70 resultados para Reminiscence


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The aim of this study was to assess the longitudinal associations between adaptive autobiographical memory functions and depressive symptoms. Consistent with the proposed mechanisms of change underpinning cognitive-reminiscence therapy (CRT), it was hypothesised that more frequent adaptive reminiscence would lead to increases in psychological resources over time and indirectly affect depressive symptoms through this pathway. A sample of 171 young adults (mean age=25.9years, SD=3.5) completed measures of how frequently they utilised autobiographical memory for identity-continuity and problem-solving purposes, depressive symptoms and personal resources (self-esteem, self-efficacy, meaning in life and optimism) at two time-points. The results of structural equation modelling supported the model of indirect influence between reminiscence functions and depression through these psychological resources. These findings clarify the effects of adaptive autobiographical memory on depressive symptoms in young adults and indicate potential benefits of interventions such as CRT.


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The usual Ashkin-Teller (AT) model is obtained as a superposition of two Ising models coupled through a four-spin interaction term. In two dimension the AT model displays a line of fixed points along which the exponents vary continuously. On this line the model becomes soluble via a mapping onto the Baxter model. Such richness of multicritical behavior led Grest and Widom to introduce the N-color Ashkin-Teller model (N-AT). Those authors made an extensive analysis of the model thus introduced both in the isotropic as well as in the anisotropic cases by several analytical and computational methods. In the present work we define a more general version of the 3-color Ashkin-Teller model by introducing a 6-spin interaction term. We investigate the corresponding symmetry structure presented by our model in conjunction with an analysis of possible phase diagrams obtained by real space renormalization group techniques. The phase diagram are obtained at finite temperature in the region where the ferromagnetic behavior is predominant. Through the use of the transmissivities concepts we obtain the recursion relations in some periodical as well as aperiodic hierarchical lattices. In a first analysis we initially consider the two-color Ashkin-Teller model in order to obtain some results with could be used as a guide to our main purpose. In the anisotropic case the model was previously studied on the Wheatstone bridge by Claudionor Bezerra in his Master Degree dissertation. By using more appropriated computational resources we obtained isomorphic critical surfaces described in Bezerra's work but not properly identified. Besides, we also analyzed the isotropic version in an aperiodic hierarchical lattice, and we showed how the geometric fluctuations are affected by such aperiodicity and its consequences in the corresponding critical behavior. Those analysis were carried out by the use of appropriated definitions of transmissivities. Finally, we considered the modified 3-AT model with a 6-spin couplings. With the inclusion of such term the model becomes more attractive from the symmetry point of view. For some hierarchical lattices we derived general recursion relations in the anisotropic version of the model (3-AAT), from which case we can obtain the corresponding equations for the isotropic version (3-IAT). The 3-IAT was studied extensively in the whole region where the ferromagnetic couplings are dominant. The fixed points and the respective critical exponents were determined. By analyzing the attraction basins of such fixed points we were able to find the three-parameter phase diagram (temperature £ 4-spin coupling £ 6-spin coupling). We could identify fixed points corresponding to the universality class of Ising and 4- and 8-state Potts model. We also obtained a fixed point which seems to be a sort of reminiscence of a 6-state Potts fixed point as well as a possible indication of the existence of a Baxter line. Some unstable fixed points which do not belong to any aforementioned q-state Potts universality class was also found


