948 resultados para SEXUAL FUNCTION


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The aim of this study was to design and validate an interviewer-administered pelvic floor questionnaire that integrates bladder, bowel and sexual function, pelvic organ prolapse, severity, bothersomeness and condition-specific quality of life. Validation testing of the questionnaire was performed using data from 106 urogynaecological patients and a separately sampled community cohort of 49 women. Missing data did not exceed 2% for any question. It distinguished community and urogynaecological populations regarding pelvic floor dysfunction. The bladder domain correlated with the short version of the Urogenital Distress Inventory, bowel function with an established bowel questionnaire and prolapse symptoms with the International Continence Society prolapse quantification. Sexual function assessment reflected scores on the McCoy Female Sexuality Questionnaire. Cronbach’s α coefficients were acceptable in all domains. Kappa coefficients of agreement for the test–retest analyses varied from 0.5 to 1.0. The interviewer-administered pelvic floor questionnaire assessed pelvic floor function in a reproducible and valid fashion in a typical urogynaecological clinic.


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Introduction While problems related to desire, arousal, and orgasm have been subject to extensive epidemiologic research, women's postcoital reactions and feelings, and postcoital dysphoria (PCD) remains under-researched. - Aim The study examined the association between women's attachment anxiety and avoidance, differentiation of self, and the experience of PCD symptoms. - Methods Two hundred and thirty female university students completed an online survey. - Main Outcome Measures The Female Sexual Function Index, the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised, and study specific questions. - Results Forty-six percent of respondents reported experiencing PCD symptoms at least once in their lifetime with 5.1% experiencing PCD symptoms a few times within the past 4 weeks. A small but significant inverse correlation was found between lifetime prevalence of PCD and sexual functioning (r = −0.16). While the regression model accounted for 22% of variance in lifetime prevalence of PCD, attachment and differentiation of self variables did not account for significant variance. - Conclusions The findings confirm that PCD is under-recognized and under-researched. There appears to be no relationship between PCD and intimacy in close relationships. Further research is necessary to understand the subjective experience of PCD and to inform the development of a reliable measure.


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Men receiving androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer (PCa) are likely to develop metabolic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, abdominal obesity and osteoporosis. Other treatment-related side effects adversely influence quality of life (QoL) including vasomotor distress, depression, anxiety, mood swings, poor sleep quality and compromised sexual function. The objective of this study was to systematically review the nature and effects of dietary and exercise interventions on QoL, androgen deprivation symptoms and metabolic risk factors in men with PCa undergoing ADT. An electronic search of CINAHL, CENTRAL, Medline, PsychINFO and reference lists was performed to identify peer-reviewed articles published between January 2004 and December, 2014 in English. Eligible study designs included randomised controlled trials with pre- and post-intervention data. Data extraction and assessment of methodological quality with the Cochrane approach was conducted by two independent reviewers. Seven exercise studies were identified. Exercise significantly improved QoL, but showed no effect on metabolic risk factors (weight, waist circumference, lean or fat mass, blood pressure, lipid profile). Two dietary studies were identified, both of which tested soy supplements. Soy supplementation did not improve any outcomes. No dietary counselling studies were identified. No studies evaluated androgen-deficiency symptoms (libido, erectile function, sleep quality, mood swings, depression, anxiety, bone mineral density). Evidence from RCTs indicates that exercise enhances health- and disease-specific QoL in men with PCa undergoing ADT. Further studies are required to evaluate the effect of exercise and dietary interventions on QoL, androgen deprivation symptoms and metabolic risk factors in this cohort.


