970 resultados para Sage, Charles H.


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O objetivo da tese de doutorado consistirá na defesa de uma alternativa para os dilemas políticos concernentes à incomparabilidade no interior de uma comunidade específica ou entre comunidades distintas, presente nas discussões em torno do pluralismo contemporâneo. Esta via é inspirada nos conceitos de bens constitutivos, avaliações fortes e articulação, desenvolvidos pelo filósofo canadense Charles Taylor, e é também uma tentativa de se pensar acerca de um projeto de crítica política que leve em consideração a motivação como elemento incontornável para a filosofia prática. A incomparabilidade, isto é, impossibilidade de critérios no julgamento entre práticas específicas, mas com repercussões públicas, levanta a questão de até que ponto é possível avaliar e deliberar racionalmente sobre modos de vida distintos e, às vezes, auto-excludentes. Tal problemática pode ser vista fortemente no chamado debate liberal-comunitarista, na década de 1980, bem como em seus desdobramentos nas discussões acerca do multiculturalismo, na década seguinte. E ainda, mais recentemente, nos impasses em torno do papel da religião na esfera pública. Mais do que pontos divergentes acerca da questão do julgamento, os que essas discussões também evidenciam é um debate mais central acerca do lugar que pode ocupar a política diante de nossa situação bem como as categorias pelas quais compreendemos o fenômeno do pluralismo. Sob a alcunha de comunitarista, o pensamento de Taylor aparece como uma forma atrativa por não se submeter ao relativismo (a impossibilidade de critério) e tampouco a um universalismo forte (baseado em critérios gerais e anteriores às práticas), ao desenvolver uma ontologia fundada em um conflito de bens constitutivos em disputa, sem desconsiderar o fenômeno do pluralismo. Com efeito, isto se dá na medida em que diante de práticas divergentes e concorrentes h implícita ou explicitamente uma posição acerca de como e a partir de onde podemos nos posicionar criticamente frente ao pluralismo vigente, uma vez que movimentos, discursos e relações são construídos em nome daquilo que se apresenta efetivamente como valioso ou digno de respeito e admiração. Neste sentido, qualquer tentativa de avaliação já diz respeito a nossa compreensão: de nós, do mundo e de nossa relação com o mundo. Um projeto crítico, levando em consideração nossas fontes que impulsionam a ação, requer um olhar detalhado que o pensamento de Taylor pode oferecer, especialmente a partir da relação entre os conceitos supracitados.


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The biography of Charles Bradford Hudson that follows this preface had its seeds about 1965 when I (VGS) was casually examining the extensive files of original illustrations of fishes stored in the Division of Fishes, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. I happened upon the unpublished illustration of a rainbow trout by Hudson and was greatly impressed with its quality. The thought occurred to me then that the artist must have gone on to do more than just illustrate fishes. During the next 20 years I occasionally pawed through those files, which contained the work of numerous artists, who had worked from 1838 to the present. In 1985, I happened to discuss the files with my supervisor, who urged me to produce a museum exhibit of original fish illustrations. This I did, selecting 200 of the illustrations representing 21 artists, including, of course, Hudson. As part of the text for the exhibit, Drawn from the Sea, Art in the Service of Ichthyology, I prepared short biographies of each of the artists. The exhibit, with an available poster, was shown in the Museum for six months, and a reduced version was exhibited in U.S. and Canadian museums during the next 3 years.


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John Otterbein Snyder (1867–1943) was an early student of David Starr Jordan at Stanford University and subsequently rose to become an assistant professor there. During his 34 years with the university he taught a wide variety of courses in various branches of zoology and advised numerous students. He eventually mentored 8 M.A. and 4 Ph.D. students to completion at Stanford. He also assisted in the collection of tens of thousands of fish specimens from the western Pacific, central Pacific, and the West Coast of North America, part of the time while stationed as “Naturalist” aboard the U.S. Fish Commission’s Steamer Albatross (1902–06). Although his early publications dealt mainly with fish groups and descriptions (often as a junior author with Jordan), after 1910 he became more autonomous and eventually rose to become one of the Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., experts on the West Coast. Throughout his career, he was especially esteemed by colleagues as “a stimulating teacher,” “an excellent biologist,” and “a fine man.


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Charles Henry Gilbert (Fig. 1) was a pioneer ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist of particular significance to natural history of the western United States. Born in Rockford, Illinois on 5 December 1859, he spent his early years in Indianapolis, Indiana, where, in 1874, he came under the influence of his high school teacher, David Starr Jordan (1851-1931). Gilbert graduated from high school in 1875, and when Jordan became a professor of natural history at Butler University in Irvington, Indiana, Gilbert followed, and received his B.A. degree in 1879. Jordan moved to Indiana University, in Bloomington, in the fall of 1879, and Gilbert again followed, earning his M.S. degree in 1882 and his Ph.D. in 1883 in zoology. His doctorate was the first ever awarded by Indiana University.


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Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) was a pioneering ichthyologist who made major contributions to the study of fishes of the American West. As chairman of the Department ofZoology at Leland Stanford Junior University in Palo Alto, Calif., during 1891-1925, Gilbert was extremely devoted to his work and showed little patience with those ofa different mindset. While serving as Naturalist-in-Charge of the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during her exploratory expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in 1902, Gilbert engaged in an acrimonious feud with the ship's captain, Chauncey Thomas, Jr. (1850-1919), U.S.N., over what Gilbert perceived to be an inadequate effort by the captain. This essay focuses on the conflict between two strong figures, each operatingf rom different world views, and each vying for authority. Despite the difficulties these two men faced, the voyage of the Albatross in 1902 must be considered a success, as reflected by the extensive biological samples collected, the many new species of animals discovered, and the resulting publication of important scientific papers.


