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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A presente pesquisa tem como tema o estudo perceptual da prosódia como elemento de segmentação de narrativas orais espontâneas e visa confirmar, ou não, se a prosódia facilita ao ouvinte leigo e inexperiente perceber a estrutura do texto narrativo. Este estudo investiga se a diferença de tom é um elemento prosódico relevante. A dissertação tem como corpus quatro narrativas espontâneas, as quais fazem parte do corpus analisado por Oliveira Jr.(2000), autor do projeto que inspirou esta pesquisa. Para saber se os participantes são capazes de delimitar a estrutura narrativa, baseando-se apenas no aspecto perceptual, conduziu-se um teste de percepção com 112 voluntários, recrutados na Universidade Federal do Pará e na Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Coube aos participantes a tarefa de indicar os pontos em que o falante teve a intenção de finalizar uma unidade comunicativa nas narrativas. A interpretação sobre unidade comunicativa foi subjetiva. Apresentou-se cada narrativa em quatro condições diferentes, a saber: (i) transcrição sem marca de pontuação e sem paragrafação; (ii) transcrição da narrativa acompanhada de áudio ; (iii) narrativa somente em áudio e (iv) áudio filtrado da narrativa, resultando numa versão deslexicalizada (fala ininteligível), mas com preservação da estrutura prosódica do discurso. Nas duas primeiras condições, a segmentação foi no texto transcrito, com barras transversais (/); nas demais, utilizou-se um programa de computador chamado ELAN. A análise dos dados obtidos baseou-se em tabelas, gráficos, análise estatística (teste do Qui-Quadrado), análise acústica (utilização do Programa PRAAT). Os resultados sinalizam que a prosódia ajuda o ouvinte leigo a perceber a estrutura básica do discurso narrativo. Com relação ao peso do Pitch Reset para auxiliar os ouvintes na demarcação de fronteiras, pode-se dizer que o teste estatístico do Qui-Quadrado encontrou evidências que lhe atribui essa função. Assim, neste contexto, ratifica-se o relevante papel da prosódia para o reconhecimento da estrutura de narrativas orais espontâneas e identifica-se o reflexo do peso da diferença de tom na percepção dos participantes.


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The volume-controlled mechanical ventilation and spontaneous ventilation, through haemogasometric, cardiovascular and spirometry variables were evaluated. Twenty-eight rabbits were distributed into two groups: GIVC (isoflurane and volume-controlled ventilation), GIVE (isoflurane and spontaneous ventilation), GSVC (sevoflurane and volume-controlled ventilation) and GSVE (sevoflurane and spontaneous ventilation). Induction was performed by mask with isoflurane (GIVE and GIVC) or sevoflurane (GSVE and GSVC) at 1.5 MAC in 100% oxygen. To maintain anesthesia, MAC was reset to 1. In GIVC and GSVC groups, rocuronium was administered at a dose of 0.6 mg/kg followed by its continuous infusion (0.6 mg/kg/h). In GSVE and GIVE, 0.9% NaCl was administered instead of rocuronium. Controlled ventilation was started by adjusting the capnometry in order to obtain values between 35 and 45 mmHg. Parameters were measured 60 minutes after induction of anesthesia (M0), 15 minutes after the bolus of rocuronium or 0.9% NaCl (M15) and every fifteen minutes (M30, M45 and M60). Hypercapnia and acidosis was evident in GIVC, GSVC and GSVE. We concluded that the volume-controlled mechanical ventilation was not able to maintain normocapnia in rabbits, producing acidosis in them, especially when using sevoflurane. The use of isoflurane showed greater stability than the sevoflurane anesthetic in the species studied.


