935 resultados para SYLVIA BORIN
To characterise the physiology of development and senescence for Grevillea 'Sylvia'. oral organs, respiration, ethylene production and ACC concentrations in harvested flowers and flower parts were measured. The respiration rate of harvested inflorescences decreased over time during senescence. In contrast, both ethylene production and ACC concentration increased. Individual flowers, either detached from cut inflorescences held in vases at 20degreesC or detached from in planta inflorescences at various stages of development, had similar patterns of change in ACC concentration and rates of respiration and ethylene production as whole inflorescences. The correlation between ACC concentration and ethylene production by individual flowers detached from cut inflorescences held in vases was poor (r(2)=0.03). The isolated complete gynoecium (inclusive of the pedicel) produced increasing amounts of ethylene during development. Further sub-division of flower parts and measurement of their ethylene production at various stages of development revealed that the distal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the stigma) had the highest rate of ethylene production. In turn, anthers had higher rates of ethylene production and also higher ACC concentrations than the proximal part of the gynoecium (inclusive of the ovary). Rates of ethylene production and ACC concentrations for tepal abscission zone tissue and adjacent central tepal zone tissue were similar. ACC concentration in pollen was similar to that in senescing perianth tissue. Overall, respiration, ethylene and ACC content measurements suggest that senescence of G. 'Sylvia' is non-climacteric in character. Nonetheless, the phytohormone ethylene is produced and evidently mediates normal flower development and non-climacteric senescence processes.
The longevity of Grevillea 'Sylvia' inflorescences can be very short and is influenced by exposure to ethylene. Gibberellic acid has the potential to delay senescence in some cut flowers by acting as an anti-ethylene treatment. Gibberellic acid was therefore applied to Grevillea 'Sylvia' inflorescences in vase solutions to determine its effects on longevity. Treatments with gibberellic acid did not prolong the longevity of inflorescences or influence 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid concentrations. Treatments at high gibberellic acid concentrations enhanced flower abscission and we therefore conclude that vase-applied gibberellic acid treatments are not suitable for extending the longevity of cut Grevillea 'Sylvia' inflorescences.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Partiendo fundamental pero no exclusivamente de las formas de lectura crítica y de los métodos de análisis textual propuestos por el movimiento crítico denominado Nuevo Historicismo, este estudio tiene por objeto analizar aspectos esenciales de la paulatina modelación y construcción textual o discursiva de Sylvia Plath, poeta icónica de la literatura contemporánea de los EE.UU. La elección de Plath como objeto de estudio se basa en los siguientes motivos: 1) Su ubicación en el canon poético contemporáneo como autora de culto, situación que no se repite en ningún otro poeta coetáneo. Plath ha sido y es identificada como un “mito” o una “leyenda” a la altura de otros iconos de la cultura contemporánea popular proveniente de Norteamérica. 2) La polémica ha rodeado siempre la biografía de esta autora, desde su suicidio a una edad temprana hasta el presente. Dicha polémica surge de forma más señalada alrededor de dos aspectos fundamentales: por un lado, la de su personalidad poética entendida como esencialmente autobiográfica o confesional, cuestión a menudo disputada; y por otro lado su estatus como figura icónica de la cultura norteamericana (y no solo en el ámbito de las letras). Como icono de la cultura norteamericana, Plath ha sido etiquetada en algunos ámbitos como “la Marilyn Monroe de los literatos”, es decir, una joven artista, con una prometedora carrera, desaparecida demasiado pronto y congelada de ese modo en el inconsciente colectivo. 3) La situación particular en torno a lo que podemos convenir en denominar su “yo textual”. Esta situación cobra una especial relevancia en el mundo de las letras y la cultura. Sylvia Plath estaba casada en el momento de su suicidio en 1963 con el joven poeta inglés Ted Hughes, de carrera prometedora, y futura figura central de las instituciones británicas como Poeta Laureado que fue desde 1984 hasta su muerte en 1998. A la muerte de Plath, los permisos de publicación de todos sus escritos y materiales quedaron en manos de Ted Hughes, que a lo largo de las décadas, y pese a que en 1963 la pareja vivía separada como consecuencia de una crisis producto de una infidelidad de Hughes, publicó los escritos de Plath siempre de acuerdo con su criterio personal. Las desavenencias entre la pareja, la posesión de Hughes de los derechos de autor de Plath, la publicación idiosincrática que Hughes hizo de los textos de Plath (fragmentaria, poco planificada, aunque siempre informada y matizada por sus propios prefacios, notas e introducciones) le granjearon poca empatía, cuando no manifiesta hostilidad, por parte de sectores del público y la crítica, en especial el feminismo...
The world’s population is ageing rapidly. Ageing has an impact on all aspects of human life, including social, economic, cultural, and political. Understanding ageing is therefore an important issue for the 21st century. This chapter will consider the active ageing model. This model is based on optimising opportunities for health, participation, and security in order to enhance quality of life. There is a range of exciting options developing for personal health management, for and by the ageing population, that make use of computer technology, and these should support active ageing. Their use depends however on older people learning to use computer technology effectively. The ability to use such technology will allow them to access relevant health information, advice, and support independently from wherever they live. Such support should increase rapidly in the future. This chapter is a consideration of ageing and learning, ageing and use of computer technology, and personal health management using computers.