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A sublimação é um conceito forjado por Freud que tem por finalidade responder sobre a incidência da sexualidade num campo que não é diretamente ligado à função sexual. Freud inicialmente ligou o conceito de sublimação ao desenvolvimento da sociedade, mantendo entre eles uma estreita ligação através da idéia de aprovação social, coerência e harmonia, sendo a sexualidade algo que deveria ser posta a serviço da civilização pela educação e restrição de sua manifestação. A importância dada aos aspectos quantitativos presentes na subjetividade fez com que a sublimação adquirisse maior destaque, sendo diretamente ligada ao destino a ser dado aos elementos que resistiam à lógica da predicação e significação, buscando alternativas para a manifestação desses fatores que ameaçavam constantemente desestruturar o psiquismo. A sublimação se torna um processo necessário para articular a subjetividade a uma lógica da inadequação e do inacabamento, mostrando-se um operador não só da clínica como também da cultura, pois leva em consideração a sustentação da posição desejante sem incremento de mal-estar. Esses fatores aproximam de maneira surpreendente estética e psicanálise através de um novo campo de atuação. Freud percebeu a capacidade terapêutica da sublimação no final de sua vida, e Lacan, outro psicanalista que se mostrou muito interessado neste tema, também nos deixou uma série de elaborações que podem nos ser úteis para enfrentar os desafios que o nosso tempo produz.


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Resumo: A hiperplasia benigna da próstata (HBP) tem elevada prevalência nos homens entre os 50 e 79 anos de idade, sendo ubiquitária com o envelhecimento. Devido à significativa morbi-mortalidade associada aos tratamentos médicos e cirúrgicos currentemente disponíveis, são necessárias novas tecnologias para melhorar os resultados e minimizar o desconforto dos doentes. Recentemente, estudos preliminares de experimentação animal e em 3 doentes tratados, sugeriram a embolização arterial prostática selectiva (EAPS) como hipótese terapêutica para a HBP. Decidimos investigar se a EAPS poderia ser um procedimento bem sucedido no tratamento da HBP gravemente sintomática. Para tal realizámos um estudo anátomo-radiológico e clínico em 63 doentes com recurso a uma terapêutica inovadora minimamente invasiva guiada pela imagem. Avaliámos 126 hemipélvis com recurso a Angio-RM, Angio-TC e Angiografia Digital de Subtracção, com o intuito de definir os padrões básicos de bifurcação das artérias ilíacas internas até agora apenas descritos em estudos cadavéricos. Estudámos ainda o suprimento vascular arterial prostático, identificando: 1 as artérias prostáticas; 2 origem e direcção; 3 os ramos intra-prostáticos; 4 anastomoses com outras artérias. Em relação aos resultados anatómicos, identificámos 181 artérias prostáticas, já que em 43.7% das hemipélvis existiam dois pedículos arteriais prostáticos com origens independentes. A origem mais frequente foi a artéria pudenda interna (39.7%), seguida do tronco comum glúteo-pudendo (21%) e da artéria vesical superior (18.2%). Origens menos frequentes foram a artéria obturadora (12.1%), as artérias glúteas inferior (3.9%)ou superior (1.7%), ramos rectais provenientes da artéria mesentérica inferior (1.7%) e a artéria pudenda acessória (1.7%). Identificaram-se anastomoses com as artérias adjacentes em 57.9% dos casos: com a terminação da artéria pudenda interna (41.6%),artérias prostáticas contra-laterais (18.2%) e homo-laterais (11.7%), com ramos rectais (15.6%) e com artérias vesicais (12.9%). Em relação ao estudo clínico tratámos 63 doentes (idades compreendidas entre 52 - 82 anos, média 69.5 anos) com HBP gravemente sintomática refractária à terapêutica médica há mais de 6 meses. Foi possível avaliação após o tratamento em 37 doentes: média de seguimento de 4.7 meses (variando entre 1 e 12 meses). A EAPS unilateral foi possível em todos os doentes, com embolização bilateral em 73% dos casos. A embolização bilateral não foi possível em 27% dos casos devido a tortuosidade, alterações ateroescleróticas e pequeno calibre das artérias ilíacas e/ou prostáticas. Em média houve uma melhoria do International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) de 10.8 pontos, da QoL de 1.5 pontos e do Internationl Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) de 2.1 pontos. Houve uma redução média do PSA de 30% (2.4 ng/mL), um aumento do pico de fluxo urinário (Qmax) de 3.1 - 3.85 mL/s e uma redução média do volume prostático de 21% (18.5 mL). Registou-se uma complicação major: pequena área de isquémia da parede vesical tratada cirurgicamente. Em 75% dos doentes tratados obteve-se sucesso clínico com franca melhoria dos sintomas, enquanto 25% dos doentes foram considerados insucesso clínico por se ter registado uma fraca ou ausente melhoria sintomática após a embolização. Os restantes doentes tratados estão sob controlo evolutivo, pararam toda a medicação prostática, sem qualquer caso de disfunção sexual associada com o tratamento. Este trabalho constitui o primeiro estudo anatómico descritivo in vivo das artérias prostáticas, conseguido devido à utilização de técnicas de imagem nunca usadas para este fim. O uso clínico dos dados anatómicos acima referidos permitiu a implementação de técnicas de Radiologia de Intervenção no tratatamento de uma doença de elevada prevalência. ------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has high prevalence in men aged 50–79 years being ubiquitous with aging. Due to significant morbi-mortality associated with currently available medical and surgical treatments, there is the need for innovative technologies to continue to improve outcomes and minimize patient discomfort and morbidity. Recently, prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) was suggested as a treatmentoption for BPH based on preliminary results from animal studies and 3 treated patients. We decided to investigate if PAE might be a successful treatment option for severely symptomatic BPH patients. We performed a clinical and anatomical-radiological study in 63 patients with the use of an inovative image-guided minimally invasive technique. We evaluated 126 pelvic sides using Angio-MR or Angio-CT and Catheter Angiography before embolisation to treat symptomatic BPH. We aimed to define the main branching patterns of the male internal iliac arteries, so far only studied in the cadaver. We also evaluated the prostatic arterial supply, identifying: 1 the prostatic arteries; 2 origin and direction; 3 intra-prostatic branches; 4 anastomoses with surrounding arteries. Regarding the anatomical study we identified 181 prostatic arteries, because in 43.7% of pelvic sides 2 separate prostatic vascular pedicles were found. The most frequent origin was the internal pudendal artery (39.7%) with the common glutealpudendal trunk (21%) and superior vesical arteries (18.2%) the next commonest. Less frequent origins were the obturator artery (12.1%), the inferior (3.9%) or superior (1.7%) gluteal arteries, rectal branches from the inferior mesenteric artery (1.7%) and the accessory pudendal artery (1.7%). There were anastomoses with the surrounding arteries in 57.9% of cases: termination of the internal pudendal artery (41.6%), contralateral prostatic arteries (18.2%), same-side prostatic arteries (11.7%), rectal branches (15.6%), and vesical arteries (12.9%).Regarding the clinical study, we treated 63 patients aged 52–82 years (mean 69.5 years) who presented with symptomatic BPH refractory to medical treatment for at least 6 months. Follow-up evaluation (mean 4.7 months, range 1-12 months) was possible in 37 patients. PAE was achieved in all patients with bilateral embolization in 73%. In 27% PAE was performed unilaterally due to tortuosity, atherosclerotic changes and small size of iliac and prostatic arteries. There was a mean decrease in the IPSS of 10.8 points, a mean improvement in QoL of 1.5 points, and a mean increase in the sexual function score of 2.1 points. There was a mean PSA reduction of 30% (2.4 ng/mL), a Qmax increase of 3.1 to 3.85 mL/sec, and a mean prostate volume decrease of 21% (18.5 mL). There was one major complication: a small area of bladder wall ischemia treated by surgery. Overall, 75% of patients were considered clinical success with major improvement after PAE, while 25% of patients were considered clinical failure with little or no improvement after PAE. All remaining patients are under follow-up, stopped all prostatic medication, and reported no sexual dysfunction. This study is the first one to describe the radiological anatomy of the prostatic arteries, with the use of imaging techniques never used for this purpose before. The clinical use of the anatomical findings allowed the implementation of Interventional Radiology tehniques in the treatment of a disease with a high prevalence.


