996 resultados para Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870.
Périodicité : Mensuel
Letter to William Dickson from R. Dickson stating that it is not possible to reimburse for R. Dickson to reimburse William at the present time. He is on his way to River [Rouge] and he has dispatched 2 boats to go to the head of Red River this spring. There is a hole in this letter which affects the text slightly (3 pages, handwritten), July 10, 1817.
Les westerns de l’âge d’or étasunien (1948-1962) mettent en scène un "gender trouble" en créant des personnages de femmes et d’hommes qui empruntent les uns et les autres aux caractéristiques genrées associées par la société nord-américaine et occidentale en général aux genres binaires du féminin et du masculin. Ce trouble genré se développe entre autres par la volonté de trois hommes de recréer la cellule familiale nucléaire conventionnelle dans "Red River" (1948) de Howard Hawks, par le rapport de peur et d’oppression du groupe social sur les individus dans "High Noon" (1952) de Fred Zinnemann et "Johnny Guitar" (1954) de Nicholas Ray, ainsi que par la rencontre opposant l’homme de l’Est et l’homme de l’Ouest dont les idéologies et les valeurs divergent dans "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" (1962) de John Ford.
In September 2013, the 5th Assessment Report (5AR) of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been released. Taking the 5AR cli-mate change scenarios into account, the World Bank published an earli-er report on climate change and its impacts on selected hot spot re-gions, including Southeast Asia. Currently, dynamical and statistical-dynamical downscaling efforts are underway to obtain higher resolution and more robust regional climate change projections for tropical South-east Asia, including Vietnam. Such initiatives are formalized under the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Coordinated Regional Dynamic Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) East Asia and Southeast Asia and also take place in climate change impact projects such as the joint Vietnam-ese-German project “Environmental and Water Protection Technologies of Coastal Zones in Vietnam (EWATEC-COAST)”. In this contribution, the lat-est assessments for changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level, and tropical cyclones (TCs) under the 5AR Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 are reviewed. Special emphasis is put on changes in extreme events like heat waves and/or heavy precipita-tion. A regional focus is Vietnam south of 16°N. A continued increase in mean near surface temperature is projected, reaching up to 5°C at the end of this century in northern Vietnam un-der the high greenhouse-gas forcing scenario RCP8.5. Overall, project-ed changes in annual precipitation are small, but there is a tendency of more rainfall in the boreal winter dry season. Unprecedented heat waves and an increase in extreme precipitation events are projected by both global and regional climate models. Globally, TCs are projected to decrease in number, but an increase in intensity of peak winds and rain-fall in the inner core region is estimated. Though an assessment of changes in land-falling frequency in Vietnam is uncertain due to difficul-ties in assessing changes in TC tracks, some work indicates a reduction in the number of land-falling TCs in Vietnam. Sea level may rise by 75-100 cm until the end of the century with the Vietnamese coastline experienc-ing 10-15% higher rise than on global average. Given the large rice and aquaculture production in the Mekong and Red River Deltas, that are both prone to TC-related storm surges and flooding, this poses a challenge to foodsecurity and protection of coastal population and assets.