897 resultados para Reduced growth


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For over 40 years, the fluoropyrimidine 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has remained the central agent in therapeutic regimens employed in the treatment of colorectal cancer and is frequently combined with the DNA-damaging agents oxaliplatin and irinotecan, increasing response rates and improving overall survival. However, many patients will derive little or no benefit from treatment, highlighting the need to identify novel therapeutic targets to improve the efficacy of current 5-FU-based chemotherapeutic strategies. dUTP nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and PPi, providing substrate for thymidylate synthase (TS) and DNA synthesis and repair. Although dUTP is a normal intermediate in DNA synthesis, its accumulation and misincorporation into DNA as uracil is lethal. Importantly, uracil misincorporation represents an important mechanism of cytotoxicity induced by the TS-targeted class of chemotherapeutic agents including 5-FU. A growing body of evidence suggests that dUTPase is an important mediator of response to TS-targeted agents. In this article, we present further evidence showing that elevated expression of dUTPase can protect breast cancer cells from the expansion of the intracellular uracil pool, translating to reduced growth inhibition following treatment with 5-FU. We therefore report the implementation of in silico drug development techniques to identify and develop small-molecule inhibitors of dUTPase. As 5-FU and the oral 5-FU prodrug capecitabine remain central agents in the treatment of a variety of malignancies, the clinical utility of a small-molecule inhibitor to dUTPase represents a viable strategy to improve the clinical efficacy of these mainstay chemotherapeutic agents.