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INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: This study aims to estimate fecal, urinary incontinence, and sexual function 6 years after an obstetrical anal sphincter tear. METHODS: Among 13,213 women who had a vaginal delivery of a cephalic singleton at term, 196 women sustained an anal sphincter tear. They were matched to 588 controls. Validated questionnaires grading fecal and urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction were completed by the participants. RESULTS: Severe fecal incontinence was more frequently reported by women who had sustained an anal sphincter tear compared to the controls. Women with an anal sphincter tear had no increased risk of urinary incontinence, but reported significantly more pain, difficulty with vaginal lubrication, and difficulty achieving orgasm compared to the controls. A fetal occiput posterior position during childbirth was an independent risk factor for both severe urinary incontinence and severe sexual dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Fecal incontinence is strongly associated with an anal sphincter tear. A fetal occiput posterior position represents a risk factor for urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was any evidence of psychosexual morbidity among men who experienced radical radiation treatment for prostate cancer. With relatively little known or available retrospective data on the psychosexual implications of radical radiation treatment in men with prostate cancer, this study posited eight research questions which provided the basis for the research. Fifty men from Southern Ontario, between the ages of 52 to 78 years, were included in the study. They had been previously randomized to a clinical trial comparing radical radiation therapy by external beam radiation, or radical radiation using a combination of a temporary iridium implant plus external beam radiation, for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer. Assessment of sexual functioning, drive, attitudes, body image, and sexual satisfaction was drawn from a multidimensional approach, since psychosexuality was viewed as having an impact on biological, psychological, and sociological domains of functioning. Medical chart reviews, semi-structured interviews, demographical profiles of each participant, and the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI) were the methods used to collect data over a four-month period. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were incorporated in the design and evaluation of the study. Frequencies, contingency analysis, Pearson's coefficient of correlation, t-tests, and ANOVA comprised the quantitative analysis. Data obtained from audio-taped interviews were analyzed qualitatively, and used for offering further insight and for facilitating the quantitative aspect of the analysis. Overall, there was sufficient evidence to suggest psychosexual morbidity among men who were treated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer. As well,there were a number of significant findings available to answer all of the posited research questions. The most significant findings were noted in post-treatment erectile ability and sexual activity. A post-treatment change in erectile ability was reported by eighty percent of men. Sixty percent of men noted a decrease in their ability to achieve an erection by reporting some morning stiffness only, penile rigidity insufficient for penetration, decreased control of erection, and loss of spontaneous erection. Other contributing factors associated with change in erectile status were: pain or altering sensation of orgasm, blood in ejaculate, pain and decreased amount of ejaculate, and penile numbness or pain. Eighty-two percent of men experienced a post-treatment change in sexual function, primarily due to the impact of decreasing erectile status. Only seven men reported that they experienced a decrease in desire mentally, whereas the vast majority did not experience any change in desire. Changes in foreplay, stress with optimal sexual positioning, and reduced spontaneity of sex, were other factors reported with the changes in sexual activity. The findings in this study broaden our understanding of what middle- to later-aged men feel and experience as they venture onward following treatment. This was the first study that evaluated available prospective data on pre-treatment erectile status and sexual activity. As well, this study was the first (with participant compliance rates of 100 percent) to have included an interview format to capture the views of such a large number of men. This study concluded with recommendations and implications for future research and practice as we move in the direction of understanding what is necessary for preserving psychosexual well being and enhancing quality of life in men treated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer.


