986 resultados para Reproductive isolation


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TO understand possible reproductive interaction between Crassostrea ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) and C. sikamea (Amemiya, 1928), which coexist ill estuaries of China and Japan, we conducted 2 X 2 factorial crosses between the two species. Asymmetry in fertilization success was observed where C. sikamea eggs can be fertilized be C. ariakensis the receprocal cross resulted in no fertilization. Fertilization Success ill C.sikamea female X C. ariakemvis male (SA) crosses was lower than that in the two intraspecific crosses and produced larvae that had similar growth the rate as their maternal species during the first nine days because of maternal effects. After that, genome incompatibility casted negative effects on the growth and survival of the hybrid larvae. Most hybrid larvae died during metamorphosis. but a small number of spat survived. Genetic analysis revealed that the survived SA spat contained DNA from both species and were the hybried. This study demonstrates that hybridization between C. ariakensis and C. sikamea is possible in one direction.


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Homoploid hybrid plant species are rare, and the mechanisms of their speciation are largely unknown, especially for homoploid hybrid tree species. Two contrasting hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of Hippophae goniocarpa: (1) it is a diploid hybrid originating from H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis x H. neurocarpa ssp. neurocarpa, and (2) it originated via marginal differentiation from H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis. Regardless of which of these hypotheses is true (if either), previous studies have suggested that H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis is the only maternal donor for this hybrid species. In this study, we aim to elucidate the maternal composition of H. goniocarpa and to test the two hypotheses. For this purpose, we sequenced the maternal chloroplast DNA trnL-F region of 75 individuals representing H. goniocarpa, H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis, and H. neurocarpa ssp. neurocarpa in two co-occurring sites of the taxa. Seven haplotypes were identified from three taxonomic units, and their phylogenetic relationships were further constructed by means of maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and network analyses. These seven haplotypes clustered into two distinct, highly divergent lineages. Two haplotypes from one lineage were found in H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis, and five (representing the other lineage) in H. neurocarpa ssp. neurocarpa. Hippophae goniocarpa shared four common haplotypes from both lineages, but the haplotypes detected from the two populations differed to some extent, and in each case were identical to local haplotypes of the putative parental species. Thus, both H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis and H. neurocarpa ssp. neurocarpa appear to have together contributed to the maternal establishment of H. goniocarpa. These results clearly demonstrate that the marginal origin hypothesis should be rejected, and support the hybrid origin hypothesis. Hippophae goniocarpa exhibits a sympatric distribution with its two parent species, without occupying new niches or displaying complete ecological isolation. However, this species has effectively developed reproductive isolation from its sympatric parent species. Our preliminary results suggest that H. goniocarpa may provide a useful model system for studying diploid hybrid speciation in trees. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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UNLABELLED: PREMISE OF THE STUDY: The Frullania tamarisci complex includes eight Holarctic liverwort species. One of these, F. asagrayana, is distributed broadly throughout eastern North America from Canada to the Gulf Coast. Preliminary genetic data suggested that the species includes two groups of populations. This study was designed to test whether the two groups are reproductively isolated biological species. • METHODS: Eighty-eight samples from across the range of F. asagrayana, plus 73 samples from one population, were genotyped for 13 microsatellite loci. Sequences for two plastid loci and nrITS were obtained from 13 accessions. Genetic data were analyzed using coalescent models and Bayesian inference. • KEY RESULTS: Frullania asagrayana is sequence-invariant at the two plastid loci and ITS2, but two clear groups were resolved by microsatellites. The two groups are largely reproductively isolated, but there is a low level of gene flow from the southern to the northern group. No gene flow was detected in the other direction. A local population was heterogeneous but displayed strong genetic structure. • CONCLUSIONS: The genetic structure of F. asagrayana in eastern North America reflects morphologically cryptic differentiation between reproductively isolated groups of populations, near-panmixis within groups, and clonal propagation at local scales. Reproductive isolation between groups that are invariant at the level of nucleotide sequences shows that caution must be exercised in making taxonomic and evolutionary inferences from reciprocal monophyly (or lack thereof) between putative species.


