952 resultados para Representative Unit Cell


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The early stages of growth of high quality YBa2Cu 3O7-δ (YBCO) films grown on (001) Y-ZrO2 (YSZ) substrates by pulsed laser deposition have been studied using a combination of atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. A one unit cell thick YBCO layer and relatively large CuO particles formed in the initial stages. Additional YBCO grew on top of the first layer in the form of one or a few unit cell high c-axis oriented islands about 30 nm in diameter. The rounded islands subsequently coalesced into faceted domains. Elongated Y 2BaCuO5 particles nucleated after the first layer of YBCO. A highly textured BaZrO3 layer formed between the YSZ and the YBCO with a cube-on-cube dominant orientation relationship with respect to the YBCO film.


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Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize and differentiate the two minerals calcite and dolomite and the bands related to the mineral structure. The (CO3)2− group is characterized by four prominent Raman vibrational modes: (a) the symmetric stretching, (b) the asymmetric deformation, (c) asymmetric stretching and (d) symmetric deformation. These vibrational modes of the calcite and dolomite were observed at 1440, 1088, 715 and 278 cm−1. The significant differences between the minerals calcite and dolomite are observed by Raman spectroscopy. Calcite shows the typical bands observed at 1361, 1047, 715 and 157 cm−1, and the special bands at 1393, 1098, 1069, 1019, 299, 258 and 176 cm−1 for dolomite are observed. The difference is explained on the basis of the structure variation of the two minerals. Calcite has a trigonal structure with two molecules per unit cell, and dolomite has a hexagonal structure. This is more likely to cause the splitting and distorting of the carbonate groups. Another cause for the difference is the cation substituting for Mg in the dolomite mineral.


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Copper doped zinc aluminium ferrites are synthesized by the solid-state reaction route is cubic crystalline with unit cell parameter varying from 8.39 to 8.89 Å. TEM pictures clearly indicating that fundamental unit is composed of octahedral and tetrahedral blocks and joined strongly shown in (a). EPR spectra is compositional dependent at lower Al/Cu concentration EPR spectra is due to Fe3+ and at a higher content of Al/Cu the EPR spectra is due to Cu2+. Absence of EPR spectra at room temperature indicates that the sample is perfectly ferromagnetic. EPR results at low temperature indicate that the sample is paramagnetic, and that copper is placed in the tetragonal elongation (B) site with magnetically non-equivalent ions in the unit cell having strong exchange coupling between them. This is shown in (b). (a) TEM image of ferrite with x = 0.15. (b) EPR spectrum of ferrite with x = 0.75.


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“Hybrid” hydrogen storage, where hydrogen is stored in both the solid material and as a high pressure gas in the void volume of the tank can improve overall system efficiency by up to 50% compared to either compressed hydrogen or solid materials alone. Thermodynamically, high equilibrium hydrogen pressures in metal–hydrogen systems correspond to low enthalpies of hydrogen absorption–desorption. This decreases the calorimetric effects of the hydride formation–decomposition processes which can assist in achieving high rates of heat exchange during hydrogen loading—removing the bottleneck in achieving low charging times and improving overall hydrogen storage efficiency of large hydrogen stores. Two systems with hydrogenation enthalpies close to −20 kJ/mol H2 were studied to investigate the hydrogenation mechanism and kinetics: CeNi5–D2 and ZrFe2−xAlx (x = 0.02; 0.04; 0.20)–D2. The structure of the intermetallics and their hydrides were studied by in situ neutron powder diffraction at pressures up to 1000 bar and complementary X-ray diffraction. The deuteration of the hexagonal CeNi5 intermetallic resulted in CeNi5D6.3 with a volume expansion of 30.1%. Deuterium absorption filled three different types of interstices, Ce2Ni2 and Ni4 tetrahedra, and Ce2Ni3 half-octahedra and was accompanied by a valence change for Ce. Significant hysteresis was observed between deuterium absorption and desorption which profoundly decreased on a second absorption cycle. For the Al-modified Laves-type C15 ZrFe2−xAlx intermetallics, deuteration showed very fast kinetics of H/D exchange and resulted in a volume increase of the FCC unit cells of 23.5% for ZrFe1.98Al0.02D2.9(1). Deuterium content, hysteresis of H/D uptake and release, unit cell expansion and stability of the hydrides systematically change with the amount of Al content. In the deuteride D atoms exclusively occupy the Zr2(Fe,Al)2 tetrahedra. Observed interatomic distances are Zr–D = 1.98–2.11; (Fe, Al)–D = 1.70–1.75A˚ . Hydrogenation slightly increases the magnetic moment of the Fe atoms in ZrFe1.98Al0.02 and ZrFe1.96Al0.04 from 1.9 �B at room temperature for the alloy to 2.2 �B for its deuteride.


