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In spite of the high prevalence and negative impact of depression, little is known about its pathophysiology. Basic research on depression needs new animal models in order to increase knowledge of the disease and search for new therapies. The work presented here aims to provide a neurobiologically validated model for investigating the relationships among sickness behavior, antidepressants treatment, and social dominance behavior. For this purpose, dominant individuals from dyads of male Swiss mice were treated with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce social hierarchy destabilization. Two groups were treated with the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine prior to LPS administration. In these groups, antidepressant treatment prevented the occurrence of social destabilization. These results indicate that this model could be useful in providing new insights into the understanding of the brain systems involved in depression.


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Research consistently shows that personality development is a lifelong phenomenon, with mean-level and rank-order changes occurring in all life phases. What happens during specific life phases that can explain these developmental patterns? In the present paper, we review literature linking personality development in different phases of adulthood to developmental tasks associated with these phases. Building on previous work, we describe several categories of developmental tasks that are present in all phases of adulthood. However, the specific tasks within these categories change across adulthood from establishing new social roles in early adulthood to maintaining them in middle adulthood and preventing losses in old age. This trajectory is reflected in mean-level changes in personality, which indicates development towards greater maturity (increases in social dominance, conscientiousness, and emotional stability) in early and middle adulthood, but less so at the end of life. Importantly, developmental tasks are not only associated with mean-level changes, but the way in which people deal with these tasks is also related to rank-order changes in personality. We provide an outlook for future research on how the influence of historical time on the normativeness of developmental tasks might be reflected in personality development.


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Objective: Impaired social interactions and repetitive behavior are key features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In the present study we compared social decision-making in subjects with and without ASD. Subjects performed five social decision-making games in order to assess trust, fairness, cooperation & competition behavior and social value orientation. Methods: 19 adults with autism spectrum disorder and 17 controls, matched for age and education, participated in the study. Each subject performed five social decision-making tasks. In the trust game, subjects could maximize their gain by sharing some of their money with another person. In the punishment game, subjects played two versions of the Dictator’s Dilemma. In the dictator condition they could share an amount of 0-100 points with another person. In the punishment condition, the opponent was able to punish the subject if he/she was not satisfied with the amount of points received. In the cooperation game, subjects played with a small group of 3 people. Each of them could (anonymously) select an amount of 5, 7.5 or 10 Swiss francs. The goal of the game was to achieve a high group minimum. In the competition game, subjects performed a dexterity task. Before performing the task, they were asked whether they wanted to compete (winner takes it all) or cooperation (sharing the joint achieved amount of points) with a randomly selected person. Lastly, subjects performed a social value orientation task where they were playing for themselves and for another person. Results: There was no overall difference between healthy controls an ASD subjects in investment in the trust game. However, healthy controls increased their investment over number of trials whereas ASD subjects did not. A similar pattern was found for the punishment game. Furthermore, ASD subjects revealed a decreased investment in the dictator condition of the punishment game. There were no mean differences in competition behavior and social value orientation. Conclusions: The results provide evidence for differences between ASD subjects and healthy controls in social decision-making. Subjects with ASD showed a more consistent behavior than healthy controls in the trust game and the dictator dilemma. The present findings provide evidence for impaired social learning in ASD.


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Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a GHB-/GABAB-receptor agonist. Reports from GHB abusers indicate euphoric, prosocial, and empathogenic effects of the drug. We measured the effects of GHB on mood, prosocial behavior, social and non-social cognition and assessed potential underlying neuroendocrine mechanisms. GHB (20mg/kg) was tested in 16 healthy males, using a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. Subjective effects on mood were assessed by visual-analogue-scales and the GHB-Specific-Questionnaire. Prosocial behavior was examined by the Charity Donation Task, the Social Value Orientation test, and the Reciprocity Task. Reaction time, memory, empathy, and theory-of-mind were also tested. Blood plasma levels of GHB, oxytocin, testosterone, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), cortisol, aldosterone, and adrenocorticotropic-hormone (ACTH) were determined. GHB showed stimulating and sedating effects, and elicited euphoria, disinhibition, and enhanced vitality. In participants with low prosociality, the drug increased donations and prosocial money distributions. In contrast, social cognitive abilities such as emotion recognition, empathy, and theory-of-mind, and basal cognitive functions were not affected. GHB increased plasma progesterone, while oxytocin and testosterone, cortisol, aldosterone, DHEA, and ACTH levels remained unaffected. GHB has mood-enhancing and prosocial effects without affecting social hormones such as oxytocin and testosterone. These data suggest a potential involvement of GHB-/GABAB-receptors and progesterone in mood and prosocial behavior.


