985 resultados para Relations parents-maîtres
no. I. On the cultivation of children, in the spirit of Pestalozzi's method. 5th ed. 1827.--no. II. Exercises for exciting the attention and strengthening the thinking powers of children ... 5th ed. 1829.--no. III. First exercises in number; or, The elements of arithmetic visibly represented ... 4th ed. 1829.--no. IV. First exercises in forms. Intuition and denomination of the most simple relations of forms, their position and magnitude ... 2d ed. 1827.--no. V. First exercises in language ... 2d ed. 1827.--no. VI. Religious conversations, calculated for young children during the first period of education ... 1827.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The purpose of this case study is to determine the influence of the curriculum used by the Guatemalan Municipal Orchestra (GMO) upon the social interactions of its members. Social interactions include relations with families, teachers, and music colleagues. To determine this influence, the researcher framed the study using three main components: the impact of music in the development of children’s social skills; the curricula forming educational processes; and the characteristics of the Venezuela musical program, El Sistema. These foundations are explored via the tenets of participatory literacy. The data collection included interviews, surveys, and observation of students, parents, teachers, and administrative personnel. Two primary themes emerged from the data analysis: the development of a sense of community and the presence of intrinsic and external motivators implicit in the GMO environment. The final analysis suggests that curricular practices in the GMO positively influenced the development of students’ social interactions.
[…] Nous nous sommes interrogés à plusieurs niveaux et sur plus d'un aspect. Qu’est-ce qui motive les enseignants du milieu à s'engager comme maîtres-guides? Les enseignants d'ici seraient-ils plus avantagés que les enseignants d'ailleurs en acceptant cette tâche? Cela influencerait-il leur décision de participer au processus de formation des futurs maîtres ? Ou encore, un tel succès serait-il basé sur le genre de relations que l'Université de Sherbrooke entretient avec le milieu scolaire ? Pourrait-on aussi lier succès et structure organisationnelle? Toutes ces questions ont fait surgir chez nous le désir de connaître les raisons d'un tel succès. Il nous semble important à cet égard de nous arrêter sur ce qui pourrait mettre en évidence les éléments positifs reliés à ce succès du programme et qui pourrait par la même occasion nous être révélateur de malaises existants qui empêchent la réussite d'un même programme dans d'autres milieux.
L'éducation des enfants prend une large part des préoccupations de notre société québécoise. Assumée presqu'entièrement par les parents jusqu'à l’entrée de l'enfant à l’école, il existe, par la suite, des controverses au sujet du partage de sa responsabilité. Les parents demeurent les premiers éducateurs de l'enfant mais le cadre scolaire offre d'autres possibilités pour compléter sa formation. Jusqu'où les parents peuvent-ils pénétrer le milieu scolaire? et, où s'arrêtent les droits des professionnels de l'école? La discussion est toujours ouverte et depuis longtemps. La participation des parents, dans les politiques éducatives de l'état, comporte un débat actuellement en force. Les recherches dans ce domaine sont relativement récentes. Comme le note Sara L. Lightfoot (1978), les sociologues se sont attardés à l'étude de l’organisation, de la formation des systèmes sociaux et très peu aux relations de l'un à l'autre système. En éducation, ajoute-t-elle, quand des auteurs se penchent sur la liaison entre la famille et l’école, ils ont tendance à se concentrer sur les dissonances et les problèmes qui se dégagent de leurs relations. C'est ce que nous avons constaté lors de notre revue de littérature et plusieurs des recherches citées sont de cet ordre. Mais, d'autres chercheurs axent leurs recherches sur une tangente positive; la participation des parents devient un apport possible au développement académique et social de l'enfant. Ils étudient ce problème sous plusieurs aspects et, malgré certaines prises de positions distinctes les unes des autres tous affirment qu'il est profitable et même nécessaire à l’enfant que ses parents s'intéressent à son vécu scolaire. [...]
Dans un contexte d'égalité des chances en éducation pour tous les enfants, il s'avère important d'adapter l'école aux besoins éducatifs de sa clientèle. Dans cette optique, des relations respectueuses avec les parents sont essentielles. Ces rapports sont encore plus importants pour les élèves de minorités ethniques qui représentent une nouvelle clientèle avec des besoins diversifiés auxquels l'école doit s'ajuster rapidement. Or, selon plusieurs enquêtes menées à Montréal, les parents d'élèves de minorités ethniques participent moins que les parents québécois de vieille souche. Il est important d'en savoir plus sur les raisons de cette faible participation et sur la situation de leur participation en général. Quelle est donc la situation de la participation des parents de minorités ethniques? Comment perçoivent-ils la participation à la vie de l'école? Comment l'école réagit-elle devant la diversité culturelle de sa clientèle? Comment se présente cette situation dans les écoles de Sherbrooke? À cause de l'existence des élèves de minorités ethniques, l'école à Sherbrooke n'échappe pas à ce problème. Même si leur nombre est restreint, ils ont toutefois des besoins spéciaux qui correspondent à leur culture respective. Et si l'on se fie à la croissance des élèves de minorités ethniques à l'école française, leur nombre croîtra également à Sherbrooke. Cela sera d'autant plus intéressant qu'un sondage récent a été réalisé par la Commission Scolaire Catholique de Sherbrooke sur les perceptions et les attentes des parents face aux écoles qu'elle dessert. On a besoin de cerner également le point de vue des parents de minorités ethniques concernant plusieurs aspects touchés par ce sondage ayant un lien avec la participation des parents. C'est dans le cadre de cette problématique que s'inscrit cette étude qui a pour but principal de recueillir la perception des parents de minorités ethniques au sujet de leur participation à la vie de l'école. Notre recherche est à notre connaissance la première visant un tel but. Ce mémoire comporte trois parties. La première expose l'énoncé de la problématique qui consiste à décrire, à partir d'un inventaire des écrits, la situation de la participation des parents en général et en particulier celle des parents de minorités ethniques au sujet de leur conception de l'éducation, des modes de participation à la vie de l'école, et de l'encadrement de leurs enfants. La deuxième partie présente la méthode de recherche qui a permis la réalisation de cette étude auprès des parents de minorités ethniques à Sherbrooke. La troisième partie porte sur l'analyse et l’interprétation des résultats obtenus lors de la collecte des données.
Background: Due to the economic recession, several people in Europe became unemployed. This situation may risk their mental health. Aim: This study explored parents’ perceptions about their unemployment’s effects in daily life during the recession. Methods: A total of 59 unemployed parents (40.7% fathers and 59.3% mothers), ageing 44.4 years (±6.2), answer a question on how the unemployment affected their family lives. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Results: The findings suggest that unemployment is a source of adult and youth mental distress and of economic hardship and changes in family relations. Conclusion: Support to unemployed individuals and their families could benefit from these insights when granting the needed financial and socioemotional assistance.
The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. Purpose As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory - PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children's group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: - The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. - There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. - Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. - Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. - For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don´t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. - Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. - There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated