957 resultados para SEED GERMINATION


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Seed germination of Raphanus sativus is inhibited by light only under low water potential of the medium. Curves of fluence response to white, red and far-red lights demonstrated that the inhibition of seed germination is dependent on light irradiance being far-red light the more effective than the formers and the germination being inhibited by intermitent light indicates phytochrome involvement through the high irradiance reactions in the control of seed germination in radish seeds under water stress conditions.


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Syagrus schizophylla (Mart.) Glass. belongs to the Arecaccae family. This palm is native of Brazil and presents great potential for use in gardens and cultivation in pot. Palms species, with relatively few exceptions, can only be propagated from seeds; even so, there are no reports in the literature about the germination of this palm seeds. The seed maturity is a factor that interferes in the success of the germination process. For some species, studies showed that palm seeds germinated better when the fruits were completely ripe (showing full color) and for other, when they were with green coloration. Several species of the Arecaccae family presents physical dormancy of seeds in varied degrees, demanding treatments for improve germination. The objective of this work was to study the effects of maturation and of the scarification on seed germination of S. schizophylla. The experimental design used was a factorial 3 x 2 (3 maturation stadiums: green, half-ripe - yellow and completely ripe - red; and mechanical scarification: with and without), entirely casualized, with four replications of 15 seeds per plot. The seeds (with 32,43% of humidity) were placed in plastic boxes with sand (60% of humidity, placing water according to weight in each three days), under controlled conditions of alternated temperature of 25-35 degrees C, photoperiod of 12 hours. The percentage of germination and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated until 79 days. It was observed that, so much for germination percentage as for SGI, there was not significant difference for the interaction among the two factors, maturation stadium and scarification, however, there were significant differences among the maturation stadiums and between seeds scarified or not. The seeds from green fruits presented lower germination percentage and slower germination when compared with seeds from yellow or red fruits; the seeds from yellow or red fruits didn't differ statistically to each other. To seeds scarificated, independently of the maturation stadium, presented germination percentage significantly larger and the germination was significantly faster when compared with the seeds without scarification.


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The germination of seeds of Emilia sonchifolia (2n) and E. fosgerbii (4n) was analysed and our results indicate that the former present light insensitive seeds and the latter germinated only under continuous white light. The germination of seeds under shade light presented no differences between both species, However under continuous white light, which maintain 70% of Pfr, the velocity of germination was greater in Emilia sonchifolia when compared to Emilia fosbergii, indicating that the threshold of 4n seeds were greater than 2n seeds. The analysis of the fluence response curves for etiolating process indicated that the process presented no differences between both species. The same was observed for the effect of the shade light in the etiolating process.


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Despite their spiny nature, Aiphanes palms are popular as ornamentals. They can be grown in various soil conditions, but achieve fast, luxuriant growth in sheltered positions with plenty of water. Shaded conditions are the best when plants are young. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fruit maturation stage and light on the germination of seeds of A. aculeata. Fruits were collected at three different maturation stages: (1) yellow, (2) red, (3) collected on the ground without the fleshy mesocarp (removed by birds and insects). The fleshy mesocarp was also removed in treatments (1) and (2). All fruits were then treated with thiram and 25 seeds per plot were seeded in trays full of sand. The treatments (2) and (3) were subdivided in two other treatments: (a) 12 h photoperiod, (b) continuous darkness. The temperature was maintained at 30 degrees C. Seed germination began 34 days after sowing. After 160 days, the final germination percentage was (1) 54,67%, (2a) 61,33%, (2b) 65,33%, (3a) 38,00% and (3b) 45,33%. The best treatment was (2) independently of the light conditions.


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The germination of seeds of Bidens pilosa L. colected at different places was analyzed by dose-response curves for induction and reversion of germination in seeds pre-incubated at 25 degrees C or 36 degrees C during 24 hours. Our results indicate that phytochrome is responsible for the control of seed germination id Bidens pilosa and the level of pre-existing active form of phytochrome (Pfr) above the threshold switch the seed to germinate in darkness.


