982 resultados para Rodovia Washington Luiz


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O setor de reabilitação de aves selvagens do Parque Mangual das Garças, localizado em Belém, Pará, recebeu um espécime de Marreca-cabocla (Dendrocygna autumnalis). O animal apresentava lesões nodulares em regiões desprovidas de penas na asa, que consistiam de dois grandes nódulos cutâneos de aspecto tumoral, que mediram 4,2 x 3,8 cm e 2,8 x 2,2 cm de comprimento e largura, respectivamente. Os nódulos foram removidos cirurgicamente, fixados em formol a 10%, e as amostras foram processadas para histopatologia, coradas pela hematoxilina-eosina. Na análise histopatológica, observaram-se acantose e expressiva hiperceratose; várias células mostraram espongiose. O diagnóstico da bouba foi estabelecido pelo sinal patognomônico da presença de grandes corpúsculos de inclusão eosinofílicos intracitoplasmáticos (corpúsculos de Bollinger) nas células epiteliais da lesão tumoral. Este é o primeiro relato de infecção por poxvírus em ave selvagen no Estado do Pará, Brasil.


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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O livro Ensino de ciências e matemática III: contribuições da pesquisa acadêmica a partir de múltiplas perspectivas, publicado pela Cultura Acadêmica Editora, tem como objetivo comunicar e oferecer ao debate alguns resultados recentes da produção de pesquisa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência da UNESP, vinculado à Faculdade de Ciências do Campus de Bauru (SP). Assim, reúne, para acesso de pesquisadores, professores e estudantes, nove relatos oriundos de trabalhos de mestrado, doutorado, pós-doutorado e similares, desenvolvidos junto ao referido Programa, e passíveis de contribuir para a discussão e encaminhamento de uma série de questões atuais do ensino de ciências.


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Organizado por João José Caluzi e Silvia Regina Quijadas Aro Zuliani, este livro traz uma série de estudos nos quais os autores procuram discutir o ensino da Química à luz da História da Ciência e das metodologias científicas consagradas pelas instituições de ensino brasileiras na disseminação dos conhecimentos sobre a matéria, sempre com um viés analítico e por vezes bastante crítico. A coletânea aborda desde uma proposta de integração da Filosofia da Química no currículo e na didática da matéria até a prevenção de acidentes na execução de experimentos de Química no ensino médio, passando por um balanço crítico sobre as obras de Química adotadas no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio e da utilização e avaliação dos objetos de aprendizagem por professores de Química nas salas de aula brasileiras. A obra também fala do ensino da Química do ponto de vista mais específico, como nos artigos que discutem os pressupostos históricos e filosóficos sobre o princípio da incerteza, a tentativa de uma leitura kuhniana do conceito de substância e o estudo do termo densidade como obstáculo verbal à compreensão dos conceitos.


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Monitoring non-ionizing radiant energy is increasingly demanded for many applications such as automobile, biomedical and security system. Thermal type infrared (IR) sensors can operate at room temperature and pyroelectric materials have high sensitivity and accuracy for that application. Working as thermal transducer pyroelectric sensor converts the non-quantified thermal flux into the output measurable quantity of electrical charge, voltage or current. In the present study the composite made of poly(vinylidene fluoride) -PVDF and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) partially recovered with polyaniline (PAni) conductor polymer has been used as sensor element. The pyroelectric coefficient p(T) was obtained by measuring the pyroelectric reversible current, i.e., measuring the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) after removing all irreversible contribution to the current such as injected charge during polarization of the sample. To analyze the sensing property of the pyroelectric material, the sensor is irradiated by a high power light source (halogen lamp of 250 W) that is chopped providing a modulated radiation. A device assembled in the laboratory is used to change the light intensity sensor, an aluminum strip having openings with diameters ranging from 1 to 10 mm incremented by one millimeter. The sensor element is assembled between two electrodes while its frontal surface is painted black ink to maximize the light absorption. The signal from the sensor is measured by a Lock-In amplifier model SR530 -Stanford Research Systems. The behavior of the output voltage for an input power at several frequencies for PZT-PAni/PVDF (30/ 70 vol%) composite follows the inverse power law (1/ f) and the linearity can be observed in the frequency range used.