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Todos os sistemas aquáticos estão potencialmente expostos a alterações nos parâmetros da água em consequência de fenómenos ambientais tais como deposição ácida, lixiviação de iões dos solos e alterações climáticas. Dado que os parâmetros químicos da água estão geralmente correlacionados, é pertinente estudar os seus efeitos combinados para o biota aquático. Assim, o principal objetivo desta tese é avaliar a importância ecológica da variação simultânea dos principais parâmetros fisico-químicos da água nos parâmetros de história de vida dos crustáceos tanto na ausência como na presença de metais. Foram estudados os seguintes parâmetros: dureza (0.5 - 3.5 mM), alcalinidade (0.3 - 2.3 mM), pH (5.7 - 9.0) e temperatura (13 - 30ºC). A Daphnia magna foi usada como espécie modelo representando os crustáceos aquáticos. A variação simultânea da dureza e alcalinidade afetou significativamente o crescimento, reprodução e crescimento populacional de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da dureza excederam os efeitos da alcalinidade. Pareceu haver interação entre a dureza e alcalinidade na reprodução dos dafnídeos, o que sugere que os efeitos da variação da dureza para Daphnia e provavelmente outros crustáceos poderão depender do nível de alcalinidade. O pH e dureza da água exerceram efeitos combinados para Daphnia, sendo os efeitos do pH mais pronunciados do que os efeitos da dureza. A diminuição do pH reduziu a sobrevivência, crescimento, reprodução, taxa de ingestão e crescimento populacional dos dafnídeos. No entanto, os efeitos do pH baixo foram mais adversos a baixa dureza, o que sugere uma interação entre estes parâmetros. Assim, a diminuição do pH em lagos de água mole pode ser um estressor determinante para os crustáceos sensíveis à acidez, ameaçando a sua sobrevivência e, consequentemente, afetando a estrutura das cadeias alimentares aquáticas. A temperatura e a química da água (dureza e alcalinidade) interagiram entre si nos parâmetros de história de vida de Daphnia; no entanto, os efeitos da temperatura excederam os efeitos da química da água. De um modo geral, temperaturas extremas reduziram o crescimento, reprodução e, consequentemente, o crescimento populacional de Daphnia. Os efeitos do aumento da temperatura foram mais adversos a baixa dureza e alcalinidade, aumentando a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos do aquecimento global em águas moles. A dureza e alcalinidade da água também desempenharam um papel importante na toxicidade aguda e subletal (inibição da ingestão) dos metais para Daphnia. A diminuição da dureza aumentou a toxicidade aguda do zinco. Por outro lado, a diminuição da alcalinidade aumentou a toxicidade aguda e subletal do cobre, mas reduziu a toxicidade subletal do zinco, tornando evidente o importante papel da alcalinidade na toxicidade subletal dos metais para Daphnia. Globalmente, os parâmetros fisico-químicos da água parecem interagir entre si, afetando os parâmetros de história de vida e o crescimento populacional de Daphnia e também afetam a toxicidade dos metais. Em particular, a baixa dureza agrava os efeitos adversos da diminuição do pH, aumento da temperatura e toxicidade dos metais, o que aumenta a preocupação com os efeitos ecológicos da sua variação simultânea sobre os crustáceos e, portanto, sobre as cadeias alimentares aquáticas.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os seguintes tópicos: a possibilidade de interpretação literal do artigo 798 do Código Civil brasileiro, a aplicação das súmulas 61 e 105 do STF, o cabimento de indenização à família do suicida, os entendimentos da neurociência sobre possibilidades que podem interferir na ideação suicida, a visão e, finalmente, posicionamentos do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e do Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil e quanto ao pagamento da indenização estabelecido no contrato de seguro de vida em caso de suicídio do contratante antes dos dois anos da assinatura do contrato. Buscou-se, também, comparar a doutrina e jurisprudência do Brasil e de Portugal. Na estrutura, iniciou-se por considerações sobre a interpretação jurídica e, em seguida, foram desenvolvidos os capítulos acerca de negócio jurídico, dos contratos, dos contratos de seguro de vida e da boa fé presente e necessária. Como o foco principal eram os contratos de seguro de vida e baseando-se na doutrina e na jurisprudência, de modo geral, mesmo a legislação dos dois países diferindo em pequenos aspectos, concluiu-se que: (1) o seguro é a cobertura de evento futuro e incerto que poderá gerar o dever de indenizar por parte do segurador; (2) a boa-fé - que é presumida - constitui elemento intrínseco do seguro, e é caracterizada pela lealdade nas informações prestadas pelo segurado ao garantidor do risco pactuado; (3) o legislador procurou evitar fraudes contra as seguradoras na hipótese de contratação de seguro de vida por pessoas que já tinham a idéia de suicídio quando firmaram o instrumento contratual; (4) uma coisa é a contratação causada pela premeditação ao suicídio, que pode excluir a indenização. Outra, diferente, é a premeditação para o próprio ato suicida;(5) é possível a interpretação entre os enunciados das Súmulas 105 do STF e 61 da Corte Superior na vigência do Código Civil de 2002; e (6) as regras relativas aos contratos de seguro devem ser interpretadas sempre com base nos princípios da boa fé e da lealdade contratual. Essa premissa é extremamente importante para a hipótese de indenização securitária decorrente de suicídio, pois dela extraise que a presunção de boa fé deverá também prevalecer sobre a exegese literal do art. 798 do Código Civil 2002. O período de 02 anos contido na norma não deve ser examinado isoladamente, mas em conformidade com as demais circunstâncias que envolveram sua elaboração, pois seu objetivo certamente não foi substituir a prova da premeditação do suicídio pelo mero transcurso de um lapso temporal. Há de se distinguir a premeditação que diz respeito ao ato do suicídio daquela que se refere ao ato de contratar o seguro com afinalidade única de favorecer o beneficiário que receberá o capital segurado. Somente a última hipótese permite a exclusão da cobertura contratada, pois configura a má-fé contratual. Em Portugal, salvo em raras exceções, apenas o critério temporal tem sido considerado. Continuando com o objetivo deste estudo, pretendeu-se refletir sobre as pesquisas neurocientíficas acerca do suicídio e, nelas, constam aspectos efetivamente que merecem ser considerados pela ciência jurídica. Suicídio é tema complexo e digno de reflexões por parte de profissionais de várias áreas de atuação. Suas causas ainda são motivo de curiosidade e de investigação. A idéia de uma associação entre disfunção serotoninérgica e suicídio é antiga e bastante consistente, surgindo ainda nos anos 1970 com as primeiras pesquisas. Defende-se que a boa fé necessária nos contratos de seguro, especialmente nos de seguro de vida, prevalece mesmo nos casos em que o contratante se esquece ou deixa de informar algum detalhe que, mais tarde, possa vir a comprometer o recebimento do prêmio por seus beneficiários. Há fortes evidências de que determinantes neurobiológicos, independentes das doenças psiquiátricas, implicam em comportamento suicida, estudados especialmente nos últimos 20 anos. Assim, noções básicas sobre a neurobiologia do suicídio podem finalmente produzir ferramentas clínicas para tratar comportamento suicida e evitar mortes, além de poder nortear seguradoras na análise de propostas de seguros de vida. Textos legais não têm sido elaborados com fundamento na sedimentação existente nos repositórios da psicopatologia forense, psiquiatria, psicanálise e sociologia sobre o suicídio, disponíveis há décadas e de forma reiteradamente confirmados. Na mesma linha, os textos deixaram de lado incontáveis pesquisas sobre o tema, notadamente a respeito de sua etiologia, causas primárias, efeitos, e correlação com outras ciências, como neurociência, psiquiatria e psicanálise. Não buscaram informações sobre o comportamento singular do suicida, nem reconheceram o estado sui generis de desequilíbrio mental em que o ato final foi praticado. Sabe-se que os transtornos psiquiátricos são fundamentais para o entendimento do comportamento suicida, mas também já está comprovada a realidade de problemas comuns, como distúrbios do sono, e sono insuficiente é um problema da sociedade moderna. Dentre os neurotransmissores, a serotonina é considerada como a maior candidata a um vínculo etiológico entre distúrbios do sono e suicídio, pois suas alterações promovem estados de vigília e de início do sono. Como somente 14% de pessoas que tentaram suicídio tiveram pensamentos suicidaprévios à tentativa de suicídio de forma potencialmente impulsiva ou reativa, a insônia foi o fator importante visualizado antes de tentativas de suicídio graves e letais em relação a planosespecíficos de suicídio. Nas pesquisas neurocientíficas revisadas, constatou-se que: (1) a frequência de pesadelos está diretamente associada a maior risco de suicídios na população em geral; (2) sono de má qualidade está associado a suicídios na maturidade e velhice na população em geral; (3) sono curto (menos de cinco horas) está associado a maiores probabilidades de ideação suicida e tentativa de suicídio; (4) pesadelos frequentes são preditores de tentativas de suicídio; e (5) a presença de qualquer problema de sono está associada com maior risco de suicídio na população em geral. A associação entre redução da resposta de hormônio de crescimento e comportamento suicida nos pacientes com depressão só é encontrada quando há simultaneamente uma alteração serotoninérgica. Geneticamente analisados, determinantes neurobiológicos são independentes de transtorno psiquiátrico com o qual estão associados, pois muitos suicídios ocorrem de maneira inesperada. Além disso, quando se considera a depressão como único fator, percebe-se que muitas pessoas depressivas nunca se tornam suicidas e muitos suicídios são cometidos por pessoas consideradas normais.Quanto à colesterolemia, na maior categoria de concentração de colesterol total no soro, o risco relativo ajustado de suicídio violento é mais do que o dobro em comparação com a categoria mais baixa. Nas avaliações eletroencefalográficas em adolescentes suicidas pode-se dizer existir uma hipótese de ativação reduzida esquerda posterior, que não está relacionada à depressão, mas ao comportamento agressivo ou suicida. Essas abordagens da Neurociência servem, portanto, para indicar que um contratante de seguro de vida, mesmo saudável, pode estar vivenciando problemas da vida contemporânea e, mesmo sem jamais ter tido qualquer pensamento ou ideação suicida, vir a cometer esse ato extremo por alterações independentes de sua vontade. Entende-se que, neste foco, a ciência jurídica deve refletir para fazer inserir de maneira obrigatória nos pré-requisitos da apólice, informações sobre exames molecu-lares e sobre algum eventual distúrbio do sono, já que existem achados evidenciados sobre alguns fenômenos não antes considerados. Como abordado neste estudo, já existe uma seguradora portuguesa que solicitam exames moleculares, mas nenhuma no Brasil. Assim, isto indica já ser um início de mudança.


