991 resultados para SEXUAL ACTIVITIES


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Parental effort may influence the fitness and survivorship of adult birds and their offspring from one breeding season to the next. Although much is known about parental feeding effort in tyrant flycatchers, many species remain understudied. In this study, I examined parental feeding effort of the White-headed Marsh-Tyrant (Awndinicola leucocephala) at a pond in southeastern Brazil. I conducted 10.3 hrs of observations from two locations: a high place with all view of the whole pond, that allowed me to observe flight distances of parents hunting for prey; and from near the nest to observe frequency of visits to the nest. The female marsh-tyrant flew farther while hunting prey and made more visits to the nest than did the male. The adults (mainly the female) provided a variety of terrestrial and aquatic arthropods to the nestlings. Additionally, parents removed fecal sacs from the nest and nestlings eliminated arthropod remains from the nest, the first records of nest sanitation activities by this species. Nonexclusive hypotheses that may explain the lower level of parental care provided by the male include: higher predation risk due its more conspicuous plumage, commitment of male to territory defense, and its selfish behavior influenced by indirect genotype fitness inherited by the offspring. © The Neotropical Ornithological Society.


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Este estudo teve como contexto uma escola ribeirinha no município de Breves, situado na Ilha do Marajó, no Estado do Pará. Objetivo mestre: Analisar as representações sociais de jovens-alunos do ensino fundamental da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental São Francisco, da Comunidade São Francisco, no município de Breves sobre exploração sexual nas balsas do Marajó e as implicações nas suas vidas escolares. Objetivos condutores: Identificar o perfil dos alunos-jovens; Verificar as imagens e os significados destes alunos-jovens sobre a exploração sexual juvenil; Destacar as objetivações e as ancoragens como elementos que compõem as Representações Sociais de alunos-jovens e alunas-jovens sobre a exploração sexual juvenil; Relacionar as Representações Sociais de alunos e alunas jovens sobre a exploração sexual juvenil nas balsas do Marajó e as implicações nas suas vidas escolares. Participaram deste estudo 16 jovens, na faixa etária entre 14 e 20 anos, matriculados entre a 4ª e 6ª série do ensino fundamental. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa-descritiva. O referencial teórico foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais – TRS, com base em Moscovici (2010) e Nascimento (2002). A análise de dados se deu a partir dos referenciais metodológicos de Franco (2008) e Nascimento e Moraes (2010); As Representações Sociais dos jovens-alunos sobre a exploração sexual juvenil nas balsas do Marajó constituíram-se no Rio de possibilidades, cuja imagem se apresenta pelo encantamento, e Rio que traga, imagem representada pelo desencantamento. Além destas RS, destacaram-se significações cuja imagem foi o sentimento de culpa, que se destaca como significado de ser julgado pela comunidade, ter a atribuição de balseira, medo de sofrer ameaças e pelo sentimento de ausência do poder público. A partir destas significações, ressaltamos enquanto ponto de ancoragem o silêncio. Este sentimento que não se pode ouvir brada de sentidos, ora pelo medo de sofrer alguma espécie de julgamento social ora pelo sentimento de esvaziamento que esta condição da exploração sexual se materializa em suas vivências. As implicações escolares constituídas a partir das Representações Sociais de jovens-alunos sobre a exploração sexual juvenil foram: fragilização na formação escolar e no processo psicossocial de desenvolvimento juvenil; falta de aprendizagem; desatenção nos conteúdos e atividades escolares; desinteresse pela escolarização (Abandono escolar e Repetência escolar). Estes elementos e as análises teóricas articuladas a partir dessas Representações Sociais nos apontam como conclusão que a exploração sexual nos rios e furos da paisagem amazônica ainda é pouco visível, uma vez que as ações do poder público ainda não dão o lugar para este fenômeno no sentido de seu combate e enfrentamento. Entendemos, portanto, que deve haver uma ação educativa que possibilite o enfrentamento da exploração sexual juvenil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Sexual Orientation is present in the school setting, due to human relationships among all belonging to this area. Being a cross-cutting theme, this theme pervades the Physical Education and allows discussions related to the gender, body and media, respect for diversity, disease prevention and other topics that the contents of body culture allow to deal. With observation and participation in the school context, through a stage of more than a year, we realized the need to address the issue of sexual orientation with students. In addition, there is a dearth of articles dealing with this topic, a factor that complicates and limits the search fields of material for the teacher preparing lessons and address the issue. Thus, this study aims to develop classes to subsidize the practice of teachers of physical education in relation to Sexual Orientation. The preparation of activities was carried out from a bibliographic review and experiences of the researchers, presenting new possibilities to teacher to treat this subject in classes of that discipline. The topics covered are intended to demystify some pre-concepts related to gender in bodily practices that are socially constructed. Also, presented a way to address STDs and teenage pregnancy, topics not found in academic magazines of the area used in this study. Treating Sexual Orientation in Physical Education classes may seem at first a tricky and of difficult data collection. The teacher must seek this knowledge so that it can address the issue with students in a transparent and really effective not being only informative classes meaningless or decontextualized thoughts


