975 resultados para SINGLET MOLECULAR OXYGEN


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The solubility of oxygen in liquid indium in the temperature range 650–820 °C and in liquid copper-indium alloys at 1100 °C in equilibrium with indium sesquioxide has been measured by a phase equilibration technique. The solubility of oxygen in pure indium is given by the relation log(at.% O) = −4726/T + 3.73 (±0.08) Using the recently measured values for the standard free energy of formation of In2O3 and assuming that oxygen obeys Sievert's law up to saturation, the standard free energy of solution of molecular oxygen in liquid indium is calculated as View the MathML sourceΔG°= −51 440 + 8.07 T (±500) cal where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is an infinitely dilute solution in which activity is equal to atomic per cent. The effect of indium additions on the activity coefficient of oxygen dissolved in liquid copper was measured by a solid oxide galvanic cell. The interaction parameter ϵ0In is given by View the MathML source The experimentally determined variation of the activity coefficient of oxygen in dilute solution in Cu-In alloys is in fair agreement with that predicted by a quasichemical model in which each oxygen atom is assumed to be interstitially coordinated to four metal atoms and the nearest neighbour metal atoms are assumed to lose approximately half their metallic cohesive energies.


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Titanium carbide (TiC) possesses fascinating properties like high electrical conductivity and high mechanical strength coupled with high corrosion resistance and stability in acidic and alkaline environments. The present study demonstrates the tunability of mechanistic aspects of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) using TiC nanostructures. One dimensional TiC nanostructures (TiC-NW) have been synthesized using a simple, hydrothermal method and used as a catalyst for ORR. Shape dependent electroactivity is demonstrated by comparing the activity of TiC-NW with its bulk counterparts. Comparative studies reveal higher ORR activities in the case of 1D TiC-NW involving similar to 4 electrons showing efficient reduction of molecular oxygen. Excellent stability and high methanol tolerance with good selectivity for ORR is reported.


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A mixed-conducting perovskite-type Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta (BSCFO) ceramic membrane reactor with high oxygen permeability was applied for the activation of methane. The membrane reactor has intrinsic catalytic activities for methane conversion to ethane and ethylene. C-2 selectivity up to 40-70% was achieved, albeit that conversion rate were low, typically 0.5-3.5% at 800-900 degreesC with a 50% helium diluted methane inlet stream at a flow rate of 34 ml/min. Large amount of unreacted molecular oxygen was detected in the eluted gas and the oxygen permeation flux improved only slightly compared with that under non-reactive air/He experiments. The partial oxidation of methane to syngas in a BSCFO membrane reactor was also performed by packing LiLaNiO/gamma -Al2O3 with 10% Ni loading as the catalyst. At the initial stage, oxygen permeation flux, methane conversion and CO selectivity were closely related with the state of the catalyst. Less than 21 h was needed for the oxygen permeation flux to reach its steady state. 98.5% CH4 conversion, 93.0% CO selectivity and 10.45 ml/cm(2) min oxygen permeation flux were achieved under steady state at 850 degreesC. Methane conversion and oxygen permeation flux increased with increasing temperature, No fracture of the membrane reactor was observed during syngas production. However, H-2-TPR investigation demonstrated that the BSCFO was unstable under reducing atmosphere, yet the material was found to have excellent phase reversibility. A membrane reactor made from BSCFO was successfully operated for the POM reaction at 875 degreesC for more than 500h without failure, with a stable oxygen permeation flux of about 11.5 ml/cm(2) min. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The atmospheric pressure plasma jet is a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge (13.56 MHz) running with a high helium flux (2m3 h-1) between concentric electrodes. Small amounts (0.5%) of admixed molecular oxygen do not disturb the homogeneous plasma discharge. The jet effluent leaving the discharge through the ring-shaped nozzle contains high concentrations of radicals at a low gas temperature—the key property for a variety of applications aiming at treatment of thermally sensitive surfaces. We report on absolute atomic oxygen density measurements by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) spectroscopy in the jet effluent. Calibration is performed with the aid of a comparative TALIF measurement with xenon. An excitation scheme (different from the one earlier published) providing spectral matching of both the two-photon resonances and the fluorescence transitions is applied.