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Des travaux récents démontrent que certains neurones dopaminergiques du mésencéphale ont la capacité de libérer du glutamate en plus de la dopamine (DA). Ce phénomène de « co-transmission » requiert l’expression du transporteur vésiculaire du glutamate de type 2 (VGLUT2) dans les neurones dopaminergiques. Certaines observations montrent que l’expression de VGLUT2 dans les neurones dopaminergiques survient tôt durant leur développement et est essentiellement limitée aux neurones de l’aire tegmentaire ventrale (VTA). De plus, cette libération de glutamate se retrouve principalement au niveau des terminaisons de ces neurones dans le striatum ventral, mais pas dans le striatum dorsal. Ces données suggèrent d’une part un rôle développemental possible du glutamate dans les neurones dopaminergiques, et d’autre part, que les signaux dérivés des neurones cibles puissent réguler le double phénotype des neurones dopaminergiques menant ainsi à une plasticité phénotypique. Par ailleurs, il est toujours inconnu si cette libération de glutamate se fait à partir des terminaisons qui relâchent la DA ou à partir de terminaisons axonales distinctes. De plus, le rôle physiologique de ce surprenant phénomène de co-transmission reste également inconnu. Ainsi, dans cette étude, nous avons d’abord démontré in vitro et in vivo que l’expression de VGLUT2 est nécessaire pour la survie et la croissance d’une sous-population de neurones dopaminergiques. En utilisant une lignée de souris ayant une délétion génique spécifique de VGLUT2 dans les neurones dopaminergiques, nous avons observé une diminution du nombre de terminaisons dopaminergiques et glutamatergiques dans le striatum, une baisse de libération de DA dans le striatum ventral, une diminution de la coordination motrice ainsi qu’une diminution de l’activité locomotrice induite par les drogues d’abus. D’autre part, nous avons démontré in vitro et in vivo que les neurones dopaminergiques au double phénotype établissent des terminaisons distinctes afin de relâcher le glutamate et la DA. De plus, nous démontrons que ce phénomène de ségrégation des sites de libération semble être induit par une interaction avec les neurones du striatum ventral. Ces travaux démontrent le rôle physiologique déterminant de la co-transmission DA-glutamate pour l’homéostasie du système DAergique et dévoile une caractéristique fondamentale de l’établissement des terminaisons axonales de ces neurones. Ces travaux permettent ainsi de mieux comprendre les rôles physiologiques de la co-libération de glutamate par les neurones du système nerveux central et présentent une nouvelle perspective sur les dysfonctions potentielles de ces neurones dans les maladies du cerveau.


