104 resultados para Rework


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This chapter inquires into four very different Australian middle-school classrooms where teachers are innovating their practices and developing new approaches to aspects of English curriculum. These classrooms from diverse settings (one middle-class urban, one elite private inner urban, one regional disadvantaged, one middle-class regional) have all taken imaginative leaps and reworked their curricula to put the students’ needs at the centre. At one school, Year 8 students design, make and play their own computer games, at another Year 6 students script, design, craft and shoot their own claymation film; at another, Year 9 students use videogames as texts in their literature studies; and at another, a group of Year 6 students work with a theatre company and their teachers to rework Shakespeare into a contemporary, accessible, enjoyable performance. The chapter considers how in each case these different approaches engage and extend the students in meaningful and relevant ways. The chapter includes a mix of teacher and student interview data, principal data and teacher writing. The chapter investigates how each of these projects worked to achieve its aims and discusses how the single national curriculum might be re-envisioned in local contexts.


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 This paper offers a Buddhist reading of I ♥ Huckabees (2004). I begin with an overview of director David O. Russell's Zen influence to reveal how he weaves the Buddhist metaphor of Indra's net (a metaphor for the doctrine of pratitya-samutpada) and the principles of meditation into the narrative. The main objective, however, is to demonstrate that Russell doesn't merely re-present Buddhist ideals but also attempts to "practice" Buddhism by using the visual vernacular of contemporary media culture to rework film as meditation and meditation as film. In weaving Buddhist ideals into his satire on contemporary culture, I argue that Russell is engaging us in religious and ethico-political reflection.


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 In this paper we outline how the elements and forms of arts informed research can be used in doctoral education. Drawing on Cole and Knowles (2008) interrogation of the elements and forms of arts informed research, we rework their questions and apply them to the Australian model of the Doctor of Philosophy and consider the possibilities for arts based educational research within this model; its impacts on the doctorate itself and our role as supervisors. In the paper we ask: How can the arts (broadly conceived) inform the doctoral research process? How can the arts inform the representational form of doctoral research? What might this mean for us as supervisors? In our discussion we draw upon our work as researchers and supervisors, and consider Halse's (2011) concept of the ‘supervision as becoming’ (p. 569). Through an analysis of our supervision practices we reframe supervision as becoming in part, beyond a practice of hierarchical relationships and/or becoming as the mirror of the supervisor. Rather, we offer an explanation of research training and credentialing as taking forward a vision of new practices which although they are informed by the arts and arts based practices are however not risk averse. While we agree with Cole and Knowles (2008) to connect the work of the academy with the life and lives of communities through research that is accessible, evocative, embodied, empathic, and provocative is productive, something else is required in these times. SuperVision, is required both on the part of the candidate and the supervisors and/or supervisory panel to ensure that the PhD is executed in a way that can meet the university requirements and further is enabling of a sustainable career pathway beyond the initial doctoral education.


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Este trabalho de conclusão tem como tema a relação entre as especificações de resinas alquídicas e de tintas preparadas com estas resinas, com foco nas características de teor de sólidos e viscosidade, fazendo uso das técnicas projeto de experimentos, superfície de resposta e análise de regressão. O objetivo principal é o estudo dos limites de especificação ideais para a resina alquídica, de forma que os lotes de tinta apresentem propriedades dentro da especificação já ao final do processamento, reduzindo a incidência de lotes fabris com necessidade de ajuste. Como conseqüência, temos redução de retrabalho e lead time fabril, adequação de custo de produtos, maior qualidade intrínseca e maior confiança na sistemática de desenvolvimento, produção e controle de qualidade. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a tecnologia de tintas e resinas alquídicas, conceitos de controle de qualidade, planejamento de experimentos, análise por superfície de resposta e análise de regressão. Na seqüência, foi conduzido o estudo de caso, realizado na empresa Killing S.A. Tintas e Adesivos, planta localizada na cidade de Novo Hamburgo. Os resultados experimentais indicaram modelos de regressão polinomial válidos para as propriedades avaliadas. Foram tomadas as propriedades teor de sólidos e viscosidade Copo Ford #2 da mistura A+B como parâmetros para análise dos limites de especificação da resina alquídica, onde se comprovou que a variabilidade atualmente permitida é excessiva. A aplicação dos modelos de regressão indicou novos limites de especificação para a resina alquídica, mais estreitos, viabilizando a obtenção de tintas com propriedades especificadas.


