91 resultados para SFE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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PURPOSE: Malnutrition is prevalent in patients with advanced liver disease (LD) related to multifactorial causes. Fluid retention can underestimate the nutritional status based on anthropometric measures. We evaluated nutritional indicators and body composition (BC) in patients with liver cirrhosis and correlated them with LD severity. METHODS: Forty three patients with LD enrolled for liver transplantation were evaluated by Anthropometric measures, subjective evaluation (Global Assessment of Nutritional Status - SGA) and biochemical indicators. Single-frequency electrical bioimpedance (SFE-BIA) was used to evaluate body composition (BC). It measured resistance (R), reactance (Xc) and the phase angle (PA). LD severity was estimated by Child-Pugh and Meld criteria (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease). RESULTS: Child-Pugh index between patients was 7.11±1.70 and Meld was 12.23±4.22. Arm Circumference, Arm Muscle Circumference and Arm Muscle Area, SGA, hemoglobin, hematocrit and albumin showed better correlation with disease severity. Xc and PA showed correlation both with Meld and Child-Pugh score when BC were evaluated. PA was depleted in 55.8% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of malnutrition varied according to the method. Global assessment of nutritional status showed better correlation with disease severity than with objective methods. Single-frequency electrical bioimpedance for body composition analysis in cirrhotic patients must be cautiously used; however, primary vectors seems to be valid and promising in clinical practice.


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The surface free energy of conditioned-dentin is one of the factors that interfere with monomeric infiltration of the interfibrillar spaces. Saturation of the tooth matrix with different substances may modulate this energy and, consequently, the wettability of the dentin. To evaluate the influence of different substances used to saturate conditioned-dentin on surface free energy (SFE) of this substrate. Dentin blocks (4 × 7 × 1 mm, n = 6/ group), obtained from the roots of bovine incisors, were etched using phosphoric acid for 15 seconds, rinsed and gently dried. The surfaces were treated for 60 seconds with: ultra-purified water (H20-control); ethanol (EtOH), acetone (ACT), chlorhexidine (CHX), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); or sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). The tooth surfaces were once again dried with absorbent paper and prepared for SFE evaluation using three standards: water, formamide and bromonaphthalene. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Dunnet's tests (a = 0.05) were applied to the data. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was the only substance that caused a change to the contact angle for the standards water and formamide, while only EtOH influenced the angles formed between formamide and the dentin surface. None of the substances exerted a significant effect for bromonaphtha-lene. In comparison to the control, only EDTA and NaOCl altered both polar components of the SFE. Total SFE was increased by saturation of the collagen matrix by EDTA and reduced when NaOCl was used. Saturation of the collagen matrix by EDTA and EtOH changed the surface free energy of the dentin. In addition, the use of NaOCl negatively interfered with the properties evaluated. The increase of surface free energy and wettability of the dentin surface would allow higher penetration of the the adhesive system, which would be of importance to the clinical success of resin-dentin union.


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A new series of austenitic stainless steels-Nb stabilized, without Mo additions, non-susceptible to delta ferrite formation and devoid of intemetallic phases (sigma and chi), without deformation induced martensite is being developed, aiming at high temperature applications as well as for corrosive environments. The base steel composition is a 15Cr-15Ni with normal additions of Nb of 0.5, 1.0 and 2 wt%. Mechanical properties, oxidation and corrosion resistance already have been invetigated in previous papers. In this paper, the effects of Nb on the SFE, strain hardening and recrystallization resistance are evaluated with the help of Adaptive Neural Networks (ANN).


