1000 resultados para SPACE MISSION
Context. To date, the CoRoT space mission has produced more than 124 471 light curves. Classifying these curves in terms of unambiguous variab ility behavior is mandatory for obtaining an unbi ased statistical view on th eir controlling root-causes. Aims. The present study provides an overview of semi-sinusoidal light curves observed by the CoRoT exo-field CCDs. Methods. We selected a sample of 4206 light curves presenting well-defined semi-si nusoidal signatures. Th e variability periods were computed based on Lomb-Scargle periodograms, harmonic fits, and visual inspection. Results. Color–period diagrams for the present sample show the trend of an increase of the variability periods as long as the stars evolve. This evolutionary behavior is also noticed when comparing the period distribution in the Galactic center and anti-center directions. These aspect s indicate a compatibility with stellar rotation, although more inform ation is needed to confirm their root- causes. Considering this possi bility, we identified a subset of th ree Sun-like candidates by their photometric peri od. Finally, the variability period versus color diagr am behavior was found to be highly depe ndent on the reddening correction.
The Gaia space mission is a major project for the European astronomical community. As challenging as it is, the processing and analysis of the huge data-flow incoming from Gaia is the subject of thorough study and preparatory work by the DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium), in charge of all aspects of the Gaia data reduction. This PhD Thesis was carried out in the framework of the DPAC, within the team based in Bologna. The task of the Bologna team is to define the calibration model and to build a grid of spectro-photometric standard stars (SPSS) suitable for the absolute flux calibration of the Gaia G-band photometry and the BP/RP spectrophotometry. Such a flux calibration can be performed by repeatedly observing each SPSS during the life-time of the Gaia mission and by comparing the observed Gaia spectra to the spectra obtained by our ground-based observations. Due to both the different observing sites involved and the huge amount of frames expected (≃100000), it is essential to maintain the maximum homogeneity in data quality, acquisition and treatment, and a particular care has to be used to test the capabilities of each telescope/instrument combination (through the “instrument familiarization plan”), to devise methods to keep under control, and eventually to correct for, the typical instrumental effects that can affect the high precision required for the Gaia SPSS grid (a few % with respect to Vega). I contributed to the ground-based survey of Gaia SPSS in many respects: with the observations, the instrument familiarization plan, the data reduction and analysis activities (both photometry and spectroscopy), and to the maintenance of the data archives. However, the field I was personally responsible for was photometry and in particular relative photometry for the production of short-term light curves. In this context I defined and tested a semi-automated pipeline which allows for the pre-reduction of imaging SPSS data and the production of aperture photometry catalogues ready to be used for further analysis. A series of semi-automated quality control criteria are included in the pipeline at various levels, from pre-reduction, to aperture photometry, to light curves production and analysis.
High reflective materials in the microwave region play a very important role in the realization of antenna reflectors for a broad range of applications, including radiometry. These reflectors have a characteristic emissivity which needs to be characterized accurately in order to perform a correct radiometric calibration of the instrument. Such a characterization can be performed by using open resonators, waveguide cavities or by radiometric measurements. The latter consists of comparative radiometric observations of absorbers, reference mirrors and the sample under test, or using the cold sky radiation as a direct reference source. While the first two mentioned techniques are suitable for the characterization of metal plates and mirrors, the latter has the advantages to be also applicable to soft materials. This paper describes how, through this radiometric techniques, it is possible to characterize the emissivity of the sample relative to a reference mirror and how to characterize the absolute emissivity of the latter by performing measurements at different incident angles. The results presented in this paper are based on our investigations on emissivity of a multilayer insulation material (MLI) for space mission, at the frequencies of 22 and 90 GHz.
