198 resultados para Rotifera
A descriptive analysis of the responses of plankton from lakes lateral to a river in its mouth zone into a tropical reservoir to water level variations is presented. Three situations were reported: 1) a comparison of species richness and diversity and of algae population abundance in prolonged drought and in periods of connection of lakes to the river, 2) the spatial distribution of abundance and richness of Rotifera species in four isolated water bodies formed by fragmentation of a lateral lake during a period of prolonged drought and in the same areas during a period of integrity as an ecosystem, 3) the variability of total zooplankton and Cladocera densities at the end of the isolation period of a lateral lake and after the recovery of connection with the river and in a year of continuous connection with the lotic ecosystem. Various idiosyncrasies were observed in connected lateral lakes, like the surface hydrologic connectivity, a primary factor in species richness modifcations and a secondary controlling factor of plankton abundance. Underground hydrologic connectivity, through the river[forward arrow] lake water fux during the high-water period and lake [forward arrow] river during drought period, appears to have an important role in richness and abundance variations of planktonic populations in the lake isolated from the river.
Effect of fertilization in water quality and in zooplankton community in open plankton-culture ponds
The effect of swine manure fertilization on the water quality of zooplankton artificial culture in two ponds was measured in diel cycles on different months (October 1999, January and March 2000). Fertilization affected directly water quality; values for total phosphorus were above 1.4 mgL(-1) and maximum rates for ammonia reached 108 mu gL(-1). Zooplankton community comprised four species, namely, Brachionus calyciflorus, B. falcatus, Moina sp. and Thermocyclops sp. B. falcatus (Rotifera) and Moina sp (Cladocera) were dominant respectively in January and in March. There was no difference in abundance of zooplankton between the two ponds (p>0.05), although adult cyclopoid Thermocyclops sp was different between diel cycles (p<0.05). There were significant differences (p<0.05) in dissolved oxygen, ammonia, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, nitrite and nitrate between ponds. In fact, only dissolved oxygen and pH were significantly different (p<0.05) between the ponds' surface and bottom. Organic fertilization also provided greater amount of nutrients and higher pH and conductivity, coupled to greater oscillations in the concentration of dissolved oxygen, directly affecting the zooplanktonic composition.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo desta investigação foi observar a distribuição vertical da comunidade do zooplâncton no Lago Amapá (10º2'36S e 67º50'24W), localizado na planície de inundação do Rio Acre. Amostragens foram conduzidas em três diferentes profundidades da coluna da água, considerando aspectos sazonais do zooplâncton, parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos. Coletas foram realizadas semanalmente com Garrafa de Van Dorn. As espécies apresentaram maiores concentrações no meio da coluna da água. Foram encontradas 38 espécies, assim distribuídas: Rotifera (30), Cladocera (5) e Cyclopoida (3). A temperatura da coluna da água em geral apresentou-se alta, em torno de 30ºC, com pequena variação, resultando em baixa viscosidade. O índice de Jaccard, comparando-se as três estações de coletas, demonstrou que durante a fase de águas baixas, as estações 1 e 3 foram as mais similares (Cj = 0.7058), especialmente no meio da coluna da água. Lago Amapá apresentou características em conformidade com o Modelo do Distúrbio Intermediário, favorecendo a colonização de grupos oportunistas, tais como rotíferos.
To contribute to the knowledge of lotic zooplankton from dammed and free stretches, we tested the hypothesis that the ecological attributes are different between these environments, which are subjected to several effects caused by different hydrological conditions. The study was carried out in the low Iguacu river, a large hydrographic basin in the south of Brasil. Two samplings were performed, one in the dry period (April/04) and the other in the atypical rainy period (July/04), in five stations downstream a large reservoir, and other 12 stations in four tributaries representing the upper, intermediate and low regions of each river. The observations suggest a clear spatial distribution of zooplankton in lotic stretches subjected or not to damming, mainly due to the effects of physical, chemical and biological variables. Furthermore, the atypical rainfall promoted alterations in community structure when compared to the dry period.
