996 resultados para Safety values


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Occupational standards concerning allowable concentrations of chemical compounds in the ambient air of workplaces have been established in several countries worldwide. With the integration of the European Union (EU), there has been a need of establishing harmonised Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL). The European Commission Directive 95/320/EC of 12 July 1995 has given the tasks to a Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) to propose, based on scientific data and where appropriate, occupational limit values which may include the 8-h time-weighted average (TWA), short-term limits/excursion limits (STEL) and Biological Limit Values (BLVs). In 2000, the European Union issued a list of 62 chemical substances with Occupational Exposure Limits. Of these, 25 substances received a skin notation, indicating that toxicologically significant amounts may be taken up via the skin. For such substances, monitoring of concentrations in ambient air may not be sufficient, and biological monitoring strategies appear of potential importance in the medical surveillance of exposed workers. Recent progress has been made with respect to formulation of a strategy related to health-based BLVs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This research examines the effect of major changes, in the external context, on the safety culture of a UK generating company. It was focused on an organisation which was originally part of the state owned Central Electricity Generating Board and which, by the end of the research period, was a self-contained generating company, operating in a competitive market and a wholly owned subsidiary of a US utility. The research represents an attempt to identify the nature and culture of the original organisation and to identify, analyse and explain the effects of the forces of change in moulding the final organisation. The research framework employed a qualitative methodology to investigate the effects of change, supported by a safety culture questionnaire, based on factors identified in the third report of the ACSNI Human Factors Study Group; Organising for Safety, as being indicators of safety culture. An additional research objective was to assess the usefulness of the ACSNI factors as indicators of safety culture. Findings were that the original organisation was an engineering dominated technocracy with a technocentric safety culture. Values and beliefs were very strongly held and resistant to change and much of the original safety culture survived unchanged into the new organisation. The effects of very long periods of uncertainty about the future were damaging to management/worker relationships but several factors were identified which effectively insulated the organisation from any of the effects of change. The forces of change had introduced a beneficial appreciation of the crucial relationship between safety risk assessment and commercial risk assessment.Although the technical strength of the original safety culture survived, so did the essential weakness of a low level of appreciation of the human behavioural aspects of safety. This led to a limited, functionalist world view of safety culture, which assumed that cultural change was simpler to achieve than was the case and an inability to make progress in certain areas which were essentially behavioural problems.The factors identified by ACSNI provided a useful basis for the site research methodology and for identifying areas of relative strength and weakness in the site safety arrangements.


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The Report of the Robens Committee (1972), the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (1977) provide the framework within which this study of certain aspects of health and safety is carried out. The philosophy of self-regulation is considered and its development is set within an historical and an industrial relations perspective. The research uses a case study approach to examine the effectiveness of self-regulation in health and safety in a public sector organisation. Within this approach, methodological triangulation employs the techniques of interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentary analysis. The work is based in four departments of a Scottish Local Authority and particular attention is given to three of the main 'agents' of self-regulation - safety representatives, supervisors and safety committees and their interactions, strategies and effectiveness. A behavioural approach is taken in considering the attitudes, values, motives and interactions of safety representatives and management. Major internal and external factors, which interact and which influence the effectiveness of joint self-regulation of health and safety, are identified. It is emphasised that an organisation cannot be studied without consideration of the context within which it operates both locally and in the wider environment. One of these factors, organisational structure, is described as bureaucratic and the model of a Representative Bureaucracy described by Gouldner (1954) is compared with findings from the present study. An attempt is made to ascertain how closely the Local Authority fits Gouldner's model. This research contributes both to knowledge and to theory in the subject area by providing an in-depth study of self-regulation in a public sector organisation, which when compared with such studies as those of Beaumont (1980, 1981, 1982) highlights some of the differences between the public and private sectors. Both empirical data and hypothetical models are used to provide description and explanation of the operation of the health and safety system in the Local Authority. As data were collected during a dynamic period in economic, political and social terms, the research discusses some of the effects of the current economic recession upon safety organisation.


