450 resultados para S. Infantis


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Partindo da hipótese de que a criança possui uma gramática internalizada, uma vez que ela é falante da língua, este trabalho procura detectar os parâmetros desta gramática. Para isso, analisamos os mecanismos de coeso/coerência textual utilizados por alunos de 3ª srie do 1º grau para a produção de textos.


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Educational practices, behavior problems and children's social skills have been more studied in family context than in school context. This study aimed to compare, from the verbal report, educational practices of regular and special teacher in relation to children's behavior, concerning groups differentiated by reference indication of behavior problems in the classroom by the teacher and sex of the children. This study surveyed fifteen teachers and twenty-eight students (6-9 years), who were grouped in regular teaching (n = 18, kindergarten, elementary) and especial teaching (n = 10). The assessment with teachers was proceeded by using a questionnaire (Q-RSH-Pr) and a semi-structured interview (RE-HSE-Pr). We observed that there is a significant difference: boys as well as children with behavior problems presented more difficulties than others. Their teachers revealed that they use more negative


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s-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The school textbook is an important pedagogic resource in the classroom, and it is frequently the only one. But, an analysis of the Maternal Language’s textbooks in Brazil and in Portugal allowed us to detect serious didactic obstacles to the learning of the language in its semiotic omnifuncionality. In this paper we are going to present the results of a project that involves the presence of a children’s literature book in the classroom instead of the textbook adaptations. We developed activities before, during and after the reading in a fourth grade class of an Elementary School in Brazil and Portugal having the aim of build readers.


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The article deals, initially, from a theoretical point of view, the concept of function in the perspective of Vygotsky (2001), and functional equivalence from the point of view of Smith (1989) and articulates them with the letter funcion in the construction of words in discursive statements. Taking as reference these concepts, it was analysed writings of a student in early literacy at a school in a countryside city in the state of So Paulo, in a situation of writing letters of personal correspondence, whose data were collected in 2009 in order to determine which letters are chosen by the student and why they are chosen to record the speech. The concept of function in Vygotsky and the functional equivalence of Smith (1989) used for the analysis of corpus, revealed that the student’s decisions are characterized by diversity sources and criteria, and rely mainly on the basis that a letter can have the constitution of the word, in the process of enunciation, regardless of their phonetic correspondence. The letter, used as a basis, would lose its status as strictly technical element to achieve the status of a unit of sense since is a constituent part of discourse.


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This article tells the experience of some scholarship holders of Subproject PIBID Pedagogy Literacy FFC, who have developed, between its activities: planning, analysis, confection and adequacy of books of infantile histories so that they can be read and better understood for a child with visual deficiency. The idea arose from the fact that the school in which the pupil is enrolled does not have in its collection such resources. The books followed the criteria of adequacy and present in the literature of specific preparation area and the results pointed to the schoolgirl showed interest and motivation to run the task to read the stories with the adjustments that are made.


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As reflexões tecidas neste texto decorreram de inúmeros questionamentos acerca da necessidade de se considerar a importância dos contos infantis como literatura, na formação humana e na educação. Nesse sentido, aborda-se, num primeiro momento, aspectos históricos da origem e trajetória dos contos infantis. Após e ainda que brevemente, abordam-se alguns fundamentos discutidos entre Habermas e Mead sobre a construção da intersubjetividade humana que pode ser propiciada pelos contos infantis e a conquista da individuação e socialização. Por fim, so abordados aspectos a partir dos quais se espera contribuir para as reflexões sobre educação, centralmente sobre a educação de crianças em processo de escolarização.


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Os acidentes infantis causam alta morbimortalidade. Embora preveníveis pela educação, so escassos os subsdios para atuar com o tema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar estratégia educativa sobre prevenção de acidentes infantis para o ensino fundamental. Participaram membros de um Grupo de Pesquisa, escolares de duas salas de 3ª srie do ensino fundamental e as professoras. Utilizou-se literatura da área, materiais recicláveis e impressos. Realizaram-se reuniões para definição, elaboração e ensaio da estratégia, no Grupo de Pesquisa, e estudo piloto nas salas de aula. A estratégia resultante foi um Teatro de Fantoches abordando a prevenção de queimaduras infantis, com Folheto Avaliativo do Aluno para antes e após a ação e Questionário Avaliativo do Professor após a ação. Concluiu-se que a estratégia elaborada foi de fácil aplicação e boa aceitação, favorecendo a posterior aplicação e avaliação por professores.