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Vitamin A and its derivatives, retinoic acid, tretinoin and isotretinoin, are currently used in dermatological treatments. The administration of high doses of this vitamin provokes congenital malformations in mice: cleft palate, maxillary and mandibular hypoplasia and total or partial fusion of the maxillary incisors. This study compares the tooth germs of the first maxillary and mandibular molars of fetal mice submitted to isotretinoin during organogenesis. Twelve 60-day-old female Mus musculus were divided into two groups on the 7th day of pregnancy: treated group--1 mg isotretinoin per kg body weight, dissolved in vegetable oil, was administered from the 7th to the 13th day of pregnancy; control group--vegetable oil in equivalent volume was administered orally for the same period. On the 16th day of pregnancy, the females were sacrificed, the fetuses were removed and their heads amputated. After standard laboratory procedures, 6-micron thick serial slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopy examination. The results showed that both groups had closed palates with no reminiscence of epithelial cells; however, the first molar germs of the isotretinoin-treated animals showed delayed development compared to the control animals.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo teórico em Freud sobre a dor psíquica do ponto de vista econômico, a partir do conceito metapsicológico de recalque. O eixo teórico que fundamenta essa investigação é a Psicanálise, buscando compreender a constituição da dor psíquica, identificando o conceito de recalque como defesa. Este, descreve o investimento de carga de afeto presente no aparecimento da dor psíquica, no caso de histeria de conversão de Elizabeth von R. (1893-1895), pseudônimo dado por Freud a Ilona Weiss, jovem que se tornou o caso clínico mais completo sobre histeria de conversão. Obtivemos, vários resultados dessa sistematização. Primeiro, constatação de que a dor psíquica é um estado psíquico e uma conseqüência específica da dinâmica psicológica pertencente à subjetividade na histeria de conversão, que se apresenta especificamente nesse caso clínico. Segundo, é o resultado de lembranças de representações patogênicas recalcadas, originada de um conflito. Terceiro, o conflito está ligado a uma cadeia de representações de natureza sexual e moral. Quarto, apresenta o recalque como principal mecanismo de defesa. Quinto, verifica-se que a dissociação entre a idéia e sua quota de afeto, ou soma de excitação, faz com que o destino deste seja convertido para o corpo através do sintoma, daí a histeria de conversão. E, finalmente, é através do processo de análise que levará a paciente a manifestar-se, partindo de suas reminiscências a dor psíquica.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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This work analizes the documentation produced by the Municipal Council of Black people in Brazil, both as archival documents and as a rescue innitiative of blacks’ memory. For this purpose, we used the interdisciplinary basis of archival science, the concept of social memory and the history of black movements in Brazil. Legal aspects of Black People Council foundation were raised to provide an understanding of the relations it established with the local government and the municipal city hall. The study of Black movements was fundamental to understand the constitution of this archive, which ensures, in some way, the identity and social participation of black people, beyond the reminiscence of past events from the black people’ group experience. Thus we perceive how the black movement becomes official and legal through the documentation associated to local government; and, in the same way, we observe how their official memory is constituted.


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The Surasky Family Papers consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, reminiscences, poetry, and other papers mostly photocopies. Of particular interest are a reminiscence by Esther Pinck entitled “Remembrance of Things Past”, concerned with the Jewish experience in Aiken, SC; papers related to Mina Tropp, a painter who developed a unique medium of painting with flora and who is also published poet; and letters of Judge Justine Wise Polier, well known Juvenile Court judge in New York. Collection is almost all photocopies.


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The Samuel Avon Smith Diary is a journal written Samuel Avon Smith who was a Confederate soldier during the American Civil War (Company H, 5th Regiment, SC) and a doctor. The journal was written from ca. 1830-1876 or beyond (some pages have been destroyed). The first part is a reminiscence of his life from 1830 to ca. 1873 and from that point on he gives a monthly account of life in Bullock’s Creek, SC. Subjects covered in the journal are the battles of Manassas and Seven Pines, Confederate Troops at Leesburg, the reorganization of the Confederate Army, the march to Richmond, the conditions of the troops, wounds received at the battle of Seven Pines and his medical treatment at the Confederate hospital in Manchester, Virginia, his education at the Ebenezer Academy and the Medical College of SC in Charleston; his life, practice, and health conditions in Gaston County, NC, Lincoln County, NC, and in Bullock’s Creek, SC; and sentiments towards the reconstruction government and Ku Klux Klan. There is also mention of a conflict between Blacks and Whites in Chester County, SC in 1871.


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The South Carolina Farmer's Alliance Papers consist of a reminiscence of the Farmer’s Alliance by W.A. James of Bishopville, SC, who was a county business agent for Sumter County. Also included is a two page comment by Dr. John H. Moore of the Winthrop History Department. The Farmers Alliance was an organized agrarian economic movement among farmers that developed and flourished from the 1870s through 1900.


