995 resultados para Root rot disease


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Rhizome rot disease caused by Erwinia spp. is emerging as a major problem in banana nurseries and young plantations worldwide. Management of the disease is possible only in the initial stages of development. Currently no method is available for rescuing plant material already infected with this pathogen. A total of 95 Nanjanagud Rasabale and 212 Elakki Bale suckers were collected from different growing regions of Karnataka, India. During nursery maintenance of these lines, severe Erwinia infection was noticed. We present a method to rescue infected plants and establish them under field conditions. Differences were noticed in infection severity amongst the varieties and their accessions. Field data revealed good establishment and growth of most rescued plants under field conditions. The discussed rescue protocol coupled with good field management practices resulted in 89.19 and 82.59 percent field establishment of previously infected var. Nanjanagud Rasabale and var. Elakki Bale plants, respectively.


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Seventeen fungal isolates were tested in vitro as potential antagonists of two isolates of the root rot pathogen, Armillaria mellea. Some of the isolates were also added on mushroom composts with living mycelia to the roots of Armillaria-inoculated potted strawberry plants in the glasshouse to find out if they had the same degree of efficacy against the disease. Dactylium dendroides isolate SP was the most effective in reducing mycelial growth of A. mellea isolate 1 (Am1), followed by Trichoderma harzianum isolate Th2 and T. viride isolate Tv4. Th2, Th22, Tv3 and SP grew extensively over Am1 colonies, disintegrating the rhizomorphs. Isolate Tham1 of T hamatum was the most effective in reducing mycelial growth of A. mellea isolate 2 (Am2), followed by Tv3. Th12, Th22, Tv1, Tv3 and SP inhibited the initiation and growth of rhizomorphs of Am2. Regeneration tests showed that both Am1 and Am2 attacked by Trichoderma isolates and SP were no longer viable. Th23 and SP were almost as effective in vivo as in vitro. But isolate Co of Chaetomium olivaceum, which was ineffective in vitro, was found effective in vivo. Conversely, Th2, which exhibited good antagonistic activity in vitro, performed poorly in vivo. These results show that the in vitro and in vivo efficacies of potential antagonists may not necessarily be closely correlated. Hence, there is a danger that potentially effective isolates may be discarded if decisions are made only on the basis of preliminary screening tests carried out under laboratory conditions.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de microrganismos de manguezais para controlar a podridão radicular causada por Pythium aphanidermatum e para promover o crescimento em pepino hidropônico (Cucumis sativus). Avaliaram-se 19 microrganismos quanto ao controle da doença em mini-hidroponia. Os microrganismos mais promissores para esse fim - Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 e a mistura dos isolados G. rubripertincta SO-3B-2, MB-P3A-49, MB-P3-C68 e SO-3L-3, de Pseudomonas stutzeri, e Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 - foram, posteriormente, testados quanto à promoção de crescimento do pepineiro, em casa de vegetação. Microrganismos de manguezais podem ter importância funcional no controle biológico da podridão radicular causada por P. aphanidermatum e na promoção do crescimento do pepineiro cultivado em hidroponia. Os microrganismos G. rubripertincta SO-3B-2 e P. stutzeri MB-P3A-49 são promissores na promoção do crescimento das plantas não infestadas com o patógeno.


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A podridão de raízes, causada por Pythium aphanidermatum e outras espécies de Pythium, é a principal doença da alface cultivada em sistemas hidropônicos no Brasil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quatro cultivares comerciais de alface em relação à sensibilidade a podridão de raízes, causada por P. aphanidermatum. Os estudos foram realizados em placas de Petri contendo ágar-água com plântulas de alface das cultivares crespa (Vera e Verônica) e lisa (Regina e Elisa), infestadas ou não com o patógeno. Com as mesmas cultivares foram realizados quatro experimentos em sistemas hidropônicos (Nutrient Film Technique), sendo dois em estufa coberta com plástico e sombrite e dois em estufa coberta apenas com plástico. As plântulas, infectadas ou não com P. aphanidermatum, foram transplantadas para os sistemas infestados ou não. Foi avaliada a severidade da doença e o desenvolvimento das plantas. Todas as cultivares foram suscetíveis à podridão de raízes nos experimentos realizados in vitro e in vivo. A presença do sombrite não reduziu a podridão de raízes em cultivares de alface produzidas no sistema hidropônico. A cultivar Regina apresentou maior massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, na presença ou ausência do patógeno, sendo a mais indicada para o cultivo hidropônico na época mais quente do ano.