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Circadian rhythms in pacemaker cells persist for weeks in constant darkness, while in other types of cells the molecular oscillations that underlie circadian rhythms damp rapidly under the same conditions. Although much progress has been made in understanding the biochemical and cellular basis of circadian rhythms, the mechanisms leading to damped or self-sustained oscillations remain largely unknown. There exist many mathematical models that reproduce the circadian rhythms in the case of a single cell of the Drosophila fly. However, not much is known about the mechanisms leading to coherent circadian oscillation in clock neuron networks. In this work we have implemented a model for a network of interacting clock neurons to describe the emergence (or damping) of circadian rhythms in Drosophila fly, in the absence of zeitgebers. Our model consists of an array of pacemakers that interact through the modulation of some parameters by a network feedback. The individual pacemakers are described by a well-known biochemical model for circadian oscillation, to which we have added degradation of PER protein by light and multiplicative noise. The network feedback is the PER protein level averaged over the whole network. In particular, we have investigated the effect of modulation of the parameters associated with (i) the control of net entrance of PER into the nucleus and (ii) the non-photic degradation of PER. Our results indicate that the modulation of PER entrance into the nucleus allows the synchronization of clock neurons, leading to coherent circadian oscillations under constant dark condition. On the other hand, the modulation of non-photic degradation cannot reset the phases of individual clocks subjected to intrinsic biochemical noise.


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Stable carbon isotopic fractionation during calcium carbonate precipitation induced by urease-catalysed hydrolysis of urea was experimentally investigated in artificial water at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C. Carbon isotope fractionation during urea hydrolysis follows a Rayleigh distillation trend characterized by a C-13-enrichment factor of -20 to -22 parts per thousand. CaCO3 precipitate is up to 17.9 parts per thousand C-13-depleted relative to the urea substrate (-48.9 +/- 0.07 parts per thousand). Initial CaCO3 precipitate forms close to isotopic equilibrium with dissolved inorganic carbon. Subsequent precipitation occurs at -2 to -3 parts per thousand offset from isotopic equilibrium, suggesting that the initial delta C-13 value of CaCO3 is reset through dissolution followed by reprecipitation with urease molecules playing a role in offsetting the delta C-13 value of CaCO3 from isotopic equilibrium. Potentially, this isotopic systematics may provide a tool for the diagnosis of ureolytically-formed carbonate cements used as sealing agent. Moreover, it may serve as a basis to develop a carbon isotope tool for the quantification of ureolytically-induced CO2 sequestration. Finally, it suggests carbon isotope disequilibrium as a hallmark of past enzymatic activity in ancient microbial carbonate formation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that results from the autoimmune response against pancreatic insulin producing beta cells. Apart of several insulin regimens, since the decade of 80s various immunomodulatory regimens were tested aiming at blocking some steps of the autoimmune process against beta cell mass and at promoting beta cell preservation. In the last years, some independent research groups tried to cure type 1 diabetes with an "immunologic reset" provided by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed patients, and the majority of patients became free form insulin with increasing levels of C-peptide along the time. In this review, we discuss the biology of hematopoietic stem cells and the possible advantages and disadvantages related to the high dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.


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TouCAN es una librería creada en su primera versión (v1) como Trabajos de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática por John Wu Wu y Jose Lareo Domínguez bajo la tutorización de los profesores Antonio C. Domínguez Brito y Jorge Cabrera Gámez. Define un protocolo de comunicación para la interconexión de una red de microcontroladores basados en la plataforma de prototipado electrónico Arduino. Trabaja sobre el protocolo de comunicación CAN Bus (Controller Area Network), ampliamente utilizado por la industria desde la década de los 80. TouCAN destaca por ser una librería ligera, potente y amigable. El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Final de Grado en Ingeniería Informática consiste en proporcionar robustez a la librería incorporando mejoras y nuevas funcionalidades. Entre las principales mejoras destacar el control frente a fallos de comunicación, reinicio o reset de los microcontroladores, así como la caída de los mismos. Otra característica incluida en esta revisión consiste en la asignación dinámica deidentificadores de dispositivos que conforman un sistema empotrado distribuido. Permitiendo la posibilidad de “conexión en caliente” de nuevos nodos microcontroladores a la red de forma dinámica. A estos cambios, también se han añadido mejoras en la interfaz de la API que simplifica el uso y aprendizaje de la misma. Así como una nueva herramienta denominada TouCANSniffer que permite capturar y analizar todo el tráfico generado en la red. Las nuevas características y funcionalidades añadidas en TouCAN v2 proporcionan el potencial necesario para ser considerada seriamente como base de cualquier nuevo proyecto que integre una red distribuida de microcontroladores.