This PhD work is focused on liquid crystal based tunable phase devices with special emphasis on their design and manufacturing. In the course of the work a number of new manufacturing technologies have been implemented in the UPM clean room facilities, leading to an important improvement in the range of devices being manufactured in the laboratory. Furthermore, a number of novel phase devices have been developed, all of them including novel electrodes, and/or alignment layers. The most important manufacturing progress has been the introduction of reactive ion etching as a tool for achieving high resolution photolithography on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) coated glass and quartz substrates. Another important manufacturing result is the successful elaboration of a binding protocol of anisotropic conduction adhesives. These have been employed in high density interconnections between ITO-glass and flexible printed circuits. Regarding material characterization, the comparative study of nonstoichiometric silicon oxide (SiOx) and silica (SiO2) inorganic alignment layers, as well as the relationship between surface layer deposition, layer morphology and liquid crystal electrooptical response must be highlighted, together with the characterization of the degradation of liquid crystal devices in simulated space mission environment. A wide variety of phase devices have been developed, with special emphasis on beam steerers. One of these was developed within the framework of an ESA project, and consisted of a high density reconfigurable 1D blaze grating, with a spatial separation of the controlling microelectronics and the active, radiation exposed, area. The developed devices confirmed the assumption that liquid crystal devices with such a separation of components, are radiation hard, and can be designed to be both vibration and temperature sturdy. In parallel to the above, an evenly variable analog beam steering device was designed, manufactured and characterized, providing a narrow cone diffraction free beam steering. This steering device is characterized by a very limited number of electrodes necessary for the redirection of a light beam. As few as 4 different voltage levels were needed in order to redirect a light beam. Finally at the Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (Military University of Technology) in Warsaw, Poland, a wedged analog tunable beam steering device was designed, manufactured and characterized. This beam steerer, like the former one, was designed to resist the harsh conditions both in space and in the context of the shuttle launch. Apart from the beam steering devices, reconfigurable vortices and modal lens devices have been manufactured and characterized. In summary, during this work a large number of liquid crystal devices and liquid crystal device manufacturing technologies have been developed. Besides their relevance in scientific publications and technical achievements, most of these new devices have demonstrated their usefulness in the actual work of the research group where this PhD has been completed. El presente trabajo de Tesis se ha centrado en el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de nuevos dispositivos de fase basados en cristal líquido. Actualmente se están desarrollando dispositivos basados en cristal líquido para aplicaciones diferentes a su uso habitual como displays. Poseen la ventaja de que los dispositivos pueden ser controlados por bajas tensiones y no necesitan elementos mecánicos para su funcionamiento. La fabricación de todos los dispositivos del presente trabajo se ha realizado en la cámara limpia del grupo. La cámara limpia ha sido diseñada por el grupo de investigación, es de dimensiones reducidas pero muy versátil. Está dividida en distintas áreas de trabajo dependiendo del tipo de proceso que se lleva a cabo. La cámara limpia está completamente cubierta de un material libre de polvo. Todas las entradas de suministro de gas y agua están selladas. El aire filtrado es constantemente bombeado dentro de la zona limpia, a fin de crear una sobrepresión evitando así la entrada de aire sin filtrar. Las personas que trabajan en esta zona siempre deben de estar protegidas con un traje especial. Se utilizan trajes especiales que constan de: mono, máscara, guantes de látex, gorro, patucos y gafas de protección UV, cuando sea necesario. Para introducir material dentro de la cámara limpia se debe limpiar con alcohol y paños especiales y posteriormente secarlos con nitrógeno a presión. La fabricación debe seguir estrictamente unos pasos determinados, que pueden cambiar dependiendo de los requerimientos de cada dispositivo. Por ello, la fabricación de dispositivos requiere la formulación de varios protocolos de fabricación. Estos protocolos deben ser estrictamente respetados a fin de obtener repetitividad en los experimentos, lo que lleva siempre asociado un proceso de fabricación fiable. Una célula de cristal líquido está compuesta (de forma general) por dos vidrios ensamblados (sándwich) y colocados a una distancia determinada. Los vidrios se han sometido a una serie de procesos para acondicionar las superficies internas. La célula se llena con cristal líquido. De forma resumida, el proceso de fabricación