994 resultados para Rhodium dimer


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Pure rotational spectra of the propargyl alcohol dimer and its three deuterium isotopologues have been observed in the 4 to 13 GHz range using a pulsed-nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. For the parent dimer, a total of 51 transitions could be observed and fitted within experimental uncertainty. For two mono-substituted and one bi-substituted deuterium isotopologues, a total of 14, 17, and 19 transitions were observed, respectively. The observed rotational constants for the parent dimer A = 2321.8335(4) MHz, B = 1150.4774(2) MHz, and C = 1124.8898(2) MHz] are close to those of the most stable structure predicted by ab initio calculations. Spectra of the three deuterated isotopologues and Kraitchman analysis positively confirm this structure. Geometrical parameters and ``Atoms in Molecules'' analysis on the observed structure reveal that the two propargyl alcohol units in the dimer are bound by three different types of hydrogen bonds: O-H center dot center dot center dot O, O-H center dot center dot center dot pi, and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi. To the best of our knowledge, propargyl alcohol seems to be the smallest molecule forming a homodimer with three different points of contact. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Knowing the nature of the enzyme-graphene interface is critical for a design of graphene-based biosensors. Extensive contacts between graphene and enzyme could be obtained by employing a suitable encapsulation which does not impede its enzymatic reaction. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations to obtain an insight on many forms of contact between glucose oxidase dimer and the single-layer graphene nano-sheets. The unconnected graphene sheets tended to form a flat stack regardless of their initial positions around the enzyme, whereas the same graphene sheets linked together formed a flower-like shape engendering different forms of wrapping of the enzyme. During the encapsulation no core hydrophobic residues of the enzyme were exposed. Since the polar and charged amino acids populated the enzyme's surface we also estimated, using DFT calculations, the interaction energies of individual polar and charged amino acid residues with graphene. It was found that the negatively charged residues can bind to graphene unexpectedly strongly; however, the main effect of encapsulation comes from the overlap of adjacent edges of graphene sheets.


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The survival protein SurE from Salmonella typhimurium (StSurE) is a dimeric protein that functions as a phosphatase. SurE dimers are formed by the swapping of a loop with a pair of beta-strands and a C-terminal helix between two protomers. In a previous study, the Asp230 and His234 residues were mutated to Ala to abolish a hydrogen bond that was thought to be crucial for C-terminal helix swapping. These mutations led to functionally inactive and distorted dimers in which the two protomers were related by a rotation of 167 degrees. New salt bridges involving Glu112 were observed in the dimeric interface of the H234A and D230A/H234A mutants. To explore the role of these salt bridges in the stability of the distorted structure, E112A, E112A/D230A, E112A/H234A, E112A/D230A/H234A, R179L/H180A/H234A and E112A/R179L/H180A/H234A mutants were constructed. X-ray crystal structures of the E112A, E112A/H234A and E112A/D230A mutants could be determined. The dimeric structures of the E112A and E112A/H234A mutants were similar to that of native SurE, while the E112A/D230A mutant had a residual rotation of 11 degrees between the B chains upon superposition of the A chains of the mutant and native dimers. The native dimeric structure was nearly restored in the E112A/H234A mutant, suggesting that the new salt bridge observed in the H234A and D230A/H234A mutants was indeed responsible for the stability of their distorted structures. Catalytic activity was also restored in these mutants, implying that appropriate dimeric organization is necessary for the activity of SurE.


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Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) under nanospray conditions has been used to examine the effects of mutation at two key dimer interface residues, Gln (Q) 64 and Thr (T) 75, in Plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase. Both residues participate in an intricate network of intra- and intersubunit hydrogen bonds. The gas phase distributions of dimeric and monomeric protein species have been examined for the wild type enzyme (TWT) and three mutants, Q64N, Q64E, and 175S, under a wide range of collision energies (40-160 eV). The results established the order of dimer stability as TWT > T75S > Q64E similar to Q64N. The mutational effects on dimer stability are in good agreement with the previously reported estimates, based on the concentration dependence of enzyme activity. Additional experiments in solution, using inhibition of activity by a synthetic dimer interface peptide, further support the broad agreement between gas phase and solution studies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The chemisorption of CO on a Cr( 110) surface is investigated using the quantum Monte Carlo method in the diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) variant and a model Cr2CO cluster. The present results are consistent with the earlier ab initio HF study with this model that showed the tilted/ near-parallel orientation as energetically favoured over the perpendicular arrangement. The DMC energy difference between the two orientations is larger (1.9 eV) than that computed in the previous study. The distribution and reorganization of electrons during CO adsorption on the model surface are analysed using the topological electron localization function method that yields electron populations, charge transfer and clear insight on the chemical bonding that occurs with CO adsorption and dissociation on the model surface.