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Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.


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The present study describes a Late Miocene (early Tortonian - early Messinian) transitional carbonate system that combines elements of tropical and cool-water carbonate systems (Irakleion Basin, island of Crete, Greece). As documented by stratal geometries, the submarine topography of the basin was controlled by tilting blocks. Coral reefs formed by Porites and Tarbellastrea occurred in a narrow clastic coastal belt along a „central Cretan landmass“, and steep escarpments formed by faulting. Extensive covers of level-bottom communities existed in a low-energy environment on the gentle dip-slope ramps of the blocks that show the widest geographical distribution within the basin. Consistent patterns of landward and basinward shift of coastal onlap in all outcrop studies reveal an overriding control of 3rd and 4th order sea level changes on sediment dynamics and facies distributions over block movements. An increasingly dry climate and the complex submarine topography of the fault block mosaic kept sediment and nutrient discharge at a minimum. The skeletal limestone facies therefore reflects oligotrophic conditions and a sea surface temperature (SST) near the lower threshold temperature of coral reefs in a climatic position transitional between the tropical coral reef belt and the temperate zone. Stable isotope records (δ18O, δ13C) from massiv, exceptionally preserved Late Miocene aragonite coral skeletons reflect seasonal changes in sea surface temperature and symbiont autotrophy. Spectral analysis of a 69 years coral δ18O record reveals significant variance at interannual time scales (5-6 years) that matches the present-day eastern Mediterranean climate variability controlled by the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/NAO), the Northern Hemisphere’s dominant mode of atmospheric variability. Supported by simulations with a complex atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed-layer ocean model, it is suggested, that climate dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean and central Europe reflect atmospheric variability related to the Icelandic Low 10 million years ago. Usually, Miocene corals are transformed in calcite spar in geological time and isotope values are reset by diagenetic alteration. It is demonstrated that the relicts of growth bands represent an intriguing source of information for the growth conditions of fossil corals. Recrystallized growth bands were measured systematically in massive Porites from Crete. The Late Miocene corals were growing slowly with 2-4 mm/yr, compatible with present-day Porites from high latitude reefs, a relationship that fits the position of Crete at the margin of the Miocene tropical reef belt. Over Late Miocene time (Tortonian - early Messinian) growth rates remained remarkably constant, and if the modern growth temperature relationship for massive Porites applies to the Neogene, minimum (winter) SST did not exceed 19-21°C.