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High-energy synchrotron in situ X-ray powder diffraction has been used to elucidate the mechanism of the hydriding phase transformation in a LaNi5 model hydrogen storage intermetallic in real time. The transformation proceeds at 10 °C via the transient growth of an interfacial phase, the γ phase, with lattice parameters intermediate between those of the α (dilute solid solution) and β (concentrated hydride) phases. The γ phase forms to partially accommodate the 24% change in unit cell volume between the α and β phases during hydriding and dehydriding. The α, γ and β phases coexist at the nanoscopic level.


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This work was focused on studies of the metal hydride materials having a potential in building hydrogen storage systems with high gravimetric and volumetric efficiencies of H storage and formed / decomposed with high rates of hydrogen exchange. In situ diffraction studies of the metal-hydrogen systems were explored as a valuable tool in probing both the mechanism of the phase-structural transformations and their kinetics. Two complementary techniques, namely Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SR XRD) were utilised. High pressure in situ NPD studies were performed at D2 pressures reaching 1000 bar at the D1B diffractometer accommodated at Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble. The data of the time resolved in situ SR XRD were collected at the Swiss Norwegian Beam Lines, ESRF, Grenoble in the pressure range up to 50 bar H2 at temperatures 20-400°C. The systems studied by NPD at high pressures included deuterated Al-modified Laves-type C15 ZrFe2-xAlx intermetallics with x = 0.02; 0.04 and 0.20 and the CeNi5-D2 system. D content, hysteresis of H uptake and release, unit cell expansion and stability of the hydrides systematically change with Al content. Deuteration exhibited a very fast kinetics; it resulted in increase of the unit cells volumes reaching 23.5 % for ZrFe1.98Al0.02D2.9(1) and associated with exclusive occupancy of the Zr2(Fe,Al)2 tetrahedra. For CeNi5 deuteration yielded a hexahydride CeNi5D6.2 (20°C, 776 bar D2) and was accompanied by a nearly isotropic volume expansion reaching 30.1% (∆a/a=10.0%; ∆c/c=7.5%). Deuterium atoms fill three different interstitial sites including Ce2Ni2, Ce2Ni3 and Ni4. Significant hysteresis was observed on the first absorption-desorption cycle. This hysteresis decreased on the absorption-desorption cycling. A different approach to the development of H storage systems is based on the hydrides of light elements, first of all the Mg-based ones. These systems were studied by SR XRD. Reactive ball milling in hydrogen (HRBM) allowed synthesis of the nanostructured Mg-based hydrides. The experimental parameters (PH2, T, energy of milling, ball / sample ratio and balls size), significantly influence rate of hydrogenation. The studies confirmed (a) a completeness of hydrogenation of Mg into MgH2; (b) indicated a partial transformation of the originally formed -MgH2 into a metastable -MgH2 (a ratio / was 3/1); (c) yielded the crystallite size for the main hydrogenation product, -MgH2, as close to 10 nm. Influence of the additives to Mg on the structure and hydrogen absorption/desorption properties and cycle behaviour of the composites was established and will be discussed in the paper.


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The structures of the compounds from the reaction of the drug dapsone [4-(4-aminophenylsulfonyl)aniline] with 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, the salt hydrate [4-(4-aminohenylsulfonyl)anilinium 2-carboxy-4,6-dinitrophenolate monohydrate] (1) and the 1:1 adduct with 5-nitroisophthalic acid [4-(4-aminophenylsulfonyl)aniline 5-nitrobenzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid] (2) have been determined. Crystals of 1 are triclinic, space group P-1, with unit cell dimensions a = 8.2043(3), b = 11.4000(6), c = 11.8261(6)Å, α = 110.891(5), β = 91.927(3), γ = 98.590(4)deg. and Z = 4. Compound 2 is orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with unit cell dimensions a = 20.2662(6), b = 12.7161(4), c = 15.9423(5)Å and Z = 8. In 1, intermolecular analinium N-H…O and water O-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen-bonding interactions with sulfone, carboxyl, phenolate and nitro O-atom and aniline N-atom acceptors give a two-dimensional layered structure. With 2, the intermolecular interactions involve both aniline N-H…O and carboxylic acid O-H…O and O-H…N hydrogen bonds to sulfone, carboxyl, nitro and aniline acceptors, giving a three-dimensional network structure. In both structures π--π aromatic ring associations are present.