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Coral growth rate can be affected by environmental parameters such as seawater temperature, depth, and light intensity. The natural reef environment is also disturbed by human influences such as anthropogenic pollutants, which in Barbados are released close to the reefs. Here we describe a relatively new method of assessing the history of pollution and explain how these effects have influenced the coral communities off the west coast of Barbados. We evaluate the relative impact of both anthropogenic pollutants and natural stresses. Sclerochronology documents framework and skeletal growth rate and records pollution history (recorded as reduced growth) for a suite of sampled Montastraea annularis coral cores. X-radiography shows annual growth band patterns of the corals extending back over several decades and indicates significantly lower growth rate in polluted sites. Results using laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on the whole sample (aragonite, organic matter, trapped particulate matter, etc.), have shown contrasting concentrations of the trace elements (Cu, Sn, Zn, and Pb) between corals at different locations and within a single coral. Deepwater corals 7 km apart, record different levels of Pb and Sn, suggesting that a current transported the metal pollution in the water. In addition, the 1995 hurricanes are associated with anomalous values for Sn and Cu from most sites. These are believed to result from dispersion of nearshore polluted water. We compared the concentrations of trace elements in the coral growth of particular years to those in the relevant contemporaneous seawater. Mean values for the concentration factor in the coral, relative to the water, ranged from 10 for Cu and Ni to 2.4 and 0.7 for Cd and Zn, respectively. Although the uncertainties are large (60-80%), the coral record enabled us to demonstrate the possibility of calculating a history of seawater pollution for these elements from the 1940s to 1997. Our values were much higher than those obtained from analysis of carefully cleaned coral aragonite; they demonstrate the incorporation of more contamination including that from particulate material as well as dissolved metals.


