965 resultados para Russia and transition
The sensitivity of parameters that govern the stability of population size in Chrysomya albiceps and describe its spatial dynamics was evaluated in this study. The dynamics was modeled using a density-dependent model of population growth. Our simulations show that variation in fecundity and mainly in survival has marked effect on the dynamics and indicates the possibility of transitions from one-point equilibrium to bounded oscillations. C. albiceps exhibits a two-point limit cycle, but the introduction of diffusive dispersal induces an evident qualitative shift from two-point limit cycle to a one fixed-point dynamics. Population dynamics of C. albiceps is here compared to dynamics of Cochliomyia macellaria, C. megacephala and C. putoria.
In the past 20 years, decentralization has been proposed as a strategy for enhancing public participation. Aid-providing organizations, such as the World Bank, stimulated decentralization processes in several countries in the hope that this would promote civic empowerment, diminish corruption, enhance efficiency, and improve public service delivery. This assumption forms the basis for a comparative analysis into the relation between decentralization and participation at the local level in Brazil, Japan, Russia and Sweden. A multi-level regression analysis using the data of the Democracy and Local Governance Project was undertaken in order to test the 'one size fits all' and the 'diversity in development' hypotheses. The results show that the second hypothesis was corroborated. Perceived autonomy had a different impact on openness to participation depending on the country considered; in one country (Japan), perceived autonomy diminished public officials' willingness to be open to public participation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of my dissertation is to study the gender wage gap with a specific focus on developing and transition countries. In the first chapter I present the main existing theories proposed to analyse the gender wage gap and I review the empirical literature on the gender wage gap in developing and transition countries and its main findings. Then, I discuss the overall empirical issues related to the estimation of the gender wage gap and the issues specific to developing and transition countries. The second chapter is an empirical analysis of the gender wage gap in a developing countries, the Union of Comoros, using data from the multidimensional household budget survey “Enquete integrale auprès des ménages” (EIM) run in 2004. The interest of my work is to provide a benchmark analysis for further studies on the situation of women in the Comorian labour market and to contribute to the literature on gender wage gap in Africa by making available more information on the dynamics and mechanism of the gender wage gap, given the limited interest on the topic in this area of the world. The third chapter is an applied analysis of the gender wage gap in a transition country, Poland, using data from the Labour Force Survey (LSF) collected for the years 1994 and 2004. I provide a detailed examination of how gender earning differentials have changed over the period starting from 1994 to a more advanced transition phase in 2004, when market elements have become much more important in the functioning of the Polish economy than in the earlier phase. The main contribution of my dissertation is the application of the econometrical methodology that I describe in the beginning of the second chapter. First, I run a preliminary OLS and quantile regression analysis to estimate and describe the raw and conditional wage gaps along the distribution. Second, I estimate quantile regressions separately for males and females, in order to allow for different rewards to characteristics. Third, I proceed to decompose the raw wage gap estimated at the mean through the Oaxaca-Blinder (1973) procedure. In the second chapter I run a two-steps Heckman procedure by estimating a model of participation in the labour market which shows a significant selection bias for females. Forth, I apply the Machado-Mata (2005) techniques to extend the decomposition analysis at all points of the distribution. In Poland I can also implement the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991) decomposition over the period 1994-2004, to account for effects to the pay gap due to changes in overall wage dispersion beyond Oaxaca’s standard decomposition.