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Esse estudo buscou identificar vantagens e desvantagens da estrutura de holding na Administração Pública a partir da análise da constituição e organização do Ministério da Defesa. Realizamos um estudo de caso e, para a preparação do mesmo, partimos de referenciais teóricos que nos permitissem entender a estrutura de holding e controladas, a administração privada, a pública e a diferença entre elas. Foram realizadas doze entrevistas em duas etapas. A primeira abrangeu consultas a especialistas sobre holdings, e a segunda, pessoas com conhecimento sobre o Ministério da Defesa e Forças Armadas. As respostas das entrevistas foram analisadas tomando como base o que foi apresentado no Referencial Teórico. De forma geral, os entrevistados apresentaram como vantagens de uma holding na administração pública: facilitar maior integração e diálogo entre as partes; centralizar o poder norteando o rumo da organização; facilitar o desempenho estratégico e a visão; fomentar a governança; intensificar o diálogo, pensamento conjunto e atuação sistêmica; identificar maior poder de barganha e representatividade política; gerar maior eficácia por conta do entendimento entre as partes e melhor aproveitamento dos recursos; permitir a tradução de objetivos em diretrizes; aumentar a possibilidade de reduzir as desigualdades quando não pensa só no lucro; e buscar o benefício público. Como desvantagens foram citados o aumento de problemas no compartilhamento entre as controladas; a intensificação da possibilidade de choques de culturas diferentes; a possibilidade de cada gestor se voltar mais para sua organização quando os recursos são limitados; o maior esvaziamento da discussão de assuntos importantes na controlada; brecha para a ocorrência de retrabalho; possibilidade de atrasos na entrega das compras, que agora são centralizadas; maior exposição à politização e influência política; insuficiência de mecanismos de controle de desempenho; limitação das decisões e da gestão pelo que é estabelecido pela lei; existência de Forças políticas atuando e negociando; inexistência de carreiras civis em certas áreas aumentando essa exposição; falta de blindagem política e ingerência política; capacitação e estruturação não satisfatórios.


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A adoção dos métodos ágeis de gestão do desenvolvimento de software tem sido uma tendência mundial, considerando-se as empresas do setor de tecnologia. Empresas brasileiras atuando neste mercado não estão apartadas deste quadro, uma vez que o objetivo desses métodos é endereçar um cenário comum a qualquer uma dessas organizações: lidar com a dificuldade de modelar adequadamente os problemas usualmente complexos que são objetivo da construção de um software e com a mudança constante de requisitos que esta situação representa, potencializada ainda mais pela dinâmica frenética da disseminação da informação no século XXI, além de modificar um quadro crônico de fracassos e falhas no setor, visando entregar produtos de qualidade aos seus clientes com o máximo de velocidade. Aspectos internos como o aumento de produtividade e a redução de retrabalho também fazem parte dos objetivos de adoção destas metodologias. O presente estudo visa avaliar os aspectos humanos e culturais envolvidos e identificar a convergência entre as expectativas da empresa e dos empregados quando da adoção de métodos ágeis de gestão, a partir de pesquisa de campo que capturou as reações de um grupo de entrevistados à implantação desses métodos na Módulo Security Solutions, empresa brasileira de tecnologia e serviços, após dois anos de uso interno abrangente. Os resultados apontam para o sucesso da implantação, com reação positiva dos empregados, a despeito da necessidade de endereçamento de aspectos humanos para ajuste do modelo e do impacto negativo da cultura local e organizacional terem sido amplamente percebidos.


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This dissertation aims to contribute on teaching of mathematics for enabling learning connected to the relationship among science, society, culture and cognition. To this end, we propose the involvement of our students with social practices found in history, since. Our intention is to create opportunities for school practices that these mathematical arising from professional practice historical, provide strategies for mathematical thinking and reasoning in the search for solutions to problematizations found today. We believe that the propose of producing Basic Problematization Units, or simply UBPs, in math teacher formation, points to an alternative that allows better utilization of the teaching and learning process of mathematics. The proposal has the aim of primary education to be, really forming the citizen, making it critical and society transformative agent. In this sense, we present some recommendations for exploration and use of these units for teachers to use the material investigated by us, in order to complement their teaching work in mathematics lessons. Our teaching recommendations materialized as a product of exploration on the book, Instrumentos nuevos de geometria muy necessários para medir distancia y alturas sem que interuengan numeros como se demuestra em la practica , written by Andrés de Cespedes, published in Madrid, Spain, in 1606. From these problematizations and the mathematics involved in their solutions, some guidelines for didactic use of the book are presented, so that the teacher can rework such problematizations supported on current issues, and thus use them in the classroom