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La empresa social es un modelo organizativo que presenta un interesante potencial para resolver problemáticas sociales. La empresa social ha despertado interés tanto en países industrializados como en economías en vías de desarrollo porque representa un modelo dentro del capitalismo que persigue objetivos sociales mediante la realización de actividades de mercado (compra y venta de productos y/o servicios principalmente). A pesar de sus raíces lejanas en el tiempo se trata de un campo de conocimiento relativamente joven, donde la literatura académica presenta escasez de estudios empíricos. El desarrollo teórico para buscar claridad conceptual ha sido el principal caballo de batalla de los últimos años, y por tanto, se ha prestado poca atención a generar evidencias sobre cómo funcionan las empresas sociales y sobre sus claves de su éxito. Se considera que la mejora en la comprensión de este modelo organizativo pasa por la construcción de herramientas para que académicos y practicantes mejoren su conocimiento sobre los mecanismos internos de las empresas sociales. En este contexto nace la presente tesis doctoral sobre empresa social, que tiene por objetivo la creación de un marco de análisis que permita el estudio de las empresas sociales desde una dimensión organizativa, es decir, que aborde los elementos clave que describen el funcionamiento de este tipo de organizaciones. Para ello, en este trabajo se aborda la construcción del modelo para el análisis organizativo de las empresas sociales a partir del análisis semántico de las 45 principales definiciones de empresa social. A partir de este análisis se identifican dos dimensiones de análisis de la empresa social: -Cuatro principios, comunes a todas las manifestaciones del fenómeno, que recogen la esencia del concepto. -Ocho elementos organizativos específicos de la empresa social que describen la forma en la que cada iniciativa se implementa en un contexto determinado. Es decir, elementos de diseño presentes en diferente medida que dan lugar a tipologías de empresa social diferentes. Estos elementos son: la proposición de valor social, la búsqueda de impacto a largo plazo, la cultura organizativa, la conexión con los beneficiarios, el liderazgo emprendedor y los mecanismos de gobernanza, el ecosistema colaborativo, la estrategia empresarial y la orientación a la autosuficiencia económica. A partir de este marco de análisis, se construyen dos herramientas de diagnóstico que permiten su aplicación al estudio de empresas sociales: una tabla de indicadores para el análisis externo (por parte de un investigador ajeno a la organización) y un cuestionario de diagnóstico para el análisis interno (a través del personal de la empresa social objeto de estudio). Las herramientas intentan dar respuesta a la necesidad de desarrollar constructos para el estudio empírico de las empresas sociales. Para analizar la utilidad del modelo y de las herramientas se llevaron a cabo tres estudios de caso: -La empresa social ACCIONA Microenergía Perú que proporciona energía eléctrica a comunidades rurales aisladas en la región peruana de Cajamarca. -La empresa social Integra-e que propone un mecanismo de inserción socio-laboral en Madrid para jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión a través de la formación en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). -Un conjunto de redes de telecentros pertenecientes a la red LAC de la fundación Telecentres.org que proporcionan acceso a servicios de información (Internet entre otros) en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. La aplicación de las herramientas mostró ser útil en los tres estudios de caso para obtener una relación de evidencias con las que analizar la proximidad de una organización al ideal de empresa social. El ejercicio de análisis también resultó interesante como ejercicio reflexivo para las entidades participantes. Los resultados del cuestionario fueron especialmente interesantes en los telecentros de la Fundación Telecentre.org ya que al ser un estudio multicaso se pudo realizar un rico análisis estadístico sobre el funcionamiento de los telecentros y su desempeño. El estudio permitió identificar relaciones interesantes entre los ocho elementos de diseño del modelo propuesto y el desempeño de la organización. En particular, se detectó que para todos los casos estudiados: -La dimensión