902 resultados para Role Models


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Success in any field depends on a complex interplay among environmental and personal factors. A key set of personal factors for success in academic settings are those associated with self-regulated learners (SRL). Self-regulated learners choose their own goals, select and organize their learning strategies, and self-monitor their effectiveness. Behaviors and attitudes consistent with self-regulated learning also contribute to self-confidence, which may be important for members of underrepresented groups such as women in engineering. This exploratory study, drawing on the concept of "critical mass", examines the relationship between the personal factors that identify a self-regulated learner and the environmental factors related to gender composition of engineering classrooms. Results indicate that a relatively student gender-balanced classroom and gender match between students and their instructors provide for the development of many adaptive SRL behaviors and attitudes.


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The effectiveness of specialised nursing in breast cancer has received limited attention. This systematic literature review aims at (i) presenting and discussing role models of specialised nursing in the area of breast cancer and (ii) suggesting avenues for future research in this field. The ten studies included in the review differ with respect to the roles of specialised nurses as well as the measured outcome variables; thus, the comparability and generalisability of results are limited. Nevertheless, the review indicates that specialised nursing in breast cancer may contribute to improved physical and psycho-social well-being. In view of the limited comparability, the authors call for (i) a more uniform definition of models of specialised nursing in breast cancer care, as well as (ii) rigorous confirmatory studies to evaluate their effectiveness. These two aspects are pivotal in providing a reliable basis for future health care strategies.


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Doping in sport is often very present in the media. Doping does not only concern top level sports but it also has an impact on sport as a whole. Young athletes may be influenced by its role models. In Switzerland there are no exact data on this influence or on the use of doping by adolescents. In this article, the effects and side-effects especially on adolescents of some current doping substances are discussed. As well, the regulations of the therapeutic use exemptions for doping substances are explained.


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Thanks to the Editor of this book for the invitation to continue the series of IASSW Presidents with Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schiller, MSW. It is an honour to pay tribute to one of my role models as a social worker and social work teacher and to a friend of many years.


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BACKGROUND Despite the increasing interest in medical education in the German-speaking countries, there is currently no information available on the challenges which medical educators face. To address this problem, we carried out a web-based survey among the members of the Association for Medical Education (Gesellschaft für medizinische Ausbildung, GMA). METHODS A comprehensive survey was carried out on the need for further qualifications, expertise and the general conditions of medical educators in Germany. As part of this study, the educators were asked to list the three main challenges which they faced and which required urgent improvement. The results were analysed by means of qualitative content analysis. RESULTS The questionnaire was completed by 147 of the 373 members on the GMA mailing list (response rate: 39%). The educators named a total of 346 challenges and emphasised the following areas: limited academic recognition for engagement in teaching (53.5% of educators), insufficient institutional (31.5%) and financial support (28.4%), a curriculum in need of reform (22.8%), insufficient time for teaching assignments (18,9%), inadequate teacher competence in teaching methods (18.1%), restricted faculty development programmes (18.1%), limited networking within the institution (11.0%), lack of teaching staff (10.2%), varying preconditions of students (8.7%), insufficient recognition and promotion of medical educational research (5.5%), extensive assessment requirements (4.7%), and the lack of role models within medical education (3.2%). CONCLUSION The medical educators found the biggest challenges which they faced to be limited academic recognition and insufficient institutional and financial support. Consequently, improvements should be implemented to address these issues.


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Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Beitrags steht die Analyse der Bedeutung elterlicher Vorbilder für eine geschlechtsuntypische Berufswahl bei jungen Frauen. Die Fragestellungen werden auf der Datengrundlage einer standardisierten Befragung von Jugendlichen, die in beruflicher Ausbildung stehen (N = 1431), untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Familie für Jugendliche ein wichtiger Herkunftsbereich für Vorbilder darstellt, wobei Mutter und Vater am häufigsten als Vorbilder genannt werden. Zudem wird ersichtlich, dass Jugendliche zumeist gleichgeschlechtliche Vorbilder wählen. Weibliche Jugendliche verhalten sich bei der Wahl ihrer Vorbilder jedoch weniger geschlechterstereotyp als männliche Jugendliche, die fast nur Personen gleichen Geschlechts als Vorbilder wählen. Im Hinblick auf die elterliche Vorbildfunktion bei der Berufswahl zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Wahl eines frauenuntypischen Berufs durch junge Frauen am größten ist, wenn deren Mutter oder Vater einen männertypischen oder geschlechtsneutralen Beruf ausüben.