general es el siguiente: inicialmente, se cortan los vidrios (cuya cara interna es conductora) y se limpian. Después se imprimen las pistas sobre el vidrio formando los píxeles. Estas pistas conductoras provienen del vidrio con la capa conductora de ITO (óxido de indio y estaño). Esto se hace a través de un proceso de fotolitografía con una resina fotosensible, y un desarrollo y ataque posterior del ITO sin protección. Más tarde, las caras internas de los vidrios se acondicionan depositando una capa, que puede ser orgánica o inorgánica (un polímero o un óxido). Esta etapa es crucial para el funcionamiento del dispositivo: induce la orientación de las moléculas de cristal líquido. Una vez que las superficies están acondicionadas, se depositan espaciadores en las mismas: son pequeñas esferas o cilindros de tamaño calibrado (pocos micrómetros) para garantizar un espesor homogéneo del dispositivo. Después en uno de los sustratos se deposita un adhesivo (gasket). A continuación, los sustratos se ensamblan teniendo en cuenta que el gasket debe dejar una boca libre para que el cristal líquido se introduzca posteriormente dentro de la célula. El llenado de la célula se realiza en una cámara de vacío y después la boca se sella. Por último, la conexión de los cables a la célula y el montaje de los polarizadores se realizan fuera de la sala limpia (Figura 1). Dependiendo de la aplicación, el cristal líquido empleado y los demás componentes de la célula tendrán unas características particulares. Para el diseño de los dispositivos de este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de superficies inorgánicas de alineamiento del cristal líquido, que será de gran importancia para la preparación de los dispositivos de fase, dependiendo de las condiciones ambientales en las que vayan a trabajar. Los materiales inorgánicos que se han estudiado han sido en este caso SiOx y SiO2. El estudio ha comprendido tanto los factores de preparación influyentes en el alineamiento, el comportamiento del cristal líquido al variar estos factores y un estudio de la morfología de las superficies obtenidas.
A lo largo de este proyecto se han tratado las diferentes fases que tienen lugar durante el desarrollo del programa de Diseño y Verificación de una Bocina en Banda C destinada a un satélite comercial de comunicaciones. En un primer lugar, se introduce el proyecto en el mundo real realizando una pequeña aproximación a los satélites artificiales y su historia. Después, en una primera fase, se describen los diversos puntos de la etapa de diseño y los resultados de la simulación de nuestra Antena. Se estudian por separado los diferentes elementos que componen el equipo, y además, se realiza un análisis de los parámetros eléctricos que se deben tener en cuenta durante el diseño para adaptar el comportamiento de la Antena a los requisitos solicitados por el cliente. Antes de realizar la verificación de la Antena, se procede a la definición de los ensayos, que se debe realizar sobre el equipo con el fin de simular las condiciones a las que se verá sometido. Pruebas y medidas, niveles de test, etc. que nos ayudan a demostrar que nuestra Antena está preparada para realizar su misión en el espacio. Se hará una descripción sobre la forma de realizar de los ensayos y de las instalaciones donde se van a llevar a cabo, además del orden que llevaremos durante la campaña. Una vez determinados los test y con la Antena fabricada y lista, se procede a la Verificación de nuestro equipo mediante la Campaña de Ensayos con el objetivo de caracterizar por completo el funcionamiento de nuestra Antena en cualquier circunstancia. Se muestran los resultados obtenidos en los test siguiendo el orden establecido por el Test Plan. Medidas en Laboratorio y Radiación, los test de vibración y las pruebas ambientales en las Cámaras Térmicas de Vacío, y medidas eléctricas en condiciones extremas de temperatura y presión. Y una vez realizada la Campaña, se vuelve a medir la Antena para comprobar el funcionamiento tras soportar todos los ensayos. Se analizan los resultados obtenidos en cada una de las pruebas y se comparan con las simulaciones obtenidas durante la fase de diseño. Finalmente, se realiza un pequeño resumen de los valores más importantes obtenidos durante la Verificación y exponen las Conclusiones que se desprende de dicho proceso. Como último punto del proyecto, se estudian las correcciones y mejoras que se podrán llevar a cabo en futuros programas gracias a lo que hemos aprendido en este proyecto. Abstract This project presents a C Band Horn Antenna for a commercial communications satellite. All the different phases from Design to Verification are presented. First of all, an introduction to artificial satellites and their history is presented to put this project into perspective. Next, the electrical design of the Antenna is presented. Taking into account the theoretical fundamentals, each element that comprises this Antenna was designed. Their electrical performances, obtained from analysis using commercial software, are presented in the simulation results. In the design of each element of the antenna, some critical parameters are set and optimized in order to be compliant with the global requirements requested by the customer. After the design