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Podridões radiculares causadas por espécies de Pythium são um importante problema em cultivos hidropônicos. Sintomas de subdesenvolvimento são observados nas plantas parasitadas pelo patógeno, sendo muitas vezes não diagnosticados pelo produtor. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o controle biológico da podridão radicular causada por Pythium aphanidermatum e a promoção de crescimento por Pseudomonas chlororaphis 63-28 e Bacillus subtilis GB03, reconhecidos agentes de controle biológico de doenças de plantas. A inoculação das plantas com P. aphanidermatum ocasionou o subdesenvolvimento, sendo essa diminuição de 20%. A adição dos agentes de biocontrole na solução nutritiva teve um efeito positivo no aumento da massa (6% a 13%), no número de folhas (4% a 7%) e no teor de clorofila (3%) das plantas de alface. Entretanto, maiores estudos devem ser realizados para melhorar a capacidade de controle da doença e de promoção de crescimento pelos agentes de biocontrole estudados no cultivo de alface hidropônica.


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Rhizoctonia solani causes pre- and post-emergence damping-off, root and hypocotyl rot and foliar blight in soybean. Foliar blight has resulted in yield losses of 31-60% in north and northeast Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize isolates of R. solani associated with soybean in Brazil. Among 73 Rhizoctonia isolates examined, six were binucleate and 67 were multinucleate. The multinucleate isolates were characterized according to hyphal anastomosis reaction, mycelial growth rate, thiamine requirement, sclerotia production, and RAPD molecular markers. Four isolates that caused hypocotyl rot belonged to AG-4 and using RAPD analysis they grouped together with the HGI subgroup. Another isolate that caused root and hypocotyl rots was thiamine auxotrophic, grew at 35 °C, and belonged to AG-2-2 IIIB. All 62 isolates that caused foliar blight belonged to AG-1 IA. RAPD analysis of R. solani AG-1 IA soybean isolates showed high genetic similarity to a tester strain of AG-1 IA, confirming their classification. The teleomorph of R. solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris was produced in vitro by one AG-1 IA isolate from soybean. The AG-4 and AG-2-2 IIIB isolates caused damping-off and root and hypocotyl rots of soybean seedlings cv. 'FT-Cristalina', under greenhouse conditions. The AG-2-2 IIIB isolate caused large lesions on the cortex tissue, that was distinct from the symptoms caused by AG-4 isolates. The AG-1 IA isolates caused foliar blight in adult soybean plants cv. 'Xingu' under the greenhouse and also in a detached-leaf assay.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O Estado do Pará é o principal produtor brasileiro de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum Link), entretanto a sua produção tem sido bastante afetada pela doença conhecida como fusariose. O Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis é o agente causador desta doença que afeta o sistema radicular da planta, causando o apodrecimento das raízes e a queda das folhas levando à morte da planta. Algumas piperáceas nativas da região amazônica, entre elas a espécie Piper tuberculatum Jacq., têm se mostrado resistentes à infecção pelo F. solani f. sp. piperis, e desta forma têm sido utilizadas em estudos de interação planta-patógeno. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas cinco condições de extração de proteínas com o objetivo de selecionar tampões adequados para a extração de proteínas totais de folhas e raízes de P. tuberculatum. Os tampões utilizados para a extração de proteínas de raízes e folhas foram: tampão salino, tampão sacarose, tampão glicerol, tampão uréia e tampão fosfato de sódio. As análises quantitativas mostraram que os tampões sacarose, glicerol e uréia foram mais eficientes na extração de proteínas de folhas e raízes. Análises de SDS-PAGE mostraram padrões diferenciados de bandas em extratos protéicos de folhas e raízes obtidos com os diferentes tampões. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho contribuem para a identificação de tampões de extração adequados para a obtenção de amostras de proteínas totais em estudos de interação P. tuberculatum - F. solani f. sp. piperis.