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The aim is to evaluate the influence of oral contraceptive intake and menstrual cycle on the electrical activity and pressure pain threshold from anterior temporal and masseter muscles. Twenty-eight women on reproductive age were selected, 13 OC users and 15 nonusers. They were weekly submitted to electromyography and algometry of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during three consecutive menstrual cycles. Electrical activities at rest position and PPTs of temporal and masseter muscles were not affected by menstrual cycle or by OCs uses. Comparison between groups demonstrated that working side electrical activity was increased in OC users in both muscles, except during lutheal phase for the anterior temporal. However, comparison within weeks did not demonstrate statistical difference. It was suggested that, in healthy women, oral contraceptive use may influence electrical activity, but different phases of the cycle may not.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Adriatic sturgeon, Acipenser naccarii (Bonaparte, 1836), is a highly threatened species due to human activities, particularly overfishing and habitat destruction. Its peculiar ecology and biology (restricted areal and anadromy) makes this species particularly vulnerable. In March 2010 the IUCN has identified the Adriatic sturgeon as a critically endangered species according to the Red List of Threatened Species. Due to its rapid decline, starting from the 80s, at present there is no evidence of natural reproduction in wild environment, which makes the Adriatic sturgeon dependenton captive breeding programs that need to be improved in order to be effective for the survival of the species. For this purpose this study aims to characterize artificial restocking population of Adriatic sturgeon, with both genetic and physiological analysis in order to establish an efficient restocking program for future reproductions. The research is structured on two levels: First genetically, by analyzing 9 microsatellite loci. This gives information relatively about parent allocation and kinship between individuals that were sampled for this study. Hence to predict which reproduction events are the most optimal in terms of incrementing genetic diversity, by the estimation of multilocus pairwise band sharing coefficients. Second step, physiological analysis: testosterone (T) concentration levels in each individual were measured for sexing, without sacrificing the lives of the animals with the use of an invasive examination of the gonads. The combination of interdisciplinary analysis is important to obtain an overall picture in order to indicate the main broodstock participating in reproduction events and future optimal potential participants, in order to ensure a valid management for restocking program and their monitoring.


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Human sexual determination is initiated by a cascade of genes that lead to the development of the fetal gonad. Whereas development of the female external genitalia does not require fetal ovarian hormones, male genital development requires the action of testicular testosterone and its more potent derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The "classic" biosynthetic pathway from cholesterol to testosterone in the testis and the subsequent conversion of testosterone to DHT in genital skin is well established. Recently, an alternative pathway leading to DHT has been described in marsupials, but its potential importance to human development is unclear. AKR1C2 is an enzyme that participates in the alternative but not the classic pathway. Using a candidate gene approach, we identified AKR1C2 mutations with sex-limited recessive inheritance in four 46,XY individuals with disordered sexual development (DSD). Analysis of the inheritance of microsatellite markers excluded other candidate loci. Affected individuals had moderate to severe undervirilization at birth; when recreated by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in bacteria, the mutant AKR1C2 had diminished but not absent catalytic activities. The 46,XY DSD individuals also carry a mutation causing aberrant splicing in AKR1C4, which encodes an enzyme with similar activity. This suggests a mode of inheritance where the severity of the developmental defect depends on the number of mutations in the two genes. An unrelated 46,XY DSD patient carried AKR1C2 mutations on both alleles, confirming the essential role of AKR1C2 and corroborating the hypothesis that both the classic and alternative pathways of testicular androgen biosynthesis are needed for normal human male sexual differentiation.


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The present study investigates the rates of victimization of sexual assault reported by undergraduates at Bucknell University. Specifically, the study aimed to determine where and when sexual assault took place, in order to pinpoint both temporal risks and locational risks associated with certain events on campus. Results of the survey were analyzed for victimization rates across class year, time of year, where victimization took place, as well as where victims and perpetrators met. Data for the study was gathered by means of anonymous survey, sent out to 1752 randomly selected undergraduates via email. Participants filled out the survey which asked if they had ever been sexually assaulted or committed a sexual assault during their past year studying at Bucknell. The results of the survey indicated that dormitories, fraternity houses, and off-campus student houses displayed significantly higher rates of victimization than other locations. In addition, increased risk of unwanted sexual contact in the fall semester was shown to be statistically significant. Moreover, results of the current study support that parties were statistically significant locations for meeting perpetrators of sexual assault. The results suggest that it may be beneficial to direct special attention towards campus sexual assault, specifically to certain locations, times of the year, and campus activities.


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Getting evidence-based sexual health education activities into schools can be a complicated process. Working models that assist our educational system in the selection, implementation, and maintenance of effective school-based adolescent health programs are needed. Replicating sexual health programs in school-based settings: A model for schools provides a comprehensive and applied approach that engages all of the important stakeholders within a school district. The results from this study hold much potential to inform Texas and the nation about how a coordinated and practical model can assist school districts to increase the use of evidence-based programs addressing teen pregnancy prevention and sexual health issues.


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Cichlid fish species of Lake Victoria can interbreed without loss of fertility but are sexually isolated by mate choice. Mate choice is determined on the basis of coloration, and strong assortative mating can quickly lead to sexual isolation of color morphs. Dull fish col- oration, few color morphs, and low species diversity are found in areas that have become turbid as a result of recent eutrophication. By constraining color vision, turbidity interferes with mate choice, relaxes sexual selection, and blocks the mechanism of reproductive isolation. In this way, human activities that increase turbidity destroy both the mechanism of diversification and that which maintains diversity.