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This research aims to identify the process of appropriation of audio visual (in digital video) for collective symbolic production (participatory video practice that expresses popular culture) in a socio-cultural context where the minorities are. Therefore, we based this study on the students‟ experience of the film and video workshops held by Cinema para Todos (Culture Point Cine for All), in Natal, RN. Culture Point is the basis of the project Programa Nacional de Cultura, Educação e Cidadania Cultura Viva (National Program of Culture, Education and Citizenship - Living Culture) of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture. In 2010, the Cine for All developed three film and video workshops in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern of Brazil), in the municipalities of Açu, Lajes and São Gonçalo do Amarante, within a public policy project of socio-cultural inclusion. These three workshops are the focus of this empirical investigation. To support the analysis of this research we consider that the spaces of workshops are sites of the social practices origin, assuming they show the development of the changes of actions that generate new practices. In this socio-cultural context the students as interlocutors process the communicative culture mediation, where come from the logics of action (using digital video) to become a mediatic practice (video auto ethnographic). With the overall goal set and the field of investigative action delimited we considered the methodology of case study suitable for the observation of the object, because it is a phenomenon of modernity, occurring in a context of real life and with little or no control over events. Participant observation and interviews was also applied to this case study. The analytical theoretical support comes from the notion of mediation by Jesús Martín-Barbero and the concept of habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. The research found that a new way of communicating has been developing by this social group, and this reflects the technological change experienced by them. The auto ethnographic videos, short movies, reveal an allegorical trial of the mainstream media, because while they use the mainstream format, they rework the aesthetic, but without revising the history, in fact they proposing to retell the history of themselves full of colorful details and with richness of their forgotten popular culture.


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When crosscutting concerns identification is performed from the beginning of development, on the activities involved in requirements engineering, there are many gains in terms of quality, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. This early identification supports the evolution of requirements, detects possible flaws in the requirements specification, improves traceability among requirements, provides better software modularity and prevents possible rework. However, despite these several advantages, the crosscutting concerns identification over requirements engineering faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is, most often, made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes an approach based on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing and basing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in the initial stages of the software development process in the requirements document. Grounded Theory is a renowned methodology for qualitative analysis of data. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better understand, track and document concerns, adding gains in terms of quality, reliability and modularity of the entire lifecycle of software


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In the context of Software Engineering, web accessibility is gaining more room, establishing itself as an important quality attribute. This fact is due to initiatives of institutions such as the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the introduction of norms and laws such as Section 508 that underlie the importance of developing accessible Web sites and applications. Despite these improvements, the lack of web accessibility is still a persistent problem, and could be related to the moment or phase in which this requirement is solved within the development process. From the moment when Web accessibility is generally regarded as a programming problem or treated when the application is already developed entirely. Thus, consider accessibility already during activities of analysis and requirements specification shows itself a strategy to facilitate project progress, avoiding rework in advanced phases of software development because of possible errors, or omissions in the elicitation. The objective of this research is to develop a method and a tool to support requirements elicitation of web accessibility. The strategy for the requirements elicitation of this method is grounded by the Goal-Oriented approach NFR Framework and the use of catalogs NFRs, created based on the guidelines contained in WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline) proposed by W3C


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The brazilian marginal basins have a huge potential to generate and accumulate petroleum. Incised valleys which are eroded in response to a fall of relative sea level are related to potential reservoir as well, modern drowned-valley estuaries serve as harbors to petroleum and salt industries, fisheries, waste-disposal sites and recreational areas for a significant fraction of the world s population. The combined influence of these factors has produced a dramatic increase in research on modern and ancient incised-valley systems. This research is one expression of this interest. The integrated use of satellites images and high resolution seismic (bathymetry, sides scan sonar) was used on the Apodi River mouth-RN to characterizes the continental shelf This area is located at the Potiguar Basin in the NE Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin. Through bathymetric and side scan sonar data processing, a digital Terrain Model was developed, and a detailed geomorphologic analysis was performed. In this way was possible to recognize the geomorphologic framework and differents sismofacies, which may influence this area. A channel extending from the ApodiMossoró river mouth to the shelf edge dominates the investigated area. This structure can be correlated with the former river valley developed during the late Pleistocene sea level fall. This channel has two main directions (NW-SE and NE-SW) probably controlled by the Potiguar Basin structures. The western margin of the channel is relatively steep and pronounced whereas the eastern margin consists only of a gentle slope. Longitudinal bedforms and massive ridges also occur. The first are formed doe to the shelf sediment rework and the reef-like structures probably are relics of submerged beachrock-lines indicating past shoreline positions during the deglacial sea-level rise. The sub-bottom seismic data allow the identification of different sismic patterns and a marcant discontinuity, interpreted as the Upper


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)