907 resultados para SAN MARTIN, JOSE DE


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One of the most advance designs for HiPER fusion reactor is a spherical chamber 10 m in diameter based on dry wall concept. In this system, the first wall will have to withstand short energy pulses of 5 to 20 MJ at a repetition rate of 0.5-10 Hz mostly in form of X-rays and charged particles. To avoid melting of the inner surface, the first wall consists on a thin armor attached to the structural material. Thickness (th) and material of each layer have to be chosen to assure the proper functioning of the facility during its planned lifetime.


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Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. One of the main issues in these programs is the problem of liquid metals breeder blanket behavior. Structural material of the blanket should meet high requirements because of extreme operating conditions. Therefore the knowledge of eutectic properties like optimal composition, physical and thermodynamic behavior or diffusion coefficients of Tritium are extremely necessary for current designs. In particular, the knowledge of the function linking the tritium concentration dissolved in liquid materials with the tritium partial pressure at a liquid/gas interface in equilibrium, CT=f(PT), is of basic importance because it directly impacts all functional properties of a blanket determining: tritium inventory, tritium permeation rate and tritium extraction efficiency. Nowadays, understanding the structure and behavior of this compound is a real goal in fusion engineering and materials science. Simulations of liquids can provide much information to the community; not only supplementing experimental data, but providing new tests of theories and ideas, making specific predictions that require experimental tests, and ultimately helping to lead to the deeper understanding and better predictive behavior.


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Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. Extracting dynamic and structural properties of liquid LiPb mixtures via molecular dynamics simulations, represent a crucial step for multiscale modeling efforts in order to understand the suitability of this compound for future Nuclear Fusion technologies. At present a Li-Pb cross potential is not available in the literature. Here we present our first results on the validation of two semi-empirical potentials for Li and Pb in liquid phase. Our results represent the establishment of a solid base as a previous but crucial step to implement a LiPb cross potential. Structural and thermodynamical analyses confirm that the implemented potentials for Li and Pb are realistic to simulate both elements in the liquid phase.


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The detailed study of the deterioration suffered by the materials of the components of a nuclear facility, in particular those forming part of the reactor core, is a topic of great interest which importance derives in large technological and economic implications. Since changes in the atomic-structural properties of relevant components pose a risk to the smooth operation with clear consequences for security and life of the plant, controlling these factors is essential in any development of engineering design and implementation. In recent times, tungsten has been proposed as a structural material based on its good resistance to radiation, but still needs to be done an extensive study on the influence of temperature on the behavior of this material under radiation damage. This work aims to contribute in this regard. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out to determine the influence of temperature fluctuations on radiation damage production and evolution in Tungsten. We have particularly focused our study in the dynamics of defect creation, recombination, and diffusion properties. PKA energies were sampled in a range from 5 to 50 KeV. Three different temperature scenarios were analyzed, from very low temperatures (0-200K), up to high temperature conditions (300-500 K). We studied the creation of defects, vacancies and interstitials, recombination rates, diffusion properties, cluster formation, their size and evolution. Simulations were performed using Lammps and the Zhou EAM potential for W


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The goal of the European laser fusion project, is to build an engineering facility for repetitive laser operation (HiPER 4a) and later a fusion reactor (HiPER 4b). A key aspect for laser fusion energy is the final optics. At the moment, it is based on silica transmission lenses located 8 m away from the chamber center. Lens lifetime depends on the irradiation conditions. We have used a 48 MJ shock ignition target for calculations. We have studied the thermo-mechanical effects of ions and X-rays on the lenses. Ions lead to lens melting and must therefore be mitigated. On the other hand, X-rays (~1% of the energy) does not produce either a significant temperature rise or detrimental stresses. Finally, we calculated the neutron flux and gamma dose rate on the lenses. Next, based on a simple model we studied the formation of color centers in the sample, which lead to optical absorption. Calculations show that simultaneous neutron and gamma irradiation does not significantly increase the optical absorption during the expected lifetime of the HiPER 4a facility. Under severe conditions (HiPER 4b), operation above 800 K or lens refreshing by thermal annealing treatments seem to assure adequate behavior.


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Real time Tritium concentrations in air coming from an ITER-like reactor as source were coupled the European Centre Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) numerical model with the lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model FLEXPART. This tool ECMWF/FLEXPART was analyzed in normal operating conditions in the Western Mediterranean Basin during 45 days at summer 2010. From comparison with NORMTRI plumes over Western Mediterranean Basin the real time results have demonstrated an overestimation of the corresponding climatologically sequence Tritium concentrations in air outputs, at several distances from the reactor. For these purpose two clouds development patterns were established. The first one was following a cyclonic circulation over the Mediterranean Sea and the second one was based in the cloud delivered over the Interior of the Iberian Peninsula by another stabilized circulation corresponding to a High. One of the important remaining activities defined then, was the tool qualification. The aim of this paper is to present the ECMWF/FLEXPART products confronted with Tritium concentration in air data. For this purpose a database to develop and validate ECMWF/FLEXPART tritium in both assessments has been selected from a NORMTRI run. Similarities and differences, underestimation and overestimation with NORMTRI will allowfor refinement in some features of ECMWF/FLEXPART


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HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here.


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: DOZE portentosos milagros de la insigne virgen y martir Santa Barbara que prometen a sus deuotos la gracia de no morir sin los sacramentos... (XVII/382).