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The plant pathogen Fusarium solani causes a disease root rot of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) resulting in great losses of yield in irrigated areas of the Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. Species of the genus Trichoderma have been used in the biological control of this pathogen as an alternative to chemical control. To gain new insights into the biocontrol mechanism used by Trichoderma harzianum against the phytopathogenic fungus, Fusarium solani, we performed a transcriptome analysis using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) approaches. A cDNA library from T. harzianum mycelium (isolate ALL42) grown on cell walls of F. solani (CWFS) was constructed and analyzed. A total of 2927 high quality sequences were selected from 3845 and 37.7% were identified as unique genes. The Gene Ontology analysis revealed that the majority of the annotated genes are involved in metabolic processes (80.9%), followed by cellular process (73.7%). We tested twenty genes that encode proteins with potential role in biological control. RT-qPCR analysis showed that none of these genes were expressed when T. harzianum was challenged with itself. These genes showed different patterns of expression during in vitro interaction between T. harzianum and F. solani. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the role of jasmonate in the defense of plants against fungal pathogens, we have studied a mutant of Arabidopsis, fad3–2 fad7–2 fad8, that cannot accumulate jasmonate. Mutant plants were extremely susceptible to root rot caused by the fungal root pathogen Pythium mastophorum (Drechs.), even though neighboring wild-type plants were largely unaffected by this fungus. Application of exogenous methyl jasmonate substantially protected mutant plants, reducing the incidence of disease to a level close to that of wild-type controls. A similar treatment with methyl jasmonate did not protect the jasmonate-insensitive mutant coi1 from infection, showing that protective action of applied jasmonate against P. mastophorum was mediated by the induction of plant defense mechanisms rather than by a direct antifungal action. Transcripts of three jasmonate-responsive defense genes are induced by Pythium challenge in the wild-type but not in the jasmonate-deficient mutant. Pythium species are ubiquitous in soil and root habitats world-wide, but most (including P. mastophorum) are considered to be minor pathogens. Our results indicate that jasmonate is essential for plant defense against Pythium and, because of the high exposure of plant roots to Pythium inoculum in soil, may well be fundamental to survival of plants in nature. Our results further indicate that the fad3–2 fad7–2 fad8 mutant is an appropriate genetic model for studying the role of this important signaling molecule in pathogen defense.


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The research presented indicates that lucerne crown and root rot caused by Stagonospora meliloti is prevalent in southern New South Wales, whereas Acrocalymma medicaginis is the more commonly observed pathogen in Queensland. Although both pathogens cause reddening of internal root and crown tissue of lucerne, they can be distinguished by symptomatology. S. meliloti causes a diffuse red blotching of the internal tissue accompanied by the presence of an external lesion, whereas A. medicaginis causes red streaking at the extremity of wedge-shaped, dry-rotted tissue. Inoculation of propagules of a susceptible lucerne clone indicated that S. meliloti was the more aggressive pathogen. Although A. medicaginis does not cause leaf disease, there was a strong relationship between the leaf and root reaction of clones to S. meliloti. Inheritance of resistance to S. meliloti in lucerne appeared to be conditioned by a single dominant gene, based on segregations observed in S-1 and F-1 populations, but not in a backcross population from the same family where an excess of susceptible individuals (74% v. expected of 50%) was obtained in a cross of a resistant F-1 individual to the susceptible parent. Resistance appears to be highly heritable, however, and amenable to population improvement by breeding. A conclusion of the research is that breeding for resistance to S. meliloti for lucernes to be grown in southern Australia would appear to be a worthwhile objective. Presently, no highly resistant cultivars exist anywhere in the world.