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Preliminary tests indicated 20-degrees-25-degrees-C as optimum temperature range to the germination of the seeds of P. gonoacantha. Seeds germinate both under light and dark conditions, although final percentage is always higher in latest condition. The transmission spectrum of the tegument was investigated and showed an enrichment of the light in far-red region which reaches the embryo. Consequently the white light inhibits partially germination. Another factor controlling germination was the water availability. Our results indicated that the excessive water available during imbibition inhibits the germination process. According to our results we propose that this species do not have a pioneer behavior and even though P. gonoacantha had been described as a riparian vegetation species, the germination process is strongly inhibited with excessive water during imbiibition process.


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The effect of osmoconditioning and controlled water sowing was analysed in seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. carioca on germination under water stress conditions. The pre-sowing in water at low temperature to limit germination resulted in the increase in the tolerance to water stress. The osmoconditioning with PEG for 48 hours increased the tolerance of bean seeds to water stress of -0.51MPa. The osmoconditioning or controlled water sowing can be used as a practice to increase the tolerance of bean seeds to water stress before planting in the field.


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T. micrantha (L.) Blume (Ulmaceae), a common pioneer tree species in Brazil, is used in the restoration of degraded areas. The fruits are fleshy and indehiscent, with only one water impermeable seed. During the fruiting period, fruits of different colours are found at the same time on the same branch. This research aimed to correlate fruit colour with other physical indicators of seed maturity and to Verify the effect of temperature regime on seed germination. Collected fruits were separated in to green, green-red and red colour and for each of these maturation stages, size, moisture content and dry matter of both fruits and seeds were determined. Seeds were scarified with sulphuric acid and submitted to a germination test conducted at constant (20 degreesC, 30 degreesC and 40 degreesC) and alternating (20-30 degreesC, 30-40 degreesC and 20-40 degreesC) temperatures for 15 weeks. Seed germination percentage and speed were analysed after five weeks and the fmal percentage of germinated and Viable seeds after 15 weeks. Seed maturity is attained when the fruits are green-red. At this stage, moisture content was about 64% for fruits and 10% for seeds. Alternating temperature was required for seed germination and 20-30 degreesC was the best option. Most seeds had germinated after five weeks, providing mature seeds, acid scarification and alternating temperature were used.


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The Syagrus romanzoffiana is a specie of the Arecaccae family, native of Brazil, frequently used in landscape architecture. Its propagation is by seeds, however, there is little information in the literature about seed germination of this ornamental palm. The objective of this work was to study the effects of temperatures on seed germination of Syagrus romanzoffliana. The experimental design used was entirely randomized, with six temperatures (20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C, constant and 20-30 degrees C and 25-35 degrees C alternated), photoperiod of 12 hours, and five replications of 20 seeds each. The seeds were placed in plastic boxes with sand, counting daily germination until 43(th) day. The percentage of seed germination (43(th) day) and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated. The conclusion was that there was no germination at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and in the alternated temperature of 20-30 degrees C; the higher germination percentages were verified in the constant temperatures of 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C that didn't differ statistically from the temperature of 25-35 degrees C. The germination was faster at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C.


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Although drought and defoliation stress have been shown to reduce soybean [Glycine max (L.). Merr.] yield, little information has been published regarding their effects on soybean seed quality. Field experiments were conducted in 1986, 1987, and 1989 to evaluate the effect of drought and defoliation (1989 only) stress during soybean seed development on seed germination and vigor. Essex (MG [maturity group] V) and Union (MG III) were grown in 1986 and 1987, and Harper (MG III) and McCall (MG 00) in 1989. Moisture treatments were either well watered or drought stressed during seed development (R5 to R7). In 1989, a total defoliation treatment was also imposed at R6 as an additional stress factor. There were significant reductions in yield and yield components following drought stress in all 3 yr and following defoliation in 1989. Leaf conductance and transpiration also decreased in the drought stress treatments. There was no effect of drought stress on seed germination or seed vigor as measured by accelerated aging germination and the cold test across the four cultivars (determinate and indeterminate) and 3 yr. In 1989 slight changes in 3-d germination and conductivity occurred for some drought stress treatments. Most of this response, however, was related to increased occurrence of hard seed, which does not represent an indication of a change in vigor. Seed germination and vigor were significantly reduced for small, flat, shriveled, and underdeveloped seeds that only occurred following defoliation. These seeds represented a small portion of the seed lot that would normally be removed during conditioning. The data suggest that drought stress would have no effect on seed germination or vigor, unless the stress was severe enough to produce shriveled, flat, underdeveloped seeds.