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Il lavoro di questa tesi riguarda principalmente l'upgrade, la simulazione e il test di schede VME chiamate ReadOut Driver (ROD), che sono parte della catena di elaborazione ed acquisizione dati di IBL (Insertable B-Layer). IBL è il nuovo componente del Pixel Detector dell'esperimento ATLAS al Cern che è stato inserito nel detector durante lo shut down di LHC; fino al 2012 infatti il Pixel Detector era costituito da tre layer, chiamati (partendo dal più interno): Barrel Layer 0, Layer 1 e Layer 2. Tuttavia, l'aumento di luminosità di LHC, l'invecchiamento dei pixel e la richiesta di avere misure sempre più precise, portarono alla necessità di migliorare il rivelatore. Così, a partire dall'inizio del 2013, IBL (che fino a quel momento era stato un progetto sviluppato e finanziato separatamente dal Pixel Detector) è diventato parte del Pixel Detector di ATLAS ed è stato installato tra la beam-pipe e il layer B0. Questa tesi fornirà innanzitutto una panoramica generale dell'esperimento ATLAS al CERN, includendo aspetti sia fisici sia tecnici, poi tratterà in dettaglio le varie parti del rivelatore, con particolare attenzione su Insertable B-Layer. Su quest'ultimo punto la tesi si focalizzerà sui motivi che ne hanno portato alla costruzione, sugli aspetti di design, sulle tecnologie utilizzate (volte a rendere nel miglior modo possibile compatibili IBL e il resto del Pixel Detector) e sulle scelte di sviluppo e fabbricazione. La tesi tratterà poi la catena di read-out dei dati, descrivendo le tecniche di interfacciamento con i chip di front-end, ed in particolare si concentrerà sul lavoro svolto per l'upgrade e lo sviluppo delle schede ReadOut Drivers (ROD) introducendo le migliorie da me apportate, volte a eliminare eventuali difetti, migliorare le prestazioni ed a predisporre il sistema ad una analisi prestazionale del rivelatore. Allo stato attuale le schede sono state prodotte e montate e sono già parte del sistema di acquisizione dati del Pixel Detector di ATLAS, ma il firmware è in continuo aggiornamento. Il mio lavoro si è principalmente focalizzato sul debugging e il miglioramento delle schede ROD; in particolare ho aggiunto due features: - programmazione parallela delle FPGA} delle ROD via VME. IBL richiede l'utilizzo di 15 schede ROD e programmandole tutte insieme (invece che una alla volta) porta ad un sensibile guadagno nei tempi di programmazione. Questo è utile soprattutto in fase di test; - reset del Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)} tramite VME. Il PLL è un chip presente nelle ROD che distribuisce il clock a tutte le componenti della scheda. Avere la possibilità di resettare questo chip da remoto permette di risolvere problemi di sincronizzazione. Le ReadOut Driver saranno inoltre utilizzate da più layer del Pixel Detector. Infatti oltre ad IBL anche i dati provenienti dai layer 1 e 2 dei sensori a pixel dell’esperimento ATLAS verranno acquisiti sfruttando la catena hardware progettata, realizzata e testata a Bologna.


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With research on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) becoming more and more mature in the past five years, researchers from universities all over the world have set up testbeds of wireless sensor networks, in most cases to test and evaluate the real-world behavior of developed WSN protocol mechanisms. Although these testbeds differ heavily in the employed sensor node types and the general architectural set up, they all have similar requirements with respect to management and scheduling functionalities: as every shared resource, a testbed requires a notion of users, resource reservation features, support for reprogramming and reconfiguration of the nodes, provisions to debug and remotely reset sensor nodes in case of node failures, as well as a solution for collecting and storing experimental data. The TARWIS management architecture presented in this paper targets at providing these functionalities independent from node type and node operating system. TARWIS has been designed as a re-usable management solution for research and/or educational oriented research testbeds of wireless sensor networks, relieving researchers intending to deploy a testbed from the burden to implement their own scheduling and testbed management solutions from scratch.


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Until recently the role of the public drinking house has been approached from elitist, folkloric and anecdotal perspectives. The work of a new generation of social historians, however, has raised the tavern’s profile in the academic consciousness and confirmed its position within the mainstream of social and cultural history. It is now recognized that an understanding of the centrality of public drinking to the development of both elite and popular culture is vital to studies of social behaviour. The study of taverns has also been at the forefront of emerging interest in the history of consumption and material culture, and has contributed to a richer understanding of economic history. Constructions of gender and identity are also visible through research into the patterns of behaviour and discourse in and around the public house. This four-volume reset edition presents a wide-ranging collection of primary sources which uncover the language and behaviour of local and state authorities, of peasants and town-dwellers, and of drinking companions and irate wives. The documents are translated and set in their social and historical context, providing a multidisciplinary collection that will be of great importance to scholars of all areas of social and cultural history of the early modern period. The vast majority of this material is published here for the first time, ensuring that the collection will open up new avenues of research. Volume 1 draws heavily from the Parisian police archives and includes inspectors’ reports, complaints by the general public and details of court cases to build a picture of drinking in early modern France. Volumes 2 and 3 address public drinking in the Holy Roman Empire through a variety of chronicles, civic ordinances, court records, travel reports and surveys of public houses. Volume 4 locates taverns within a broader analysis of America’s public houses, drawing on visual material as well as journal entries, business reports and newspaper articles. Each volume is accompanied by editorial introductions and is annotated to provide readers with a high-quality resource of scholarly material.