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The coplanar microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet (µ-APPJ) is a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge (13.56 MHz, ~15W rf power) designed for optimized optical diagnostic access. It is operated in a homogeneous glow mode with a noble gas flow (1.4 slm He) containing a small admixture of molecular oxygen (~0.5%). Ground state atomic oxygen densities in the effluent up to 2 × 1014 cm-3 are measured by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF) providing space resolved density maps. The quantitative calibration of the TALIF setup is performed by comparative measurements with xenon. A maximum of the atomic oxygen density is observed for 0.6% molecular oxygen admixture. Furthermore, an increase in the rf power up to about 15W (depending on gas flow and mixture) leads to an increase in the effluent’s atomic oxygen density, then reaching a constant level for higher powers.


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The planar 13.56MHz RF-excited low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) investigated in this study is operated with helium feed gas and a small molecular oxygen admixture. The effluent leaving the discharge through the jet’s nozzle contains very few charged particles and a high reactive oxygen species’ density. As its main reactive radical, essential for numerous applications, the ground state atomic oxygen density in the APPJ’s effluent is measured spatially resolved with two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The atomic oxygen density at the nozzle reaches a value of ~1016 cm-3. Even at several centimetres distance still 1% of this initial atomic oxygen density can be detected. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) reveals the presence of short living excited oxygen atoms up to 10 cm distance from the jet’s nozzle. The measured high ground state atomic oxygen density and the unaccounted for presence of excited atomic oxygen require further investigations on a possible energy transfer from the APPJ’s discharge region into the effluent: energetic vacuum ultraviolet radiation, measured by OES down to 110 nm, reaches far into the effluent where it is presumed to be responsible for the generation of atomic oxygen.


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Transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) has been used to study the interfacial electron-transfer reaction between photogenerated electrons in nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2) films and molecular oxygen. TiO2 films from three different starting materials (TiO2 anatase colloidal paste and commercial anatase/rutile powders Degussa TiO2 P25 and VP TiO2 P90) have been investigated in the presence of ethanol as a hole scavenger. Separate investigations on the photocatalytic oxygen consumption by the films have also been performed with an oxygen membrane polarographic detector. Results show that a correlation exists between the electron dynamics of oxygen consumption observed by TAS and the rate of oxygen consumption through the photocatalytic process. The highest activity and the fastest oxygen reduction dynamics were observed with films fabricated from anatase TiO2 colloidal paste. The use of TAS as a tool for the prediction of the photocatalytic activities of the materials is discussed. TAS studies indicate that the rate of reduction of molecular oxygen is limited by interfacial electron-transfer kinetics rather than by the electron trapping/detrapping dynamics within the TiO2 particles.


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This work presents the results of oxygen solubility in ionic liquids based on 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations. Solubility measurements have been carried out in gasometric apparatus at 22, 50 and 90 degrees C under atmospheric pressure. We report the Henry's constants. In general the occurrence of carbon-fluorine bonds and carbon-hydrogen bonds in ionic liquids (ILs) which can create hydrogen bonds with dissolved oxygen, significantly affects the growth of value of solubility constant K-H. Additionally, the stability of ILs towards molecular oxygen was tested. All ILs used in this study were stable in the presence of oxygen and free-radical initiator.


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Naturally occurring ices lie on both interstellar dust grains and on celestial objects, such as those in the outer Solar system. These ices are continuously subjected to irradiation by ions from the solar wind and/or cosmic rays, which modify their surfaces. As a result, new molecular species may form which can be sputtered off into space or planetary atmospheres. We determined the experimental values of sputtering yields for irradiation of oxygen ice at 10 K by singly (He+, C+, N+, O+ and Ar+) and doubly (C2 +, N2 + and O2 +) charged ions with 4 keV kinetic energy. In these laboratory experiments, oxygen ice was deposited and irradiated by ions in an ultra high vacuum chamber at low temperature to simulate the environment of space. The number of molecules removed by sputtering was observed by measurement of the ice thickness using laser interferometry. Preliminary mass spectra were taken of sputtered species and of molecules formed in the ice by temperature programmed desorption (TPD). We find that the experimental sputtering yields increase approximately linearly with the projectile ion mass (or momentum squared) for all ions studied. No difference was found between the sputtering yields for singly and doubly charged ions of the same atom within the experimental uncertainty, as expected for a process dominated by momentum transfer. The experimental sputter yields are in good agreement with values calculated using a theoretical model except in the case of oxygen ions. Preliminary studies have shown molecular oxygen as the dominant species sputtered and TPD measurements indicate ozone formation.


