160 resultados para ReqSys-MDD


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Productos sin una marca comercial publicitada ni reconocida, de envase y diseño aparentemente simples, vendidos generalmente en cadenas de supermercados, de precio reducido y con el logotipo de la empresa o cadena que los suministra, son los prototipos pertenecientes a las llamadas marcas blancas o de distribuidor, expresadas en la mayoría de los casos con las siglas MDD.Los primeros indicios de estos productos los situamos en Alemania justo despúes de su derrota en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En un contexto de verdadera crisis los alemanes dejaron de prestar atención al valor de la marca propulsando así mercados dominados por precios bajos de productos sin marcas. La idea arreló con fuerza a las sociedades americanas y en 1869 en Gran Bretaña el supermercado Sainsbury lanzó al mercado su propia marca, ofreciendo una alta calidad juntamente con un excelente servicio a un precios claramente razonable. Estos productos también aparecieron en Francia en las manos de Coop. Más tarde, en la segunda parte de la década de los setenta, el fenómeno se translado a España con los productos Simago, donde empezó su denominación de marcas blancas, causa de sus sencillos envases, con frecuencia de color blanco, que indicaban sin más el producto contenido y el logotipo, en este caso de Simago. Pero si hay un hecho que marca el nacimiento de las marcas de distribuidor es cuando Carrefour lanzó en 1976 cinquenta productos libres o sin marcas del fabricante, con el fin de diferenciar el producto al incorporarle otra marca, la del distribuidor, ofreciendo precios competitivos sin disminuir la calidad. A partir de esta iniciativa las MDD adquierieron carta de naturaleza y como fénomeno consolidado fueron apareciendo en los distintos mercados de los paises más avanzados del mundo occidental.El intenso crecimiento de las marcas de distribuidor que se ha observado en estos últimos años en Europa, y consecuentemente también en España, a causa de la actual crisis económica, hizo despertar nuestro interés sobre estos nuevos y desconocidos conceptos de productos.¿Porqué la diferencia de precios es tan grande, cuando el producto es discretamente parecido?, ¿de dónde viene tanta polémica?, ¿qué hay detrás de la producción de las MDD?, ¿dónde nació éste concepto y cual puede ser su futuro?... Estas eran algunas de las preguntas cada vez que acudíamos a algún supermercado, veíamos algun anuncio o simplemente aparecían en los titulares de algún que otro periódico.Apasionadas de la actualidad y comprometidas por la economía, siempre nos ha gustado discutir nuestros puntos de vista distintos sobre estas cosas reales que nos distraen el día a día. Así, compartiendo nuestra incertidumbre, en un primer lugar nos decantamos por pensar que la calidad de estos porductos debería ser notablemente inferiror y que éste era el principal motivo de su precio reducido, pero hasta el momento todo se trataba de hipótesis no ontrastadas, y de pensamientos sin fundamento alguno.Nuestra duda continuaba y el hecho de pensar que eran de calidad inferior no obtuvo nuestra satisfacción. La sorpresa fue realmente grande cuando observamos que las pizzas Hacendado (productos del supermercado Mercadona) estaban producidas por la reconocida marca nacional de Casa Tarradellas, S.A. Aquí, nuestro interés para averiguar si realmente estos productos se distinguían, aumentó de manera considerable, hasta el punto que no consideramos desapropiado utilizar esta motivación para emprender un trabajo de búsqueda e investigación como éste. Además deseábamos un tema de actualidad e innovador, donde una investigación nos aportara más información que un libro de texto y que nos permitiese un trabajo diferente y a la vez motivador.Definitivamente ya lo teníamos: las marcas blancas o de distribuidor cumplían todos estos requisitos.Nuestra