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The Miller Family Papers consist of notes on the Miller, Cathcart, and Roddey families, genealogical data on the Lindsay, Stewart, and McCaughrin families, and an American Civil War reminiscence of William Joseph Miller entitled, “My Experience as a Soldier in the Confederate Army. Written at the Request of Barnette, My Only Living Daughter.” Miller served in the 12th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers of the Confederate Army.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der smektischen Phasen von Polysiloxanen mit flüssigkristallinen Seitengruppen (LC-Polysiloxane). Der erste Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit befasste sich mit der Herstellung verschiedener flüssigkristalliner ferroelektrischer Polysiloxane. Die Polymere wurden in Bezug auf das verwendete Polymerrückgrat (Homo- und Copolysiloxan) sowie durch den zusätzlichen Einbau von vernetzbaren Seitengruppen variiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden die Eigenschaften der smektischen Phasen der hergestellten Substanzen näher untersucht. Ein erster Untersuchungsgegenstand war das Dehnungsverhalten von freistehenden flüssigkristallinen Elastomerfilmen (LCE). Bei der Verwendung eines Polymers, in dem nur ein Teil des Polysiloxanrückgrats mit Seitengruppen substituiert ist, wird die uniaxiale Dehnung des Films parallel zu den smektischen Schichten durch eine gleichmäßige Kontraktion in der Filmebene und parallel zur Schichtnormalen ausgeglichen, was auf einen außergewöhnlich niedrigen smektischen Schichtkompressionsmodul zurückzuführen ist. Im Gegensatz dazu ist dieser Modul bei den Homopolymersystemen so groß, dass praktisch senkrecht zu den smektischen Schichten keine Kontraktion stattfindet. Ein zweiter Untersuchungsgegenstand der Netzwerkbildung bestand in der Bestimmung der dynamisch-mechanischen Eigenschaften der LC-Polysiloxane mittels eines Oszillationsrheometers. Hier erfolgten die Messungen von Speicher- und Verlustmodul in Abhängigkeit vom Polymerrückgrat und von der Vernetzung. Die unvernetzten Systeme zeigten in den smektischen Phasen (oberhalb Tg) noch – im wesentlichen – Festkörpereigenschaften (physikalische Vernetzung) mit einem dominierenden Speichermodul beim LC-Homopolysiloxan. Beim LC-Copolysiloxan haben beide Module eine gleiche Größenordnung. Am Phasenübergang in die isotrope Phase wurden beide Module absolut kleiner, der Verlustmodul aber relativ größer. In der isotropen Phase verhalten sich die LC-Polymere damit überwiegend wie viskose Schmelzen. Außerdem korrelierten die mittels DSC bestimmten Phasenübergangstemperaturen mit einer Änderung der dynamisch-mechanischen Eigenschaften. Nach der Vernetzung dominierte der Speichermodul sowohl beim LC-Homo- als auch beim LC-Copolysiloxan bis in die isotrope Phase, und es war aufgrund der Bildung einer festen Netzwerkstruktur keine Abhängigkeit der Module von Phasenübergängen mehr erkennbar. Als dritter Untersuchungsgegenstand wurde der Phasenübergang zwischen den beiden smektischen Phasen (SmC* nach SmA*) der flüssigkristallinen Polysiloxane näher behandelt. Als wichtigstes Ergebnis ist festzuhalten, dass die verdünnten LC-Polysiloxane an diesem Übergang fast keine Schichtdickenänderung aufweisen. Dazu wurde jeweils die röntgenographisch ermittelte Schichtdicke mit der aus den optischen Tiltwinkeln theoretisch berechneten Schichtdicke verglichen. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die Phasenübergänge nach dem de Vries-Modell verhalten. Damit konnte zum ersten Mal an Polymersystemen ein de Vries-Verhalten nachgewiesen werden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte das Homopolysiloxan mit dem Dreiringmesogen beim Übergang von SmC* nach SmA* einen ausgeprägten Sprung in der Schichtdicke. Wie auch durch DSC-Messungen nachweisbar, lag ein Phasenübergang 1. Ordnung vor. Bei den LC-Copolysiloxanen liegt dagegen ein Phasenübergang 2. Ordnung vor. Schließlich wurde die Schichtdicke unter dem Einfluss der Vernetzung untersucht. Beim LC-Copolysiloxan mit dem Dreiringmesogen und einem Anteil an vernetzbaren Gruppen von 15 % wurde eine Stabilisierung der smektischen Phasen erreicht. Zum einen war die Änderung der Schichtdicke am SmC*-SmA*-Phasenübergang geringer im Vergleich zum unvernetzten System und zum anderen war noch 50 °C über der ursprünglichen Klärtemperatur eine smektische Schichtstruktur röntgenographisch nachzuweisen. Insgesamt ist es mit den verschiedenen Untersuchungsmethoden gelungen, einen systematischen Unterschied zwischen smektischen Homo- und Copolysiloxanen aufzuzeigen, der seinen Ursprung – aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach – in der Mikrophasenseparation von Mesogenen und Polysiloxanketten findet.