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I sistemi di drenaggio urbano meritano particolare attenzione per l’importante compito che devono garantire all’interno della società. L’allontanamento delle acque reflue dalle zone urbanizzate infatti è indispensabile per non creare problemi ed interferenze con attività sociali ed economiche che in esse si svolgono; inoltre un corretto funzionamento del sistema di drenaggio assicura anche un basso impatto ambientale in termini di qualità e quantità. La disponibilità di nuove tecnologie costruttive e materiali in continua evoluzione devono fare fronte alla crescente complessità idraulica, geotecnica e urbanistica delle strutture componenti i sistemi di drenaggio; in tale elaborato si vuole porre l’accento sul problema dello smaltimento delle acque meteoriche nelle zone densamente urbanizzate, la cui soluzione è costituita dall'adozione delle cosiddette BMP (Best Management Practices). Le BMP sono definite come strategie, pratiche o metodi per la rimozione, la riduzione, il ritardo o la prevenzione della quantità di costituenti inquinanti e contaminanti delle acque di pioggia, prima che giungano nei corpi idrici ricettori. Tra esse ricordiamo le cisterne o rain barrels, i pozzi asciutti, i sistemi drywell, le vasche verdi filtranti, i tetti verdi, i canali infiltranti, i fossi di infiltrazione, i pozzi perdenti, i planting container, i canali inerbiti, i bacini di infiltrazione, le gross pullutant traps (gpts), gli stagni, i sistemi di fitodepurazione estensiva (sfe), le pavimentazioni drenanti. In Italia esse risultano ancora scarsamente studiate ed applicate, mentre trovano più ampio sviluppo in realtà estere come in Inghilterra ed in Australia. Per comprendere la efficacia di tali tecniche BMP è necessario analizzarle e, soprattutto, analizzare il loro effetto sul territorio in cui esse vengono inserite e sul regime idrogeologico dell’ambiente. Questa analisi può essere svolta con prove sperimentali su aree di controllo (soluzione economicamente gravosa) o attraverso modelli matematici tramite l’utilizzo di software di calcolo che simulino il comportamento delle portate, dei tiranti idrici e degli inquinanti nei canali e nelle strutture accessorie costituenti la rete fognaria, in conseguenza ad eventi di pioggia dei quali sia nota la distribuzione spaziale e temporale. In questo elaborato si modellizza attraverso il programma Matlab un unico elemento BMP e si osservano i suoi effetti; si procede cioè alla analisi del funzionamento di un ipotetico brown roof installato nella zona di Rimini e si osservano i benefici effetti che ne derivano in termini di volumi di pioggia trattenuti dal sistema considerando diverse tipologie di pioggia e diversi parametri progettuali per il tetto (i fori dello strato inferiore del tetto, la altezza dello strato di terreno, la sua permeabilità e la sua porosità). Si procede poi con la analisi di una ipotetica zona commerciale che sorge sulle sponde di un fiume. Tali analisi vengono svolte con il software HEC-RAS per quanto riguarda la analisi dei livelli del fiume e delle zone a rischio di inondazione. I risultati forniti da questo studio preliminare vengono poi utilizzati come condizioni al contorno per una successiva analisi effettuata con il software InfoWorks in cui si valutano i benefici che derivano dalla installazione di diverse BMP nella zona commerciale oggetto di studio. Tale modello esamina un verosimile scenario inglese, la cittadina infatti si ipotizza situata in Inghilterra e anche gli eventi pluviometrici a cui ci si riferisce sono tipici eventi di pioggia inglesi. Tutti i dati di input elaborati nelle simulazioni sono stati forniti all’interno di un progetto universitario svolto presso l’università di Bradford con la supervisione dei professori Simon Tait ed Alma Schellart. Infine la parte conclusiva dell’elaborato è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con Hera S.p.a. di Rimini all’interno di un percorso di tirocinio curriculare che ha previsto la analisi delle tecnologie BMP adatte per l’ambiente cittadino di Rimini e la osservazione delle performance garantite da tecnologie esistenti sul territorio: i parcheggi permeabili. La realtà riminese infatti deve far fronte a diversi problemi che si innescano durante i periodi di pioggia ed una mitigazione dei volumi di acqua in arrivo alla fognatura grazie a questo tipo di tecnologie, senza quindi ricorrere agli usuali sistemi puntuali, porterebbe sicuramente a notevoli vantaggi. Tali tecnologie però non devono solo essere progettate e costruite in modo corretto, ma devono essere sottoposte a periodici controlli ed adeguate operazioni di manutenzione per non perdere la loro efficacia. Per studiare tale aspetto si procede quindi alla misura della permeabilità di parcheggi drenanti presenti all’interno dei comuni di Cattolica e Rimini ricercando i fattori che influenzano tale caratteristica fondamentale dei parcheggi.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the 5-year performance and success rate of titanium screw-type implants with the titanium plasma spray (TPS) or the sand-blasted, large grit, acid-etched (SLA) surface inserted in a two-stage sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedure in the posterior maxilla. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 59 delayed SFEs were performed in 56 patients between January 1997 and December 2001, using a composite graft with autogenous bone chips combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) or synthetic porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). After a healing period averaging 7.75 months, 111 dental implants were inserted. After an additional 8-14-week healing period, all implants were functionally loaded with cemented crowns or fixed partial dentures. The patients were recalled at 12 and 60 months for clinical and radiographic examination. RESULTS: One patient developed an acute infection in the right maxillary sinus after SFE and did not undergo implant therapy. Two of the 111 inserted implants had to be removed because of a developing atypical facial pain, and 11 implants were lost to follow-up and were considered drop-outs. The remaining 98 implants showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 5-year examination. The peri-implant soft tissues were stable over time; the mean probing depths and mean attachment levels did not change during the follow-up period. The measurement of the bone crest levels (DIB values) indicated stability as well. Based on strict success criteria, all 98 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 5-year success rate of 98% (for TPS implants 89%, for SLA implants 100%). CONCLUSION: This prospective study assessing the performance of dental implants inserted after SFE demonstrated that titanium implants can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration with high predictability for at least 5 years of follow-up in carefully selected patients.