económica es la componente del desempeño que mayor desafíos plantea. -La existencia de una alta correlación entre el desempeño y siete de los ocho elementos organizativos del modelo. -La importancia de la cultura organizativa como elemento que explica el desempeño global de la organización y la satisfacción de los empleados. El campo de la empresa social presenta importantes retos de futuro, como la claridad conceptual, el desarrollo de estudios empíricos y la medida de su impacto social. El conocimiento de las claves organizativas puede ayudar a diseñar empresas sociales más robustas o a que organizaciones con fines sociales que no se basan en mecanismos de mercado consideren la posibilidad de incorporar éstos en su estrategia. ABSTRACT Social enterprise is an organizational model with a strong potential to help solving social problems. Recently, interest for the model has risen in both industrialized and developing countries because it is organized to achieve altruistic or social goals through market activities (mainly sales of products and services). Despite its historic roots, it is a relatively young field of research, where academic literature has little empirical data to accompany the theoretical development of social enterprise. Conceptual clarification has been the main challenge during the recent years, and there has been little attention given to generate evidence on how social enterprises operate and their keys to success. Progress in empirical study involves the construction of tools for researchers, in order to increase understanding of the internal mechanisms of social enterprises. This thesis aims to create a conceptual framework to study social enterprises from an organizational point of view, by analyzing the key elements that explain the operation and organization of this organizational model. The framework for the organizational analysis of social enterprises was built supported by the semantic analysis of 45 main definitions of social enterprise. The framework is divided into two dimensions: -There are four principles which capture the essence of the social enterprise concept, and are present in the manifestations of cases. -There are eight design elements which help analyze the characteristics of each particular social enterprise initiative: the social value proposition, social impact orientation, organizational culture, links to beneficiaries, entrepreneurial leadership, collaborative ecosystem, entrepreneurial strategy and orientation to economic self-sufficiency. Two diagnostic tools were developed to apply the framework to case studies: a scoreboard of indicators (to be used by the researcher during external analysis of the organization) and a questionnaire (to be answered by the social enterprise staff). The dissertation undertakes the study of three case studies: -ACCIONA Microenergia Peru, a social enterprise that provides electricity to isolated rural communities in the Peruvian region of Cajamarca. -Integra-e, a social enterprise located in Madrid that promotes socioprofessional integration of young people through training in ICT. -A sample of telecenters of the LAC network that provide access to information services (such as Internet) in Latin America. Applying the tools proved to be useful in all three cases, because it helped to obtain evidence to compare the proximity of an organization to an ideal type of social enterprise. In all the cases studied, the economic sustainability proved to be the biggest challenge for the organizations. The application of the questionnaire to the telecenters was especially informative because it was a multicase study which provided a rich statistical analysis on the performance of call centers. The study identified unique relationships between the model elements and the organziation performance. A statistical analysis shows a high correlation between performance and seven organizational elements described in the model. The organizational culture seems to be an important factor in explaining the overall organizational performance and employee satisfaction. The field of social enterprise has significant future challenges -such as conceptual clarity, the development of empirical studies and social impact assessment. A deep understanding of key organizational aspects of social enterprises can help in the design of more robust organizations and to bring success to social-purpose organizations.