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BACKGROUND: Speciation begins when populations become genetically separated through a substantial reduction in gene flow, and it is at this point that a genetically cohesive set of populations attain the sole property of species: the independent evolution of a population-level lineage. The comprehensive delimitation of species within biodiversity hotspots, regardless of their level of divergence, is important for understanding the factors that drive the diversification of biota and for identifying them as targets for conservation. However, delimiting recently diverged species is challenging due to insufficient time for the differential evolution of characters--including morphological differences, reproductive isolation, and gene tree monophyly--that are typically used as evidence for separately evolving lineages. METHODOLOGY: In this study, we assembled multiple lines of evidence from the analysis of mtDNA and nDNA sequence data for the delimitation of a high diversity of cryptically diverged population-level mouse lemur lineages across the island of Madagascar. Our study uses a multi-faceted approach that applies phylogenetic, population genetic, and genealogical analysis for recognizing lineage diversity and presents the most thoroughly sampled species delimitation of mouse lemur ever performed. CONCLUSIONS: The resolution of a large number of geographically defined clades in the mtDNA gene tree provides strong initial evidence for recognizing a high diversity of population-level lineages in mouse lemurs. We find additional support for lineage recognition in the striking concordance between mtDNA clades and patterns of nuclear population structure. Lineages identified using these two sources of evidence also exhibit patterns of population divergence according to genealogical exclusivity estimates. Mouse lemur lineage diversity is reflected in both a geographically fine-scaled pattern of population divergence within established and geographically widespread taxa, as well as newly resolved patterns of micro-endemism revealed through expanded field sampling into previously poorly and well-sampled regions.


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The extinction of the giant tortoises of the Seychelles Archipelago has long been suspected but is not beyond doubt. A recent morphological study of the giant tortoises of the western Indian Ocean concluded that specimens of two native Seychelles species survive in captivity today alongside giant tortoises of Aldabra, which are numerous in zoos as well as in the wild. This claim has been controversial because some of the morphological characters used to identify these species, several measures of carapace morphology, are reputed to be quite sensitive to captive conditions. Nonetheless, the potential survival of giant tortoise species previously thought extinct presents an exciting scenario for conservation. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellites to examine the validity of the rediscovered species of Seychelles giant tortoises. Our results indicate that the morphotypes suspected to represent Seychelles species do not show levels of variation and genetic structuring consistent with long periods of reproductive isolation. We found no variation in the mitochondrial control region among 55 individuals examined and no genetic structuring in eight microsatellite loci, pointing to the survival of just a single lineage of Indian Ocean tortoises.


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Ecological speciation has been the subject of intense research in evolutionary biology but the genetic basis of the actual mechanism driving reproductive isolation has rarely been identified. The extreme polymorphism of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), probably maintained by parasite-mediated selection, has been proposed as a potential driver of population divergence. We performed an integrative field and experimental study using three-spined stickleback river and lake ecotypes. We characterized their parasite load and variation at MHC class II loci. Fish from lakes and rivers harbor contrasting parasite communities and populations possess different MHC allele pools that could be the result of a combined action of genetic drift and parasite-mediated selection. We show that individual MHC class II diversity varies among populations and is lower in river ecotypes. Our results suggest the action of homogenizing selection within habitat type and diverging selection between habitat types. Finally, reproductive isolation was suggested by experimental evidence: in a flow channel design females preferred assortatively the odor of their sympatric male. This demonstrates the role of olfactory cues in maintaining reproductive isolation between diverging fish ecotypes.


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Parallel phenotypic evolution in similar environments has been well studied in evolutionary biology; however, comparatively little is known about the influence of determinism and historical contingency on the nature, extent and generality of this divergence. Taking advantage of a novel system containing multiple lake-stream stickleback populations, we examined the extent of ecological, morphological and genetic divergence between three-spined stickleback present in parapatric environments. Consistent with other lake-stream studies, we found a shift towards a deeper body and shorter gill rakers in stream fish. Morphological shifts were concurrent with changes in diet, indicated by both stable isotope and stomach contents analysis. Performing a multivariate test for shared and unique components of evolutionary response to the distance gradient from the lake, we found a strong signature of parallel adaptation. Nonparallel divergence was also present, attributable mainly to differences between river locations. We additionally found evidence of genetic substructuring across five lake-stream transitions, indicating that some level of reproductive isolation occurs between populations in these habitats. Strong correlations between pairwise measures of morphological, ecological and genetic distance between lake and stream populations supports the hypothesis that divergent natural selection between habitats drives adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation. Lake-stream stickleback divergence in Lough Neagh provides evidence for the deterministic role of selection and supports the hypothesis that parallel selection in similar environments may initiate parallel speciation.