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We develop and study the concept of dataflow process networks as used for exampleby Kahn to suit exact computation over data types related to real numbers, such as continuous functions and geometrical solids. Furthermore, we consider communicating these exact objectsamong processes using protocols of a query-answer nature as introduced in our earlier work. This enables processes to provide valid approximations with certain accuracy and focusing on certainlocality as demanded by the receiving processes through queries. We define domain-theoretical denotational semantics of our networks in two ways: (1) directly, i. e. by viewing the whole network as a composite process and applying the process semantics introduced in our earlier work; and (2) compositionally, i. e. by a fixed-point construction similarto that used by Kahn from the denotational semantics of individual processes in the network. The direct semantics closely corresponds to the operational semantics of the network (i. e. it iscorrect) but very difficult to study for concrete networks. The compositional semantics enablescompositional analysis of concrete networks, assuming it is correct. We prove that the compositional semantics is a safe approximation of the direct semantics. Wealso provide a method that can be used in many cases to establish that the two semantics fully coincide, i. e. safety is not achieved through inactivity or meaningless answers. The results are extended to cover recursively-defined infinite networks as well as nested finitenetworks. A robust prototype implementation of our model is available.


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This paper discusses the development and the application of a safety performance indicator which measures the intrinsic safety of a country's vehicle fleet related to fleet composition. The indicator takes into account both the ‘relative severity’ of individual collisions between different vehicle types, and the share of those vehicle types within a country's fleet. The relative severity is a measure for the personal damage that can be expected from a collision between two vehicles of any type, relative to that of a collision between passenger cars. It is shown how this number can be calculated using vehicle mass only. A sensitivity analysis is performed to study the dependence of the indicator on parameter values and basic assumptions made. The indicator is easy to apply and satisfies the requirements for appropriate safety performance indicators. It was developed in such a way that it specifically scores the intrinsic safety of a fleet due to its composition, without being influenced by other factors, like helmet wearing. For the sake of simplicity, and since the required data is available throughout Europe, the indicator was applied to the relative share of three of the main vehicle types: passenger cars, heavy goods vehicles and motorcycles. Using the vehicle fleet data from 13 EU Member States and Norway, the indicator was used to rank the countries’ safety performance. The UK was found to perform best in terms of its fleet composition (value is 1.07), while Greece has the worst performance with the highest indicator value (1.41).


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One of the major drawbacks for mobile nodes in wireless networks is power management. Our goal is to evaluate the performance power control scheme to be used to reduce network congestion, improve quality of service and collision avoidance in vehicular network and road safety application. Some of the importance of power control (PC) are improving spatial reuse, and increasing network capacity in mobile wireless communications. In this simulation we have evaluated the performance of existing rate algorithms compared with context Aware Rate selection algorithm (ACARS) and also seen the performance of ACARS and how it can be applied to road safety, improve network control and power management. Result shows that ACARS is able to minimize the total transmit power in the presence of propagation processes and mobility of vehicles, by adapting to the fast varying channels conditions with the Path loss exponent values that was used for that environment which is shown in the network simulation parameter. Our results have shown that ACARS is a very robust algorithm which performs very well with the effect of propagation processes that is prone to every transmitted signal in mobile networks. © 2013 IEEE.


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Road traffic injuries are a major health issue worldwide. There are many factors that can
affect the levels of road traffic collisions which in turn increase the levels of people killed or
seriously injured. When road traffic collisions occur, observed facts are recorded in relation
to the incident. These facts are recorded as variable observations, and for this study,
variables and indicators are defined almost equivalently. There can be hundreds of different
indicators for the various collisions, as different countries face different road situations. This
makes it difficult to perform a road safety assessment, which can be applied globally. The
goal of this study is to select the most appropriate indicators and create a composite
indicator as a function of these indicators, which can be used as summary values, allowing
ease of comparisons between the countries/regions that have undergone a road safety
assessment. The composite indicator will then be used to assess the current situation in
Northern Ireland and provide scores for ranking policing in terms of overall road safety on
their road networks.