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In external beam radiotherapy, electronic portal imaging becomes more and more an indispensable tool for the verification of the patient setup. For the safe clinical introduction of high dose conformal radiotherapy like intensity modulated radiation therapy, on-line patient setup verification is a prerequisite to ensure that the planned dosimetric coverage of the tumor volume is actually realized in the patient. Since the direction of setup fields often deviates from the direction of the treatment beams, extra dose is delivered to the patient during the acquisition of these portal images which may reach clinical relevance. The aim of this work was to develop a new acquisition mode for the PortalVision aS500 electronic portal imaging device from Varian Medical Systems that allows one to take portal images with reduced dose while keeping good image quality. The new acquisition mode, called RadMode, selectively enables and disables beam pulses during image acquisition allowing one to stop wasting valuable dose during the initial acquisition of "reset frames." Images of excellent quality can be taken with 1 MU only. This low dose per image facilitates daily setup verification with considerably reduced extra dose.


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The German chancellor and leader of the German conservative party, Angela Merkel, said in an interview a few weeks ago: “Nobody could have imagined a few months ago to what extent we would be pushed into state intervention programs. Of course, Merkel spoke on, this intervention is not easy for anybody. Therefore, she recommended turning back to the former course as soon as possible” (tagesschau.de, 11. März 2008, zit. nach Bildzeitungsinterview mit Angela Merkel, own translation). The worldwide celebrated new president of the United States, Barack Obama, said in an interview on CBS-News a few weeks before Merkel: “(...) there's no doubt that we have not been able yet to reset the confidence in the financial markets and in the consumer markets and among businesses that allow the economy to move forward in a strong way. And my job as president is gonna be to make sure that we restore that confidence“ (CBS News, 16. November 2008, Obama On Economic Crisis, Transition; http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/16/60minutes/main4607893.shtml; Stand: 16. April 2009).


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Late long-term potentiation (L-LTP) denotes long-lasting strengthening of synapses between neurons. L-LTP appears essential for the formation of long-term memory, with memories at least partly encoded by patterns of strengthened synapses. How memories are preserved for months or years, despite molecular turnover, is not well understood. Ongoing recurrent neuronal activity, during memory recall or during sleep, has been hypothesized to preferentially potentiate strong synapses, preserving memories. This hypothesis has not been evaluated in the context of a mathematical model representing ongoing activity and biochemical pathways important for L-LTP. In this study, ongoing activity was incorporated into two such models - a reduced model that represents some of the essential biochemical processes, and a more detailed published model. The reduced model represents synaptic tagging and gene induction simply and intuitively, and the detailed model adds activation of essential kinases by Ca(2+). Ongoing activity was modeled as continual brief elevations of Ca(2+). In each model, two stable states of synaptic strength/weight resulted. Positive feedback between synaptic weight and the amplitude of ongoing Ca(2+) transients underlies this bistability. A tetanic or theta-burst stimulus switches a model synapse from a low basal weight to a high weight that is stabilized by ongoing activity. Bistability was robust to parameter variations in both models. Simulations illustrated that prolonged periods of decreased activity reset synaptic strengths to low values, suggesting a plausible forgetting mechanism. However, episodic activity with shorter inactive intervals maintained strong synapses. Both models support experimental predictions. Tests of these predictions are expected to further understanding of how neuronal activity is coupled to maintenance of synaptic strength. Further investigations that examine the dynamics of activity and synaptic maintenance can be expected to help in understanding how memories are preserved for up to a lifetime in animals including humans.