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Sexuality after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex issue that is influenced by a number of social, psychological and physiological factors, one of which is urinary incontinence (UI). Using a phenomenological approach, seven mixed methods interviews combining both the interview guide and standardized open-ended approaches were conducted to examine the experience of sexuality for women who are concerned about UI following SCI. Sexual function was one of the top priorities for the women after SCI, and UI was one of the main concerns the women had regarding sexuality. The findings of this study demonstrate that various dimensions of intimacy and the sexual experience as a whole were affected by UI, and the women discussed both physical and psychological concerns. The main issues regarding sexuality included concerns related to relationships, frustrations with limited sexual activities and the difficulty of being sexually satisfied, the number of unanswered questions and concerns, and a fear of being hurt or injured while participating in sexual activities. The main concerns regarding UI were embarrassment, the work and inconvenience involved with the clean-up of UI, bladder infections, the lack of accessible washrooms, and the negative effects of UI medications. When examining sexuality and UI together, the major issues were the constant comparison to the way things were before SCI, as well as the new concerns that the women did not have to worry about previously, worrying about how their partner would react if UI were to occur during sexual activity, and the impact of their own feelings toward UI on sexuality, a connection between pleasurable sexual sensations and UI as well as difficulty differentiating between the sensation of UI with the sensation of UI, dealing with infected urine during sexual activity, having to discuss UI with a new potential sexual partner, and a fear of rejection. Other identified issues included those related to body image, a lack of resources, Doctors who were inadequately educated regarding SCI, and issues related to both having and raising children. There is a significant shortage of information available for women with SCI to use as a resource regarding sexual function in general, and sexual function as it relates to UI. It is necessary that future work focus on creating resources to assist in this area, and that the dissemination of those resources becomes both appropriate and effective. Addressing sexual function and UI which are among the top concerns for this population has the opportunity to greatly improve quality of life (QOL) for these individuals.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.) en psychologie option clinique