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Regulated irrigation has the potential to improve crop quality in woody ornamentals by reducing excessive vigour and promoting a more compact habit. This research aimed to compare the effectiveness and the mode of action of two techniques, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root drying (PRD), when applied to container-grown ornamentals through drip irrigation. Results showed that RDI and PRD reduced growth in Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple', but in Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood', significant reductions were recorded only with RDI. Physiological measurements in Forsythia indicated that reductions in stomatal conductance (g(s)) occurred in both treatments, but those in the RDI tended to be more persistent. Reduced g(s) in PRD was consistent with the concept that chemical signals from the root can regulate stomatal aperture alone; however, the data also suggested that optimising the growth reduction required a moderate degree of shoot water deficit (i.e. a hydraulic signal to be imposed). As RDI was associated with tissue water deficit, it was used in a second experiment to determine the potential of this technique to precondition container-grown plants against subsequent drought stress (e.g. during retail stages or after planting out). Speed of acclimation would be important in a commercial context, and the results demonstrated that both slow and rapid imposition of RDI enabled Forsythia plants to acclimate against later drought events. This article discusses the potential to both improve ornamental plant quality and enhance tolerance to subsequent adverse conditions through controlled, regulated irrigation.


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Human breast cancer cells (MCF-7, T-47-D and ZR-75-1) can adapt to circumvent any reduced growth rate during long-term oestrogen deprivation, and this provides three model systems to investigate mechanisms of endocrine resistance in breast cancer. In this paper we report consistent differences in the effects of three growth inhibitors following long-term oestrogen deprivation in all three cell models. Long-term oestrogen deprivation of MCF-7, T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells resulted in reduced growth inhibition by PD98059 (2–10 µg/ml), implying a loss of dependence on mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways for growth. The growth inhibitor LY294002 (2–10 µM) inhibited growth of both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived cells with similar dose–responses, implying continued similar dependence on phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways with no alteration after adaptation to oestrogen independent growth. However, by contrast, long-term oestrogen deprivation resulted in an increased sensitivity to growth inhibition by rapamycin, which was not reduced by readdition of oestradiol. The enhanced inhibition of long-term oestrogen-deprived MCF-7-ED, T-47-D-ED and ZR-75-1-ED cell growth by combining rapamycin with LY294002 at concentrations where each alone had little effect, offers preclinical support to the development of therapeutic combinations of rapamycin analogues with other PI3K inhibitors in endocrine-resistant breast cancer.


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Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) caused by Brachyspira spp., and notably Brachyspira pilosicoli, is common in layer flocks and reportedly of increasing incidence in broilers and broiler breeders. Disease manifests as diar- rhoea, increased feed consumption, reduced growth rates and occasional mortality in broilers and these signs are shown in layers also associated with a delayed onset of lay, reduced egg weights, faecal staining of eggshells and non-productive ovaries. Treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin has been used to protect against B. pilosicoli colonisation, persistence and clinical presentation of AIS in commercial layers, but to date there has been no de- finitive study validating efficacy. Here, we used a poultry model of B. pilosicoli infection of layers to compare the impact of three doses of Denagard® Tiamulin. Four groups of thirty 17 week old commercial pre-lay birds were all challenged with B. pilosicoli strain B2904 with three oral doses two days apart. All birds were colonised within 2 days after the final oral challenge and mild onset of clinical signs were observed thereafter. A fifth group that was unchallenged and untreated was also included for comparison as healthy birds. Five days after the final oral Brachypira challenge three groups were given Denagard® Tiamulin in drinking water made up following the manufacturer's recommendations with doses verified as 58.7 ppm, 113 ppm and 225 ppm. Weight gain body condition and the level of diarrhoea of birds infected with B. pilosicoli were improved and shedding of the organism reduced significantly (p = 0.001) following treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin irrespective of dose given. The level and duration of colonisation of organs of birds infected with B. pilosicoli was also reduced. Confirming previous findings we showed that the ileum, caeca, colon, and both liver and spleen were colonised and here we demonstrated that treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin resulted in significant reduction in the numbers of Brachyspira found in each of these sites and dramatic reduction in faecal shedding (p b 0.001) to ap- proaching zero as assessed by culture of cloacal swabs. Although the number of eggs produced per bird and the level of eggshell staining appeared unaffected, egg weights of treated birds were greater than those of untreated birds for a period of approximately two weeks following treatment. These data conclusively demonstrate the ef- fectiveness of Denagard® Tiamulin in reducing B. pilosicoli infection in laying hens.