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This paper presents an analysis of the content in acoustics present in physics textbooks recommended by PNLEM, which used the same criteria of evaluation from used by experts in the analysis of such books. In this way, we observed that such texts have evolved little in comparison with the textual presentations reviewed in 1998 and published in the journal Science and Education [1], which were analyzed ten physics textbooks for high school, among which the most commom, at the time, in Brazilian schools. Although we identified the inclusion of some aspects of the culture of sound and music, there are still several conceptual and historical distortions, besides the little importance has been given to links CTSA, among them, studies of soundscapes that, even, are mentioned.


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Natural sciences have an enormous status in public opinion. Their achievements, which become known mostly by means of technology, give to them social credibility, unconditional support and positive social expectances. Further, their social images, generated by the success of their products, tend to lead people to develop only favorable ideas about scientists and about how science works, which are even more reinforced in the schools. By another side, the history of science has been allowed us to comprehend the internal and external social relations concerning to science, showing it as a field of disputes, interests and contradictions as many other fields which comprise human relations. Therefore, the objective of this text is to present social elements of the construction and impacts of natural science, aiming at putting in evidence the importance of the social studies of the scientific world for the courses of education of science teachers.


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In this paper, we aim to understand the discourses of public school teachers who were former students of an Undergraduate Physics Education course, when they are perceived as actors speakers a public sphere concerned about teacher eduaction. So, we focused virtual dialogues occurred between these former students and a professor of the same course during the organization of the First Meeting of Ex-students inserted in an annual event called Meeting of the Teaching Practice in Physics of Ilha Solteira (ENPEFIS). Thus, we analyze these dialogues according to concepts of public sphere, communicative action and teachers as intellectuals according to elements of the content analysis of these virtual dialogues. Therefore, we envision in this work an important discussion for science teaching , since it reflects briefly on Physics Education committed to discussing science teaching in order to overcome the dogmatic and instrumental science education.


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In this paper, we propose the socio-scientific issues (SSI) as an effective part of the curriculum of the ideals of the STSE movement in education. Furthermore, we have developed in a secondary school, in a rural community in the state of São Paulo, activities of continuing education for teachers in the discussions of SSI in the classroom. To understand and reflect on the situations resulting from these practices, we considered the participant research and the content analysis from the audio records of the weekly meetings between the teachers of this school and graduate students from a nearby university.Given this,we could understand how these issues should be part of people's lives, teachers must present motivation for the work, they need information,exposition of the arguments involved, mustrelate content and curricula, but, all this,aiming at the necessary critics of the aspects that can make this an instrumentalized practice. At the end of this clipping of our doctoral research, we were able to consider evidences on how teachers were inserted in the training process, with their involvement in the discussions and practices with the ISS.


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This article presents part of a broader research and seeks to elucidate the process of setting up a Socio-scientific Issue in a group of teachers at a public school. Assuming that a Socioscientific Issue must aggregate those involved in the educational process in situations of dialogue, argumentation and construction of a positioning, we understand that the recognition of the controversy or of the legitimacy of the theme in the context at stake is crucial to achieving the desired goals. Thus, starting from subsidies from the Critical Theory of Society, we characterize the process of setting up a Socio-scientific Issue among teachers as an exercise of unveiling the concrete reality, listing problematic, controversial and open to criticism aspects of Science and Technology. Thus, the Socio-scientific Issue is listed out in the group as soon as it is established a polyphonic dialogue where all participants stand, recognize the fertility of the themefor the intendededucational context and can speak of it with propriety.


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The objective of this paper is to present a theoretical proposal for the training of teachers of mathematics and science at the interface of communicative action and socio-scientific issues. In this paper we argue for the need for a continuous training of teachers if we are to be interested in developing the scientific training of students from the public school system. To form communicatively competent students, by the end of schooling, becomes necessary the training of argumentatively competent teachers. Therefore, we believe that the theory of communicative action by Jurgen Habermas, will cooperate to this end.


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Reflections on the Movement STSE, in basic education, have pointed to the introduction of discussions involving the socio-scientific issues, as a way of organization and development of forming processes in science classes. In this sense, the research that we developed sought to bring to physics classes of basic education, the discussions surrounding the relationship between science, technology, society and environment issues related to production and access to electricity and human development. In order to interpret formative aspects of this approach was achieved through a short course. Thus, we discuss in this paper, the discourse of students and a professor of physics who participated in this short course. Therefore, we seek in discourse analysis, reflection on this practice, which has limitations such as lack of recognition of this type of training status by the students as well as possibilities represented by the establishment of training spaces that contribute to the discussion of socio-scientific issues.