957 resultados para Relaxação (Fisica nuclear)
This thesis is mainly about the search for exotic heavy particles -Intermediate Mass Magnetic Monopoles, Nuclearites and Q-balls with the SLIM experiment at the Chacaltaya High Altitude Laboratory (5230 m, Bolivia), establishing upper limits (90% CL) in the absence of candidates, which are among the best if not the only one for all three kind of particles. A preliminary study of the background induced by cosmic neutron in CR39 at the SLIM site, using Monte Carlo simulations. The measurement of the elemental abundance of the primary cosmic ray with the CAKE experiment on board of a stratospherical balloon; the charge distribution obtained spans in the range 5≤Z≤31. Both experiments were based on the use of plastic Nuclear Track Detectors, which records the passage of ionizing particles; by using some chemical reagents such passage can be make visible at optical microscopes.
The present PhD thesis summarizes the three-years study about the neutronic investigation of a new concept nuclear reactor aiming at the optimization and the sustainable management of nuclear fuel in a possible European scenario. A new generation nuclear reactor for the nuclear reinassance is indeed desired by the actual industrialized world, both for the solution of the energetic question arising from the continuously growing energy demand together with the corresponding reduction of oil availability, and the environment question for a sustainable energy source free from Long Lived Radioisotopes and therefore geological repositories. Among the Generation IV candidate typologies, the Lead Fast Reactor concept has been pursued, being the one top rated in sustainability. The European Lead-cooled SYstem (ELSY) has been at first investigated. The neutronic analysis of the ELSY core has been performed via deterministic analysis by means of the ERANOS code, in order to retrieve a stable configuration for the overall design of the reactor. Further analyses have been carried out by means of the Monte Carlo general purpose transport code MCNP, in order to check the former one and to define an exact model of the system. An innovative system of absorbers has been conceptualized and designed for both the reactivity compensation and regulation of the core due to cycle swing, as well as for safety in order to guarantee the cold shutdown of the system in case of accident. Aiming at the sustainability of nuclear energy, the steady-state nuclear equilibrium has been investigated and generalized into the definition of the ``extended'' equilibrium state. According to this, the Adiabatic Reactor Theory has been developed, together with a New Paradigm for Nuclear Power: in order to design a reactor that does not exchange with the environment anything valuable (thus the term ``adiabatic''), in the sense of both Plutonium and Minor Actinides, it is required indeed to revert the logical design scheme of nuclear cores, starting from the definition of the equilibrium composition of the fuel and submitting to the latter the whole core design. The New Paradigm has been applied then to the core design of an Adiabatic Lead Fast Reactor complying with the ELSY overall system layout. A complete core characterization has been done in order to asses criticality and power flattening; a preliminary evaluation of the main safety parameters has been also done to verify the viability of the system. Burn up calculations have been then performed in order to investigate the operating cycle for the Adiabatic Lead Fast Reactor; the fuel performances have been therefore extracted and inserted in a more general analysis for an European scenario. The present nuclear reactors fleet has been modeled and its evolution simulated by means of the COSI code in order to investigate the materials fluxes to be managed in the European region. Different plausible scenarios have been identified to forecast the evolution of the European nuclear energy production, including the one involving the introduction of Adiabatic Lead Fast Reactors, and compared to better analyze the advantages introduced by the adoption of new concept reactors. At last, since both ELSY and the ALFR represent new concept systems based upon innovative solutions, the neutronic design of a demonstrator reactor has been carried out: such a system is intended to prove the viability of technology to be implemented in the First-of-a-Kind industrial power plant, with the aim at attesting the general strategy to use, to the largest extent. It was chosen then to base the DEMO design upon a compromise between demonstration of developed technology and testing of emerging technology in order to significantly subserve the purpose of reducing uncertainties about construction and licensing, both validating ELSY/ALFR main features and performances, and to qualify numerical codes and tools.
The reactions 32S+58,64Ni are studied at 14.5 AMeV. From this energy on, fragmentation begins to be a dominant process, although evaporation and fission are still present. After a selection of the collision mechanism, we show that important even-odd effects are present in the isotopic fragment distributions when the excitation energy is small. The staggering effect appears to be a universal feature of fragment production, slightly enhanced when the emission source is neutron poor. A closer look at the behavior of isotopic chains reveals that odd-even effects cannot be explained by pairing effects in the nuclear mass alone, but depend in a more complex way on the de-excitation chain.
Nesta dissertação apresentamos um trabalho de desenvolvimento e utilização de pulsos de radiofreqüência modulados simultaneamente em freqüência, amplitude e fase (pulsos fortemente modulados, SMP, do inglês Strongly Modulated Pulses) para criar estados iniciais e executar operações unitárias que servem como blocos básicos para processamento da informação quântica utilizando Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN). As implementações experimentais foram realizas em um sistema de 3 q-bits constituído por spins nucleares de Césio 133 (spin nuclear 7/2) em uma amostra de cristal líquido em fase nemática. Os pulsos SMP´s foram construídos teoricamente utilizando um programa especialmente desenvolvido para esse fim, sendo o mesmo baseado no processo de otimização numérica Simplex Nelder-Mead. Através deste programa, os pulsos SMP foram otimizados de modo a executarem as operações lógicas desejadas com durações consideravelmente menores que aquelas realizadas usando o procedimento usual de RMN, ou seja, seqüências de pulsos e evoluções livres. Isso tem a vantagem de reduzir os efeitos de descoerência decorrentes da relaxação do sistema. Os conceitos teóricos envolvidos na criação dos SMPs são apresentados e as principais dificuldades (experimentais e teóricas) que podem surgir devido ao uso desses procedimentos são discutidas. Como exemplos de aplicação, foram produzidos os estados pseudo-puros usados como estados iniciais de operações lógicas em RMN, bem como operações lógicas que foram posteriormente aplicadas aos mesmos. Utilizando os SMP\'s também foi possível realizar experimentalmente os algoritmos quânticos de Grover e Deutsch-Jozsa para 3 q-bits. A fidelidade das implementações experimentais foi determinadas utilizando as matrizes densidade experimentais obtidas utilizando um método de tomografia da matriz densidade previamente desenvolvido.
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a broad-spectrum resistance in plants that involves the upregulation of a battery of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. NPR1 is a key regulator in the signal transduction pathway that leads to SAR. Mutations in NPR1 result in a failure to induce PR genes in systemic tissues and a heightened susceptibility to pathogen infection, whereas overexpression of the NPR1 protein leads to increased induction of the PR genes and enhanced disease resistance. We analyzed the subcellular localization of NPR1 to gain insight into the mechanism by which this protein regulates SAR. An NPR1–green fluorescent protein fusion protein, which functions the same as the endogenous NPR1 protein, was shown to accumulate in the nucleus in response to activators of SAR. To control the nuclear transport of NPR1, we made a fusion of NPR1 with the glucocorticoid receptor hormone binding domain. Using this steroid-inducible system, we clearly demonstrate that nuclear localization of NPR1 is essential for its activity in inducing PR genes.