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An evolutionary framework for viewing the formation, the stability, the organizational structure, and the social dynamics of biological families is developed. This framework is based upon three conceptual pillars: ecological constraints theory, inclusive fitness theory, and reproductive skew theory. I offer a set of 15 predictions pertaining to living within family groups. The logic of each is discussed, and empirical evidence from family-living vertebrates is summarized. I argue that knowledge of four basic parameters, (i) genetic relatedness, (ii) social dominance, (iii) the benefits of group living, and (iv) the probable success of independent reproduction, can explain many aspects of family life in birds and mammals. I suggest that this evolutionary perspective will provide insights into understanding human family systems as well.


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This paper will explore how white privilege has been intertwined with the women's liberation movement in the United States. Feminism and its goals are described briefly and linked to an evaluation of white privilege within the movement. The feminist movement is explored throughout its three waves, including a class and race analysis of each separate period. In addition, this analysis focuses on how Black and Chicana women have been excluded from the mainstream, White, middle-class movement. Through the use of Social Dominance Theory (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999), the prevalence and impact of oppression and hierarchy are explored. The implications of oppression and exclusion in the current political climate are followed by suggestions for aligning the goals and direction of feminism with social justice.


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Group living animals must be able to express different behavior profiles depending on their social status. Therefore, the same genotype may translate into different behavioral phenotypes through socially driven differential gene expression. However, how social information is translated into a neurogenomic response and what are the specific cues in a social interaction that signal a change in social status are questions that have remained unanswered. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that the switch between status-specific neurogenomic states relies on the assessment of fight outcome rather than just on self- or opponent-only assessment of fighting ability. For this purpose, we manipulated the perception of fight outcome in male zebrafish and measured its impact on the brain transcriptome using a zebrafish whole genome gene chip. Males fought either a real opponent, and a winner and a loser were identified, or their own image on a mirror, in which case, despite expressing aggressive behavior, males did not experience either a victory or a defeat. Massive changes in the brain transcriptome were observed in real opponent fighters, with losers displaying both a higher number of differentially expressed genes and of coexpressed gene modules than winners. In contrast, mirror fighters expressed a neurogenomic state similar to that of noninteracting fish. The genes that responded to fight outcome included immediate early genes and genes involved in neuroplasticity and epigenetic modifications. These results indicate that, even in cognitively simple organisms such as zebrafish, neurogenomic responses underlying changes in social status rely on mutual assessment of fighting ability.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Les enfants atteints de déficience motrice cérébrale (DMC) intégrés en milieu scolaire ordinaire vivent davantage de difficultés relatives à la compétence sociale que les autres enfants. En lien avec le modèle SOCIAL de Beauchamp et Anderson (2010) (The socio-cognitive integration of abilities model), deux questions sont abordées afin de comprendre ces difficultés. Dans le premier article, les attributions d’intentions (AI) hostiles sont mesurées par le Home Interview with Child (HIWC), un ensemble de vignettes représentants des situations sociales ambigües. Les résultats montrent que l’acceptation sociale, plus que le statut de naissance, est associé à l’hostilité des AI à 15 ans. Les enfants rejetés et populaires ont un niveau d’AI hostiles supérieur aux enfants de la catégorie d’acceptation sociale moyenne. Il est proposé que l’acceptation sociale soit un médiateur important à considérer dans le développement d’un biais d’AI hostile chez les enfants atteints de DMC. Dans le deuxième article, la dominance sociale (i.e., une forme de leadership) est évaluée dans une situation de résolution de problème en équipe. Les comportements relatifs à la dominance sociale (i.e., les comportements prosociaux et coercitifs) sont codifiés à l’aide d’une grille créée et validée pour cette étude. Les résultats révèlent que, sans égard au score d’acceptation sociale, les enfants atteints de DMC effectuent significativement moins de comportements prosociaux et coercitifs que les enfants sans DMC au cours de la résolution de problème. De plus, leur équipe de travail émet un nombre de comportements prosociaux et coercitifs inférieur à celui observé dans l’équipe des deux enfants témoins. Les difficultés de compétence sociale observées chez les jeunes atteints de DMC pourraient être en partie expliquées par une faible dominance sociale lors d’activités sollicitant les fonctions exécutives. Enfin, les deux articles présentés permettent d’explorer de nouvelles avenues pour comprendre et soutenir le développement de la compétence sociale chez les enfants et les adolescents atteints de DMC. Les interventions auprès de cette clientèle devraient avoir lieu tôt et devraient cibler autant les habiletés motrices de ces jeunes que leur compétence sociale, avant que des signaux clairs ne compromettent déjà leur expérience sociale globale en milieu scolaire ordinaire.


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Partial migration has never been studied in pelagic seabirds, but investigating old unresolved questions in new contexts can provide useful fresh insights. We used geolocators and stable isotopes to investigate this phenomenon in a migratory pelagic seabird, the Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). Although most birds migrated to the southern hemisphere, 8.1% of studied birds (N = 172) remained close to the breeding colony (Selvagem Grande, Madeira, Portugal), foraging within the Canary current. Almost all resident birds were males, while age or body size did not predict migratory status. Despite displaying a high repeatability (R = 0.72) in the choice of wintering area, residency was not a fixed strategy and individuals could switch between migrating and staying in the Canary current in different years. The predictions resulting from the “body size” and the “social dominance” hypotheses, in which larger individuals or dominant individuals, respectively, remain closer to the breeding areas, were not supported by our data. Resident males were able to occupy the nesting burrows much earlier than migratory males and arrival time in this species is known to affect the probability of engaging in a reproductive attempt. The selective pressure to arrive early at the colony is therefore the most likely explanation for the maintenance of this partial migration system.