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Herring, Clupea harengus, is one of the ecologically and commercially most important species in European northern seas, where two distinct ecotypes have been described based on spawning time; spring and autumn. To date, it is unknown if these spring and autumn spawning herring constitute genetically distinct units. We assessed levels of genetic divergence between spring and autumn spawning herring in the Baltic Sea using two types of DNA markers, microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, and compared the results with data for autumn spawning North Sea herring. Temporally replicated analyses reveal clear genetic differences between ecotypes and hence support reproductive isolation. Loci showing non-neutral behaviour, so-called outlier loci, show convergence between autumn spawning herring from demographically disjoint populations, potentially reflecting selective processes associated with autumn spawning ecotypes. The abundance and
exploitation of the two ecotypes have varied strongly over space and time in the Baltic Sea, where autumn spawners have faced strong depression for decades. The results therefore have practical implications by highlighting the need for specific management of these co-occurring ecotypes to meet requirements for sustainable exploitation and ensure optimal livelihood for coastal communities.


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The origin of species diversity has challenged biologists for over two centuries. Allopatric speciation, the divergence of species resulting from geographical isolation, is well documented. However, sympatric speciation, divergence without geographical isolation, is highly controversial. Claims of sympatric speciation must demonstrate species sympatry, sister relationships, reproductive isolation, and that an earlier allopatric phase is highly unlikely. Here we provide clear support for sympatric speciation in a case study of two species of palm (Arecaceae) on an oceanic island. A large dated phylogenetic tree shows that the two species of Howea, endemic to the remote Lord Howe Island, are sister taxa and diverged from each other well after the island was formed 6.9 million years ago. During fieldwork, we found a substantial disjunction in flowering time that is correlated with soil preference. In addition, a genome scan indicates that few genetic loci are more divergent between the two species than expected under neutrality, a finding consistent with models of sympatric speciation involving disruptive/divergent selection. This case study of sympatric speciation in plants provides an opportunity for refining theoretical models on the origin of species, and new impetus for exploring putative plant and animal examples on oceanic islands.


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Most speciation events probably occur gradually, without complete and immediate reproductive isolation, but the full extent of gene flow between diverging species has rarely been characterized on a genome-wide scale. Documenting the extent and timing of admixture between diverging species can clarify the role of geographic isolation in speciation. Here we use new methodology to quantify admixture at different stages of divergence in Heliconius butterflies, based on whole-genome sequences of 31 individuals. Comparisons between sympatric and allopatric populations of H. melpomene, H. cydno, and H. timareta revealed a genome-wide trend of increased shared variation in sympatry, indicative of pervasive interspecific gene flow. Up to 40% of 100-kb genomic windows clustered by geography rather than by species, demonstrating that a very substantial fraction of the genome has been shared between sympatric species. Analyses of genetic variation shared over different time intervals suggested that admixture between these species has continued since early in speciation. Alleles shared between species during recent time intervals displayed higher levels of linkage disequilibrium than those shared over longer time intervals, suggesting that this admixture took place at multiple points during divergence and is probably ongoing. The signal of admixture was significantly reduced around loci controlling divergent wing patterns, as well as throughout the Z chromosome, consistent with strong selection for Müllerian mimicry and with known Z-linked hybrid incompatibility. Overall these results show that species divergence can occur in the face of persistent and genome-wide admixture over long periods of time.


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The majority of studies demonstrating local adaptation of insect herbivores involve sessile species, particularly those with a parthenogentic phase to their life history or endophagous "parasites" of plants. Current arguments suggest the strength of selection determines whether local adaptation can or cannot take place. Therefore local adaptation should not be limited to species with such traits. We studied the ability of three polyphagous geometrid moths with flightless adult females (Erannisdefoliaria, Operophtera brumata and O. fagata) to synchronise their egg hatching with the budburst of a local host species in north east Scotland. A strong selection for hatching time is expected among generalist moths given the large variation in budburst phenology and an inability to hatch in synchrony with budburst decreases moth fitness substantially. In two successive seasons, we trapped emerging females from patches of five host species and recorded the temperature sum needed for 50% egg hatch of each brood laid by the trapped females. The hatching times of broods were compared against the average budburst time of the maternal host species in the study area. In addition, the trapping dates of each female were recorded. Only O. brumata showed synchrony with egg hatch and budburst which suggests local phenological adaptation to different host species. This could be maintained by selection and partial reproductive isolation between populations dwelling on different host species. No phenological adaptation was found in the other common geometrids of the study area


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The Red Queen metaphor has species accumulating small changes to keep up with a continually changing environment, with speciation occurring at a constant rate. This constant-rate claim is now tested against four competing models, using 101 phylogenies of animal, plant and fungal taxa. The results provide a new interpretation of the Red Queen; a view linking speciation to rare stochastic events that cause reproductive isolation.


