997 resultados para Rice bran oil


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The present literature review aimed to describe biodisel’s physicochemical properties obtained from different raw materials. Were studied data concerning viscosity, density, cetane number, fl ash point, pour point and calorifi c power of biodiesel produced from soybean oil, coconut, rice bran, cotton, pequi, babassu, mamona, palm, castor, sunfl ower, corn, canola, jatropha and karanja. Considering the diversity of vegetal and animal sources that can be used on the biodiesel production, it is noteworthy the lack of data concerning physicochemical properties of unexplored raw materials. This work may contribute for the creation of database about physicochemical properties of oil and biodiesel from different sources which will allow design and scale-up, both the necessary equipment to the production line and reciprocating engines.


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Corn and soyabeans may not be available in many countries particularly those which do not have sufficient foreign currency or the capacity to grow them. This paper outlines strategies that may be important under these circumstances. Alternative feedstuffs and various feeding systems may be used to support poultry production. Alternative ingredients such as rice bran, pearl millet, cottonseed meal and grain legumes are discussed. Evidence is presented showing that amino acid requirements of layers and broilers may be too generous particularly in countries where climate, management and disease can impose production constraints. The ability of finishing broilers to perform well on very low-energy diets allows the inclusion of alternative feeds and by-products into formulations. Very low protein diets based on cereals and free amino acids can be used for layers without loss of performance. Self-selection of feedstuffs may be an important strategy in reducing feed costs of broilers and layers. The concept of matching production with available feed resources may compromise broiler growth and egg production, but in many countries this may be the most economical choice. Countries in the humid tropics usually have reduced poultry performance. The effects of high temperature and humidity are difficult to overcome. The vexed questions of the escalation in the price of fossil fuel and the outbreak of avian influenza, both seemingly without a solution, are clouds hanging over an otherwise buoyant industry.


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Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.


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O arroz é o segundo cereal mais produzido no mundo e para que ele seja consumido é necessário o processo de beneficiamento, onde é retirada a casca, e com o polimento, o farelo. O farelo, após a retirada do óleo, é utilizado para alimentação animal, mas como corresponde a 8% do grão, são necessárias novas alternativas para o uso do mesmo, uma vez que contém em torno de 17% de proteína. As proteínas do farelo de arroz são consideradas de alta qualidade, hipoalergênicas e anticancerígenas. Devido ao excesso de fibras presentes no farelo, este não é utilizado diretamente na alimentação humana, podendo ser usado como fonte para a obtenção de extratos, concentrados ou isolados. A obtenção do isolado protéico pode ser por via química, que consiste na extração alcalina ou ácida, seguida de precipitação no ponto isoelétrico ou via enzimática, com o uso de enzimas amilolíticas, hemicelulases e carboidrases para a separação das proteínas. O objetivo deste estudo foi obter um isolado protéico a partir de farelo de arroz visando a inclusão deste em produto de panificação. Foi obtido isolado protéico pelo método químico que foi analisado pelo rendimento protéico, pelas propriedades funcionais, perfil aminoacídico, eletroforese e características térmicas. O isolado foi adicionado em bolos em diferentes concentrações sendo avaliado pelas características tecnológicas e sensoriais. O isolado protéico do farelo de arroz (IPFA) que apresentou maior rendimento protéico foi o obtido pelo método químico, com o farelo de granulometria de 42 mesh e desengordurado. Em relação às propriedades funcionais, foi verificado que o IPFA possui maior solubilidade e capacidade de retenção de água em pH 11, alta capacidade emulsificante e alta capacidade de formação de espuma. No aminograma, constatou-se que os aminoácidos encontrados no IPFA atendem as necessidades de bebês e crianças. No perfil eletroforético, o IPFA apresentou 3 grupos de proteínas. Na análise térmica com DSC, o IPFA apresentou alta temperatura de desnaturação e baixo valor de entalpia. Na elaboração dos bolos, à medida que foi adicionado o IPFA, aumentou o teor protéico, o pH e o volume específico e diminuiu o colapso, a luminosidade e a firmeza dos bolos. Na análise sensorial, os bolos com IPFA não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas do bolo controle (sem IPFA). Estes resultados indicam a potencialidade do IPFA em produtos de panificação.


