957 resultados para Retinal nerve fiber thickness


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Purpose: The authors sought to quantify neighboring and distant interpoint correlations of threshold values within the visual field in patients with glaucoma. Methods: Visual fields of patients with confirmed or suspected glaucoma were analyzed (n = 255). One eye per patient was included. Patients were examined using the 32 program of the Octopus 1-2-3. Linear regression analysis among each of the locations and the rest of the points of the visual field was performed, and the correlation coefficient was calculated. The degree of correlation was categorized as high (r > 0.66), moderate (0.66 = r > 0.33), or low (r = 0.33). The standard error of threshold estimation was calculated. Results: Most locations of the visual field had high and moderate correlations with neighboring points and with distant locations corresponding to the same nerve fiber bundle. Locations of the visual field had low correlations with those of the opposite hemifield, with the exception of locations temporal to the blind spot. The standard error of threshold estimation increased from 0.6 to 0.9 dB with an r reduction of 0.1. Conclusion: Locations of the visual field have highest interpoint correlation with neighboring points and with distant points in areas corresponding to the distribution of the retinal nerve fiber layer. The quantification of interpoint correlations may be useful in the design and interpretation of visual field tests in patients with glaucoma.


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Purpose. The authors compared the visual gaze behaviors of glaucoma subspecialists with those of ophthalmology trainees during optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) examination.

Methods. Seven glaucoma subspecialists and 23 ophthalmology trainees participated in the project. Participants were shown eight glaucomatous optic disc images with varied morphology. Eye movements during examination of the optic disc photographs were tracked. For each disc image, graders were asked to assign a presumptive diagnosis for probability of glaucoma. There was no time restriction.

Results. Overall, trainees spent more time looking at disc images than glaucoma subspecialists (21.3 [13.9–37.7] vs. 16.6 [12.7–19.7]) seconds; median [interquartile range (IQR)], respectively; P < 0.01) and had no systematic patterns of gaze behavior, and gaze behavior was unaltered by disc morphology or topographic cues of pathology. Experienced viewers demonstrated more systematic and ordered gaze behavior patterns and spent longer times observing areas with the greatest likelihood of pathology (superior and inferior poles of the optic nerve head and adjacent RNFL) compared with the trainees. For discs with focal pathology, the proportion of total time spent examining definite areas of pathology was 28.9% (22.4%–33.6%) for glaucoma subspecialists and 13.5% (12.2%–19.2%) for trainees (median [IQR]; P < 0.05). Furthermore, experts adapted their viewing habits according to disc morphology.

Conclusions. Glaucoma subspecialists adopt systematic gaze behavior when examining the optic nerve and RNFL, whereas trainees do not. It remains to be elucidated whether incorporating systematic viewing behavior of the optic disc and RNFL into teaching programs for trainees may expedite their acquisition of accurate and efficient glaucoma diagnosis skills.


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Using retinal imaging, the nature and extent of compromise of retinal structural integrity has been characterized in individuals suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. These findings extend our understanding of the pathological processes involved in diabetic neuropathy and offer novel ophthalmic approaches to the diagnosis and monitoring of this debilitating condition.


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Aim Retinal tissue integrity in relation to diabetic neuropathy is not known. The aim of this study was to investigate retinal tissue thickness in relation to diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) with and without diabetic retinopathy (DR). Methods Full retinal thickness at the parafoveal and perifoveal macula and neuro-retinal thickness around the optic nerve head (ONH) and at the macula was examined using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. The eye on the hand-dominant side of 85 individuals with type 1 diabetes and 66 individuals with type 2 diabetes, with or without DR and DPN, were compared to the eyes (n=45) of age-matched non-diabetic controls. Diabetic neuropathy was defined as Neuropathy Disability Score (NDS) ≥3 on a scale of 0-10. A general linear model was used to examine the relationship between diabetic neuropathy and foveal, parafoveal and perifoveal retinal thickness and neuro-retinal thickness, in relation to DR status, age, gender, HbA1c levels and duration of diabetes. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Perifoveal retinal thickness is reduced with increasing severity of neuropathy, especially in the inferior hemisphere (p=0.004); this effect was not related to age (p=0.088). For every unit increase in NDS score, the inferior perifoveal retinal thickness reduced by 1.64 μm. Neuro-retinal thickness around the ONH decreased with increasing severity of neuropathy (p<0.014 for average and hemisphere thicknesses); for every unit increase in NDS, neuro-retinal thickness around the ONH reduced by 1.23 μm. Retinal thickness in the parafovea was increased in the absence of DR (p<0.017 for average and hemisphere thicknesses). Neuro-retinal thickness at the macula was inversely related to age alone (p<0.001). All retinal parameters, except the inferior perifovea, reduced with advancing age (p<0.007 for all). Conclusions Diabetic neuropathy is associated with changes in full retinal thickness and neuro-retinal layers. This may represent a second threat to vision integrity, in addition to the better-characterised retinopathy. This study provides new knowledge about the anatomical aspects of the retinal tissue in relation to neuropathy and retinopathy.