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In writing “Not in the Legends”, one of the images and concepts which constantly returned was that of pilgrimage. I began to write these poems while studying abroad in London, after having passed the previous semester in France and travelling around Europe. There was something in the repetition of sightseeing— walking six miles in Luxembourg to see the grave of General Patton, taking photographs of the apartment where Sylvia Plath ended her life, bowing before the bones of saints, searching through Père Lachaise for the grave of Théodore Gericault— which struck me as numinous and morbid. At the same time, I came to love living abroad and I grew discontent with both remaining and returning. I wanted the opportunity to live everywhere all the time and not have to choose between home and away. Returning from abroad, I turned my attention to the landscape of my native country. I found in the New England pilgrims a narrative of people who had left their home in search of growth and freedom. In these journeys I began to appreciate the significance of place and tried to understand what it meant to move from one place to another, how one chose a home, and why people searched for meaning in specific locations. The processes of moving from student to worker and from childhood to adulthood have weighed on me. I began to see these transitions towards maturity as travels to a different land. Memory and nostalgia are their own types of pilgrimage in their attempts to return to lost places, as is the reading of literature. These pilgrimages, real and metaphorical, form the thematic core of the collection. I read the work of many poets who came before me, returning to the places where the Canon was forged. Those poets have a large presence in the work I produced. I wondered how I, as a young poet, could earn my own place in the tradition and sought models in much the same way a painter studies the brushstrokes of a master. In the process, I have tried to uncover what it means to be a poet. Is it something like being a saint? Is it something like being a colonist? Or is to be the one who goes in search of saints and colonists? In trying to measure my own life and work based on the precedent, I have questioned what role era and generation have on the formation of identity. I focused my reading heavily on the early years of English poetry, trying to find the essence of the time when the language first achieved the transcendence of verse. In following the development of English poetry through Coleridge, John Berryman, and Allison Titus, I have explored the progression of those basic virtues in changing contexts. Those bearings, applied to my modern context, helped to shape the poetry I produced. Many of the poems in “Not in the Legends” are based on my own personal experience. In my recollections I have tried to interrogate nostalgia rather than falling into mere reminiscence. Rather than allowing myself poems of love and longing, I have tried to find the meaning of those emotions. A dominant conflict exists between adventure and comfort which mirrors the central engagement with the nature of being “here” or “there”. It is found in scenes of domesticity and wilderness as I attempt to understand my own simultaneous desire for both. For example, in “Canned Mangoes…” the intrusion of nature, even in a context as innocuous as a poem by Sir Walter Raleigh, unravels ordinary comforts of the domestic sphere. The character of “The Boy” from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot proved such an interesting subject for me because he is one who can transcend the normal boundaries of time and place. The title suggests connections to both place and time. “Legends” features the dual meaning of both myths and the keys to maps. To propose something “Not in the Legends” is to find something which has no precedent in our histories and our geographies, something beyond our field of knowledge and wholly new. One possible interpretation I devised was that each new generation lives a novel existence, the future being the true locus of that which is beyond our understanding. The title comes from Keats’ “Hyperion, a Fragment”, and details the aftermath of the Titanomachy. The Titans, having fallen to the Olympians, are a representation of the passing of one generation for the next. Their dejection is expressed by Saturn, who laments: Not in my own sad breast, Which is its own great judge and searcher out, Can I find reason why ye should be thus: Not in the legends of the first of days… (129-132) The emotions of the conquered Titans are unique and without antecedent. They are experiencing feelings which surpass all others in history. In this, they are the equivalent of the poet who feels that his or her own sufferings are special. In contrast are Whitman’s lines from “Song of Myself” which serve as an epigraph to this collection. He contends for a sense of continuity across time, a realization that youth, age, pleasure, and suffering have always existed and will always exist. Whitman finds consolation in this unity, accepting that kinship with past generations is more important that his own individuality. These opposing views offer two methods of presenting the self in history. The instinct of poetry suggests election. The poet writes because he feels his experiences are special, or because he believes he can serve as a synecdoche for everyone. I have fought this instinct by trying to contextualize myself in history. These poems serve as an attempt at prosopography with my own narrative a piece of the whole. Because the earth abides forever, our new stories get printed over the locations of the old and every place becomes a palimpsest of lives and acts. In this collection I have tried to untangle some of those layers, especially my own, to better understand the sprawling legend of history.