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein prochirales, aus natürlichen Resourcen gewonnenes Azulen, das Guajazulen genutzt, um neuartige chirale Cyclopentadienyl-Systeme aufzubauen. Mit Alkalimetallhypersilaniden als starke und sperrige Nukleophile gelingt es hypersilylsubstituierte Gujazulenide zu synthetisieren. Diese wurden mittels Elementaranalyse, NMR-Spektroskopie und Röntgendiffraktometrie charakterisiert. Durch nachfolgende Metathesen mit Übergangsmetallhalogeniden konnten in vielen Fällen die entsprechenden Metallocene erhalten werden. Die Experimente enthüllen eine ausgeprägte Regioselektivität der Addition des sperrigen Hypersilyanions an das Guajazulen, die durch das eingesetzte Lösungsmittel graduell verändert werden kann. In nicht-koordinierenden Lösungsmitteln findet man ausschließlich eine Addition an der 6-Position, die 6-Hypersilyl-2,6-dihydroguajazulenide (6-Hyp-Hgual) (M=Li 1, K 2, Cs 4) in ausgezeichneten Ausbeuten liefert. In polaren Solventien erhält man hingegen Mischungen der 6- und 8-Regioisomeren: 2 bzw. (8-Hyp-Hgual) (3). 2 bleibt aber hierbei das Hauptprodukt. Röntgenbeugungsexperimente zeigen, dass 1 im Kristall als dimerer Sandwich-Komplex, meso-[Li2(6-Hyp-Hgual)2], und die THF-Solvate (thf)4K(6-Hyp-Hgual) (2a) sowie (thf)4K(8-Hyp-Hgual) (3a) jeweils als Halb-Sandwich-Komplexe in einer racemischen Mischung vorliegen. Die Verbindungen 1, 2, 3 and 4 eignen sich sehr gut dazu, in Metathesereaktionen als Precursor für neuartige chirale Metallozen-Komplexe eingesetzt zu werden. Insbesondere das Kaliumderivat 2 besticht durch die einfache und relativ preiswerte Synthese, die erzielten hohen Ausbeuten (>80%) und seine leichte Handhabbarkeit. In THF als Solvent wurden die Metallocene 5:5-M’(6-Hyp-Hgual)2 (M’ = Mn 5, Fe 6, Ni 8) und 5:5-Fe(8-Hyp-Hgual)2 (7) erhalten. Bei Verwendung einiger redox-aktiver Metallhalogenide beobachtet man jedoch die Zersetzung der Metallocene unter Bildung des oxidativen Kopplungsproduktes (3-Hyp-6-Hgual)2 (9) sowie der Ausscheidung von Metall. Die Umsetzung von Halogeniden der Gruppe 4 (TiCl3 and M’’Cl4 (M’’ = Ti, Zr, Hf)) mit 2 liefert in THF ausschließlich die Metallozendichloride M’’(6-Hyp-Hgual)2Cl2 (M’’ = Ti (10), Zr (11), Hf (12)). Die erhaltenen Metallozenderivate fallen als Diastereomeren-Gemische an, die sich durch fraktionierende Kristallisation teilweise oder vollständig in ihre Bestandteile, das jeweilige R,R-Racemat und das R,S-meso-Diastereomer auftrennen lassen. Die Strukturen der rac-Diastereomere konnten durch Beugungsexperimente aufgeklärt werden. Durch eine Metathese von 2 mit Hyp-Cl kann eine zweite Hypersilylgruppe in die 2-Position des Guajazulen-Gerüstes eingeführt werden. Das entstehende 2,6-bis(Hyp)-H2gua (14) kann anschließend mit nBuLi in das extrem luft- und feuchtigkeitsempfindliche Li[2,6-bis(Hyp)-Hgual] (15) überführt werden, dass wie 1 eine dimere Sandwich-Struktur aufweist. Durch Einführung des zweiten Hypersilylrestes werden die chemischen Eigenschaften des Azulenids dramatisch verändert. Während Verbindung 1 sich als guter Precursor für Metallocene erwies, gelang es uns bislang nicht, entsprechende Derivate der Verbindung 15 zu isolieren.
The study performs a panel estimation of the relationship between per capita income, trade, and airborne pollution in the five Central Asian nations, Russia and China between 1992 and 2008. First, this study uses an environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis (EKC)- an inverted-U relationship between the increase in income and the level of environmental degradation - to examine how income and pollution are related. Second, the study uses a gravity model to estimate the effect of a regional trade agreement (Shanghai Cooperation Organization: SCO) on incomes and carbon dioxide emissions in the region. Empirical analysis confirms the existence of the rising portion of the EKC curve in the region - a positive correlation between per capita income growth and carbon dioxide emissions- and that the volume of bilateral trade, and not the existence of a regional trade agreement, contributes to the increasing level of environmental pollution.
The study performs a panel estimation of the relationship between per capita income, trade, and airborne pollution in the five Central Asian nations, Russia and China between 1992 and 2008. First, this study uses an environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis (EKC)- an inverted-U relationship between the increase in income and the level of environmental degradation - to examine how income and pollution are related. Second, the study uses a gravity model to estimate the effect of a regional trade agreement (Shanghai Cooperation Organization: SCO) on incomes and carbon dioxide emissions in the region. Empirical analysis confirms the existence of the rising portion of the EKC curve in the region - a positive correlation between per capita income growth and carbon dioxide emissions- and that the volume of bilateral trade, and not the existence of a regional trade agreement, contributes to the increasing level of environmental pollution.
In selected samples, a considerable number of patients at clinical high risk of psychosis (CHR) are found to meet criteria for co-morbid clinical psychiatric disorders. It is not known how clinical diagnoses correspond to or even predict transitions to psychosis (TTP). Our aim was to examine distributions of life-time and current Axis I diagnoses, and their association with TTP in CHR patients.