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This dissertation will cover several disparate topics, with the overarching theme centering on the investigation of organometallic C-H activation and hydrocarbon transformation and upgrading. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss iridium and rhodium analogues of the Shilov cycle catalyst for methane to methanol oxidation, and Chapter 4 on the recently discovered ROA mechanistic motif in catalysts for various alkane partial oxidation reactions. In addition, Chapter 5 discusses the mechanism of nickel pyridine bisoxazoline Negishi catalysts for asymmetric and stereoconvergent C-C coupling, and the appendices discuss smaller projects on rhodium H/D exchange catalysts and DFT method benchmarking.


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Deficiencies in the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway are associated with several types of cancers, as well as resistance to commonly used chemotherapeutics. Rhodium metalloinsertors have been found to bind DNA mismatches with high affinity and specificity in vitro, and also exhibit cell-selective cytotoxicity, targeting MMR-deficient cells over MMR-proficient cells.

Here we examine the biological fate of rhodium metalloinsertors bearing dipyridylamine ancillary ligands. These complexes are shown to exhibit accelerated cellular uptake which permits the observation of various cellular responses, including disruption of the cell cycle and induction of necrosis, which occur preferentially in the MMR-deficient cell line. These cellular responses provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the selective activity of this novel class of targeted anti-cancer agents.

In addition, ten distinct metalloinsertors with varying lipophilicities are synthesized and their mismatch binding affinities and biological activities studied. While they are found to have similar binding affinities, their cell-selective antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities vary significantly. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) experiments show that all of these metalloinsertors localize in the nucleus at sufficient concentrations for binding to DNA mismatches. Furthermore, metalloinsertors with high rhodium localization in the mitochondria show toxicity that is not selective for MMR-deficient cells. This work supports the notion that specific targeting of the metalloinsertors to nuclear DNA gives rise to their cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities that are selective for cells deficient in MMR.

To explore further the basis of the unique selectivity of the metlloinsertors in targeting MMR-deficient cells, experiments were conducted using engineered NCI-H23 lung adenocarcinoma cells that contain a doxycycline-inducible shRNA which suppresses the expression of the MMR gene MLH1. Here we use this new cell line to further validate rhodium metalloinsertors as compounds capable of differentially inhibiting the proliferation of MMR-deficient cancer cells over isogenic MMR-proficient cells. General DNA damaging agents, such as cisplatin and etoposide, in contrast, are less effective in the induced cell line defective in MMR.

Finally, we describe a new subclass of metalloinsertors with enhanced potency and selectivity, in which the complexes show Rh-O coordination. In particular, it has been found that both Δ and Λ enantiomers of [Rh(chrysi)(phen)(DPE)]2+ bind to DNA with similar affinities, suggesting a possible different binding conformation than previous metalloinsertors. Remarkably, all members of this new family of compounds have significantly increased potency in a range of cellular assays; indeed, all are more potent than the FDA-approved anticancer drugs cisplatin and MNNG. Moreover, these activities are coupled with high levels of selectivity for MMR-deficient cells.


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The Barton laboratory has established that octahedral rhodium complexes bearing the sterically expansive 5,6-chrysene diimine ligand can target thermodynamically destabilized sites, such as base pair mismatches, in DNA with high affinity and selectivity. These complexes approach DNA from the minor groove, ejecting the mismatched base pairs from the duplex in a binding mode termed metalloinsertion. In recent years, we have shown that these metalloinsertor complexes also exhibit cytotoxicity preferentially in cancer cells that are deficient in the mismatch repair (MMR) machinery.