pasión por entender porqués nos llevó a concretar métodos de quizás demasiada envergadura. Una de las primeras alternativas que brilló fue centrarnos en una única comparativa llevada a cabo de manera exhaustiva entre dos productos de igual tipología, uno blanco y el otro nacional. Pero después de valorar listas de propuestas observarvamos que este método no nos daría unos resultados suficientemente fiables para poder cumplir con nuestros objetivos y sumándole la negativa de las empresas a dar la sufiente información para realizar el requerido análisis, decidimos en un primer lugar centrarnos en una parte puramente teórica, que consideramos que nos aportaría una buena base para empezar de manera estructural y no hacerlo desde cero.Esta primera parte del trabajo está encabezada por un estudio a nivel teórico del concepto general de marca y las estratégias de ésta que nos conduciran a profundizar en el concepto de marca blanca. à stas seran fuente de otro importante apartado teórico, las marcas de distribuidor, tema que lidera nuestro proyecto y que hemos considerado importante dar a conocer primero a nivel teórico el concepto de marca blanca así como los motivos de su nacimiento.Una vez realizada la parte teórica y lejos de anteriores proyectos infinitos, nuestros conocimientos sobre el tema estudiado se habían ampliado de manera considerable, las lecturas de diversas opiniones de consumidores en páginas de Internet o Blogs de aficionados a la economía, estudios muchos de ellos facilitados por la Agència Catalana de Consum (ACC), numerosos libros de marqueting y diferentes tesis y finalmente notícias de prensa nos dieron cuenta que a nivel teórico habíamos llegado a una comprensión completa de los conceptos que estábamos estudiando.Sabíamos quienes producian las marcas blancas, sabíamos quien las consumía con más frecuencia, teniamos listas infinitas de noticias de periódicos para hablar de actualidad, sabíamos los supermercados que habían decidico ofrecer estos productos, y quien producía todos estos productos. En fin, de saber, lo sabíamos. Pero nos encontramos que a pesar de saberlo casi todo sobre las ya familiares marcas blancas, no sabíamos como ordenar estas montañas de conocimientos que en pocas semanas habíamos adquirido.Fue este el momento crítico del trabajo, pero duró poco, no podía ser saber tanto y saber tan poco. Así que pensamos que la información que tanto habíamos leído y reeleído se podía clasificar en tres grandes grupos, o puntos de vista.El primero de ellos sería el punto de vista del fabricante, al fin y al cabo alguien debe producir, así que empezamos por donde se suele empezar, el principio.El segundo punto de vista sería el cliente de este fabricante, así que tendríamos a los distribuidores, que no son mas que grandes cadenas de supermercados o de grandes superfícies.Y finalmente, quien compraba a los grandes almacenes era ni más ni menos que el consumidor, así que el último punto de vista se trataba de estudiar el consumidor.Una vez comprendida y realizada la parte más práctica de las marcas de distribuidor, hemos incluido en el trabajo un apartado donde comentamos la actualidad y nos arriesgamos a hacer una pequeña hipótesis sobre cual puede ser el futuro de estas estratégias de marketing.Cabe mencionar que dada la gran envergadura actual de las MDD, preferimos centrarnos en la parte más primitiva de los productos blancos: los productos alimentarios de ámbito español. Esto permitió segmentar el complexo temario y no entrar en sectores téxtiles, de electrónica o en muchos otros ámbitos,donde hoy por hoy la marca blanca ha dejado también su huella, a la vez que concentrarnos en nuestro país, dado que las estratégias seguidas tienen distintos matices según cada país.Una vez estructurado y definido el trabajo, sólo nos faltaba ponernos manos a la obra y empezar a no parar, ahora sí todas nuestras dudas tendrían ya su respuesta.