is completed, it is necessary to define the Test Campaign that has to be carried out in order to verify the validity of the designed and manufactured Antenna. Therefore, a Test Plan and the Electrical and Environmental Test Procedures are defined. This Test Campaign must be representative of the same conditions of the real space mission. Considering this, the following are defined: parameters for the network analyzer and radiation patterns measurements; test levels for the environmental test; definition of the RF measurements to be carried out and the temperatures to be applied in the thermal vacuum cycling. If the Antenna surpasses these tests, it will be ready to perform its mission in space over the entire satellite’s life cycle. The facilities where the tests are performed, as well as the sequence of the tests along the campaign are described too. After that, the Test Campaign is performed to fully characterize the Antenna in the space simulated conditions. Following the order established in the Test Plan, a radiation pattern and laboratory parameters are measured to correlate its electrical response with the simulations. Then, vibration and thermal vacuum tests are performed to verify its behavior in extreme environmental conditions. Last, if the final electrical results are the same as the initial ones, it can be stated that the antenna has successfully passed the Test Campaign. And finally, conclusions obtained from the data simulation design and Test Campaign results are presented. Status of Compliance with the specification is shown to demonstrate that the Antenna fulfills the requested requirements. Although the purpose of this project is to design and verify the response of C Band Horn Antenna, it is important to highlight improvements for future developments and the lessons learnt during this project.
There is evidence of past Near-Earth-Objects (NEOs) impacts on Earth and several studies indicating that even relatively small objects are capable of causing large local damage, either directly or in combination with other phenomena, e.g. tsunamis. This paper describes a space mission concept to demonstrate some of the key technologies to rendezvous with an asteroid and accurately measure its trajectory during and after a deflection maneuver. The mission, called SIROCO, makes use of the recently proposed ion beam shepherd (IBS) concept where a stream of accelerated plasma ions is directed against the surface of a small NEO resulting in a net transmitted deflection force. We show that by carefully selecting the target NEO a measurable deflection can be obtained in a few weeks of continuous thrust with a small spacecraft and state of the art electric propulsion hardware.
On 22nd February '96, the space mission STS 75 started ,from the NASA facilities at Cape Canaveral. Such a mission consists in the launch of the shuttle Columbia in order to carry out two experiments in the space: the TSS 1R (Tethered Satellite Sistem 1 Refliight) and the USMP (United States Microgravity Payload). The TSS 1R is a replica of a similar mission TSS 1 '92. The TSS space programme is a bilateral scientific cooperation between the USA space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency) and the ASI (Italian Space Agency. The TSS 1R system consists on the shuttle Columbia which deploys, up-ward, by means a conducting tether 20 km long, a spherical satellite (1.5 mt diameter) containing scientific instrumentation. This system, orbiting at about 300 km from the Earth's surface, represents, presently, the largest experimental space structure, Due to its dimensions, flexibility and conducting properties of the tether, the system interacts, in a quite complex manner, wih the earth magnetic field and the ionospheric plasma, in a way that the total system behaves as an electromagnetic radiating antenna as well as an electric power generator. Twelve scientific experiments have been assessed by US and Italian scientists in order to study the electro dynamic behaviour of the structure orbiting in the ionos phere. Two experiments have been prepared in the attempt to receive on the Earth's surface possible electromagnetic events radiated by the TSS 1R. The project EMET (Electro Magnetic Emissions from Tether),USA and the project OESEE (Observations on the Earth Surface of Electromagnetic Emissions) Italy, consist in a coordinated programme of passive detection of such possible EM emissions. This detection will supply the verification of some thoretical hypotheses on the electrodynamic interactions between the orbiting system, the Earth's magnetic field and the ionospheric plasma with two principal aims as the technological assesment of the system concept as well as a deeper knowledge of the ionosphere properties for future space applications. A theoretical model that keeps the peculiarities of tether emissionsis being developed for signal prediction at constant tether current. As a step previous to the calculation of the expected ground signal , the Alfven-wave signature left by the tether far back in the ionosphere has been determined. The scientific expectations from the combined effort to measure the entity of those perturbations will be outlined taking in to account the used ground track sensor systems.
Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.
Binary systems are key environments to study the fundamental properties of stars. In this work, we analyze 99 binary systems identified by the CoRoT space mission. From the study of the phase diagrams of these systems, our sample is divided into three groups: those whose systems are characterized by the variability relative to the binary eclipses; those presenting strong modulations probably due to the presence of stellar spots on the surface of star; and those whose systems have variability associated with the expansion and contraction of the surface layers. For eclipsing binary stars, phase diagrams are used to estimate the classification in regard to their morphology, based on the study of equipotential surfaces. In this context, to determine the rotation period, and to identify the presence of active regions, and to investigate if the star exhibits or not differential rotation and study stellar pulsation, we apply the wavelet procedure. The wavelet transform has been used as a powerful tool in the treatment of a large number of problems in astrophysics. Through the wavelet transform, one can perform an analysis in time-frequency light curves rich in details that contribute significantly to the study of phenomena associated with the rotation, the magnetic activity and stellar pulsations. In this work, we apply Morlet wavelet (6th order), which offers high time and frequency resolution and obtain local (energy distribution of the signal) and global (time integration of local map) wavelet power spectra. Using the wavelet analysis, we identify thirteen systems with periodicities related to the rotational modulation, besides the beating pattern signature in the local wavelet map of five pulsating stars over the entire time span.
The most promising concept for low frequency (millihertz to hertz) gravitational wave observatories are laser interferometric detectors in space. It is usually assumed that the noise floor for such a detector is dominated by optical shot noise in the signal readout. For this to be true, a careful balance of mission parameters is crucial to keep all other parasitic disturbances below shot noise. We developed a web application that uses over 30 input parameters and considers many important technical noise sources and noise suppression techniques to derive a realistic position noise budget. It optimizes free parameters automatically and generates a detailed report on all individual noise contributions. Thus one can easily explore the entire parameter space and design a realistic gravitational wave observatory. In this document we describe the different parameters, present all underlying calculations, and compare the final observatory's sensitivity with astrophysical sources of gravitational waves. We use as an example parameters currently assumed to be likely applied to a space mission proposed to be launched in 2034 by the European Space Agency. The web application itself is publicly available on the Internet at http://spacegravity.org/designer. Future versions of the web application will incorporate the frequency dependence of different noise sources and include a more detailed model of the observatory's residual acceleration noise.
Solder-joining using metallic solder alloys is an alternative to adhesive bonding. Laser-based soldering processes are especially well suited for the joining of optical components made of fragile and brittle materials such as glasses, ceramics and optical crystals due to a localized and minimized input of thermal energy. The Solderjet Bumping technique is used to assemble a miniaturized laser resonator in order to obtain higher robustness, wider thermal conductivity performance, higher vacuum and radiation compatibility, and better heat and long term stability compared with identical glued devices. The resulting assembled compact and robust green diode-pumped solid-state laser is part of the future Raman Laser Spectrometer designed for the Exomars European Space Agency (ESA) space mission 2018.