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Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) caused by Brachyspira spp., and notably Brachyspira pilosicoli, is common in layer flocks and reportedly of increasing incidence in broilers and broiler breeders. Disease manifests as diarrhoea,increased feed consumption, reduced growth rates and occasional mortality in broilers and these signs are shown in layers also associated with a delayed onset of lay, reduced egg weights, faecal staining of eggshells and non-productive ovaries. Treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin has been used to protect against B. pilosicoli colonisation, persistence and clinical presentation of AIS in commercial layers, but to date there has been no definitive study validating efficacy. Here, we used a poultry model of B. pilosicoli infection of layers to compare the impact of three doses of Denagard® Tiamulin. Four groups of thirty 17 week old commercial pre-lay birds were all challengedwith B. pilosicoli strain B2904with three oral doses two days apart. All birdswere colonised within 2 days after the final oral challenge and mild onset of clinical signs were observed thereafter. A fifth group that was unchallenged and untreated was also included for comparison as healthy birds. Five days after the final oral Brachypira challenge three groups were given Denagard® Tiamulin in drinking water made up following the manufacturer's recommendations with doses verified as 58.7 ppm, 113 ppm and 225 ppm. Weight gain body condition and the level of diarrhoea of birds infected with B. pilosicoli were improved and shedding of the organism reduced significantly (p = 0.001) following treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin irrespective of dose given. The level and duration of colonisation of organs of birds infected with B. pilosicoli was also reduced. Confirming previous findings we showed that the ileum, caeca, colon, and both liver and spleen were colonised and here we demonstrated that treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin resulted in significant reduction in the numbers of Brachyspira found in each of these sites and dramatic reduction in faecal shedding (p b 0.001) to approaching zero as assessed by culture of cloacal swabs. Although the number of eggs produced per bird and the level of eggshell staining appeared unaffected, egg weights of treated birds were greater than those of untreated birds for a period of approximately two weeks following treatment. These data conclusively demonstrate the effectiveness of Denagard® Tiamulin in reducing B. pilosicoli infection in laying hens.


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Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) is a common disease occurring in poultry that can be caused by Brachyspira pilosicoli, a Gram-negative bacterium of the order Spirochaetes. During AIS, this opportunistic pathogen colonises the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract of poultry (principally the ileum, caeca and colon), which can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, reduced growth rate and reduced egg production and quality. Due to the large increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment, the European Union banned in 2006 the prophylactic use of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock. Consequently, the number of outbreaks of AIS has dramatically increased in the UK resulting in significant economic losses. This review summaries the current knowledge about AIS infection caused by B. pilosicoli and discusses various treatments and prevention strategies to control AIS.


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Laboratory strains and natural isolates of Escherichia coli differ in their level of stress resistance due to strain variation in the level of the sigma factor sigma(S) (or RpoS), the transcriptional master controller of the general stress response. We found that the high level of RpoS in one laboratory strain (MC4100) was partially dependent on an elevated basal level of ppGpp, an alarmone responding to stress and starvation. The elevated ppGpp was caused by two mutations in spoT, a gene associated with ppGpp synthesis and degradation. The nature of the spoT allele influenced the level of ppGpp in both MC4100 and another commonly used K-12 strain, MG1655. Introduction of the spoT mutation into MG1655 also resulted in an increased level of RpoS, but the amount of RpoS was lower in MG1655 than in MC4100 with either the wild-type or mutant spoT allele. In both MC4100 and MG1655, high ppGpp concentration increased RpoS levels, which in turn reduced growth with poor carbon sources like acetate. The growth inhibition resulting from elevated ppGpp was relieved by rpoS mutations. The extent of the growth inhibition by ppGpp, as well as the magnitude of the relief by rpoS mutations, differed between MG1655 and MC4100. These results together suggest that spoT mutations represent one of several polymorphisms influencing the strain variation of RpoS levels. Stress resistance was higher in strains with the spoT mutation, which is consistent with the conclusion that microevolution affecting either or both ppGpp and RpoS can reset the balance between self-protection and nutritional capability, the SPANC balance, in individual strains of E coli.