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The teleost fish nonapeptides, arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT), have been implicated in the regulation of social behavior. These peptides are expected to be involved in acute and transient changes in social context, in order to be efficient in modulating the expression of social behavior according to changes in the social environment. Here we tested the hypothesis that short-term social interactions are related to changes in the level of both nonapeptides across different brain regions. For this purpose we exposed male zebrafish to two types of social interactions: (1) real opponent interactions, from which a Winner and a Loser emerged; and (2) mirror-elicited interactions, that produced individuals that did not experience a change in social status despite expressing similar levels of aggressive behavior to those of participants in real-opponent fights. Non-interacting individuals were used as a reference group. Each social phenotype (i.e. Winners, Losers, Mirror-fighters) presented a specific brain profile of nonapeptides when compared to the reference group. Moreover, the comparison between the different social phenotypes allowed to address the specific aspects of the interaction (e.g. assessment of opponent aggressive behavior vs. self-assessment of expressed aggressive behavior) that are linked with neuropeptide responses. Overall, agonistic interactions seem to be more associated with the changes in brain AVT than IT, which highlights the preferential role of AVT in the regulation of aggressive behavior already described for other species.


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Aggression is a complex behavior that influences social relationships and can be seen as adaptive or maladaptive depending on the context and intensity of expression. A model organism suitable for genetic dissection of the underlying neural mechanisms of aggressive behavior is still needed. Zebrafish has already proven to be a powerful vertebrate model organism for the study of normal and pathological brain function. Despite the fact that zebrafish is a gregarious species that forms shoals, when allowed to interact in pairs, both males and females express aggressive behavior and establish dominance hierarchies. Here, we describe two protocols that can be used to quantify aggressive behavior in zebrafish, using two different paradigms: (1) staged fights between real opponents and (2) mirror-elicited fights. We also discuss the methodology for the behavior analysis, the expected results for both paradigms, and the advantages and disadvantages of each paradigm in face of the specific goals of the study.


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El modelo de Discovering Hands ha sido reconocido internacionalmente como un proyecto innovador que se ha expandido por diferentes países del mundo, como Austria, y se ha empezado a estudiar la propuesta en países como República Checa, India y Colombia. (Discovering Hands, 2016). Esto se debe a que no solo mejora el tratamiento de cáncer de mama, sino que también reduce los costos totales de tratamiento de la enfermedad y aumenta la fuerza laborar de los países donde esté presente. Al representar una gran oportunidad en diferentes aspectos, se quiso desarrollar un estudio de factibilidad del modelo de negocio en tres países de América Latina, Colombia –donde ya se encuentra en marcha un proyecto piloto liderado por la CAF en Cali - , Argentina y México. El presente trabajo consiste en dicho estudio de factibilidad, focalizado en México; por medio de este se buscaron tres cosas primordiales, conocer y estudiar el contexto del mercado y situación de salud en el país, analizar los datos recogidos, con el fin de proponer soluciones para disminuir una de las principales causas de muerte en el país. Actualmente en México el 52% de casos de cáncer de mama diagnosticados sucede en etapas tardías, aumentando el riesgo de muerte de los pacientes (Colima, 2013). Con el estudio se logró identificar una oportunidad potencial para Discovering Hands siendo su estrategia un recurso adicional para contribuir a mejorar el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama en el país y debido a esto se presenta un modelo de negocio adaptable a las necesidades mexicanas


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Alexander’s Ecological Dominance and Social Competition (EDSC) model currently provides the most comprehensive overview of human traits in the development of a theory of human evolution and sociality (Alexander, 1990; Finn, Geary & Ward, 2005; Irons, 2005). His model provides a basis for explaining the evolution of human socio-cognitive abilities. Our paper examines the extension of Alexander’s model to incorporate the human trait of information behavior in synergy with ecological dominance and social competition as a human socio-cognitive competence. This paper discusses the various interdisciplinary perspectives exploring how evolution has shaped information behavior and why information behavior is emerging as an important human socio-cognitive competence. This paper outlines these issues, including the extension of Spink and Currier’s (2006a,b) evolution of information behavior model towards a more integrated understanding of how information behaviors have evolved (Spink & Cole, 2006).