Here, we establish that a sensitive structure-activity relationship exists for rhodium metalloinsertors. We studied the relationship between the chemical structures of metalloinsertors and their effect on biological activity for ten complexes with similar DNA binding affinities, but wide variation in their lipophilicity. Drastic differences were observed in the selectivities of the complexes for MMR-deficient cells. Compounds with hydrophilic ligands were highly selective, exhibiting preferential cytotoxicity in MMR-deficient cells at low concentrations and short incubation periods, whereas complexes with lipophilic ligands displayed poor cell-selectivity. It was discovered that all of the complexes localized to the nucleus in concentrations sufficient for mismatch binding; however, highly lipophilic complexes also exhibited high mitochondrial uptake. Significantly, these results support the notion that mitochondrial DNA is not the desired target for our metalloinsertor complexes; instead, selectivity stems from targeting mismatches in genomic DNA.

We have also explored the potential for metalloinsertors to be developed into more complex structures with multiple functionalities that could either enhance their overall potency or impart mismatch selectivity onto other therapeutic cargo. We have constructed a family of bifunctional metalloinsertor conjugates incorporating cis-platinum, each unique in its chemical structure, DNA binding interactions, and biological activity. The study of these complexes in MMR-deficient cells has established that the cell-selective biological activity of rhodium metalloinsertors proceeds through a critical cellular pathway leading to necrosis.

We further explored the underlying mechanisms surrounding the biological response to mismatch recognition by metalloinsertors in the genome. Immunofluorescence assays of MMR-deficient and MMR-proficient cells revealed that a critical biomarker for DNA damage, phosphorylation of histone H2AX (γH2AX) rapidly accumulates in response to metalloinsertor treatment, signifying the induction of double strand breaks in the genome. Significantly, we have discovered that our metalloinsertor complexes selectively inhibit transcription in MMR-deficient cells, which may be a crucial checkpoint in the eventual breakdown of the cell via necrosis. Additionally, preliminary in vivo studies have revealed the capability of these compounds to traverse the complex environments of multicellular organisms and accumulate in MMR-deficient tumors. Our ever-increasing understanding of metalloinsertors, as well as the development of new generations of complexes both monofunctional and bifunctional, enables their continued progress into the clinic as promising new chemotherapeutic agents.


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The crystal structure of thermal isomer of the “head-to-head” dimer of triphenylfluorocyclobutadiene was determined by the direct method. The Σ2 relationship involving the low angle reflections with the largest E’s were found and solved for the signs by the symbolic method of Zachariasen. The structure was seen in the electron density map and the E-map, and was refined antisotropically by the method of least squares. The residual R was 0.065.

The structure is a gem-difluorohexaphenyldihydropentalene. All of the phenyl groups are planar as it is the cyclopentadiene ring of the dihydropentalene skeleton. Overcrowding at the position of the flourines causes some deviations from the normal bond angles in the cyclopentene ring.

The list of observed and calculated structure factors on pages 32-34 will not be legible on the microfilm. Photographic copies may be obtained from the California Institute of Technology.


The structure of cyanuric triazide was refined anisotropically by the method of least squares. Three-dimensional intensity data, which has been collected photographically with MoKα radiation at -110˚C, were used in the refinement. The residual R was reduced to 0.081.

The structure is completely planar, and there is no significant bond alternation in the cyanuric ring. The packing of the molecules causes the azide groups to deviate from linearity by 8 degrees.


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In the present work, the nematic glassy state of the non-symmetric LC dimer -(4-cyanobiphenyl-4-yloxy)--(1-pyrenimine-benzylidene-4-oxy) undecane is studied by means of calorimetric and dielectric measurements. The most striking result of the work is the presence of two different glass transition temperatures: one due to the freezing of the flip-flop motions of the bulkier unit of the dimer and the other, at a lower temperature, related to the freezing of the flip-flop and precessional motions of the cyanobiphenyl unit. This result shows the fact that glass transition is the consequence of the freezing of one or more coupled dynamic disorders and not of the disordered phase itself. In order to avoid crystallization when the bulk sample is cooled down, the LC dimer has been confined via the dispersion of -alumina nanoparticles, in several concentrations.