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Magnetic resonance is a well-established tool for structural characterisation of porous media. Features of pore-space morphology can be inferred from NMR diffusion-diffraction plots or the time-dependence of the apparent diffusion coefficient. Diffusion NMR signal attenuation can be computed from the restricted diffusion propagator, which describes the distribution of diffusing particles for a given starting position and diffusion time. We present two techniques for efficient evaluation of restricted diffusion propagators for use in NMR porous-media characterisation. The first is the Lattice Path Count (LPC). Its physical essence is that the restricted diffusion propagator connecting points A and B in time t is proportional to the number of distinct length-t paths from A to B. By using a discrete lattice, the number of such paths can be counted exactly. The second technique is the Markov transition matrix (MTM). The matrix represents the probabilities of jumps between every pair of lattice nodes within a single timestep. The propagator for an arbitrary diffusion time can be calculated as the appropriate matrix power. For periodic geometries, the transition matrix needs to be defined only for a single unit cell. This makes MTM ideally suited for periodic systems. Both LPC and MTM are closely related to existing computational techniques: LPC, to combinatorial techniques; and MTM, to the Fokker-Planck master equation. The relationship between LPC, MTM and other computational techniques is briefly discussed in the paper. Both LPC and MTM perform favourably compared to Monte Carlo sampling, yielding highly accurate and almost noiseless restricted diffusion propagators. Initial tests indicate that their computational performance is comparable to that of finite element methods. Both LPC and MTM can be applied to complicated pore-space geometries with no analytic solution. We discuss the new methods in the context of diffusion propagator calculation in porous materials and model biological tissues.


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The mineral chloritoid collected from the argillite in the bottom of Yaopo Formation of Western Beijing was characterized by mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The MIR spectra showed all fundamental vibrations including the hydroxyl units, basic aluminosilicate framework and the influence of iron on the chloritoid structure. The NIR spectrum of the chloritoid showed combination (ν + δ)OH bands with the fundamental stretching (ν) and bending (δ) vibrations. Based on the chemical component data and the analysis result from the MIR and NIR spectra, the crystal structure of chloritoid from western hills of Beijing, China, can be illustrated. Therefore, the application of the technique across the entire infrared region is expected to become more routine and extend its usefulness, and the reproducibility of measurement and richness of qualitative information should be simultaneously considered for proper selection of a spectroscopic method for the unit cell structural analysis.


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Background: Better understanding of body composition and energy metabolism in pediatric liver disease may provide a scientific basis for improved medical therapy aimed at achieving optimal nutrition, slowing progression to end-stage liver disease (ESLD), and improving the outcome of liver transplantation. Methods: Twenty-one children less than 2 years of age with ESLD awaiting liver transplantation and 15 healthy, aged-matched controls had body compartment analysis using a four compartment model (body cell mass, fat mass, extracellular water, and extracellular solids). Subjects also had measurements of resting energy expenditure (REE) and respiratory quotient (RQ) by indirect calorimetry. Nine patients and 15 control subjects also had measurements of total energy expenditure (TEE) using doubly labelled water. Results: Mean weights and heights were similar in the two groups. Compared with control subjects, children with ESLD had higher relative mean body cell mass (33 ± 2% vs 29 ± 1% of body weight, P < 0.05), but had similar fat mass, extracellular water, and extracellular solid compartments (18% vs 20%, 41% vs 38%, and 7% vs 13% of body weight respectively). Compared with control subjects, children with ESLD had 27% higher mean REE/body weight (0.285 ± 0.013 vs 0.218. ± 0.013 mJ/kg/24h, P < 0.001), 16% higher REE/unit cell mass (P < 0.05); and lower mean RQ (P < 0.05). Mean TEE of patients was 4.70 ± 0.49 mJ/24h vs 3.19 ± 0.76 in controls, (P < 0.01). Conclusions: In children, ESLD is a hypermetabolic state adversely affecting the relationship between metabolic and non-metabolic body compartments. There is increased metabolic activity within the body cell mass with excess lipid oxidation during fasting and at rest. These findings have implications for the design of appropriate nutritional therapy.