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Wind energy has been one of the most growing sectors of the nation’s renewable energy portfolio for the past decade, and the same tendency is being projected for the upcoming years given the aggressive governmental policies for the reduction of fossil fuel dependency. Great technological expectation and outstanding commercial penetration has shown the so called Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) technologies. Given its great acceptance, size evolution of wind turbines over time has increased exponentially. However, safety and economical concerns have emerged as a result of the newly design tendencies for massive scale wind turbine structures presenting high slenderness ratios and complex shapes, typically located in remote areas (e.g. offshore wind farms). In this regard, safety operation requires not only having first-hand information regarding actual structural dynamic conditions under aerodynamic action, but also a deep understanding of the environmental factors in which these multibody rotating structures operate. Given the cyclo-stochastic patterns of the wind loading exerting pressure on a HAWT, a probabilistic framework is appropriate to characterize the risk of failure in terms of resistance and serviceability conditions, at any given time. Furthermore, sources of uncertainty such as material imperfections, buffeting and flutter, aeroelastic damping, gyroscopic effects, turbulence, among others, have pleaded for the use of a more sophisticated mathematical framework that could properly handle all these sources of indetermination. The attainable modeling complexity that arises as a result of these characterizations demands a data-driven experimental validation methodology to calibrate and corroborate the model. For this aim, System Identification (SI) techniques offer a spectrum of well-established numerical methods appropriated for stationary, deterministic, and data-driven numerical schemes, capable of predicting actual dynamic states (eigenrealizations) of traditional time-invariant dynamic systems. As a consequence, it is proposed a modified data-driven SI metric based on the so called Subspace Realization Theory, now adapted for stochastic non-stationary and timevarying systems, as is the case of HAWT’s complex aerodynamics. Simultaneously, this investigation explores the characterization of the turbine loading and response envelopes for critical failure modes of the structural components the wind turbine is made of. In the long run, both aerodynamic framework (theoretical model) and system identification (experimental model) will be merged in a numerical engine formulated as a search algorithm for model updating, also known as Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) process. This iterative engine is based on a set of function minimizations computed by a metric called Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC). In summary, the Thesis is composed of four major parts: (1) development of an analytical aerodynamic framework that predicts interacted wind-structure stochastic loads on wind turbine components; (2) development of a novel tapered-swept-corved Spinning Finite Element (SFE) that includes dampedgyroscopic effects and axial-flexural-torsional coupling; (3) a novel data-driven structural health monitoring (SHM) algorithm via stochastic subspace identification methods; and (4) a numerical search (optimization) engine based on ASA and MAC capable of updating the SFE aerodynamic model.