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Motive-Oriented Therapeutic Relationship (MOTR, also called Complementary Therapeutic Relationship) has already shown itself to be related to therapeutic outcome in several studies. The present study aims to test MOTR in a 4-session Brief Psychodynamic Intervention for patients presenting with major depressive disorder (MDD) and comorbid personality disorder (PD). In total, N = 20 patients were selected; n = 10 had MDD, n = 10 had MDD with comorbid PD. The first therapy session was videotaped and analyzed by means of Plan Analysis and the MOTR scale. Results suggest a differential effect on outcome: only the nonverbal component of MOTR is related to symptomatic change in patients presenting with MDD and comorbid PD; no such effect was found for patients with MDD alone. These results are discussed in line with the generalization and refinement of the conclusions of previous findings on the MOTR. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 67:1-11, 2011.


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BACKGROUND: Limited information exists regarding the association between serum uric acid (SUA) and psychiatric disorders. We explored the relationship between SUA and subtypes of major depressive disorder (MDD) and specific anxiety disorders. Additionally, we examined the association of SLC2A9 rs6855911 variant with anxiety disorders. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis on 3,716 individuals aged 35-66 years previously selected for the population-based CoLaus survey and who agreed to undergo further psychiatric evaluation. SUA was measured using uricase-PAP method. The French translation of the semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies was used to establish lifetime and current diagnoses of depression and anxiety disorders according to the DSM-IV criteria. RESULTS: Men reported significantly higher levels of SUA compared to women (357±74 µmol/L vs. 263±64 µmol/L). The prevalence of lifetime and current MDD was 44% and 18% respectively while the corresponding estimates for any anxiety disorders were 18% and 10% respectively. A quadratic hockey-stick shaped curve explained the relationship between SUA and social phobia better than a linear trend. However, with regards to the other specific anxiety disorders and other subtypes of MDD, there was no consistent pattern of association. Further analyses using SLC2A9 rs6855911 variant, known to be strongly associated with SUA, supported the quadratic relationship observed between SUA phenotype and social phobia. CONCLUSIONS: A quadratic relationship between SUA and social phobia was observed consistent with a protective effect of moderately elevated SUA on social phobia, which disappears at higher concentrations. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.


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OBJECTIVES: There is limited information on the specificity of associations between parental bipolar disorder (BPD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) and the risk of psychopathology in offspring. The chief aim of the present study was to investigate the association between mood disorder subtypes in the two parents and mental disorders in the offspring. METHODS: A total of 376 offspring (aged 6.0-17.9 years; mean=11.5years) of 72 patients with BPD (139 offspring), 56 patients with MDD (110 offspring), and 66 controls (127 offspring) participated in a family study conducted in two university hospital centers in Switzerland. Probands, offspring, and biological co-parents were interviewed by psychologists blind to proband diagnoses, using a semi-structured diagnostic interview. RESULTS: Rates of mood and anxiety disorders were elevated among offspring of BPD probands (34.5% any mood; 42.5% any anxiety) and MDD probands (25.5% any mood; 44.6% any anxiety) as compared to those of controls (12.6% any mood; 22.8% any anxiety). Moreover, recurrent MDD was more frequent among offspring of BPD probands (7.9%) than those of controls (1.6%). Parental concordance for bipolar spectrum disorders was associated with a further elevation in the rates of mood disorders in offspring (64.3% both parents versus 27.2% one parent). CONCLUSIONS:   These findings provide unique information on the broad manifestations of parental mood disorders in their offspring. The earlier onset and increased risk of recurrent MDD in the offspring of parents with BPD compared to those of controls suggests that the episodicity characterizing BPD may emerge in childhood and adolescence.


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There is evidence that obesity-related disorders are increased among people with depression. Variation in the FTO (fat mass and obesity associated) gene has been shown to contribute to common forms of human obesity. This study aimed to investigate the genetic influence of polymorphisms in FTO in relation to body mass index (BMI) in two independent samples of major depressive disorder (MDD) cases and controls. We analysed 88 polymorphisms in the FTO gene in a clinically ascertained sample of 2442 MDD cases and 809 controls (Radiant Study). In all, 8 of the top 10 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) showing the strongest associations with BMI were followed-up in a population-based cohort (PsyCoLaus Study) consisting of 1292 depression cases and 1690 controls. Linear regression analyses of the FTO variants and BMI yielded 10 SNPs significantly associated with increased BMI in the depressive group but not the control group in the Radiant sample. The same pattern was found in the PsyCoLaus sample. We found a significant interaction between genotype and affected status in relation to BMI for seven SNPs in Radiant (P<0.0057), with PsyCoLaus giving supportive evidence for five SNPs (P-values between 0.03 and 0.06), which increased in significance when the data were combined in a meta-analysis. This is the first study investigating FTO and BMI within the context of MDD, and the results indicate that having a history of depression moderates the effect of FTO on BMI. This finding suggests that FTO is involved in the mechanism underlying the association between mood disorders and obesity.


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BACKGROUND: Strategies to dissect phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of major depressive disorder (MDD) have mainly relied on subphenotypes, such as age at onset (AAO) and recurrence/episodicity. Yet, evidence on whether these subphenotypes are familial or heritable is scarce. The aims of this study are to investigate the familiality of AAO and episode frequency in MDD and to assess the proportion of their variance explained by common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP heritability). METHOD: For investigating familiality, we used 691 families with 2-5 full siblings with recurrent MDD from the DeNt study. We fitted (square root) AAO and episode count in a linear and a negative binomial mixed model, respectively, with family as random effect and adjusting for sex, age and center. The strength of familiality was assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). For estimating SNP heritabilities, we used 3468 unrelated MDD cases from the RADIANT and GSK Munich studies. After similarly adjusting for covariates, derived residuals were used with the GREML method in GCTA (genome-wide complex trait analysis) software. RESULTS: Significant familial clustering was found for both AAO (ICC = 0.28) and episodicity (ICC = 0.07). We calculated from respective ICC estimates the maximal additive heritability of AAO (0.56) and episodicity (0.15). SNP heritability of AAO was 0.17 (p = 0.04); analysis was underpowered for calculating SNP heritability of episodicity. CONCLUSIONS: AAO and episodicity aggregate in families to a moderate and small degree, respectively. AAO is under stronger additive genetic control than episodicity. Larger samples are needed to calculate the SNP heritability of episodicity. The described statistical framework could be useful in future analyses.