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BACKGROUND: The objective was to investigate full retinal and inner retinal thickness in individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Eighty-four individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1DM), 67 individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and 42 non-diabetic individuals (control group) were enrolled. Participants underwent full retinal thickness evaluation in the central retinal, parafoveal and perifoveal zones and in the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) and ganglion cell complex (GCC), using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. As a preliminary step, the key variables of interest - age, sex, diabetic retinopathy (DR), duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels - were analysed and compared between the three groups. Full retinal thickness, RNFL and GCC thicknesses were also compared between the groups. The relationship between the type of diabetes and retinal tissue thickness was explored, adjusting for the five potential confounders. RESULTS: Compared to individuals with T1DM, individuals with T2DM had significantly reduced full retinal thickness in the parafovea and perifovea and reduced RNFL and GCC thickness. The mean differences were six (p = 0.020), seven (p = 0.008), six (p = 0.021) and four micrometres (p = 0.013) for the parafovea, perifovea, RNFL and GCC thicknesses, respectively. Thicknesses within the central zone (p = 0.018) and at the parafovea (p = 0.007) were significantly reduced in T2DM when compared to the control group. After adjusting for age, sex, diabetic retinopathy, duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels, the relationship between type of diabetes and retinal tissue thickness was not statistically significant (p > 0.056). CONCLUSION: Retinal tissue thickness is not significantly different between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, when adjusted for age, sex, diabetic retinopathy, duration of diabetes and HbA1c levels.


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PURPOSE: To examine the retinal thickness profiles of individuals with and without diabetic retinopathy (DR).

METHODS: Full retinal thickness in the central zone, overall and hemisphere thicknesses of the parafovea and perifovea, ganglion cell complex (GCC) thickness and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness were assessed in 185 individuals using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (88 individuals with diabetes but no DR, 55 with DR, and 42 non-diabetic controls). The DR group comprised of 60% of participants with very mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) (representing microaneurysms only) and 40% with mild NPDR (hard exudates, cotton-wool spots, and/or mild retinal haemorrhages). Regression analysis was performed to determine the factors associated with retinal tissue thickness, taking into account, age, sex, presence of DR, duration of diabetes, HbA1c levels and type of diabetes.

RESULTS: The mean (S.D.) of the overall parafoveal thickness was 306 (16) in the DR group and 314 (14) in the control group (p = 0.02). The mean (S.D.) of the superior hemisphere parafoveal thickness was 309 (16) in the DR group and 318 (14) in the control group (p = 0.02). The mean (S.D.) of the inferior hemisphere parafoveal thickness was 303 (17) in the DR group and 311 (15) in the control group (p = 0.02). There were no significant differences in retinal thickness between groups in the central zone (p = 0.27) or perifovea (p > 0.41). Neither the overall nor the hemisphere RNFL (p > 0.75) and GCC thickness (p > 0.37) were significantly different between the groups. Regression analysis revealed that parafoveal thickness in diabetic individuals was reduced in association with presence of DR (B = -5.9 μm, p = 0.02) and with advancing age (B = -4.5 μm, p = 0.004, for every 10 year increase in age) when adjusted for sex, duration of diabetes, HbA1c levels and type of diabetes.

CONCLUSION: The inner macula is thinner in the presence of clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy and is compounded by advancing age. The influence of any macular oedema or that by cotton-wool spots could not be ruled out and may still confound these results.