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Fishery science pioneers often faced challenges in their field work that are mostly unknown to modern biologists. Some of the travails faced by ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) during his service as Naturalist-in-Charge of the North Pacific cruise ofthe U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 1906, are described here, as are accomplishments of the cruise. The vessel left San Francisco, Calif., on 3 May 1906, just after the great San Francisco earthquake, for scientific exploration of waters of the Aleutian islands, Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Japan, returning to San Francisco in December. Because the expedition occurred just after the war between Japan and Russia of 1904-05 floating derelict mines in Japanese waters were often a menace. Major storms caused havoc in the region, and the captain of the Albatross, Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm on the return leg of the cruise. Despite such obstacles, Gilbert and the Albatross successfully completed their assigned chores. They occupied 339 dredging and 48 hydrographic stations, and discovered over 180 new species of fishes and many new species of invertebrates. The expedition's extensive biological collections spawned over 30 descriptive publications, some of which remain today as standards of knowledge.


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Among the papers of Dr. Charles M. Breder bequeathed to the Mote Marine Laboratory by the Breder family are a series of drawings of larval fish and eggs done from 1917 through 1929. The drawings were made with pencil on half and full sheets of buff colored paper. The half sheet drawings are of larval fish, most of which are not identified. The full sheet drawings often contain comments and notes related to laboratory work on fish egg development, and made during the summer of 1929 when Breder was working in the Dry Tortugas.


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本论文主要涉及两部分内容:第一部分是水稻和太行花中MADS-box基因的相关研究,第二部分是水稻中SAGE技术的生物信息学分析。 MADS-box基因家族在花发育过程中起着重要的作用。水稻是单子叶植物的模式植物,其基因组序列的公布为在基因组水平上鉴定MADS-box基因提供了条件。根据已发表的水稻MADS-box基因序列,利用关键词搜索、HMMER分析、同源比较、系统进化树分析等手段,对GeneBank和TIGR水稻基因组注释中所有已知和未知的水稻MADS-box基因进行了分析。结果表明,水稻中有64个MADS-box基因编码不同氨基酸,其中已知cDNA序列的为43个。在64个基因中,有23个属于ABCDE类基因,并且其cDNA序列已知,其中的10个已有功能方面的研究。通过3’-RACE和筛选水稻花器官的cDNA文库,得到了一个A类基因片断(A5B2),两个E类基因片断(MW1,MW2)。这三个基因分别与OsMADS14,OsMADS7和OsMADS5相似或相同。禾本科植物花器官的起源,尤其是内外稃的起源仍存在疑问,A功能基因是否以及如何参与其形成成为问题的关键。初步原位杂交分析表明,OsMADS14在花发育的早期开始表达。在小穗原基发育过程中,OsMADS14在内外稃原基中有较强的表达。随着小穗的发育,OsMADS14在整个花序中都有表达。在小穗发育的后期,OsMADS14在胚珠中有较强的表达。OsMADS14的表达模式与FUL类基因一致,并且证明了其在花发育的后期仍然表达强烈,暗示其可能与胚珠发育有重要关系。 SEPALLATA基因被认为是花的特异因子,参与了花的四轮花器官的决定过程。在本文中,通过3’-,5’-RACE,从太行花花芽中克隆了一个MADS-box基因。该基因推导的的氨基酸序列含有典型的M,I,K和C四个结构域,与FBP2和SEP3的相似性较高,系统进化树分析表明该基因属于SEP3亚家族,于是将其命名为TrSEP3。TrSEP3首先在花分生组织中表达,然后在雌雄蕊原基及花瓣中表达;在成熟花中,TrSEP3仅在花瓣和雌蕊中表达。这种表达模式与其它的SEP-like基因有稍不同。TrSEP3拟南芥中过量表达后并未导致表型的改变,暗示其功能与拟南芥的SEP基因可能存在差异。选择压力分析显示TrSEP3受到了不显著的负选择压力。这些结果暗示TrSEP3的功能可能与其它的SEP-like基因有差别,值得进一步研究。 SAGE(Serial Analysis of Gene Expression)是对比样品间转录谱的差异、发现新基因的有效的方法。tag mapping是将SAGE-tag与其转录本匹配的过程,其效率直接影响对转录谱的解释,该过程受多种因素影响。目前,对水稻tag mapping过程缺少详细研究,导致其效率不高。为了确定参考数据库和其它合适的条件,我们利用EST序列和基因组序列构建了不同的参考图谱,从全长cDNA数据库中提取虚拟的SAGE-tag,研究了参考图谱、锚定酶、tag长度以及匹配方法对tag mapping效率的影响,并比较了tag mapping的准确率。结果表明,用EST序列构建的参考图谱能够匹配大多数的SAGE-tag,并具有较高的准确率;利用迭代的方法,可以充分利用基因组序列。各种锚定酶之间的差别不明显,其中NlaIII, HpyCH4V 和 AluI 表现较好;17bp的tag比较适合水稻;而用双锚定酶和17bp的tag则可以显著提高tag mapping的效率和准确率。


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Pykett, L. (2002). Charles Dickens. Critical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. RAE2008