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O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um processo para a produção de biodiesel partindo de óleos de alta acidez, aplicando um processo em duas etapas de catálise homogênea. A primeira é a reação de esterificação etílica dos ácidos graxos livres, catalisada por H2SO4, ocorrendo no meio de triglicerídeos e a segunda é a transesterificação dos triglicerídeos remanescentes, ocorrendo no meio dos ésteres alquílicos da primeira etapa e catalisada com álcali (NaOH) e álcool etílico ou metílico. A reação de esterificação foi estudada com uma mistura modelo consistindo de óleo de soja neutro acidificado artificialmente com 15%p de ácido oleico PA. Este valor foi adotado, como referência, devido a certas gorduras regionais (óleo de mamona advinda de agricultura familiar, sebos de matadouro e óleo de farelo de arroz, etc.) apresentarem teores entre 10-20%p de ácidos graxos livres. Nas duas etapas o etanol é reagente e também solvente, sendo a razão molar mistura:álcool um dos parâmetros pesquisados nas relações 1:3, 1:6 e 1:9. Outros foram a temperatura 60 e 80ºC e a concentração percentual do catalisador, 0,5, 1,0 e 1,5%p, (em relação à massa de óleo). A combinatória destes parâmetros resultou em 18 reações. Dentre as condições reacionais estudadas, oito atingiram acidez aceitável inferior a 1,5%p possibilitando a definição das condições para aplicação ótima da segunda etapa. A melhor condição nesta etapa ocorreu quando a reação foi conduzida a 60°C com 1%p de H2SO4 e razão molar 1:6. No final da primeira etapa foram realizados tratamentos pertinentes como a retirada do catalisador e estudada sua influência sobre a acidez final, utilizando-se de lavagens com e sem adição de hexano, seguidas de evaporação ou adição de agente secante. Na segunda etapa estudaram-se as razões molares de óleo:álcool de 1:6 e 1:9 com álcool metílico e etílico, com 0,5 e 1%p de NaOH assim como o tratamento da reação (lavagem ou neutralização do catalisador) a 60°C, resultando em 16 experimentos. A melhor condição nesta segunda etapa ocorreu com 0,5%p de NaOH, razão molar óleo:etanol de 1:6 e somente as reações em que se aplicaram lavagens apresentaram índices de acidez adequados (<1,0%p) coerentes com os parâmetros da ANP.


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Amyloglucosidase enzyme was produced by Aspergillus niger NRRL 3122 from solid-state fermentation, using deffated rice bran as substrate. The effects of process parameters (pH, temperature) in the equilibrium partition coefficient for the system amyloglucosidase - resin DEAE-cellulose were investigated, aiming at obtaining the optimum conditions for a subsequent purification process. The highest partition coefficients were obtained using 0.025M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 and 25ºC. The conditions that supplied the highest partition coefficient were specified, the isotherm that better described the amyloglucosidase process of adsorption obtained. It was observed that the adsorption could be well described by Langmuir equation and the values of Qm and Kd estimated at 133.0 U mL-1 and 15.4 U mL-1, respectively. From the adjustment of the kinetic curves using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm, the adsorption (k1) and desorption (k2) constants were obtained through optimization by the least square procedure, and the values calculated were 2.4x10-3 mL U-1 min-1 for k1 and 0.037 min-1 for k2 .


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The tomato culture demands large quantities of mineral nutrients, which are supplied by synthetic fertilizers in the conventional cultivation system. In the organic cultivation system only alternative fertilizers are allowed by the certifiers and accepted as safe for humans and environment. The chemical composition of rice bran, oyster flour, cattle manure and ground charcoal, as well as soils and tomato fruits were evaluated by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The potential contribution of organic fertilizers to the enrichment of chemical elements in soil and their transfer to fruits was investigated using concentration ratios for fertilizer and soil samples, and also for soil and tomato. Results evidenced that these alternative fertilizers could be taken as important sources of Br, Ca, Ce, K, Na and Zn for the organic tomato culture.