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Motivation is a core concept to understand work related outcomes and vocational pursuits. However, existing research mostly focused on specific aspects of motivation, such as goals or self-efficacy beliefs, while falling short of adequately addressing more complex and integrative notions of motivation. Advancing the current state of research, we draw from Motivational Systems Theory and a model of proactive motivation to propose a comprehensive model of work-related motivation. Specifically, we define motivation as a system of mutually related factors consisting of goals, emotions, and personal agency beliefs, comprised by capability beliefs and context evaluations. Adapting this model of motivation to the school-to-work transition, we postulate that this motivational system is affected by different social, personal, and environmental variables, for example social support, the presence of role-models, personality traits, and scholastic achievement. We further expect that students with more autonomous work-related goals, expectations of more positive emotional experiences in their future working life, fewer perceived barriers to their career development, and higher work-related self-efficacy beliefs would be more successful in their transition from school to work. We also propose that goal-directed engagement acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between motivation and a successful transition. Finally, we hypothesize that work-related motivation while in school will have meaningful effects on positive outcomes while in vocational training, as represented by more work engagement, higher career commitment, job satisfaction, and lower intentions to quit training. In sum, we advance the point that the adaptation of a broader concept of work-related motivation in the school-to-work transition would result in more powerful predictions of success in this transition and would enhance scientific research and interventions in career development and counselling practice.


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In the United States today, adolescents face unacceptably high rates of mortality and morbidity due to the contraction of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. In view of these rates, there is a need for applied preventive interventions to delay adolescent sexual behavior until adulthood. Project Alpha was a school-adopted, quasi-experimental program for adolescent male students attending Sharpstown High School in Houston, Texas. This intervention used student newsletters to provide specific role-model stories on community and student role models who have changed attitudes or improved efficacy to abstain from sexual behavior until adulthood. It was hypothesized that teenagers exposed to the intervention would show improvements in knowledge, beliefs, avoidance skills, perceived norms, intentions and self-efficacy to delay sexual behavior compared to no-treatment reference teenagers in the same school.^ In total, the Project Alpha program had a significant effect on student knowledge, beliefs (towards abstinence and having sex with multiple partners), perceived risk (HIV/STD testing), self-efficacy (could avoid sex with attractive girl who wants to have sex), perceived social norms (friends believing in sexual abstinence) and sexual intentions. However, no significant intervention effects were found in student's beliefs (that it was OK to have sex with girlfriend), perceived risk of HIV/STD, self-efficacy (to avoid sex with girlfriend) and social norms (friends believe it is OK to have sex with a girlfriend and multiple partners in the same month). ^


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Background There will be increasing competition for young physicians worldwide as more and more physicians retire. While enthusiasm towards GP work is important for GP teachers as role models, satisfaction within the profession has declined. This study aims to determine if medical students’ desire to become GPs is related to the job satisfaction of their teaching GPs and explore the factors tied to this job satisfaction. Methods In this cross-sectional, correlational study, teaching GPs of the University of Bern and the fourth year medical students completing internships with them filled in separate questionnaires. Results Whether or not the GP teacher is perceived by a student to be satisfied with her/his job is correlated to that student’s satisfaction with the internship, which in turn, is correlated with student’s wish to be a GP after the internship. Results show which factors are most related to GP job satisfaction and the effect of working hours and their composition. Conclusions Medical students’ perception of their GP teachers’ job satisfaction positively affect their wish to become GPs, and their satisfaction with their internships adds to this. Enhancing the positive aspects of GP work, such as recognition, and improving negative ones, such as administrative duties, are necessary to attract medical students into the GP field.