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L’étude de l’intimité a été négligée chez les couples dont la femme présente une vulvodynie, un problème de santé sexuelle qui affecte négativement les femmes et leurs partenaires. Or, l’intimité a été associée à des indicateurs d’adaptation psychologique et conjugale auprès d’autres populations cliniques. L’objectif de la thèse était d’examiner les liens entre l’intimité et le bien-être sexuel chez les femmes présentant de la vulvodynie et leurs partenaires. Le but du premier article était d’examiner l’intimité conjugale et l’intimité sexuelle en lien avec la satisfaction sexuelle, la fonction sexuelle, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité face à la douleur et l’intensité de la douleur vulvo-vaginale de la femme. Quatre-vingt-onze femmes présentant de la vulvodynie et leurs partenaires ont complété des mesures auto-rapportées. Chez les femmes, une plus grande intimité sexuelle a été associée à une satisfaction sexuelle et à un sentiment d’auto-efficacité plus élevés. Des degrés plus élevés d’intimité conjugale et sexuelle ont été associés à une fonction sexuelle plus élevée. L’intimité sexuelle et conjugale n’ont pas été associées à l’intensité de la douleur. Le deuxième article visait, par une méthodologie observationnelle et des mesures auto-rapportées, à examiner les associations entre deux composantes centrales de l’intimité – le dévoilement et la réponse empathique – et la satisfaction et la détresse sexuelle chez cinquante femmes et leurs partenaires. Le dévoilement et la réponse empathique ont été évalués selon la perspective d’une observatrice formée et auto-rapportés par les couples après une tâche de discussion. Les femmes et les partenaires ayant une plus grande réponse empathique rapportaient eux-mêmes une satisfaction sexuelle plus élevée. Pendant la discussion, une plus grande réponse empathique chez les femmes a été associée à une plus grande satisfaction sexuelle chez leurs partenaires. Un plus grand dévoilement chez le couple, tel que perçu par les femmes et leurs partenaires, a été associé à une plus grande satisfaction sexuelle chez les partenaires. Une plus grande réponse empathique chez les femmes a été associée à une plus faible détresse sexuelle chez les partenaires. Un plus grand dévoilement chez le couple, tel que perçu par les partenaires, a été associé à une plus faible détresse sexuelle chez ces derniers. Les implications cliniques, théoriques et méthodologiques de la thèse sont discutées.


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Vulvovaginal pain problems are major health concerns in women of childbearing age. Controlled studies have shown that vulvovaginal pain can adversely affect women and their partners’ general psychological well-being, relationship adjustment and overall quality of life. These women have significantly lower levels of sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction, as well as a lower intercourse frequency than normal controls. They also report more anxiety and depression, in addition to more distress about their body image and genital self-image. Empirical studies indicate that specific psychological and relationship factors may increase vulvovaginal pain intensity and its psychosexual sequelae. Randomized clinical trials have shown that psychosexual interventions, namely cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), are efficacious in reducing vulvovaginal pain and improving associated psychosexual outcomes. Women reporting significant psychological, sexual and/or relationship distress should be referred for psychosexual treatment. A multimodal approach to care integrating psychosexual and medical management is thought to be optimal.