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Suicidal behavior is commonly associated with depression. Twin studies indicate that both suicidality and major depressive disorder (MDD) are heritable. However, epidemiological evidence suggests that the inheritance of suicidality is likely to be independent of the underlying psychiatric disorder, implying a distinct genetic contribution to suicidality. We conducted a genomewide linkage search aiming to detect genomic loci that may harbor susceptibility genes contributing to risk for suicidality in recurrent MDD. Affected sibling pair (ASP) variance components analysis was performed using the Depression Network cohort of 971 ASPs. The quantitative trait measuring suicidality as a broad phenotype, encompassing ideation and suicide attempts, was established from Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry interview items. We examined 1,060 genotyped microsatellite markers with an average spacing of 3.3 cM. Empirical thresholds for linkage evidence were set by whole-genome simulations (LOD = 2.71 for genomewide significance, 1.71 for suggestive linkage). No genomewide significant findings were found. Marker D3S1234 on 3p14 achieved suggestive linkage and yielded a maximum LOD of 1.853 (P = 0.0017), loci 9p24.3 and 18q22-q23 achieved LOD scores >1.5. We found some support for linkage to 2p12 (LOD = 1.2, P = 0.0087) which was previously implicated in linkage studies of suicidality. Our follow-up meta-analysis of five studies showed strong linkage to this region (P = 2 × 10(-6) ). In conclusion, this study analyzed suicidality as a continuous trait in MDD. We found modest evidence for linkage on 3p14. Our meta-analysis supports previous evidence of linkage to suicidality on 2p12. Some candidate genes in these regions may plausibly be implicated in suicidality.


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BACKGROUND: To 1) establish the lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-5 bipolar and related disorders including the new algorithmically defined conditions grouped within Other Specified Bipolar and Related Disorders (OSBARD) as well as hyperthymic personality in a randomly selected community sample, and 2) determine the clinical relevance of the OSBARD category in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, course, comorbidity and treatment patterns by comparing the subjects of this category to those with bipolar-I (BP-I), bipolar-II (BP-II), major depressive disorder (MDD), and those with no history of mood disorders. METHODS: The semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies was administered by masterslevel psychologists to a random sample of an urban area (n=3'719). RESULTS: The lifetime prevalence was 1.0% for BP-I, 0.8% for BP-II, 1.0% for OSBARD and 3% for hyperthymic personality. Subjects with OSBARD were more severely affected than subjects without a history of mood disorders regarding almost all clinical correlates. Compared to those with MDD, they also revealed an elevated risk of suicidal attempts, lower global functioning, more treatment seeking and more lifetime comorbidity including anxiety, substance use and impulse-control disorders. However, they did not differ from subjects with BP-II. LIMITATIONS: Small sample sizes for bipolar and related disorders and potential inaccurate recall of symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The modifications of diagnostic criteria for manic/hypomanic episodes according to the DSM-5 only marginally affect the prevalence estimates for BP-I and BP-II. The new DSM-5 OSBARD category is associated with significant clinical burden, is hardly distinct from BP-II with respect to clinical correlates and deserves similar clinical attention.


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Background: Limited information exists regarding the association between serum uric acid (SUA) and psychiatric disorders. We explored the relationship between SUA and subtypes of major depressive disorder (MDD) and specific anxiety disorders. Additionally, we examined the association of SLC2A9 rs6855911 variant with anxiety disorders. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis on 3,716 individuals aged 35-66 years previously selected for the population-based CoLaus survey and who agreed to undergo further psychiatric evaluation. SUA was measured using uricase-PAP method. The French translation of the semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies was used to establish lifetime and current diagnoses of depression and anxiety disorders according to the DSM-IV criteria. Results: Men reported significantly higher levels of SUA compared to women (357}74 μmol/L vs. 263}64 μmol/L). The prevalence of lifetime and current MDD was 44% and 18% respectively while the corresponding estimates for any anxiety disorders were 18% and 10% respectively. A quadratic hockey-stick shaped curve explained the relationship between SUA and social phobia better than a linear trend. However, with regards to the other specific anxiety disorders and other subtypes of MDD, there was no consistent pattern of association. Further analyses using SLC2A9 rs6855911 variant, known to be strongly associated with SUA, supported the quadratic relationship observed between SUA phenotype and social phobia. Conclusions: A quadratic relationship between SUA and social phobia was observed consistent with a protective effect of moderately elevated SUA on social phobia, which disappears at higher concentrations. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.