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Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death for American ages one to 44 and is ranked in the top ten causes of death for all age groups (CDC, 2006a). A Su Salud Injury Prevention was developed to address injury prevention awareness and education. The program is a mass media education campaign that uses role models, mass media, and community outreach to prevent injury. In 2009, University Health System (UHS) expanded the program. Baseline data were collected from 426 residents in targeted neighborhoods northwest of downtown San Antonio to support the expansion. The purpose of this study was to explore injury perceptions, knowledge, and behaviors of adults living in the expansion area, and define the predominant factors associated with these perceptions. A secondary aim was to assess community awareness and willingness to participate in the program.^ Survey results showed motor vehicle crashes (MVC), falls, drinking and driving, and guns and assaults were considered the most serious injures for adults. The most serious child injuries were MVC, abuse and neglect, falls, and head injuries. Residents were knowledgeable of state seatbelt policy, and over 90% responded as compliant for seatbelt and child car seat use. Most were knowledgeable about drinking and driving state policy and negative outcomes. However, 70% of those reporting driving under the influence of alcohol within the last year engaged in repeat high risk behavior. Men and residents under the age of 55 were more likely to engage in repeat drinking and driving (OR= 3.6, 7.0 respectively). Residents consider injury prevention an important issue, and have interest in a local injury prevention program. Younger women are the most likely to participate in a local program as potential role models and volunteers.^ Results from the study are summarized into an injury prevention and demographic profile of the community that will be used to develop tailored injury prevention messages to create a more effective program, and support program coordinators in effective community engagement. Results will also be used as a comparative basis for future evaluation of a behavioral injury prevention program focused on a predominantly Mexican-American community.^


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Background. The childhood obesity epidemic has disproportionately impacted the lives of low-income, minority preschoolers and their families. Research shows that parents play a major role as "gatekeepers" who control what food is brought into the home and as role models for dietary practices. Currently, there is limited research regarding ethnic differences in families of low-income preschoolers. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to look at ethnic differences in food availability at home among the low-income families of Hispanic and African American preschoolers attending Head Start centers in Harris County, Texas. ^ Design/Subjects. Descriptive data on food availability at home between Hispanic and African American families were used and analyzed for this study. Parents or primary caregivers (n = 718) of children enrolled at Head Start Centers in Houston, Texas completed the Healthy Home Survey. ^ Methods. In the Healthy Home Survey, participants were asked to answer open-ended questions regarding various types of foods currently available at home, such as fresh, canned or jarred, dried and frozen fruits; fresh, canned or jarred, and frozen vegetables; salty snacks, sweet snacks, candy, and soda. Descriptive analyses were conducted to identify significant differences between Hispanics and African Americans via a paired t-test to compare the means of variables between the study groups and a Pearson's chi-square or Fischer's exact (if cell size was <5) test calculated for food availability (food types) between ethnicities to determine differences in distributions. ^ Results. Although both Hispanics and African Americans reported having all categories of food types at home, there were statistically significant differences between ethnic groups. Hispanics were more likely to have fresh fruits and vegetables at home than African Americans. At the same time, more African American families reported having canned or jarred fruits and canned green/leafy vegetables than Hispanics. More Hispanic families reported having diet, regular, and both diet and regular sodas available compared to African American families. However, high percentages of unhealthy foods (including snacks and candy) were reported by both ethnicities. ^ Conclusions. The findings presented in this study indicate the implicit ethnic differences that exist in the food availability among low-income families of Hispanic and African American preschoolers. Future research should investigate the associations between food availability and children's weight status by ethnicity to identify additional differences that may exist.^