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Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD), a recurrent, localized vulvovaginal pain problem, carries a significant psychosexual burden for afflicted women, who report impoverished sexual function and decreased frequency of sexual activity and pleasure. Interpersonal factors such as partner responses to pain, partner distress, and attachment style are associated with pain outcomes for women and with sexuality outcomes for both women and partners. Despite these findings, no treatment for PVD has systematically included the partner. Aims This study pilot‐tested the feasibility and potential efficacy of a novel cognitive–behavioral couple therapy (CBCT) for couples coping with PVD. Methods Couples (women and their partners) in which the woman was diagnosed with PVD (N = 9) took part in a 12‐session manualized CBCT intervention and completed outcome measures pre‐ and post‐treatment. Main Outcome Measures The primary outcome measure was women's pain intensity during intercourse as measured on a numerical rating scale. Secondary outcomes included sexual functioning and satisfaction for both partners. Exploratory outcomes included pain‐related cognitions; psychological outcomes; and treatment satisfaction, feasibility, and reliability. Results One couple separated before the end of therapy. Paired t‐test comparisons involving the remaining eight couples demonstrated significant improvements in women's pain and sexuality outcomes for both women and partners. Exploratory analyses indicated improvements in pain‐related cognitions, as well as anxiety and depression symptoms, for both members of the couple. Therapists' reported high treatment reliability and participating couples' high participation rates and reported treatment satisfaction indicate adequate feasibility. Conclusions Treatment outcomes, along with treatment satisfaction ratings, confirm the preliminary success of CBCT in reducing pain and psychosexual burden for women with PVD and their partners. Further large‐scale randomized controlled trials are necessary to examine the efficacy of CBCT compared with and in conjunction with first‐line biomedical interventions for PVD.


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Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent and taxing female genital pain condition. Despite the intimate nature of this pain and the fact that affective factors such as anxiety have been shown to modulate its manifestations, no study has yet explored the emotional regulation of couples in which the woman suffers from PVD. Aim Ambivalence over emotional expression (AEE) is an emotional regulation variable that quantifies the extent to which a person is comfortable with the way she or he expresses emotions. We examined whether the dyadic AEE of couples in which the woman suffers from PVD was differentially associated with women's pain and couples' psychological, sexual, and relational functioning. Methods Couples (N = 254), in which the woman suffered from PVD, completed the AEE questionnaire. A couple typology of dyadic AEE was created. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures for both members of the couple were the global measure of sexual satisfaction scale, the Beck depression inventory II, and the revised dyadic adjustment scale. The female sexual function index and the sexual history form were used to assess the sexual function of women and men, respectively. Women also completed the pain rating index of the McGill pain questionnaire. Results Couples, in which both partners were considered low on AEE, had the highest scores on sexual satisfaction (P = 0.02) and function (P < 0.01), the lowest depression scores (P < 0.01), and the best dyadic adjustment (P = 0.02). No difference in pain intensity was found between couples. Conclusions Findings suggest that, for couples in which the woman suffers from PVD, an emotional regulation that is low in ambivalence in both partners is associated with better psychological, sexual, and relational outcomes. Results indicate that emotional regulation may be important to consider in the assessment and treatment of couples coping with PVD.


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Note de l'éditeur : This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.


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Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a prevalent genital pain syndrome that has been assumed to be chronic, with little spontaneous remission. Despite this assumption, there is a dearth of empirical evidence regarding the progression of PVD in a natural setting. Although many treatments are available, there is no single treatment that has demonstrated efficacy above others. Aims The aims of this secondary analysis of a prospective study were to (i) assess changes over a 2-year period in pain, depressive symptoms, and sexual outcomes in women with PVD; and (ii) examine changes based on treatment(s) type. Methods Participants completed questionnaire packages at Time 1 and a follow-up package 2 years later. Main Outcome Measures Visual analog scale of genital pain, Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction, Female Sexual Function Index, Beck Depression Inventory, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and sexual intercourse attempts over the past month. Results Two hundred thirty-nine women with PVD completed both time one and two questionnaires. For the sample as a whole, there was significant improvement over 2 years on pain ratings, sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and depressive symptoms. The most commonly received treatments were physical therapy, sex/psychotherapy, and medical treatment, although 41.0% did not undergo any treatment. Women receiving no treatment also improved significantly on pain ratings. No single treatment type predicted better outcome for any variable except depressive symptoms, in which women who underwent surgery were more likely to improve. Discussion These results suggest that PVD may significantly reduce in severity over time. Participants demonstrated clinically significant pain improvement, even when they did not receive treatment. Furthermore, the only single treatment type predicting better outcomes was surgery, and only for depressive symptoms, accounting for only 2.3% of the variance. These data do not demonstrate the superiority of any one treatment and underscore the need to have control groups in PVD treatment trials, otherwise improvements may simply be the result of natural progression.