The Tiete River (in São Paulo state) receives most of the efuents of the metropolitan region of São Paulo; and the Barra Bonita reservoir, 200 km distant downstream, receives and recycle most of that pollution load. This work studied the ecological features of the zooplankton (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) sampled in a point of Tiete River's mouth. Monthly samples were collected, from April, 2001 to February, 2008. The hypothesis currently tested was that the composition and availability of zooplankton were similar to the others reservoir regions (middle and lacustrine sensu Thornton) and to other reservoirs of the Upper Parana River basin, supporting the idea that these organisms manage to stand the strong pollution. The reservoir shows a typical variation of accumulation, with wide variation of seasonal altimetric grading and large fow in the rainy pe- riod, infuenced by the rainfall regime, with efects upon zooplankton assemblage. As a whole, 24 species were registered: 12 Rotifera, 8 Cladocera and 4 Copepoda. Data showed that the hypothesis formulated must be rejected, due the variation trends of zooplankton environmental attributes not being regular, with relatively high abundance values for a lotic environment in specifc months, and low organism abundance or absence in other months. Those facts can be attributed to pollution efects conducting to low dissolved oxygen concentration (> 4mg.l-1) in some months, which causes the zooplankton community to be very much afected. [K]
The zooplankton communities of two lacustrine ecosystems in southwestern Amazonia (Lago Amapá and Lago Pirapora) were studied based on samples collected over an 11-month period. The general aim of the present work was to contribute to the knowledge of the zooplankton fauna in southwestern Amazonia, by studying the occurrence of certain species; and to improve the knowledge of the Rio Acre tributaries. The total number of taxa included 38 species of rotifers, 6 cladocerans and 7 copepods. Most of the species were from the rotifer family Brachionidae. Jaccard's similarity index was similar for the two lakes at 0.6964 The constancy index defined the species Keratella cochlearis, Filinia cf. terminate, Filinia opoliensis, Hexarthra intermedia braziliensis, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina minuta, Diaphanosoma spinulosnm, and immature forms (nauplii and copepodites) as the constant in these lakes. The presence of zooplankton with higher number of species occupying the middle depths, during morning and night periods.
Planktonic rotifers and cyclopoid copepods were studied in two reservoirs of different trophic states (eutrophic and oligo/mesoeutrophic) in the south of Brazil. During a year, monthly samplings were carried out in three stations in each reservoir. Species richness, frequency and abundance were used to find out useful and indicatives trends of water quality based on these organisms, reinforced by literature data. Species that showed higher differences between reservoirs were chosen. For Rotifera, richness, frequency and abundance of Brachionus were higher in the eutrophic reservoir, but Plationus patulus occurred only in the oligo/mesotrophic reservoir. For copepods, Tropocyclops prasinus dominated in the eutrophic reservoir, but Thermocyclops decipiens, T. minutus, T. inversus and Microcyclops anceps were dominants in the oligo/mesotrophic reservoir. In the canonical correspondence analysis, these species were indicators of the trophic state and were related with chlorophyll-a, total phytoplankton and total phosphorus. The use of these species can be efficient in the studied regions (subtropical/temperate), but comparing with other Brazilian reservoirs of tropical climate, the results could be different. Despite the dominance of T. decipiens over T. minutus, T. inversus has been widely used in Brazil as an indicator of eutrophic waters; in those cases of excessive eutrophication, other species, more rustic, commonly dominate. In the present study, Thermocyclops was dominant in the oligo/mesotrophic reservoir. The dominance of Brachionus for rotifers and Tropocyclops prasinus and Acanthocyclops robustus for copepods were indicative of eutrophic conditions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Estudos relacionados à variação espacial e sazonal das comunidades zooplanctônicas de um trecho do médio Rio Xingu, no Estado do Pará, foram realizados em dois ambientes de lagos e de canal. As coletas foram realizadas com periodicidade mensal durante um ciclo anual, estimando-se os parâmetros:diversidade, densidade, biomassa, produção secundária e os grupos funcionais de cada