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The agricultural supplies used in the organic system to control pests and diseases as well as to fertilize soil are claimed to be beneficial to plants and innocuous to human health and to the environment. The chemical composition of six agricultural supplies commonly used in the organic tomato culture, was evaluated by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Results were compared to the maximum limits established by the Environment Control Agency of the Sao Paulo State (CETESB) and the Guidelines for Organic Quality Standard of Instituto Biodinamico (IBD). Concentrations above reference values were found for Co, Cr and Zn in compost, Cr and Zn in cattle manure and Zn in rice bran.


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The effects of initial xylose concentration and nutritional supplementation of brewer`s spent grain hydrolysate on xylitol production by Candida guilliermondii were evaluated using experimental design methodology. The hydrolysate containing 55, 75 or 95 g/l xylose, supplemented or not with nutrients (calcium chloride, ammonium sulfate and rice bran extract), was used as fermentation medium. The increase in xylitol yield and productivity was related to the increase of initial xylose concentration, but up to a certain limit. above of which the yeast performance was not improved. The hydrolysate supplementation with nutrients did not interfere with xylose-to-xylitol conversion. By using the statistic tool the best conditions for maximum xylitol production were found. which consisted in using the non-supplemented hydrolysate containing 70 g/l initial xylose concentration. Under these conditions, a xylitol yield of 0.78 g/g and productivity of 0.58 g/(l h) were achieved. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Poultry can be managed under different feeding systems, depending on the husbandry skills and the feed available. These systems include the following: (1) a complete dry feed offered as a mash ad libitum; (2) the same feed offered as pellets or crumbles ad libitum; (3) a complete feed with added whole grain; (4) a complete wet feed given once or twice a day; (5) a complete feed offered on a restricted basis; (6) choice feeding. Of all these, an interesting alternative to offering complete diets is choice feeding which can be applied on both a small or large commercial scale. Under choice feeding or free-choice feeding birds are usually offered a choice between three types of feedstuffs: (a) an energy source (e.g. maize, rice bran, sorghum or wheat); (b) a protein source (e.g. soyabean meal, meat meal, fish meal or coconut meal) plus vitamins and minerals and (c), in the case of laying hens, calcium in granular form (i.e. oyster-shell grit). This system differs from the modern commercial practice of offering a complete diet comprising energy and protein sources, ground and mixed together. Under the complete diet system, birds are mainly only able to exercise their appetite for energy. When the environmental temperature varies, the birds either over- or under-consume protein and calcium. The basic principle behind practising choice feeding with laying hens is that individual hens are able to select from the various feed ingredients on offer and compose their own diet, according to their actual needs and production capacity. A choice-feeding system is of particular importance to small poultry producers in developing countries, such as Indonesia, because it can substantially reduce the cost of feed. The system is flexible and can be constructed in such a way that the various needs of a flock of different breeds, including village chickens, under different climates can be met. The system also offers a more effective way to use home-produced grain, such as maize, and by-products, such as rice bran, in developing countries. Because oyster-shell grit is readily available in developing countries at lower cost than limestone, the use of cheaper oyster-shell grit can further benefit small-holders in these countries. These benefits apart, simpler equipment suffices when designing and building a feed mixer on the farm, and transport costs are lower. If whole (unground) grain is used, the intake of which is accompanied by increased efficiency of feed utilisation, the costs of grinding, mixing and many of the handling procedures associated with mash and pellet preparation are eliminated. The choice feedstuffs can all be offered in the current feed distribution systems, either by mixing the ingredients first or by using a bulk bin divided into three compartments.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the use of protein-phenolic based coating made from fermented rice bran on cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum). Tests were performed with glycerol 3% (v/v), glycerol with protein-phenolic rice bran extract (5%), glycerol with protein-phenolic extract after 96 hours of fermentation (5%), and a control (without coating). The coated cherry tomatoes were kept at room temperature for 28 days. Mass loss, pH and acidity, total soluble solids, and carotenoids were determined every 96 hours. The coating made from the biomass extract reduced the carotenoid and acidity levels in the fruits studied by 17 and 21.1%, respectively, compared to the control. The coating proved an efficient barrier to water vapor with mass loss of 57% less than the control suggesting that it can be used as an alternative for vegetable tissue conservation.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate of Pleurotus sajor-caju production in peach palm leaves and the addition of different fractions of mushroom powder to wheat flour to increase its nutritional value without changing its characteristics. The best yield (48.4%), biologic efficiency (4.5%), and Pr (0.36 g/day) values were obtained using 20% inoculum fraction and 10% rice bran fraction. The Pleurotus sajor-caju fruiting body cultivated under these conditions had the following composition in 100 g: 29.91 g (carbohydrates), 42.92 g (proteins), 1.24 g (lipids), 15.93 g (fibers), 7.42 g (ashes), 1.6 g (phosphorus), 2.7 g (potassium), 8.73 mg (iron), 23.75 mg (sodium), 0.34 mg (thiamine), and 0.57 mg (riboflavin). The wheat flour with mushroom powder had reduced sugar content, but it did not have increased fat content. The fiber, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and riboflavin contents were increased mainly when 10% mushroom powder was added to the wheat flour. Furthermore, this flour does not undergo drastic alterations in its physicochemical characteristics such as in moisture, wet gluten, color, and falling number.