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Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease worldwide. Providing early management of the complications can prevent morbidity and mortality in this population. Peripheral neuropathy, a significant complication of diabetes, is the major cause of foot ulceration and amputation in diabetes. Delay in attending to complication of the disease contributes to significant medical expenses for diabetic patients and the community. Early structural changes to the neural components of the retina have been demonstrated to occur prior to the clinically visible retinal vasculature complication of diabetic retinopathy. Additionally visual functionloss has been shown to exist before the ophthalmoscopic manifestations of vasculature damage. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the relationship between diabetic peripheral neuropathy and both retinal structure and visual function. The key question was whether diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the potential underlying factor responsible for retinal anatomical change and visual functional loss in people with diabetes. This study was conducted on a cohort with type 2 diabetes. Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness was assessed by means of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Visual function was assessed using two different methods; Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP) and flicker perimetry were performed within the central 30 degrees of fixation. The level of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) was assessed using two techniques - Quantitative Sensory Testing and Neuropathy Disability Score (NDS). These techniques are known to be capable of detecting DPN at very early stages. NDS has also been shown as a gold standard for detecting 'risk of foot ulceration'. Findings reported in this thesis showed that RNFL thickness, particularly in the inferior quadrant, has a significant association with severity of DPN when the condition has been assessed using NDS. More specifically it was observed that inferior RNFL thickness has the ability to differentiate individuals who are at higher risk of foot ulceration from those who are at lower risk, indicating that RNFL thickness can predict late-staged DPN. Investigating the association between RNFL and QST did not show any meaningful interaction, which indicates that RNFL thickness for this cohort was not as predictive of neuropathy status as NDS. In both of these studies, control participants did not have different results from the type 2 cohort who did not DPN suggesting that RNFL thickness is not a marker for diagnosing DPN at early stages. The latter finding also indicated that diabetes per se, is unlikely to affect the RNFL thickness. Visual function as measured by SAP and flicker perimetry was found to be associated with severity of peripheral neuropathy as measured by NDS. These findings were also capable of differentiating individuals at higher risk of foot ulceration; however, visual function also proved not to be a maker for early diagnosis of DPN. It was found that neither SAP, nor flicker sensitivity have meaningful associations with DPN when neuropathy status was measured using QST. Importantly diabetic retinopathy did not explain any of the findings in these experiments. The work described here is valuable as no other research to date has investigated the association between diabetic peripheral neuropathy and either retinal structure or visual function.


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Purpose. To investigate whether diurnal variation occurs in retinal thickness measures derived from spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Methods. Twelve healthy adult subjects had retinal thickness measured with SD-OCT every 2 h over a 10 h period. At each measurement session, three average B-scan images were derived from a series of multiple B-scans (each from a 5 mm horizontal raster scan along the fovea, containing 1500 A-scans/B-scan) and analyzed to determine the thickness of the total retina, as well as the thickness of the outer retinal layers. Average thickness values were calculated at the foveal center, at the 0.5 mm diameter foveal region, and for the temporal parafovea (1.5 mm from foveal center) and nasal parafovea (1.5 mm from foveal center). Results. Total retinal thickness did not exhibit significant diurnal variation in any of the considered retinal regions (p > 0.05). Evidence of significant diurnal variation was found in the thickness of the outer retinal layers (p < 0.05), with the most prominent changes observed in the photoreceptor layers at the foveal center. The photoreceptor inner and outer segment layer thickness exhibited mean amplitude (peak to trough) of daily change of 7 ± 3 μm at the foveal center. The peak in thickness was typically observed at the third measurement session (mean measurement time, 13:06). Conclusions. The total retinal thickness measured with SD-OCT does not exhibit evidence of significant variation over the course of the day. However, small but significant diurnal variation occurs in the thickness of the foveal outer retinal layers.


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Purpose To investigate the application of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness as a marker for severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in people with Type 2 diabetes. Methods This was a cross-sectional study whereby 61 participants (mean age 61 [41-75 years], mean duration of diabetes 14 [1-40 years], 70% male) with Type 2 diabetes and DPN underwent optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. Global and 4 quadrant (TSNI) RNFL thicknesses were measured at 3.45mm around the optic nerve head of one eye. Neuropathy disability score (NDS) was used to assess the severity of DPN on a 0 to 10 scale. Participants were divided into three age-matched groups representing mild (NDS=3-5), moderate (NDS=6-8) and severe (NDS=9-10) neuropathy. Two regression models were fitted for statistical analysis: 1) NDS scores as co-variate for global and quadrant RNFL thicknesses, 2) NDS groups as a factor for global RNFL thickness only. Results Mean (SD) RNFL thickness (µm) was 103(9) for mild neuropathy (n=34), 101(10) for moderate neuropathy (n=16) and 95(13) in the group with severe neuropathy (n=11). Global RNFL thickness and NDS scores were statistically significantly related (b=-1.20, p=0.048). When neuropathy was assessed across groups, a trend of thinner mean RNFL thickness was observed with increasing severity of neuropathy; however, this result was not statistically significant (F=2.86, p=0.065). TSNI quadrant analysis showed that mean RNFL thickness reduction in the inferior quadrant was 2.55 µm per 1 unit increase in NDS score (p=0.005). However, the regression coefficients were not statistically significant for RNFL thickness in the superior (b=-1.0, p=0.271), temporal (b=-0.90, p=0.238) and nasal (b=-0.99, p=0.205) quadrants. Conclusions RNFL thickness was reduced with increasing severity of DPN and the effect was most evident in the inferior quadrant. Measuring RNFL thickness using OCT may prove to be a useful, non-invasive technique for identifying severity of DPN and may also provide additional insight into common mechanisms for peripheral neuropathy and RNFL damage.