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La determinación de la línea histórica de deforestación como parte del establecimiento de la línea de referencia de emisiones, en el marco del programa REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), permite medir la evolución de la pérdida de bosque en un periodo definido de tiempo. El objetivo fue calcular la línea histórica de deforestación mediante estudio multitemporal para el periodo 1998-2011, en la región de San Martín (Perú), utilizando la metodología de Análisis de Mezclas Espectrales (Spectral Mixtures Analysis) con imágenes Landsat 5-TM. Palabras clave: teledetección, Landsat 5-TM, análisis de mezclas espectrales, REDD, Protocolo de Kioto, deforestación, Amazonía, SMA Spectral Mixture Analysis for the study of deforestation and establishing reference emissions level within the REDD Program framework. Application to the region of San Martin, Peru. Abstract: Determination of the historical baseline of deforestation as part of establishing the reference emissions level within the REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) Program framework allows for the measurement of the evolution of forest loss over a defined period time. The objective was to estimate the historical baseline of deforestation through a multi-temporal study for the period 1998-2011, in the region of San Martin (Peru), using the methodology of Spectral Mixture Analysis (Mixtures Spectral Analysis) from Landsat 5-TM imagery. Keywords: remote sensing, Landsat 5-TM, spectral mixtures analysis, REDD, Kyoto Protocol, deforestation, Amazon, SMA


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Mode of access: Internet.


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La seguridad y salud ocupacional tiene como finalidad principal velar para que las condiciones de los trabajadores sean óptimas para desarrollar sus actividades; que el lugar donde se desempeñen proporcione el más alto grado de bienestar físico, mental y social. De igual manera se hace necesaria la identificación de los riesgos a los que se exponen dichos trabajadores, para tratar de eliminarlos o minimizarlos lo más que se pueda. De ahí el objetivo principal de esta investigación; ya que para esto se hace necesario contar con un programa de seguridad y salud ocupacional, que sirva de guía de acción ante eventualidades que pueden surgir en las actividades diarias de una empresa; de igual manera sirve para poder identificar los accidentes y enfermedades más comunes, identificaciones de riesgos y las acciones correctivas para prevenirlos, es decir dentro del programa de seguridad y salud ocupacional se encuentra todos esos lineamientos necesarios para poder brindarle a los trabajadores las mejores condiciones en su lugar de trabajo. Para realizar la investigación de campo se utilizaron técnicas e instrumentos de investigación necesario que fueran capaces de poder recolectar la información necesaria, utilizando fuentes primarias y secundarias, así como la observación directa, entrevistas y encuestas; todo esto con el fin de obtener la información necesaria para poder hacer un diagnóstico sobre la situación en la que se encuentran las pequeñas empresas en lo referido a la seguridad y salud ocupacional. Las principales conclusiones a las que se llegaron es que las pequeñas empresas dedicadas a la fabricación de estructuras metálicas del municipio de San Martin no cuentan con un Programa de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional y que la mayoría de empleados desconocen sobre este tema, por lo que se recomendó el diseño de un Programa de Seguridad y Salud ocupacional así como también la creación de un Comité de Seguridad y Salud ocupacional. Finalmente se realizó la creación del Programa se Seguridad y Salud ocupacional para la empresa “El Detalle”, en donde se establecen los lineamientos a seguir para que se mejoren las condiciones en las que los empleados realicen sus actividades, dicho programa puede servir como guía también para las demás pequeñas empresas de estructuras metálicas.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue a nalizar el cambio de uso de suelo durante un periodo de 18 años en las áreas de bosque de pino y su influencia en la fijación de bióxido de carbono en el Municipio de Dipilto, Nueva Segovia . Se seleccionaron 3 Fincas : San Martín, El Sarrete y Campofresco que presentaron estados de desarrollo: bosque maduro, bosque joven y bosque en regeneración. Se establecieron 9 parcelas temporales (con predominancia P. oocarpa ), utilizándose una parcela temporal para cada es tado d esarrollo. En cada estado de desarrollo se derribó un árbol tipo, se separó en tallo, ramas y follaje. La mayor par te de biomasa seca se encuentra en la finca San Martin con 99.12 Mg/ha estado en desarrollo maduro , estado en desarrollo joven con 77.70 Mg/ ha y estado en desarrollo regeneración 38.63 Mg/ha . El Factor de expansión de biomasa en San Martin 1.59 esta do en desarrollo regeneración, El Sarrete para el estado en desarrollo maduro 1 .40 y finca Campofresco 1.27 estado desarrollo joven . El total de ca rbono almacenado lo presentó San Martín para el estado en desarrollo maduro con 27.13 Mg/ha , joven 22.06 Mg/ha y estado en desarrollo regeneraci ón con 9.82 Mg/ha . El contenido de carbono en el suelo 826.89 Mg/ha regeneración, 503.96 Mg/ha Joven , 294.55 Mg/ ha maduro en San Martín de 0 a 20 cm de profundidad. En un 38.49 % de esa área se emitieron entre 0 - 15 Mg/ha . Emisiones de 26 - 30 Mg/ha se presentaron en un 17.8 1 % del área. Existe un 48.19 % del área total que fijo rangos de 26 - 30 Mg/ha y un 38. 49 % de las áreas fij aron entre 0 - 15 Mg /ha . Se encontró un balance neto positivo de 2925. 2 1 hectáreas, de las cuales 1981.25 hectáreas fijaron rangos de 26 - 30 Mg/ha, 606.06 hectáre as fijaron en un rango entre 0 - 15 Mg /ha y el rango 16 - 25 Mg/ha 337.89 hect áreas .