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Model systems are critical to our understanding of self-assembly processes. As such, we have studied the surface self-assembly of a small and simple molecule, indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2CA). We combine density functional theory gas-phase (DFT) calculations with scanning tunneling microscopy to reveal details of I2CA assembly in two different solvents at the solution/solid interface, and on Au(111) in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). In UHV and at the trichlorobenzene/highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) interface, I2CA forms epitaxial lamellar structures based on cyclic OH⋯O carboxylic dimers. The structure formed at the heptanoic acid/HOPG interface is different and can be interpreted in a model where heptanoic acid molecules co-adsorb on the substrate with the I2CA, forming a bicomponent commensurate unit cell. DFT calculations of dimer energetics elucidate the basic building blocks of these structures, whereas calculations of periodic two-dimensional assemblies reveal the epitaxial effects introduced by the different substrates.


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Although a wide range of periodic surface nets can be grown on low index silicon surfaces, only a few of these have quasi-one dimensional symmetry. If high index silicon surfaces, such as (553) and (557), are used instead, the surface unit cell contains steps. It is possible to fabricate a number of quasi-one dimensional nanoline systems on the terraces and some of these have nested energy bands near the Fermi level. These nano-scale systems may support exotic many-electron states produced by enhanced electron correlations and a reduction in electron screening in one spatial dimension. In this paper, our groups' experimental and theoretical studies of nanolines phases, grown on both low index and vicinal silicon surfaces are reviewed. These studies give us insight into the electronic properties of artificial nanoline structures.


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Results of a study designed to investigate the possibility of using the Si(111)- Ge(5×5) surface reconstruction as a template for In cluster growth are described. As with Si(111)-7×7, the In adatoms preferentially adsorb in the faulted half-unit cell, but on Si(111)- Ge(5×5) a richer variety of cluster geometries are found. In addition to the clusters that occupy the faulted half-unit cell, clusters that span two and four half-unit cells are found. The latter have a triangular shape spanning one unfaulted and three, nearest neighbor, faulted half-unit cells, Triangular clusters in the opposite orientation were not found. Many of the faulted halfunit cells have a streaked appearance consistent with adatom mobility.


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The adsorption of In on the Si(111)−Ge(5×5) surface reconstruction has been studied with scanning tunneling microscopy and ab initio calculations to investigate the possibility of using this reconstruction as a template for cluster formation. As with In adsorption on Si(111)−7×7 at low substrate temperatures and low In fluences, the In adatoms are found to preferentially adsorb on the faulted half-unit cell. However, in contrast to In adsorption on Si(111)−7×7, the In adatoms are also frequently found in the unfaulted half-unit cell at low coverages. The filling of unfaulted unit cell halves is primarily due to the formation of large clusters that span multiple substrate half-unit cells. Moreover, many of the faulted half-unit cells have a streaked appearance that indicates that surface atoms within them are mobile.


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Diruthenium (II. III) complexes of the type [Ru-2(O2CAr)(4) (2-mimH)(2)](ClO4) (Ar = C6H4-p-X : X=OMe,1, X=Me, 2, 2-mimH=2-methylimidazole) have been isolated from the reaction of Ru2Cl(O2CAr)(4) with 2-mimH in CH2Cl2 followed by the addition of NaClO4. The crystal structure of 1.1.75CH(2)Cl(2).H2O has been determined. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic space group p2(1)/c with the following unit cell dimensions for the C40H40N4O16ClRu2.1.75CH(2)Cl(2).H2O (M = 1237.0) : a = 12.347(3)Angstrom, b = 17.615(5)Angstrom, c = 26.148(2)Angstrom,beta = 92.88(1)degrees. v = 5679(2)Angstrom(3). Z=4, D-c = 1.45 g cm(-3). lambda(Mo-K-alpha) = 0.7107 Angstrom, mu(Mo-K-alpha) = 8.1 cm(-1), T = 293 K, R = 0.0815 (wR(2) = 0.2118) for 5834 reflections with 1 > 2 sigma(I). The complex has a tetracarboxylatodiruthenium (II, III) core and two axially bound 2-methylimidazole ligands. The Ru-Ru bond length is 2.290(1)Angstrom. The Ru-Ru bond order is 2.5 and the complex is three-electron paramagnetic. The complex shows an irreversible Ru-2(II,III)-->Ru-2(Il,II) reduction near -0.2 V vs SCE in CH2Cl2-0. 1 MTBAP. The complexes exemplify the first adduct of the tetracarboxylatodiruthenium (II,III) core having N-donor ligands