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Comm indica L. is an herbaceous species with ornamental and medicinal value, having seeds with a hard seed coat. This study aimed to test the influence of constant temperatures ranging from 5 to 45 C, at 5 C intervals, on the germination of scarified seeds. Data obtained were analyzed through the model of enthalpy of activation in order to obtain the optimum temperature range for germination. The species showed seed germinability in a wide temperature range (10-40 degrees C) being the optimal temperature range between 13.84 and 34.41 degrees C, determined by the enthalpy of activation.


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Angelonia salicariifolia is an herbaceous perennial native to Brazil with ornamental potential as garden plant, cut-flower and potted plant. It has blue flowers 1.0 to 1.4 cm long, in 10-30 cm long terminal racemes. In previous studies seeds of A. salicariifolia showed a positive photoblastic behavior under constant temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. The present study evaluated the effects of growth regulators (100, 200, 300, 400, 500 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid and 2.25, 11.3, 22.5 mg L-1 of 6-benzylamino-purine) and potassium nitrate (0.2 and 1.0 %) on promoting its seed germination. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six replications of 25 seeds, for each treatment. Seeds from dehiscent capsules were sown on one layer of filter paper and moistened with growth regulators or KNO3 solutions. Germination was carried out at 25 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C, under continuous light or darkness. Germination (protusion of the radicle) was observed daily for 20 days. In the dark, only gibberellic acid promoted seed germination. The percentage of germination and the speed of germination index at 400 mg L-1 (47.3%; 0.86) and 500 mg L-1 (52.0%; 0.95) were significantly higher compared to 100 mg L-1 (27.8%; 0.38) and 200 mg L-1 (32.3%; 0.49). The mean germination time at 500 mg L-1 (10.0 days) was significantly smaller compared to 100 mg L-1 (11.9 days) and 200 mg L-1 (11.5 days). Under light, treatments did not differ among each other or from the control, except for 22.5 mg L-1 of 6-benzylamino-purine and potassium nitrate (1.0%), which decreased the percentage of germination and the speed of germination index compared to control. The application of growth regulators or potassium nitrate under light condition is not necessary, since these treatments did not improve germination percentage or the speed of germination index.


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The effect of water stress induced by application of polyethylene glycol 6000 during seed germination and seedling growth of Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC 165 was analysed. The seed germination was inhibited by the decrease in the water potential of the medium, the inhibition being greater under white light than under continuous darkness. When the seedling was submitted to water stress (-0.51 MPa) white light inhibited growth of root, coleoptile-and leaf, while under no stress conditions white light caused increase in growth of root and leaf and only inhibition of coleoptile growth. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Germination of pelleted seeds of different lettuce cultivars was evaluated. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with four replications, in a factorial outline 5 x 4. Seeds of 'Elisa', 'Veronica AF 259', 'Vera' and 'Tainá' were tested. The sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations used were 0; 50 Mm(2,9222 g/L); 100 Mm (5,8443 g/L); 150 Mm (8,7665 g/L); and 200 Mm (11,6886 g/L). Germination percentage, germination rate and number of normal seedling were evaluated. The concentration of 200 Mm of NaCl resulted in the lowest number of germinated plants. 'Veronica AF 259' germinated in the shortest time using a concentration of 150 Mn of NaCl.