990 resultados para SURFACE WATERS


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Distribution of planktonic foraminiferal tests was studied in 15 Upper Quaternary sediment cores from the continental slope of Africa, the Canary and Cape Verde basins, and slopes of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In all the cores substantial variations were found in relationship between foraminiferal planktonic species reflecting fluctuations of mean annual temperatures of surface waters. Temperature difference in temperatures between present time and that of the maximum of the stadial of the last continental glaciation glacial stadial (about 18,000 yrs ago) ranges from 8.5°C in the Canary upwelling region to minimum values of 2.0°C in the central part of the ocean, i.e. the southern part of the subtropical gyre. Temperature difference the Holocene optimum and 18,000 yrs ago ranges from 10°C to 3°C. Age estimates are supported by radiocarbon dates.


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Cesium-137 concentrations of surface waters were measured during Cruise 20 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The measurements were combined with simultaneous salinity measurements. The radioactivity field of surface waters is governed by presence of closed circulation systems and their component currents. Crossing the oceans from west to east decrease in cesium-137 concentrations was noted. In surface waters in the northeastern periphery of the southern anticyclonic gyre in the Pacific Ocean Cs-137 concentrations increased (up to 21.5 Bq/m**3) due to a series of nuclear tests on the Muroroa Atoll.


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Samples of filtered particulate organic matter (POM) were obtained during the summers of 1999 and 2000 from the surface waters of the Nordic seas to monitor the spatial distribution of long-chain alkenones. The aim of the study was to appraise existing alkenone-based climatic proxies in northern high latitudes. Unusually high percentages of the tetraunsaturated alkenone were measured in the polar waters of the East Greenland Current, with C37:4 of up to 77% in 80% of sea-ice cover. Values of percent C37:4 across the Nordic seas showed a strong association with water mass type. Analysis of coccoliths in filters indicated that calcified Emiliania huxleyi could not be discounted as the biological precursor of alkenones in all the water masses. A combined data set of 69 samples of POM revealed a stronger correlation of percent C37:4 to sea surface salinity (SSS; R2 = 0.72) than to sea surface temperature (SST; R2 = 0.50). Values of percent C37:4 in sea surface POM were much higher than those in surficial sediments of the northern North Atlantic. To explain the discrepancy in sedimentary and surface water column percent C37:4, we propose that the alkenone contents in surface sediments underlying arctic and polar waters are a combination of autochthonous and allochthonous inputs of alkenones. Our results show that percent C37:4 can be used to reconstruct the relative extension of arctic/polar water masses in the North Atlantic. However, the results prevent confirmation of percent C37:4 as a paleo-SSS proxy in the Nordic seas, given its multivariate nature in our data set and the decoupling between its range of values in surface waters and sediments.


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A rapid potentiometric method for measuring ionic and total fluorine concentrations in sea water with aid of a fluorine-selective electrode is described and corresponding measurements in the 0-2000 m layer of the western Sargasso Sea and in the Gulf Stream are given. Preparation of samples and performance of measurements are described.


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One of the main sources of anthropogenic radionuclides in the ocean is the global fallout resulting from the nuclear tests that had been conducted by the United States, the former Soviet Union, and other countries between 1945 and 1990 mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. The most extensive fallout was observed in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in 1963 immediately after the nuclear tests of 1961-1962 conducted by the United States and the Soviet Union. In 2006-2009, under the auspices of an agreement between the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Center of Antarctic and Marine Research of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of India, cooperative geological and geochemical investigations were organized in several regions of the Indian Ocean. During these expeditions, the spatial distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides was investigated in the water of the Indian Ocean. The main results of these investigations are reported in this paper.