EChO (Exoplanet atmospheres Characterization Observatory), a proposal for exoplanets exploration space mission, is considered the next step for planetary atmospheres characterization. It would be a dedicated observatory to uncover a large selected sample of planets spanning a wide range of masses (from gas giants to super-Earths) and orbital temperatures (from hot to habitable). All targets move around stars of spectral types F, G, K, and M. EChO would provide an unprecedented view of the atmospheres of planets in the solar neighbourhood. The consortium formed by various institutions of different countries proposed as ESA M3 an integrated spectrometer payload for EChO covering the wavelength interval 0.4 to 16 µm. This instrument is subdivided into 4 channels: a visible channel, which includes a fine guidance system (FGS) and a VIS spectrometer, a near infrared channel (SWiR), a middle infrared channel (MWiR), and a long wave infrared module (LWiR). In addition, it contains a common set of optics spectrally dividing the wavelength coverage and injecting the combined light of parent stars and their exoplanets into the different channels. The proposed payload meets all of the key performance requirements detailed in the ESA call for proposals as well as all scientific goals. EChO payload is based on different spectrometers covering the spectral range mentioned above. Among them, SWiR spectrometer would work from 2.45 microns to 5.45 microns. In this paper, the optical and mechanical designs of the SWiR channel instrument are reported on.
The idea of spacecraft formations, flying in tight configurations with maximum baselines of a few hundred meters in low-Earth orbits, has generated widespread interest over the last several years. Nevertheless, controlling the movement of spacecraft in formation poses difficulties, such as in-orbit high-computing demand and collision avoidance capabilities, which escalate as the number of units in the formation is increased and complicated nonlinear effects are imposed to the dynamics, together with uncertainty which may arise from the lack of knowledge of system parameters. These requirements have led to the need of reliable linear and nonlinear controllers in terms of relative and absolute dynamics. The objective of this thesis is, therefore, to introduce new control methods to allow spacecraft in formation, with circular/elliptical reference orbits, to efficiently execute safe autonomous manoeuvres. These controllers distinguish from the bulk of literature in that they merge guidance laws never applied before to spacecraft formation flying and collision avoidance capacities into a single control strategy. For this purpose, three control schemes are presented: linear optimal regulation, linear optimal estimation and adaptive nonlinear control. In general terms, the proposed control approaches command the dynamical performance of one or several followers with respect to a leader to asymptotically track a time-varying nominal trajectory (TVNT), while the threat of collision between the followers is reduced by repelling accelerations obtained from the collision avoidance scheme during the periods of closest proximity. Linear optimal regulation is achieved through a Riccati-based tracking controller. Within this control strategy, the controller provides guidance and tracking toward a desired TVNT, optimizing fuel consumption by Riccati procedure using a non-infinite cost function defined in terms of the desired TVNT, while repelling accelerations generated from the CAS will ensure evasive actions between the elements of the formation. The relative dynamics model, suitable for circular and eccentric low-Earth reference orbits, is based on the Tschauner and Hempel equations, and includes a control input and a nonlinear term corresponding to the CAS repelling accelerations. Linear optimal estimation is built on the forward-in-time separation principle. This controller encompasses two stages: regulation and estimation. The first stage requires the design of a full state feedback controller using the state vector reconstructed by means of the estimator. The second stage requires the design of an additional dynamical system, the estimator, to obtain the states which cannot be measured in order to approximately reconstruct the full state vector. Then, the separation principle states that an observer built for a known input can also be used to estimate the state of the system and to generate the control input. This allows the design of the observer and the feedback independently, by exploiting the advantages of linear quadratic regulator theory, in order to estimate the states of a dynamical system with model and sensor uncertainty. The relative dynamics is described with the linear system used in the previous controller, with a control input and nonlinearities entering via the repelling accelerations from the CAS during collision avoidance events. Moreover, sensor uncertainty is added to the control process by considering carrier-phase differential GPS (CDGPS) velocity measurement error. An adaptive control