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El propósito de esta investigación cualitativa es indagar, a través de un estudio descriptivo- interpretativo, la eventual incidencia de un Programa de Alfabetización Familiar en la inclusión de los niños en la cultura escrita al ingresar al primer año escolar. Para esto se evaluarán ciertas actitudes vinculadas con el tipo de contacto que establecen los hijos de algunos participantes con la cultura de los libros y los conocimientos construidos acerca del sistema de escritura y del lenguaje escrito, como así también el desarrollo de estrategias lectoras. Se parte del análisis del Programa de Alfabetización con la Familia 'Cuenta Quien Cuenta', iniciado en el año 2006 en Paysandú, Uruguay, destinado a padres, madres y otros referentes familiares de niños hasta 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a contextos de alta vulnerabilidad económica, social y cultural. El programa tiene una duración de cuatro meses, en los se desarrollan doce talleres. En estos espacios se leen cuentos, se comparten pistas sobre cómo promover la lectura frecuente y la conversación sobre libros y cuentos en el hogar, se compaginan libros y, sobre todo, se insiste en la revalorización del rol de los asistentes como primeros agentes alfabetizadores de sus hijos. Al finalizar el período de intervención, cada hogar cuenta con alrededor de dieciséis libros de cuentos como material de lectura. El relevamiento realizado sobre otros programas y experiencias de este tipo puso de manifiesto que, en general, están centrados en la descripción del seguimiento realizado y en la socialización de registros anecdóticos, no incluyendo publicaciones que den cuenta de la evaluación de sus efectos en cuanto a los conocimientos de los niños. Por esa razón, esta investigación procura aportar un conjunto de herramientas que permitan iniciar un camino tendiente a focalizar indicadores que permitan evaluar más específicamente los alcances de las acciones realizadas


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El propósito de esta investigación cualitativa es indagar, a través de un estudio descriptivo- interpretativo, la eventual incidencia de un Programa de Alfabetización Familiar en la inclusión de los niños en la cultura escrita al ingresar al primer año escolar. Para esto se evaluarán ciertas actitudes vinculadas con el tipo de contacto que establecen los hijos de algunos participantes con la cultura de los libros y los conocimientos construidos acerca del sistema de escritura y del lenguaje escrito, como así también el desarrollo de estrategias lectoras. Se parte del análisis del Programa de Alfabetización con la Familia 'Cuenta Quien Cuenta', iniciado en el año 2006 en Paysandú, Uruguay, destinado a padres, madres y otros referentes familiares de niños hasta 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a contextos de alta vulnerabilidad económica, social y cultural. El programa tiene una duración de cuatro meses, en los se desarrollan doce talleres. En estos espacios se leen cuentos, se comparten pistas sobre cómo promover la lectura frecuente y la conversación sobre libros y cuentos en el hogar, se compaginan libros y, sobre todo, se insiste en la revalorización del rol de los asistentes como primeros agentes alfabetizadores de sus hijos. Al finalizar el período de intervención, cada hogar cuenta con alrededor de dieciséis libros de cuentos como material de lectura. El relevamiento realizado sobre otros programas y experiencias de este tipo puso de manifiesto que, en general, están centrados en la descripción del seguimiento realizado y en la socialización de registros anecdóticos, no incluyendo publicaciones que den cuenta de la evaluación de sus efectos en cuanto a los conocimientos de los niños. Por esa razón, esta investigación procura aportar un conjunto de herramientas que permitan iniciar un camino tendiente a focalizar indicadores que permitan evaluar más específicamente los alcances de las acciones realizadas