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Purpose : To investigate the application of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness as a marker for severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in people with Type 2 diabetes. Methods : This was a cross-sectional study whereby 61 participants (mean age 61 [41-75 years], mean duration of diabetes 14 [1-40 years], 70% male) with Type 2 diabetes and DPN underwent optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. Global and 4 quadrant (TSNI) RNFL thicknesses were measured at 3.45mm around the optic nerve head of one eye. Neuropathy disability score (NDS) was used to assess the severity of DPN on a 0 to 10 scale. Participants were divided into three age-matched groups representing mild (NDS=3-5), moderate (NDS=6-8) and severe (NDS=9-10) neuropathy. Two regression models were fitted for statistical analysis: 1) NDS scores as co-variate for global and quadrant RNFL thicknesses, 2) NDS groups as a factor for global RNFL thickness only. Results : Mean (SD) RNFL thickness (µm) was 103(9) for mild neuropathy (n=34), 101(10) for moderate neuropathy (n=16) and 95(13) in the group with severe neuropathy (n=11). Global RNFL thickness and NDS scores were statistically significantly related (b=-1.20, p=0.048). When neuropathy was assessed across groups, a trend of thinner mean RNFL thickness was observed with increasing severity of neuropathy; however, this result was not statistically significant (F=2.86, p=0.065). TSNI quadrant analysis showed that mean RNFL thickness reduction in the inferior quadrant was 2.55 µm per 1 unit increase in NDS score (p=0.005). However, the regression coefficients were not statistically significant for RNFL thickness in the superior (b=-1.0, p=0.271), temporal (b=-0.90, p=0.238) and nasal (b=-0.99, p=0.205) quadrants. Conclusions : RNFL thickness was reduced with increasing severity of DPN and the effect was most evident in the inferior quadrant. Measuring RNFL thickness using OCT may prove to be a useful, non-invasive technique for identifying severity of DPN and may also provide additional insight into common mechanisms for peripheral neuropathy and RNFL damage.


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Changes in the thickness of the invivo peripapillary choroid have been documented in a range of ocular conditions in adults; however, choroidal thickness in the peripapillary region of children has not been examined in detail. This study therefore aimed to investigate the thickness of the peripapillary choroid and the overlying retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) in a population of normal children with a range of refractive errors. Ninety-three children (37 myopes and 56 non-myopes) aged between 11 and 16 years, had measurements of peripapillary choroidal and RNFL thickness derived from enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography images (EDI-OCT, Heidelberg Spectralis). The average thickness was determined in a series of five 0.25 mm width concentric annuli (each divided into 8 equal sized 45° sectors) centred on the optic nerve head boundary, accounting for individual ocular magnification factors and the disc-fovea angle. Significant variations in peripapillary choroidal thickness were found to occur with both annulus location (p<0.001) and sector position (p<0.001) in this population of children. The innermost annulus (closest to the edge of the optic disc) exhibited the thinnest choroid (mean 77 ± 16 μm) and the outermost annulus, the thickest choroid (191 ± 52 μm). The choroid was thinnest inferior to the optic nerve head (139 ± 38 μm) and was thickest in the superior temporal sector (157 ± 40 μm). Significant differences in the distribution of choroidal thickness were also associated with myopia, with myopic children having significantly thinner choroids in the inner and outer annuli of the nasal and temporal sectors respectively (p<0.001). RNFL thickness also varied significantly with annulus location and sector (p<0.001), and showed differences in thickness distribution associated with refractive error. This study establishes the normal variations in the thickness of the peripapillary choroid with radial distance and azimuthal angle from the optic nerve head boundary. A significant thinning of the peripapillary choroid associated with myopia in childhood was also observed in both nasal and temporal regions. The changes in peripapillary RNFL and choroidal thickness associated with refractive error are consistent with a redistribution of these tissues occurring with myopic axial elongation in childhood.