law capable of delivering superior closed-loop performance when compared to the certainty-equivalence (CE) adaptive controllers is finally presented. A novel noncertainty-equivalence controller based on the Immersion and Invariance paradigm for close-manoeuvring spacecraft formation flying in both circular and elliptical low-Earth reference orbits is introduced. The proposed control scheme achieves stabilization by immersing the plant dynamics into a target dynamical system (or manifold) that captures the desired dynamical behaviour. They key feature of this methodology is the addition of a new term to the classical certainty-equivalence control approach that, in conjunction with the parameter update law, is designed to achieve adaptive stabilization. This parameter has the ultimate task of shaping the manifold into which the adaptive system is immersed. The performance of the controller is proven stable via a Lyapunov-based analysis and Barbalat’s lemma. In order to evaluate the design of the controllers, test cases based on the physical and orbital features of the Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission Technology Advancement (PRISMA) are implemented, extending the number of elements in the formation into scenarios with reconfigurations and on-orbit position switching in elliptical low-Earth reference orbits. An extensive analysis and comparison of the performance of the controllers in terms of total Δv and fuel consumption, with and without the effects of the CAS, is presented. These results show that the three proposed controllers allow the followers to asymptotically track the desired nominal trajectory and, additionally, those simulations including CAS show an effective decrease of collision risk during the performance of the manoeuvre.
With continually increasing demands for improvements to atmospheric and planetary remote-sensing instrumentation, for both high optical system performance and extended operational lifetimes, an investigation to access the effects of prolonged exposure of the space environment to a series of infrared interference filters and optical materials was promoted on the NASA LDEF mission. The NASA Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) was launchd by the Space Shuttle to transport various science and technology experiments both to and from space, providing investigators with the opportunity to study the effects of the space environment on materials and systems used in space-flight applications. Preliminary results to be discussed consist of transmission measurements obtained and processed from an infrared spectrophotometer both before (1983) and after (1990) exposure compared with unexposed control specimens, together with results of detailed microscopic and general visual examinations performed on the experiment. The principle lead telluride (PbTe) and Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) based multilayer filters selected for this preliminary investigation consist of : an 8-12µm low pass edge filter, a 10.6µm 2.5% half bandwidth (HBW) double half-wave narrow bandpass filter, and a 10% HBW triple half-wave wide bandpass filter at 15µm. Optical substrates of MgF2 and KRS-5 (T1BrI) will also be discussed.
CloudSat is a satellite experiment designed to measure the vertical structure of clouds from space. The expected launch of CloudSat is planned for 2004, and once launched, CloudSat will orbit in formation as part of a constellation of satellites (the A-Train) that includes NASA's Aqua and Aura satellites, a NASA-CNES lidar satellite (CALIPSO), and a CNES satellite carrying a polarimeter (PARASOL). A unique feature that CloudSat brings to this constellation is the ability to fly a precise orbit enabling the fields of view of the CloudSat radar to be overlapped with the CALIPSO lidar footprint and the other measurements of the constellation. The precision and near simultaneity of this overlap creates a unique multisatellite observing system for studying the atmospheric processes essential to the hydrological cycle.The vertical profiles of cloud properties provided by CloudSat on the global scale fill a critical gap in the investigation of feedback mechanisms linking clouds to climate. Measuring these profiles requires a combination of active and passive instruments, and this will be achieved by combining the radar data of CloudSat with data from other active and passive sensors of the constellation. This paper describes the underpinning science and general overview of the mission, provides some idea of the expected products and anticipated application of these products, and the potential capability of the A-Train for cloud observations. Notably, the CloudSat mission is expected to stimulate new areas of research on clouds. The mission also provides an important opportunity to demonstrate active sensor technology for future scientific and tactical applications. The CloudSat mission is a partnership between NASA's JPL, the Canadian Space Agency, Colorado State University, the U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. Department of Energy.