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El propósito de esta investigación cualitativa es indagar, a través de un estudio descriptivo- interpretativo, la eventual incidencia de un Programa de Alfabetización Familiar en la inclusión de los niños en la cultura escrita al ingresar al primer año escolar. Para esto se evaluarán ciertas actitudes vinculadas con el tipo de contacto que establecen los hijos de algunos participantes con la cultura de los libros y los conocimientos construidos acerca del sistema de escritura y del lenguaje escrito, como así también el desarrollo de estrategias lectoras. Se parte del análisis del Programa de Alfabetización con la Familia 'Cuenta Quien Cuenta', iniciado en el año 2006 en Paysandú, Uruguay, destinado a padres, madres y otros referentes familiares de niños hasta 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a contextos de alta vulnerabilidad económica, social y cultural. El programa tiene una duración de cuatro meses, en los se desarrollan doce talleres. En estos espacios se leen cuentos, se comparten pistas sobre cómo promover la lectura frecuente y la conversación sobre libros y cuentos en el hogar, se compaginan libros y, sobre todo, se insiste en la revalorización del rol de los asistentes como primeros agentes alfabetizadores de sus hijos. Al finalizar el período de intervención, cada hogar cuenta con alrededor de dieciséis libros de cuentos como material de lectura. El relevamiento realizado sobre otros programas y experiencias de este tipo puso de manifiesto que, en general, están centrados en la descripción del seguimiento realizado y en la socialización de registros anecdóticos, no incluyendo publicaciones que den cuenta de la evaluación de sus efectos en cuanto a los conocimientos de los niños. Por esa razón, esta investigación procura aportar un conjunto de herramientas que permitan iniciar un camino tendiente a focalizar indicadores que permitan evaluar más específicamente los alcances de las acciones realizadas


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Introdução: O Direito Humano a Alimentação Adequada (DHAA), na perspectiva da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN), destacou-se devido à compreensão dos determinantes para a Promoção da Saúde (PS). A Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) é uma ferramenta capaz de promover a reflexão dos cidadãos sobre como realizar esse direito. No Brasil, o quadro de insegurança alimentar entre crianças e adolescentes torna os profissionais de saúde da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) atores promissores para a reversão desse quadro, já que esses trabalham com os principais influenciadores desse público: a família. Objetivo: Analisar a atuação de profissionais de saúde não nutricionistas coordenadores de grupos educativos com conteúdo de alimentação e nutrição, desenvolvidos na APS do município de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo, com aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise por meio do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Foram levantados os dados a respeito da formação desses profissionais e identificadas suas percepções sobre seus papéis nos grupos que coordenam e a importância atribuída a eles. Resultados: A profissão dos 21 entrevistados reflete a atual configuração da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Há predominância de profissionais do sexo feminino com pós-graduação em temas de saúde coletiva. Foram identificadas 13 Ideias Centrais dividas em 2 Eixos Temáticos. Levantaram-se percepções contrárias e outras a favor aos referenciais teóricos trabalhados. Como favoráveis, identificou-se a valorização dos grupos como espaços de participação, troca de experiências e criação de vínculo entre seus membros, sendo o coordenador do grupo responsável pela condução desses. A importância na atuação interprofissional para o atendimento integral à saúde e atualização entre os profissionais também foi destacada. Já as desfavoráveis trouxeram a desvalorização das atividades em grupo, ou a atribuição de sua importância como forma de acesso a serviços, medicamentos ou informação, a identificação dos coordenadores como responsáveis por mudanças de comportamentos nos participantes, modelos a serem seguidos, e sendo considerados detentores do conhecimento, o que parece sobrecarregá-los, desmotivá-los e frustrá-los. Assim, alguns buscam seu reconhecimento trazendo atividades que agradam os usuários, independentemente da constatação das necessidades do território. Conclusões: A percepção dos profissionais parece refletir a forma em que atuam, evidenciando um momento heterogêneo sobre as formas de se abordar os aspectos relacionados à alimentação, além do despreparo para a coordenação de grupos. Dessa forma, recomenda-se a aproximação entre os campos da saúde e da educação, visando práticas mais significativas e libertadoras, bem como a reflexão sobre a formação desses profissionais, já que suas atuações parecem refletir a educação na qual foram moldados. Os princípios da PS, do DHAA, da SAN, da EAN e das características essenciais a um coordenador de grupos, devem ser trabalhados com esses atores, e, para tanto, como produto dessa pesquisa, sugeriu-se um curso de atualização.