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The effects of nitrosative species on cyt c structure and peroxidase activity were investigated here in the presence of O(2)(center dot-) and anionic and zwitterionic vesicles. Nitrosative species were generated by 3-morpholinesydnonymine (SIN1) decomposition, using cyt c heme iron and/or molecular oxygen as electron acceptor. Far-and near-UV CD spectra of SIN1-treated cyt c revealed respectively a slight decrease of a-helix content (from 39 to 34%) and changes in the tryptophan structure accompanied by increased fluorescence. The Soret CD spectra displayed a significant decrease of the positive signal at 403 nm. EPR spectra revealed the presence of a low-spin cyt c form (S = 1/2) with g(1) = 2.736, g(2) = 2.465, and g(3) = 2.058 after incubation with SIN1. These data suggest that the concomitant presence of NO(center dot) and O(2)(center dot-) generated from dissolved oxygen, in a system containing cyt c and liposomes, promotes chemical and conformational modi. cations in cyt c, resulting in a hypothetical bis-histidine hexacoordinated heme iron. We also show that, paradoxically, O(2)(center dot-) prevents not only membrane lipoperoxidation by peroxide-derived radicals but also oxidation of cyt c itself due to the ability of O(2)(center dot-) to reduce heme iron. Finally, lipoperoxidation measurements showed that, although it is a more efficient peroxidase, SIN1-treated cyt c is not more effective than native cyt c in promoting damage to anionic liposomes in the presence of tert-ButylOOH, probably due to loss of affinity with negatively charged lipids. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present a study on whether and to what extent subcellular localization may compete favorably with photosensitization efficiency with respect to the overall efficiency of photoinduced cell death. We have compared the efficiency with which two cationic photosensitizers, namely methylene blue (MB) and crystal violet (CV), induce the photoinduced death of human cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) cells. Whereas MB is well known to generate singlet oxygen and related triplet excited species with high quantum yields in a variety of biological and chemical environments (i.e., acting as a typical type II photosensitizer), the highly mitochondria-specific CV produces triplet species and singlet oxygen with low yields, acting mostly via the classical type I mechanism (e.g., via free radicals). The findings described here indicate that the presumably more phototoxic type II photosensitizer (MB) does not lead to higher degrees of cell death compared to the type I (CV) photosensitizer. In fact, CV kills cells with the same efficiency as MB, generating at least 10 times fewer photoinduced reactive species. Therefore, subcellular localization is indeed more important than photochemical reactivity in terms of overall cell killing, with mitochondrial localization representing a highly desirable property for the development of more specific/efficient photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of molecular oxygen in the interactions of emeraldine base form of polyaniline (EB-PANI) with Fe(III) or Cu(II) ions in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) solutions has been investigated by UV-vis-NIR, resonance Raman and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. Through the set of spectroscopic results it was possible to rationalize the role Of O(2) and to construct a scheme of preferential routes occurring in the interaction of EB-PANI with Fe(III) or Cu(II). Solutions of 4.0 mmol L(-1) EB-PANI with 0.8, 2.0 and 20 mmol L(-1) Fe(III) or Cu(II) ions in NMP were investigated and the main observed reactions were EB-PANI oxidation to pernigraniline (PB-PANI) and EB-PANI doping process by pseudo-protonation, or by a two-step redox process. In the presence Of O(2), PB-PANI is observed in all Fe(III)/EB solutions and EB-PANI doping only occurs in solutions with high Fe(III) concentrations through pseudo-protonation. On the other hand, emeraldine salt (ES-PANI) is formed in all Fe(III)/EB solutions under N(2) atmosphere and, in this case, doping occurs both by the pseudo-protonation and two-step redox mechanisms. In all Cu(II)/EB solutions PB-PANI is formed both in the presence and absence of O(2), and only for solutions with high Cu(II) concentrations doping process occurs in a very low degree. The most important result from EPR spectra was providing evidence for redox steps. The determined Cu(II) signal areas under oxygen are higher than under N(2) and, further. the initial metal proportions (1:2:20) are maintained in these spectra, indicating that Cu(I) formed are re-oxidized by O(2) and. so, Cu(II) ions are being recycled. Consistently, for the solutions prepared under nitrogen, the corresponding areas and proportions in the spectra are much lower, confirming that a partial reduction of Cu(II) ions actually occurs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by aerobic metabolism and react with biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and DNA. In high concentration, they lead to oxidative stress. Among ROS, singlet oxygen (1O2) is one of the main ROS involved in oxidative stress and is one of the most reactive forms of molecular oxygen. The exposure of some dyes, such as methylene blue (MB) to light (MB+VL), is able to generate 1O2 and it is the principle involved in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 1O2 e other ROS have caused toxic and carcinogenic effects and have been associated with ageing, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Oxidative DNA damage is mainly repaired by base excision repair (BER) pathway. However, recent studies have observed the involvement of nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors in the repair of this type of injury. One of these factors is the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group A (XPA) protein, which acts with other proteins in DNA damage recognition and in the recruitment of other repair factors. Moreover, oxidative agents such as 1O2 can induce gene expression. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the response of XPA-deficient cells after treatment with photosensitized MB. For this purpose, we analyzed the cell viability and occurrence of oxidative DNA damage in cells lines proficient and deficient in XPA after treatment with MB+VL, and evaluated the expression of this enzyme in proficient and complemented cells. Our results indicate an increased resistance to treatment of complemented cells and a higher level of oxidative damage in the deficient cell lines. Furthermore, the treatment was able to modulate the XPA expression up to 24 hours later. These results indicate a direct evidence for the involvement of NER enzymes in the repair of oxidative damage. Besides, a better understanding of the effects of PDT on the induction of gene expression could be provided


