äger biblioteket en omfattande samling finlandssvensk skönlitteratur från tiden före 1919 och ofta är det fråga om första upplagor. Bland donatorerna kan nämnas Arvid Sourander, Hildur Malmberg, Hilma Nyberg, Ossian Donner, Gunnar Karlsson och Arthur Rindell. Den finlandssvenska skönlitteraturen söks i databasen Alma med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HB IVb1. En del litteratur tryckt före 1980 skall sökas manuellt i huvudbibliotekets systematiska kortkatalog, men retroaktiv inmatning i Alma av litteratur tryckt mellan 1830 och 1979 pågår. Skönlitterära småskrifter tryckta före 1900 med signum HB IVb1/kapsel har digitaliserats. Adressen är http://bibbild.abo.fi/diktlista.htm


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Kokeellisen eläintieteen prof. Sulo Toivosen (1909-1995) uransa aikana keräämiä eripainoksia ja sarjanosia vuosilta 1930-70, 18 hyllymetriä. Sisältää edeltäjän prof. Gunnar Ekmanin (1883-1937) keräämiä eripainoksia vuosilta 1920-30. Järjestetty aakkosellisesti koteloihin, luetteloitu kokoelman yhteydessä olevaan kortistoon. Aiheena pääasiassa eläinfysiologia, kehitysbiologia ja solubiologia.


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Digitoitu 30. 12. 2008


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Invocatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.