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Grafting of the maxillary sinus in both one- and two-stage protocols has become a highly predictable surgical technique for site development and for the placement of implants to support dentures. However, despite the predictability and high success rates reported for dental implants placed either simultaneously with or after a sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedure, complications have been reported. The aim of the following case report is to present an uncommon complication in a staged SFE procedure: the displacement of a dental implant into the maxillary sinus during insertion. As implant dentistry is becoming more and more popular among practitioners, and ever more demanding procedures for initial site development in jaws with bony deficiencies are being introduced into daily practice, the displacement of dental implants into the maxillary sinus during implant placement may become a more frequent complication. Management of this complication is presented, discussed, and evaluated in light of the current literature.


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BACKGROUND Deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) is one of the best-documented bone substitute materials for sinus floor elevation (SFE). PURPOSE DBBM is available in two particle sizes. Large particles are believed to facilitate improved neoangiogenesis compared with small ones. However, their impact on the rate of new bone formation, osteoconduction, and DBBM degradation has never been reported. In addition, the implant stability quotient (ISQ) has never been correlated to bone-to-implant contact (BIC) after SFE with simultaneous implant placement. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bilateral SFE with simultaneous implant placement was performed in 10 Göttingen minipigs. The two sides were randomized to receive large or small particle size DBBM. Two groups of 5 minipigs healed for 6 and 12 weeks, respectively. ISQ was recorded immediately after implant placement and at sacrifice. Qualitative histological differences were described and bone formation, DBBM degradation, BIC and bone-to-DBBM contact (osteoconduction) were quantified histomorphometrically. RESULTS DBBM particle size had no qualitative or quantitative impact on the amount of newly formed bone, DBBM degradation, or BIC for either of the healing periods (p > 0.05). Small-size DBBM showed higher osteoconduction after 6 weeks than large-size DBBM (p < 0.001). After 12 weeks this difference was compensated. There was no significant correlation between BIC and ISQ. CONCLUSION Small and large particle sizes were equally predictable when DBBM was used for SFE with simultaneous implant placement.