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Previously, using an in vitro static batch culture system, it was found that rice bran (RB), inulin, fibersol, mannanoligosaccharides (MOS), larch arabinogalactan and citrus pectin elicited prebiotic effects (in terms of increased numbers of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria) on the faecal microbiota of a dog. The aim of the present study was to confirm the prebiotic potential of each individual substrate using multiple faecal donors, as well as assessing the prebiotic potential of 15 substrate blends made from them. Anaerobic static and stirred, pH-controlled batch culture systems inoculated with faecal samples from healthy dogs were used for this purpose. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis using seven oligonucleotide probes targeting selected bacterial groups and DAPI (total bacteria) was used to monitor bacterial populations during fermentation runs. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to measure butyrate produced as a result of bacterial fermentation of the substrates. RB and a MOS/RB blend (1:1, w/w) were shown to elicit prebiotic and butyrogenic effects on the canine microbiota in static batch culture fermentations. Further testing of these substrates in stirred, pH-controlled batch culture fermentation systems confirmed the prebiotic and butyrogenic effects of MOS/RB, with no enhancement of Clostridium clusters I and II and Escherichia coli populations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O sistema de semeadura direta e os diferentes sistemas de produção nele adotados podem contribuir para a supressão de plantas infestantes. em razão disso, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o controle de plantas daninhas em função de diferentes sistemas de produção de grãos. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: I. Sistema safra-pousio - soja/ pousio/milho/pousio/arroz/pousio/soja; II. Sistema safra-adubo verde - soja/milheto/ milho/guandu/arroz/crotalária/soja; III. Sistema safra-safrinha - soja/aveia-branca/milho/ feijão-da-seca/arroz/mamona/soja; IV. Sistema safra - forrageira- soja + braquiária/milho + braquiária/arroz + braquiária/soja. em novembro de 2009 (após três safras agrícolas), foi realizado o levantamento de plantas daninhas infestantes. Para isso, foi utilizado um quadro (0,3 x 0,3 m), lançado aleatoriamente quatro vezes dentro de cada parcela. As plantas foram identificadas, bem como feita a determinação do número total das espécies invasoras, da massa seca e da porcentagem de controle das espécies de acordo com o sistema de produção. Foi realizada ainda a análise fitossociológica da comunidade de plantas daninhas infestantes. Os sistemas safra-adubo verde, safra-safrinha e safra-forrageira apresentaram bom controle de plantas infestantes quando comparados ao sistema safra-pousio. Portanto, a presença de algum tipo de cobertura é importante para manter as características do solo favorável e um bom controle de plantas invasoras.