localidade (lago, remanso e corredeira). Um total de 166 espécies pertencentes principalmente a três grupos taxonômicos foi registrado para todos os ambientes: Rotifera 141 espécies; Cladocera com 20 espécies; e Copepoda com cinco espécies. A maior densidade numérica foi de Rotifera no período de seca, com diminuição na cheia. As estimativas do número esperado de espécies baseado nas curvas de rarefação mostrou que a diversidade zooplanctônica no lago Pimental, ambientes de remanso e corredeiras, não atingiram a assíntota para a riqueza total de espécies coletadas. Para o Lago da Ilha Grande, a riqueza foi menor em relação aos outros ambientes estudados, e atingiu a assíntota no décimo segundo mês de coleta. A densidade total média (org.m-3) do zooplâncton, para os ambientes de canal do rio, nos pontos de Boa Esperança e Arroz Cru, apresentou uma variação sazonal com os maiores valores para o período da seca, sendo que os rotíferos constituíram o grupo taxonômico melhor representado em termos de densidade. A biomassa total seca apresentou uma variação de 0,063 a 2,2 g.m-2. O lago da Ilha Grande foi o ambiente que apresentou maior dispersão na biomassa com valores de 0,39 a 1,2 g.m-2 no período da cheia e 0,66 g.m-2 para período da seca. Sete grupos foram encontrados em 35% de similaridade entre os ambientes estudados na variação sazonal. O grupo formado por organismos do Lago de Pimental no período de cheia foi o mais dissimilar. De acordo com a análise de similaridade das porcentagens (SIMPER), houve uma similaridade interna média, no período da cheia, dos ambientes de corredeira com aproximadamente 58%; remanso com similaridade média de 48% e de Lago, apresentando uma baixa similaridade interna de 23%. A dissimilaridade foi maior entre os ambientes de corredeira e lago, ambos no período de cheia (70%). A Análise de similaridade bifatorial indicou que não há diferenças significativas entre os ambientes estudados (ANOSIM r = 0,263; P = 0,2). Os lagos foram os que apresentaram comunidades vi zooplanctônicas estatisticamente diferenciadas dos demais ambientes no médio Rio Xingu. Para os ambientes estudados, as principais espécies encontradas apresentaram diferentes hábitos alimentares, sendo estas detritívoras, filtradoras e onívoras. Os resultados obtidos para os ambientes aquáticos do médio Rio Xingu mostraram um padrão de maior diversificação dos Rotifera e dos Cladocera, confirmando os estudos para outros ambientes amazônicos, onde ao que parece, ocorre esta tendência independentemente do tipo de águas dentro da classificação de Sioli. Os distintos ambientes apresentaram uma redução na densidade do zooplâncton, que acompanharam o aumento do volume das águas do rio, e que pode estar associada com o forte efeito diluidor das águas pelo aumento do nível do rio, e por sua vez, um efeito perturbador na estabilidade dos ambientes de lago.
Variação da comunidade planctônica e fatores físico-químicos da água em dois sistemas de aquicultura
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In view of the diversity of environments found in the Brazilian territory, it is understandable that the use of native species can provide more relevant information for ecotoxicological studies. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the quality of water samples from the Atibaia River in an area that is under the influence of petroleum refinery using a native test-organism and submitting the data to PCA statistical analysis. Therefore, acute toxicity assays with Lecane bulla (Rotifera) were performed in four locations of the river, as well as physical-chemical analyses. Sampling was drawn in the dry and rainy seasons. The bioassays were static and lasted 48 hours; dead organisms were quantified at the end of the tests. Toxicological differences among the samples/per location and control were compared by means of the Analysis of Variance. Physical-chemical and mortality variables were simultaneously analyzed by multivariate analysis of the principal components and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Water samples from the exit of the refinery stabilization pond (location S.1) were toxic to L. bulla in both seasons, with significant differences in relation to the control and between the seasons. The statistical treatment of data showed that mortality was strong and positively correlated with total hardness, chlorides and EC, which together with pH presented higher values in location S.1, in the dry and in the rainy seasons. Due to its sensibility to the quality of the Atibaia river water samples, the potential use of L. bulla for ecotoxicological studies as an alternative test organism could be demonstrated.