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O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de Brachiaria ruziziensis cultivada em consórcio com milho safrinha, mediante a utilização dos herbicidas atrazine (1.760 g i.a. ha-1), mesotrione (60 g i.a. ha-1), mesotrione + atrazine (1.760 e 60 g i.a. ha-1) e nicosulfuron (8 e 16 g i.a. ha-1), aplicados aos 14 e 24 dias após a emergência das plantas de braquiária. O milho foi semeado mecanicamente no dia 7/3/2008 em linhas de 0,90 m, com uma linha intercalar de B. ruziziensis. O atrazine não causou sinais visíveis de toxicidade nas folhas de B. ruziziensis, enquanto o mesotrione causou branqueamento das pontas das folhas, mas proporcionou retomada rápida do crescimento. O nicosulfuron provocou clorose foliar, com necrose e redução do crescimento, sem recuperação total das plantas de B. ruziziensis durante o crescimento do milho, ocasionando baixo rendimento de massa da forrageira. Os colmos velhos, crescidos durante o cultivo do milho, são responsáveis pelo maior rendimento de massa da braquiária e são pouco afetados pelo atrazine e mesotrione, que podem ser utilizados no cultivo consorciado. O rendimento de grãos do milho safrinha não foi alterado significativamente pelos tratamentos.


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Daily ultrasound examinations were conducted from Days 10 to 60 (ovulation = Day 0) of pregnancy to monitor the conceptus in jennies (n = 12). The embryonic vesicle was first detected on Day 11.5 +/- 0.9 (mean +/- SD; range 10 to 13d) and was mobile until movement ceased (fixation) on Day 15.5 +/- 1.4 (range, 13 to 18d). The vesicle was spherical from Days 10 to 18 (mean growth rate, 3.2 mm/d), non spherical (irregular) with a reduced growth rate (0.5 mm/d) from Days 19 to 29, and then grew at a moderate rate (1.6 mm/d) up to Day 46. on average, detection of the embryo proper (consistently located on the ventral aspect of the yolk sac) and embryonic heartbeat were Days 20.7 +/- 1.2 and 23.5 +/- 1.3, respectively. Formation of the allantoic sac was first detected on Day 24.4 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 36.8 +/- 1.6. Descent of the fetus (and formation of the umbilical cord) began on Day 37.9 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 44.1 +/- 2.1. Crown-ramp length averaged 3.7, 15.4, 22.7, 37.5 and 59.6 mm on Days 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60, respectively. In general, morphologic features and dates of occurrence were similar to those reported previously in the mare. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.


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The aim of this work was evaluate the physiological indicators of association between water deficiency and soil acidity, by determining the nitrate reductase activity, the levels of free proline and initial growth of the root system of seedlings of sugarcane cv. IAC91-5155. After 30 days, the seedlings were transferred to plastic pots with 12 dm3 of dystrophic alic Red Latosol (Oxisol) and submitted to association of three treatments of water availability: no stress (70%), moderate stress (55%) and severe stress (40%), in according with field capacity and three acidity treatments: no stress (55%), moderate stress (33%) and severe stress (23%), considering the base saturation. The experimental design was that of random blocks under factorial scheme of 3x3, with four replicates. After 60 days under the stress association, the levels of free proline, the nitrate reductase activity and the growth of the sugarcane roots system were evaluated in seedlings of sugarcane. The nitrate reductase enzyme activity can be considered a physiological indicator of the effect of the association of acid and water stress in moderate conditions in soil, while the free proline can be considered physiological indicator to both stress in severe conditions. Water deficiency increasing reduced growth of sugarcane roots.


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The PKC1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes protein kinase C that is known to control a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade consisting of Bck1, Mkk1 and Mkk2, and Mpk1. This cascade affects the cell wall integrity but the phenotype of Pkc1 mutants suggests additional targets which have not yet been identified. We show that a pkc1Δ mutant, as opposed to mutants in the MAP kinase cascade, displays two major defects in the control of carbon metabolism. It shows a delay in the initiation of fermentation upon addition of glucose and a defect in derepression of SUC2 gene after exhaustion of glucose from the medium. After addition of glucose the production of both ethanol and glycerol started very slowly. The V max of glucose transport dropped considerably and Northern blot analysis showed that induction of the HXT1, HXT2 and HXT4 genes was strongly reduced. Growth of the pkc1Δ mutant was absent on glycerol and poor on galactose and raffinose. Oxygen uptake was barely present. Derepression of invertase activity and SUC2 transcription upon transfer of cells from glucose to raffinose was deficient in the pkc1Δ mutant as opposed to the wild-type. Our results suggest an involvement of Pkc1p in the control of carbon metabolism which is not shared by the downstream MAP kinase cascade. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.