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Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora medicaginis, is a major limitation to lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) production in Australia and North America. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in resistance to P. medicaginis were identified in a lucerne backcross population of 120 individuals. A genetic linkage map was constructed for tetraploid lucerne using 50 RAPD ( randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), 104 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers, and one SSR ( simple sequence repeat or microsatellite) marker, which originated from the resistant parent (W116); 13 markers remain unlinked. The linkage map contains 18 linkage groups covering 2136.5 cM, with an average distance of 15.0 cM between markers. Four of the linkage groups contained only either 2 or 3 markers. Using duplex markers and repulsion phase linkages the map condensed to 7 homology groups and 2 unassigned linkage groups. Three regions located on linkage groups 2, 14, and 18, were identified as associated with root reaction and the QTLs explained 6 - 15% of the phenotypic variation. The research also indicates that different resistance QTLs are involved in conferring resistance in different organs. Two QTLs were identified as associated with disease resistance expressed after inoculation of detached leaves. The marker, W11-2 on group 18, identified as associated with root reaction, contributed 7% of the phenotypic variation in leaf response in our population. This marker appears to be linked to a QTL encoding a resistance factor contributing to both root and leaf reaction. One other QTL, not identified as associated with root reaction, was positioned on group 1 and contributed to 6% of the variation. This genetic linkage map provides an entry point for future molecular-based improvement of lucerne in Australia, and markers linked to the QTLs we have reported should be useful for marker-assisted selection for partial resistance to P. medicaginis in lucerne.


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The necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum (F. pseudograminearum) causes crown rot disease (CR) in wheat. This host-pathogen interaction has not been studied previously at the molecular level. In this study. using real-time quantitative PCR, the expression of 26 selected wheat genes was examined 1, 2 and 4 days after inoculation of wheat seedlings of the CR susceptible cultivar Kennedy and the partially field-resistant cultivar Sunco. Reproducible induction of eight defence genes consisting of PR1.1, PR2 (beta,1-3 glucanase), PR3 (chitinase), PR4 (wheativin), PR5 (thaumatin-like protein). TaPERO (peroxidase), PR10 and TaGLP2a (germin-like) was observed. These genes were induced in both cultivars, however. some genes were induced more rapidly in Sunco than in Kennedy. MJ treatment also induced the above pathogen responsive defence genes in both cultivars while benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH) treatment weakly induced them in Kennedy only. Similarly. treatment with MJ before inoculation significantly delayed the development of necrotic symptoms for 2 weeks in both wheat cultivars, while BTH pre-treatments delayed symptom development in Kennedy only. The chemically induced protection, therefore, correlated with induction of the F. pseudograminearum-responsive genes. These results support the emerging role of jasmonate signalling in defence against necrotrophic fungal pathogens in monocots and future manipulation of this pathway may improve CR resistance in wheat. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The maturation of the public sphere in Argentina during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was a critical element in the nation-building process and the overall development of the modern state. Within the context of this evolution, the discourse of disease generated intense debates that subsequently influenced policies that transformed the public spaces of Buenos Aires and facilitated state intervention within the private domains of the city’s inhabitants. Under the banner of hygiene and public health, municipal officials thus Europeanized the nation’s capital through the construction of parks and plazas and likewise utilized the press to garner support for the initiatives that would remedy the unsanitary conditions and practices of the city. Despite promises to the contrary, the improvements to the public spaces of Buenos Aires primarily benefited the porteño elite while the efforts to root out disease often targeted working-class neighborhoods. The model that reformed the public space of Buenos Aires, including its socially differentiated application of aesthetic order and public health policies, was ultimately employed throughout the Argentine Republic as the consolidated political elite rolled out its national program of material and social development.


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Sheath rot complex and seed discoloration in rice involve a number of pathogenic bacteria that cannot be associated with distinctive symptoms. These pathogens can easily travel on asymptomatic seeds and therefore represent a threat to rice cropping systems. Among the rice-infecting Pseudomonas, P. fuscovaginae has been associated with sheath brown rot disease in several rice growing areas around the world. The appearance of a similar Pseudomonas population, which here we named P. fuscovaginae-like, represents a perfect opportunity to understand common genomic features that can explain the infection mechanism in rice. We showed that the novel population is indeed closely related to P. fuscovaginae. A comparative genomics approach on eight rice-infecting Pseudomonas revealed heterogeneous genomes and a high number of strain-specific genes. The genomes of P. fuscovaginae-like harbor four secretion systems (Type I, II, III, and VI) and other important pathogenicity machinery that could probably facilitate rice colonization. We identified 123 core secreted proteins, most of which have strong signatures of positive selection suggesting functional adaptation. Transcript accumulation of putative pathogenicity-related genes during rice colonization revealed a concerted virulence mechanism. The study suggests that rice-infecting Pseudomonas causing sheath brown rot are intrinsically diverse and maintain a variable set of metabolic capabilities as a potential strategy to occupy a range of environments.