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PURPOSE To analyze the frequency of perforation of the sinus membrane during maxillary sinus floor elevation (SFE) and to assess possible risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seventy-seven cases of SFE performed with a lateral window approach were evaluated retrospectively. Clinical and radiographic variables potentially influencing the risk of sinus membrane perforation were evaluated and divided into patient-related factors (age, sex, smoking habit); surgery-related factors (type of surgical approach, side, units, sites, and technique of osteotomy); and maxillary sinus-related factors (presence and height of septum, height of residual ridge, thickness of lateral sinus wall, width of antrum, and thickness and status of sinus membrane). RESULTS The following factors presented with at least a 10% difference in rates of perforations: smokers (46.2%) versus nonsmokers (23.4%), simultaneous (32%) versus staged (18.5%) approach, mixed premolar-molar sites (41.2%) versus premolar-only sites (16.7%) versus molar-only sites (26.2%), presence of septa (42.9%) versus no septa (23.8%), and minimum height of residual ridge ≤4 mm (34.2%) versus > 4 mm (20.5%). These same parameters, except minimum height of residual ridge, also showed an odds ratio above 2. However, none of the comparisons reached statistical significance. CONCLUSION The present study failed to demonstrate any factor that statistically significantly increased the risk of sinus membrane perforation during SFE using the lateral window approach.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM So far there is little evidence from randomised clinical trials (RCT) or systematic reviews on the preferred or best number of implants to be used for the support of a fixed prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla or mandible, and no consensus has been reached. Therefore, we reviewed articles published in the past 30 years that reported on treatment outcomes for implant-supported fixed prostheses, including survival of implants and survival of prostheses after a minimum observation period of 1 year. MATERIAL AND METHODS MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched to identify eligible studies. Short and long-term clinical studies were included with prospective and retrospective study designs to see if relevant information could be obtained on the number of implants related to the prosthetic technique. Articles reporting on implant placement combined with advanced surgical techniques such as sinus floor elevation (SFE) or extensive grafting were excluded. Two reviewers extracted the data independently. RESULTS A primary search was broken down to 222 articles. Out of these, 29 studies comprising 26 datasets fulfilled the inclusion criteria. From all studies, the number of planned and placed implants was available. With two exceptions, no RCTs were found, and these two studies did not compare different numbers of implants per prosthesis. Eight studies were retrospective; all the others were prospective. Fourteen studies calculated cumulative survival rates for 5 and more years. From these data, the average survival rate was between 90% and 100%. The analysis of the selected articles revealed a clear tendency to plan 4 to 6 implants per prosthesis. For supporting a cross-arch fixed prosthesis in the maxilla, the variation is slightly greater. CONCLUSIONS In spite of a dispersion of results, similar outcomes are reported with regard to survival and number of implants per jaw. Since the 1990s, it was proven that there is no need to install as many implants as possible in the available jawbone. The overwhelming majority of articles dealing with standard surgical procedures to rehabilitate edentulous jaws uses 4 to 6 implants.


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Purpose: Radiographic evaluation of the vertical presurgical ridge height (PRH) of implants, placed using the transcrestal or lateral window sinus floor elevation (SFE) technique in edentulous and partially dentate patients. The 5-year implant survival rate and the prosthetic restoration following the SFE procedure were also evaluated. Methods: Radiographs of 83 tapered implants placed in 53 patients were available for analysis. 31 implants were placed by the transcrestal and 52 were placed by the lateral window technique. In the lateral window technique 21 implants were placed simultaneously, 31 in a staged approach. The PRH, the implant survival rate after five years and the prosthetic restoration were evaluated with respect to the chosen SFE procedure. Results: The PRH was significantly higher for the transcrestal than both lateral window techniques, mean values: 8.0 ± 2.7 mm (transcrestal); 4.2 ± 2.6 mm (lateral simultaneous); 4.5 ± 2.8 mm (lateral staged). There was no significant difference of PRH between the edentulous and partially dentate patients. All loaded implants were stable, resulting in a 100% implant survival rate after 5 years. There was a small overproportion of single crown restorations in the transcrestal SFE technique group. Conclusion: This study confirms that the transcrestal technique is chosen, when a higher PRH is available. The choice of a simultaneous or staged lateral window approach is mainly dependent on the expected primary stability of the implant and not only on the PRH. SFE procedures are a safe and predictable treatment option to place implants in the vertical atrophic maxilla.


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The future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessible from all over the web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user?service interaction is still an open issue. This paper states one vision with regard to next-generation front-end Web 2.0 technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the future Internet. In this paper, we illustrate how front-ends that wrap traditional services and resources can be tailored to the needs of end users, converting end users into prosumers (creators and consumers of service-based applications). To do this, we propose an architecture that end users without programming skills can use to create front-ends, consult catalogues of resources tailored to their needs, easily integrate and coordinate front-ends and create composite applications to orchestrate services in their back-end. The paper includes a case study illustrating that current user-centred web development tools are at a very early stage of evolution. We provide statistical data on how the proposed architecture improves these tools. This paper is based on research conducted by the Service Front End (SFE) Open Alliance initiative.