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An amperometric oxygen sensor based on a polymeric nickel-salen (salen = N,N'-ethylene bis(salicylideneiminato)) film coated platinum electrode was developed. The sensor was constructed by electropolymerization of nickel-salen complex at platinum electrode in acetonitrile/tetrabutylammonium perchlorate by cyclic voltammetry. The voltammetric behavior of the sensor was investigated in 0.5 mol L-1 KCl solution in the absence and presence of molecular oxygen. Thus, with the addition of oxygen to the solution, the increase of cathodic peak current (at -0.25 V vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE)) of the modified electrode was observed. This result shows that the nickel-salen film on electrode surface promotes the reduction of oxygen. The reaction can be brought about electrochemically, where the nickel(II) complex is first reduced to a nickel(I) complex at the electrode surface. The nickel(I) complex then undergoes a catalytic oxidation by the molecular oxygen in solution back to the nickel(II) complex, which can then be electrochemically re-reduced to produce an enhancement of the cathodic current. The Tafel plot analyses have been used to elucidate the kinetics and mechanism of the oxygen reduction. A plot of the cathodic current vs. the dissolved oxygen concentration for chronoamperometry (fixed potential = -0.25 V vs. SCE) at the sensor was linear in the 3.95-9.20 mg L-1 concentration range and the concentration limit was 0.17 mg L-1 O-2. The proposed electrode is useful for the quality control and routine analysis of dissolved oxygen in commercial samples and environmental water. The results obtained for the levels of dissolved oxygen are in agreement with the results obtained with a commercial O-2 sensor. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An amperometric oxygen sensor based on a polymeric nickel-salen (salen = N,N '-ethylenebis(salicydeneiminato)) film coated platinum electrode was developed. The sensor was constructed by electropolymerization of nickel-salen complex at a platinum electrode in acetonitrile/tetrabuthylamonium perchlorate by cyclic voltammetry. The voltammetric behavior of the modified electrode was investigated in 0.5 mol L-1 KCl solution in the absence and presende of molecular oxygen. A significant increased of cathodic peak current (at -0.20 vs. SCE) of the modified electrode with addition of oxygen to the solution was observed. This result shows that the nickel-salen film on the surface of the electrode promotes the reduction of oxygen. The reaction can be brought about electrochemically where in the nickel(II) complex is first reduced to a nickel(I) complex at the electrode surface. The nickel(I) complex then undergoes a catalytic oxidation by the oxygen molecular in solution back to the nickel(II) complex, which can then be electrochemically re-reduced to produce an enhancement of the cathodic current. The plot of the cathodic current versus the dissolved oxygen concentration for chronoamperometry (potential fixed = -0.20 V) at the sensor was linear in the concentration range of 3.95 to 9.20 mg L-1 with concentration limit of 0.17 mg L-1 O-2. The modified electrode proposed is useful for the quality control and routine analysis of dissolved oxygen in commercial water and environmental water samples. The results obtained for the levels of dissolved oxygen are in agreement with the results obtained with an O-2 commercial sensor. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.