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The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is the compilation of national safety research that provides quantitative methods for analyzing highway safety. The HSM presents crash modification functions related to freeway work zone characteristics such as work zone duration and length. These crash modification functions were based on freeway work zones with high traffic volumes in California. When the HSM-referenced model was calibrated for Missouri, the value was 3.78, which is not ideal since it is significantly larger than 1. Therefore, new models were developed in this study using Missouri data to capture geographical, driver behavior, and other factors in the Midwest. Also, new models for expressway and rural two-lane work zones that barely were studied in the literature were developed. A large sample of 20,837 freeway, 8,993 expressway, and 64,476 rural two-lane work zones in Missouri was analyzed to derive 15 work zone crash prediction models. The most appropriate samples of 1,546 freeway, 1,189 expressway, and 6,095 rural two-lane work zones longer than 0.1 mile and with a duration of greater than 10 days were used to make eight, four, and three models, respectively. A challenging question for practitioners is always how to use crash prediction models to make the best estimation of work zone crash count. To solve this problem, a user-friendly software tool was developed in a spreadsheet format to predict work zone crashes based on work zone characteristics. This software selects the best model, estimates the work zone crashes by severity, and converts them to monetary values using standard crash estimates. This study also included a survey of departments of transportation (DOTs), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) representatives, and contractors to assess the current state of the practice regarding work zone safety. The survey results indicate that many agencies look at work zone safety informally using engineering judgment. Respondents indicated that they would like a tool that could help them to balance work zone safety across projects by looking at crashes and user costs.


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On 2 July 2009, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) endorsed a draft Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats to be released for public consultation. This Scientific Report summarises the comments received through the public consultation and outlines how these were taken into account in the final opinion. EFSA had received contributions from 40 interested parties (individuals, non-governmental organisations, industry organisations, academia and national assessment bodies). The main comments which were received during the public consultation related to: the availability of more recent data, the nomenclature used, the use of a non-European food composition data base, the impact of genetic factors in modulating the absorption, metabolism and health effects of different fatty acids, the definition of “nutritionally adequate diet”, the use of Dietary Reference Values in the labelling of foods, the translation of advice into food-based dietary guidelines, nutrient goals and recommendations, certain risk management issues, and to Dietary Reference Values of fats, individual fatty acids, and cholesterol. All the public comments received that related to the remit of EFSA were assessed and the Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats has been revised taking relevant comments into consideration.


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The impact of cooking methods (industrial pre-frying, deep-fat frying and baking) on the nutritional quality and safety of chicken breaded nugget samples from supermarket and commercial brands was evaluated. The changes in the quality characteristics (nutritional composition, fatty acids profile, cholesterol and salt) of the fried food and frying oil, after ten consecutive frying operations, were evaluated. The total fat content of nuggets varied between 10.9 and 22.7 g per 100 g of edible portion and the salt content ranged from 0.873 to 1.63 g per 100 g. Taking into account one portion of nuggets, the daily intake of salt can reach 49%, which can have a significant impact on the health of those who regularly consume this type of food, especially considering the prevalence of hypertension around the world. The analysed chicken breaded nuggets are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have been related with potential health benefits, namely regarding cardiovascular diseases. The cholesterol content of baked samples was two times higher when compared with the fried ones. The trans fatty acids and polar compounds contents of the frying oil used for frying significantly increased, but the values were still away from the maximum recommended by legal entities for its rejection. From a nutritional point of view, it is possible to conclude that the applied cooking methods can significantly influence the nutritional quality and safety of the analysed chicken breaded nuggets. This study will contribute to important knowledge on how the applied cooking methods can change the nutritional quality and safety of foods, namely of chicken nuggets, and can be very useful for dietary recommendations and nutritional assessment.


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Risk assessment guidelines for the environmental release of microbial agents are performed in a tiered sequence which includes evaluation of exposure effects on non target organisms. However, it becomes important to verify whether environmental risk assessment from temperate studies is applicable to tropical countries, as Brazil. Pseudomonas putida is a bacteria showing potential to be used for environmental applications as bioremediation and plant disease control. This study investigates the effects of this bacteria exposure on rodents and aquatic organisms (Daphnia similes) that are recommended to be used as non-target organism in environmental risk assessments. Also, the microbial activity in three different soils under P. putida exposure was evaluated. Rats did not show clinical alterations, although the agent was recovered 16 h after the exposure in lung homogenates. The bacteria did not reduce significantly the reproduction and survival of D. similis. The soil enzymatic activities presented fluctuating values after inoculation with bacteria. The measurement of perturbations in soil biochemical characteristics is presented as an alternative way of monitoring the overall effects of the microbial agent to be introduced even in first stage (Tier I) of the risk assessment in tropical ecosystems.