The aim of this project was to evaluate the present state and possible changes of water resources in Lake Ladoga and its drainage basin for the purposes of the sustainable development of North-Western Russia and Finland. The group assessed the state of the water resources in quantitative and qualitative terms, taking the system of sustainable development indicators suggested by the International Commission on Sustainable Development as a basis for assessment. These include pressure indicators (annual withdrawals of ground and surface water, domestic consumption of water per capita), state indicators (ground water reserves, concentration of faecalcoliform in fresh water, biochemical oxygen demand), and response indicators (waste-water treatment coverage, density of hydrological networks). The group proposed the following additional indicators and indices for the complex evaluation of the qualitative and quantitative state of the region's water resources: * Pressure indicators (external load, coefficient of anthropogenic pressure) * State indicators and indices (concentrations of chemicals in water, concentrations of chemicals in sediments, index of water pollution, critical load, critical limit, internal load, load/critical load, concentration/critical limit, internal load/external load, trophic state, biotic indicators and indices) * Response indicators (discharges of pure water, polluted water, partly treated water and the ratio between these, trans-boundary fluxes of pollutants, state expenditure on environmental protection, human life span) The assessment considered both temporal and spatial aspects and produced a regional classification of the area according to the index of water pollution. Mathematical models were developed to describe and forecast the processes under way in the lake and can be used to estimate the influence of climatic changes on the hydrological regime, as well as the influence of anthropogenic load on the trophic state of Lake Ladoga and to assess the consequences of accidental discharges of polluting admixtures of different kinds into the lake. The results of this mathematical modelling may be of use to decision-makers responsible for the management of water resources.
Madagascar’s terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems have long supported a unique set of ecological communities, many of whom are endemic to the tropical island. Those same ecosystems have been a source of valuable natural resources to some of the poorest people in the world. Nevertheless, with pride, ingenuity and resourcefulness, the Malagasy people of the southwest coast, being of Vezo identity, subsist with low development fishing techniques aimed at an increasingly threatened host of aquatic seascapes. Mangroves, sea grass bed, and coral reefs of the region are under increased pressure from the general populace for both food provisions and support of economic opportunity. Besides purveyors and extractors, the coastal waters are also subject to a number of natural stressors, including cyclones and invasive, predator species of both flora and fauna. In addition, the aquatic ecosystems of the region are undergoing increased nutrient and sediment runoff due, in part, to Madagascar’s heavy reliance on land for agricultural purposes (Scales, 2011). Moreover, its coastal waters, like so many throughout the world, have been proven to be warming at an alarming rate over the past few decades. In recognizing the intimate interconnectedness of the both the social and ecological systems, conservation organizations have invoked a host of complimentary conservation and social development efforts with the dual aim of preserving or restoring the health of both the coastal ecosystems and the people of the region. This paper provides a way of thinking more holistically about the social-ecological system within a resiliency frame of understanding. Secondly, it applies a platform known as state-and-transition modeling to give form to the process. State-and-transition modeling is an iterative investigation into the physical makeup of a system of study as well as the boundaries and influences on that state, and has been used in restorative ecology for more than a decade. Lastly, that model is sited within an adaptive management scheme that provides a structured, cyclical, objective-oriented process for testing stakeholders cognitive understanding of the ecosystem through a pragmatic implementation and monitoring a host of small-scale interventions developed as part of the adaptive management process. Throughout, evidence of the application of the theories and frameworks are offered, with every effort made to retool conservation-minded development practitioners with a comprehensive strategy for addressing the increasingly fragile social-ecological systems of southwest Madagascar. It is offered, in conclusion, that the seascapes of the region would be an excellent case study worthy of future application of state-and-transition modeling and adaptive management as frameworks for conservation-minded development practitioners whose multiple projects, each with its own objective, have been implemented with a single goal in mind: preserve and protect the state of the supporting environment while providing for the basic needs of the local Malagasy people.
When it comes to platform sustainability, mitigating user privacy concerns and enhancing trust represent two major tasks providers of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are facing today. State-of-the-art research advocates reliance on the justice-based measures as possible means to address these challenges. However, as providers are increasingly expanding into foreign markets, the effectiveness of these measures in a cross-cultural setting is questioned. In an attempt to address this set of issues, in this study we build on the existing model to examine the impact of culture on the robustness of four justice-based means in mitigating privacy concerns and ensuring trust. Survey responses from German and Russian SNS members are used to evaluate the two structural equation models, which are then compared. We find that perceptions regarding Procedural and Informational Justice are universally important and hence should be addressed as part of the basic strategy by the SNS provider. When expanding to collectivistic countries like Russia, measures enhancing perceptions of Distributive and Interpersonal Justice can be additionally applied. Beyond practical implications, our study makes a significant contribution to the theoretical discourse on the role of culture in determining individual perceptions and behavior.
Canon Edward Hoare