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The concept that optic nerve fiber loss might be reduced by neuroprotection arose in the mid 1990s. The subsequent research effort, focused mainly on rodent models, has not yet transformed into a successful clinical trial, but provides mechanistic understanding of retinal ganglion cell death and points to potential therapeutic strategies. This review highlights advances made over the last year. In excitotoxicity and axotomy models retinal ganglion cell death has been shown to result from a complex interaction between retinal neurons and Müller glia, which release toxic molecules including tumor necrosis factor alpha. This counteracts neuroprotection by neurotrophins such as nerve growth factor, which bind to p75NTR receptors on Müller glia stimulating the toxic release. Another negative effect against neurotrophin-mediated protection involves the action of LINGO-1 at trkB brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptors, and BDNF neuroprotection is enhanced by an antagonist to LINGO-1. As an alternative to pharmacotherapy, retinal defences can be stimulated by exposure to infrared radiation. The mechanisms involved in glaucoma and other optic nerve disorders are being clarified in rodent models, focusing on retrograde degeneration following axonal damage, excitotoxicity and inflammatory/autoimmune mechanisms. Neuroprotective strategies are being refined in the light of the mechanistic understanding.


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Nerve regeneration in a sensory nerve was obtained by the application of different techniques: inside-out vein graft (IOVG group) and standard vein graft (SVG group). These techniques provide a good microenvironment for axon regeneration in motor nerves, but their efficiency for regeneration of sensory nerves is controversial. The saphenous nerve was sectioned and repaired by the inside-out and standard vein graft techniques in rats. After 4, 12, and 20 weeks the graft and the distal stump were observed under electron microscopy. In each studied period, the pattern, diameters, and thickness of the myelin sheaths of the regenerated axons were measured in the graft and distal stump. A comparative study about the regenerated nerve fibers by these two different techniques was performed. Regenerated nerve fibers were prominent in both vein grafts 4 weeks after the surgical procedures. On the other hand, in the distal stump, regenerated nerve fibers were observed only from 12 weeks. In both inside-out vein graft and standard vein graft statistical difference was not observed about the diameters and thickness of the myelinated fibers after 20 weeks. On the other hand, the inside-out group had greater regenerated axon number when compared to the standard group. There is a capillary invasion in both graft and distal stump, especially in the IOVG group. The regenerated axons follow these capillaries all the time like satellite microfascicles. After 20 weeks, the diameters of regenerated fibers repaired by the standard vein graft technique were closer to the normal fibers compared to the inside-out vein graft. On the other hand, the pattern of these regenerated axons was better in the IOVG group.


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PURPOSE To investigate retrograde axonal degeneration for its potential to cause microcystic macular edema (MME), a maculopathy that has been previously described in patients with demyelinating disease. To identify risk factors for MME and to expand the anatomic knowledge on MME. DESIGN Retrospective case series. PARTICIPANTS We included 117 consecutive patients and 180 eyes with confirmed optic neuropathy of variable etiology. Patients with glaucoma were excluded. METHODS We determined age, sex, visual acuity, etiology of optic neuropathy, and the temporal and spatial characteristics of MME. Eyes with MME were compared with eyes with optic neuropathy alone and to healthy fellow eyes. With retinal layer segmentation we quantitatively measured the intraretinal anatomy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Demographic data, distribution of MME in the retina, and thickness of retinal layers were analyzed. RESULTS We found MME in 16 eyes (8.8%) from 9 patients, none of whom had multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica. The MME was restricted to the inner nuclear layer (INL) and had a characteristic perifoveal circular distribution. Compared with healthy controls, MME was associated with significant thinning of the ganglion cell layer and nerve fiber layer, as well as a thickening of the INL and the deeper retinal layers. Youth is a significant risk factor for MME. CONCLUSIONS Microcystic macular edema is not specific for demyelinating disease. It is a sign of optic neuropathy irrespective of its etiology. The distinctive intraretinal anatomy suggests that MME is caused by retrograde degeneration of the inner retinal layers, resulting in impaired fluid resorption in the macula.


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Purpose Arbitrary numbers of corneal confocal microscopy images have been used for analysis of corneal subbasal nerve parameters under the implicit assumption that these are a representative sample of the central corneal nerve plexus. The purpose of this study is to present a technique for quantifying the number of random central corneal images required to achieve an acceptable level of accuracy in the measurement of corneal nerve fiber length and branch density. Methods Every possible combination of 2 to 16 images (where 16 was deemed the true mean) of the central corneal subbasal nerve plexus, not overlapping by more than 20%, were assessed for nerve fiber length and branch density in 20 subjects with type 2 diabetes and varying degrees of functional nerve deficit. Mean ratios were calculated to allow comparisons between and within subjects. Results In assessing nerve branch density, eight randomly chosen images not overlapping by more than 20% produced an average that was within 30% of the true mean 95% of the time. A similar sampling strategy of five images was 13% within the true mean 80% of the time for corneal nerve fiber length. Conclusions The “sample combination analysis” presented here can be used to determine the sample size required for a desired level of accuracy of quantification of corneal subbasal nerve parameters. This technique may have applications in other biological sampling studies.