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Exchange of immature loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) between the northern and southern regions of the western Mediterranean was investigated using data obtained from several Spanish tagging programmes. Tagged turtles ranged in straight carapace length from 23.0 to 74.0 cm. Thirty-six turtles were recaptured after an average interval of 390.5±462.6 days (SD). As the mean dispersal distance (MDD) of a turtle population that spreads over the western Mediterranean would stabilize after 117 days (CI 95%: 98 to 149), two analyses were conducted that included data from turtles recaptured after 98 and 149 days respectively. In both analyses, turtles were recaptured more often than expected in the same region where they had been tagged. No difference was found in either of the two regions between the average distance between the capture and recapture locations and the expected MDD if the turtles were to remain in the region where they were first captured. Turtles recaptured after 15 and 25 days respectively were excluded from the analysis to ensure data independence. The overall evidence indicates that immature turtles exhibit strong site fidelity to certain areas and that there is a strong barrier to dispersal between the northern and southern parts of the western Mediterranean. Therefore, loggerhead turtles in the western Mediterranean should be split into at least two management units.


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There has been increasing attention to the subgroups of mood disorders and their boundaries with other mental disorders, particularly psychoses. The goals of the present paper were (1) to assess the familial aggregation and co-aggregation patterns of the full spectrum of mood disorders (that is, bipolar, schizoaffective (SAF), major depression) based on contemporary diagnostic criteria; and (2) to evaluate the familial specificity of the major subgroups of mood disorders, including psychotic, manic and major depressive episodes (MDEs). The sample included 293 patients with a lifetime diagnosis of SAF disorder, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder (MDD), 110 orthopedic controls, and 1734 adult first-degree relatives. The diagnostic assignment was based on all available information, including direct diagnostic interviews, family history reports and medical records. Our findings revealed specificity of the familial aggregation of psychosis (odds ratio (OR)=2.9, confidence interval (CI): 1.1-7.7), mania (OR=6.4, CI: 2.2-18.7) and MDEs (OR=2.0, CI: 1.5-2.7) but not hypomania (OR=1.3, CI: 0.5-3.6). There was no evidence for cross-transmission of mania and MDEs (OR=.7, CI:.5-1.1), psychosis and mania (OR=1.0, CI:.4-2.7) or psychosis and MDEs (OR=1.0, CI:.7-1.4). The strong familial specificity of psychotic, manic and MDEs in this largest controlled contemporary family study challenges the growing assertion that the major types of mood disorders are manifestations of a common underlying diathesis.


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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent disorder with substantial heritability. Heritability has been shown to be substantial and higher in the variant of MDD characterized by recurrent episodes of depression. Genetic studies have thus far failed to identify clear and consistent evidence of genetic risk factors for MDD. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in two independent datasets. The first GWAS was performed on 1022 recurrent MDD patients and 1000 controls genotyped on the Illumina 550 platform. The second was conducted on 492 recurrent MDD patients and 1052 controls selected from a population-based collection, genotyped on the Affymetrix 5.0 platform. Neither GWAS identified any SNP that achieved GWAS significance. We obtained imputed genotypes at the Illumina loci for the individuals genotyped on the Affymetrix platform, and performed a meta-analysis of the two GWASs for this common set of approximately half a million SNPs. The meta-analysis did not yield genome-wide significant results either. The results from our study suggest that SNPs with substantial odds ratio are unlikely to exist for MDD, at least in our datasets and among the relatively common SNPs genotyped or tagged by the half-million-loci arrays. Meta-analysis of larger datasets is warranted to identify SNPs with smaller effects or with rarer allele frequencies that contribute to the risk of MDD.