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Purpose: To investigate the analgesic properties of fruit extracts of Vitis vinifera (grape) and Punica granatum (pomegranate) in Albino mal mice. Methods: The analgesic activity of fruit extracts of V. vinifera and P. granatum were examined in vivo using thermal stimulus assays (i.e., tail immersion and hot plate) and acetic acid-induced writhing test using acetylsalicylic acid (0.1 g/kg, per os) as standard. The extracts were administered orally in doses of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg. Results: In acetic acid writhes test, both fruit extract pretreatments (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg, per os) significantly decreased the number of writhes (p < 0.0001) in a dose-dependent manner compared to control. The Index of Pain Inhibition (IPI) values following V. vinifera extract treatments were 36.52 % (1.0 g/kg), 66.67 % (2.0 g/kg) and 89.71 % (3.0 g/kg) which were significantly different from those for P. granatum extracts (45.39 %, 1.0 g/kg), 70.93 %, 2.0 g/kg) and 86.88 %, 3.0 g/kg) at equivalent doses of 2.0 and 3.0 g/kg of the extracts The fruit extracts of both species increased the reaction latency time. In tail-immersion assay, only the fruit extract of P. granatum significantly increased the response to heat stimulus at doses of 2.0 g/kg (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The hydroalcohol fruit extracts of P. granatum and V. vinifera have potential analgesic effects. Further studies are needed to determine the active component responsible for this effect.


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The availability of fresh-cut fruit (FCF) in the marketplace has been increasing in Portugal, although reports of its microbial quality are not known. Due to the growing concerns of these commodities over their microbial safety, the objectives of this work were to study the microbiological quality and prevalence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut fruits sold in southern Portugal. A study to examine the changes in pH and microbial counts, before and after the expiration dates, was also made. A total of 160 samples was purchased in the local grocery stores between September 2011 and August 2014, before their sell-by date. These samples were assayed for aerobic mesophilic (AM) and psychrotrophic (AP) microorganisms, yeasts and molds (YM), lactic-acid bacteria (LAB), coliforms (TC), Escherichia coli and coagulase positive staphylococci as well as L. monocytogenes and Salmonella. The microbiological counts ranged from 3.0-9.2 lg cfu/g (AM); 2.2–10.7 lg cfu/g (AP); 2.3–10.4 lg cfu/g (YM); 1.9–9.0 lg cfu/g (LAB) and less than 1–9.1 lg cfu/g (TC). The melons and watermelon presented the highest levels of the microbial quality parameters studied. However, no E. coli, staphylococci, Salmonella and L. monocytogenes were detected in any of the samples. After the sell-by date, an increase of the AM, AP, LAB and YM values was observed in all fruits. Conversely, the differences found in TC counts before and after the best-before date had no statistical significance. A decrease in pH was observed in all fruits except pineapple whose pH slightly increased after 14 days of storage. The results highlight the importance of preventing contamination and cross contamination, selecting adequate decontamination technologies and maintaining a strict temperature control during processing, distribution and selling of FCF.


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Our aim was to determine the normative reference values of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and to establish the proportion of subjects with low CRF suggestive of future cardio-metabolic risk.


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Although being studied only for few years, Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) will become the predominant way of producing stainless-steel elements in a near-like future. The analysis and study of such elements has yet to be defined in a proper way, but the projects regarding this subject are innovating more and more thanks to the findings discovered by the latter. This thesis is focused on an initial stage on the analysis of mechanical and geometrical properties of such stainless-steel elements produced by MX3D laboratories in Amsterdam, and to perform a calibration of the design strength values by means of Annex D of Eurocode 0, which talks about the analysis of the semi-probabilistic safety factors, hence the definition of characteristic values. Moreover, after testing the stainless-steel specimens by means of strain gauges and after obtaining mechanical and geometrical properties, a statistical analysis of such properties and an evaluation of characteristic values is performed. After this, there is to execute the calibration of design strength values of WAAM inclined bars and intersections.