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A leitura e a escrita assumem papel fundamental na vida em sociedade. Em busca de meios para permitir igualdade de condições de ensino, mudanças curriculares têm sido feitas nas escolas públicas do Estado de So Paulo. Hoje, com a obrigatoriedade do Ensino Fundamental, as escolas públicas se deparam com uma dificuldade: grande diversidade de alunos, difícil de ser atendida plenamente. Esta dificuldade manifesta-se no processo de alfabetização. Cada aluno possui mecanismos próprios de aprendizagem, mas muitas vezes, em meio às circunstâncias, eles so tratados da mesma forma, como iguais. Como parte do projeto Bolsa Escola Pública e Universidade na Alfabetização, esta pesquisa focaliza as produções de 23 alunos matriculados no segundo ano de uma escola estadual para comparar a escrita apresentada pelas crianças em ditados, e em textos por elas produzidos a partir de histórias lidas.


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With the growing market for advertising geared towards the infant public, inserting since small children in the capitalist world with his powers of persuasion, raises concerns in knowing what are the subjective messages that advertisements are transmitting to them. The television since its appearance has the power to normalize and regulate society imposing the mode of life and how they should act, think and dress. Starting this strand to analyze the influence of television on society, this work explores the current advertisements for children to check whether messages meets reality, or have an ideological conception of the world, focusing, besides consumerism, the relationship about the issue of gender of being male and being female


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As brincadeiras infantis fazem parte da vida de toda criança, seja na escola ou em casa. A partir desse tipo de atividade, a criança possui inúmeras possibilidades, como por exemplo, trabalhar com regras, mesmo inconscientemente, utilizar sua criatividade para criar situações diversas. Exemplo disso so as brincadeiras de faz-de-conta, onde a criança tem a possibilidade de ser quem ela quiser ou até mesmo, modificar o significado real de um determinado objeto, transformando-o em outro de acordo com seu desejo. Através do brinquedo, a criança exterioriza aquilo que ela interiorizou de sua cultura, de forma a representar o mundo em que vive. O presente estudo tem por objetivo discutir a importância das brincadeiras, para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e de linguagem da criança, levando em consideração o meio social em que vive. Onde, através de pesquisa bibliográfica será analisado a concepção de diferentes autores, que abordam essa temática e mostram que o ato de brincar deve fazer parte da infância, em benefício do desenvolvimento constante da criança


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There is realized in the last years a growing increase of the field of the goods turned to the childlike public. This world of objects is accompanied by an ideological world of fantasy allied to the act of consumption. The present inquiry consists of a work of reflection about the pertaining values to this ideology of the society of consumption propagated in the plot of childlike contemporary movies, in a sense of be positioning critically in front of the social and moral questions.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) has created a program “Safe Surgery Saves Lives, focusing on reduce and minimize life threatening or cause serious risk to health for patients submitted to a surgery. This primary goal for this presented study is to apply the checklist from the WHO´s program for children´s surgery in a public university hospital, located in the countryside of So Paulo State, Brazil. Having the responses from professionals surgery´s team, there is an opportunity for evaluation of the features and easiest parts, which are filled in a quickly and in a easy way; focus, supporting and assistance; issues, such as lack of time for filling in, and viability of application of this protocol considering the improvement of the cross functions relationship, and quality of services, providing better assistance and support to the patient


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The authors worked in a 4th grade room of elementary school and usedchildren's drawings in which the students have shown their impressions andunderstandings with sexuality and gender relations. The article reflect about themanifestations of sexuality, behaviors gender and sexual attitudes at the school andrelates to the necessity of sex education in a critical and reflexive approach, which,however, can only happen with the improvement of teacher training in sex education.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)