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There is a growing appreciation among evolutionary biologists that the rate and tempo of molecular evolution might often be altered at or near the time of speciation, i.e. that speciation is in some way a special time for genes. Molecular phylogenies frequently reveal increased rates of genetic evolution associated with speciation and other lines of investigation suggest that various types of abrupt genomic disruption can play an important role in promoting speciation via reproductive isolation. These phenomena are in conflict with the gradual view of molecular evolution that is implicit in much of our thinking about speciation and in the tools of modern biology. This raises the prospect of studying the molecular evolutionary consequences of speciation per se and studying the footprint of speciation as an active force in promoting genetic divergence. Here we discuss the reasons to believe that speciation can play such a role and elaborate on possible mechanisms for accelerated rates of evolution following speciation. We provide an example of how it is possible detect whether accelerated bursts of evolution occur in neutral and/or adaptive regions of genes and discuss the implications of rapid episodes of change for conventional models of molecular evolution. Speciation might often owe more to ephemeral and essentially arbitrary events that cause reproductive isolation than to the gradual and regular tug of natural selection that draws a species into a new niche.


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Background Figs and fig-pollinating wasp species usually display a highly specific one-to-one association. However, more and more studies have revealed that the "one-to-one" rule has been broken. Co-pollinators have been reported, but we do not yet know how they evolve. They may evolve from insect speciation induced or facilitated by Wolbachia which can manipulate host reproduction and induce reproductive isolation. In addition, Wolbachia can affect host mitochondrial DNA evolution, because of the linkage between Wolbachia and associated mitochondrial haplotypes, and thus confound host phylogeny based on mtDNA. Previous research has shown that fig wasps have the highest incidence of Wolbachia infection in all insect taxa, and Wolbachia may have great influence on fig wasp biology. Therefore, we look forward to understanding the influence of Wolbachia on mitochondrial DNA evolution and speciation in fig wasps. Results We surveyed 76 pollinator wasp specimens from nine Ficus microcarpa trees each growing at a different location in Hainan and Fujian Provinces, China. We found that all wasps were morphologically identified as Eupristina verticillata, but diverged into three clades with 4.22-5.28% mtDNA divergence and 2.29-20.72% nuclear gene divergence. We also found very strong concordance between E. verticillata clades and Wolbachia infection status, and the predicted effects of Wolbachia on both mtDNA diversity and evolution by decreasing mitochondrial haplotypes. Conclusions Our study reveals that the pollinating wasp E. verticillata on F. microcarpa has diverged into three cryptic species, and Wolbachia may have a role in this divergence. The results also indicate that Wolbachia strains infecting E. verticillata have likely resulted in selective sweeps on host mitochondrial DNA.


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The hypothesis of gene flow between species with large differences in chromosome numbers has rarely been tested in the wild, mainly because species of different ploidy are commonly assumed to be reproductively isolated from each other because of instantaneous and strong postzygotic barriers. In this study, a broad-scale survey of molecular variation was carried out between two orchid species with different ploidy levels: Epidendrum fulgens (2n = 2x = 24 chromosomes) and Epidendrum puniceoluteum (2n = 4x = 52 chromosomes). To test the strength of their reproductive barriers, we investigated the distribution of genetic variation in sympatric and allopatric populations of these two species and conducted crossing experiments. Nuclear and plastid microsatellite loci were used to genotype 463 individuals from eight populations across the geographical range of both species along the Brazilian coastal plain. All six sympatric populations analysed presented hybrid zones, indicating that hybridization between E. fulgens and E. puniceoluteum is a common phenomenon. Bayesian assignment analysis detected the presence of F(1) and F(2) individuals and also signs of introgression, demonstrating a high potential for interspecific gene flow. Introgression occurs preferentially from E. fulgens to E. puniceoluteum. Pure parental individuals of both species display strong genotype-habitat associations, indicating that environment-dependent selection could be acting in all hybrid zones. This study suggests that hybridization and introgression are evolutionary processes playing a role in the diversification of Epidendrum and indicates the importance of investigations of hybrid zones in understanding reproductive barriers and speciation processes in Neotropical orchid species.