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BACKGROUND: Obesity is strongly associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) and various other diseases. Genome-wide association studies have identified multiple risk loci robustly associated with body mass index (BMI). In this study, we aimed to investigate whether a genetic risk score (GRS) combining multiple BMI risk loci might have utility in prediction of obesity in patients with MDD. METHODS: Linear and logistic regression models were conducted to predict BMI and obesity, respectively, in three independent large case-control studies of major depression (Radiant, GSK-Munich, PsyCoLaus). The analyses were first performed in the whole sample and then separately in depressed cases and controls. An unweighted GRS was calculated by summation of the number of risk alleles. A weighted GRS was calculated as the sum of risk alleles at each locus multiplied by their effect sizes. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to compare the discriminatory ability of predictors of obesity. RESULTS: In the discovery phase, a total of 2,521 participants (1,895 depressed patients and 626 controls) were included from the Radiant study. Both unweighted and weighted GRS were highly associated with BMI (P <0.001) but explained only a modest amount of variance. Adding 'traditional' risk factors to GRS significantly improved the predictive ability with the area under the curve (AUC) in the ROC analysis, increasing from 0.58 to 0.66 (95% CI, 0.62-0.68; χ(2) = 27.68; P <0.0001). Although there was no formal evidence of interaction between depression status and GRS, there was further improvement in AUC in the ROC analysis when depression status was added to the model (AUC = 0.71; 95% CI, 0.68-0.73; χ(2) = 28.64; P <0.0001). We further found that the GRS accounted for more variance of BMI in depressed patients than in healthy controls. Again, GRS discriminated obesity better in depressed patients compared to healthy controls. We later replicated these analyses in two independent samples (GSK-Munich and PsyCoLaus) and found similar results. CONCLUSIONS: A GRS proved to be a highly significant predictor of obesity in people with MDD but accounted for only modest amount of variance. Nevertheless, as more risk loci are identified, combining a GRS approach with information on non-genetic risk factors could become a useful strategy in identifying MDD patients at higher risk of developing obesity.


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AIMS: Many studies have suggested a close relationship between alcohol use disorder (AUD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). This study aimed to test whether the relationship between self-reported AUD and MDD was artificially strengthened by the diagnosis of MDD. This association was tested comparing relationships between alcohol use and AUD for depressive people and non-depressive people. METHODS: As part of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors, 4352 male Swiss alcohol users in their early twenties answered questions concerning their alcohol use, AUD and MDD at two time points. Generalized linear models for cross-sectional and longitudinal associations were calculated. RESULTS: For cross-sectional associations, depressive participants reported a higher number of AUD symptoms (β = 0.743, P < 0.001) than non-depressive participants. Moreover, there was an interaction (β = -0.204, P = 0.001): the relationship between alcohol use and AUD was weaker for depressive participants rather than non-depressive participants. For longitudinal associations, there were almost no significant relationships between MDD at baseline and AUD at follow-up, but the interaction was still significant (β = -0.249, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: MDD thus appeared to be a confounding variable in the relationship between alcohol use and AUD, and self-reported measures of AUD seemed to be overestimated by depressive people. This result brings into question the accuracy of self-reported measures of substance use disorders. Furthermore, it adds to the emerging debate about the usefulness of substance use disorder as a concept, when heavy substance use itself appears to be a sensitive and reliable indicator.


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OBJECTIVE: Low-grade chronic inflammation is one potential mechanism underlying the well-established association between major depressive disorder (MDD) and increased cardiovascular morbidity. Both aspirin and statins have anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to their preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases. Previous studies on the potentially preventive effect of these drugs on depression have provided inconsistent results. The aim of the present paper was to assess the prospective association between regular aspirin or statin use and the incidence of MDD. METHOD: This prospective cohort study included 1631 subjects (43.6% women, mean age 51.7 years), randomly selected from the general population of an urban area. Subjects underwent a thorough physical evaluation as well as semi-structured interviews investigating DSM-IV mental disorders at baseline and follow-up (mean duration 5.2 years). Analyses were adjusted for a wide array of potential confounders. RESULTS: Our main finding was that regular aspirin or statin use at baseline did not reduce the incidence of MDD during follow-up, regardless of sex or age (hazard ratios, aspirin: 1.19; 95%CI, 0.68-2.08; and statins: 1.25; 95%CI, 0.73-2.14; respectively). LIMITATIONS: Our study is not a randomized clinical trial and could not adjust for all potential confounding factors, information on aspirin or statin use was collected only for the 6 months prior to the evaluations, and the sample was restricted to subjects between 35 and 66 years of age. CONCLUSION: Our data do not support a large scale preventive treatment of depression using aspirin or statins in subjects aged from 35 to 66 years from the community.