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Rubinen der drei derzeit bedeutendsten Vorkommen in Nord-Vietnam, mit ihrer Entstehung, ihrer Charakterisierung, ihrem Edelsteinpotential und ihren Materialeigenschaften im Kontext mit handelsüblichen Synthesen. Zur Erstellung der hierfür erforderlichen Datenbanken wurden sowohl phasenanalytische wie chemisch-analytische als auch spektroskopische Methoden benutzt und die Ergebnisse mit den Erkenntnissen klassischer gemmologischer Untersuchungsmethoden interpretiert. Die natürlichen Bildungsbedingungen der Rubine werden der granulit-faziellen Metamorphose der Day Nui Con Voi - Zone innerhalb der Red River Ailao Shan - Region Südostasiens zugerechnet. Marmore, Gneise und Mobilisationszonen zwischen sehr unterschiedlichen Gesteinen sind dabei zu Trägern von oxidischen Edelsteinmineralen wie Rubin und Spinell geworden, gleichzeitig entstandene Magmatite führen silikatische Edelsteinminerale wie Turmalin und Topas.Mit IR-, Ramanspektroskopie, Elektronstrahl-Mikrosonde und Edelsteinmikroskop werden Kaolinit, Boehmit, Glimmer, Diaspor, Calcit, Zirkon, Turmalin, Graphit, Rutil als charakterisierende Mineraleinschlüsse in vietnamesischen Rubinen bestimmt. Die chemische Zusammensetzung vietnamesischer und synthetischer Rubine wurde mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde untersucht. Die vietnamesischen Rubine von Yen Bai, Luc Yen und Nghe An sind aufgrund spezieller Spurenelement-Kombinationen und auch durch Absolutgehalte bestimmter Elemente relativ sicher von Synthesen jeglicher Art zu unterscheiden; selbst die qualitativ besten Synthesen (Douros), die mit klassischen Methoden nur schwer als solche zu identifizieren sind, können von hochwertigen natürlichen Rubinen differenziert werden. Polarisierte Absorptionsspektren vietnamesischer Rubine zeigen die typischen Banden des Cr3+ in der Kristallstruktur des Rubins bei 17953 cm-1; 24570 cm-1 (E?c) sowie 17985 cm-1 und 25125 cm-1 (E//c). Sie entsprechen den Spinübergängen 4A2g?4T2g(4F) und 4A2g?4T1g(4F); eine zu beobachtende Verschiebung der Spektrenkante bei 32500 cm-1 zu 35000 cm-1 nach Temperaturbehandlung wird wahrscheinlich von V3+ verursacht. Mit Laser-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie wurden polarisierte Emissionsspektren von ausgewählten Rubinen mit spezieller Spurenelementchemie aufgenommen; dabei konnte die Schwächung der Fluoreszenzintensität von Cr durch Fe festgestellt werden. Die Emissionsspektren bestehen aus dem charakteristischen Chromdublett (R1 und R2 Linien bei etwa 693 nm und 694 nm), Seitenbanden in Stoke und anti Stoke-Bereich und n-Linien, die auf die Emission benachbarter, farbwirksamer Ionenpaare zurückzuführen sind. Das Verhältnis der Intensitäten der n-Linien bei 702 nm und 705 nm zu den Seitenbandenlinien bei 713 nm zeigt im untersuchten Cr3+-Konzentrationsbereich eine nahezu lineare Abhängigkeit zur Cr3+-Konzentration, unabhängig von der Anregungswellenlänge und der Fe-Konzentration. Die in vietnamesischen Rubinen häufig vorkommenden blauen Farbzonen werden durch elektronische Wechselwirkung von Fe2+/Fe3+ und Fe2+/Ti4+ -Kombinationen verursacht und können für den Edelstein schadlos durch geeignete Temperaturbehandlung eliminiert werden.
On the Vietnam Shelf more than 1000 miles of shallow high-resolution seismics were analyzed to unravel post-glacial evolution in a tropical, siliciclastic environment together with 25 sediment cores from water depths between 21 and 169 m to determine stratigraphy, distribution and style of sedimentation. Fourty-seven samples were dated with the AMS-14C technique. The shelf was grouped into three regions: a southern part, a central part, and a northern part. On the broad Southern Shelf, sedimentation is influenced by the Mekong River, which drains into the SCS in this area. Here, incised valley fills are abundant that were cut into the late Pleistocene land surface by the Paleo-Mekong River during times of sea level lowstand. Those valleys are filled with transgressive deposits. The Holocene sedimentation rate in this low gradient accommodation-dominated depositional system is in the range of 5-10 and 25-40 cm/ky at locations sheltered from currents. The Central Shelf is narrow and the sedimentary strata are conformable. Here, numerous small mountainous rivers reach the SCS and transport large amounts of detrital sediment onto the shelf. Therefore, the Holocene sedimentation rate is high with values of 50-100 cm/ky in this supply-dominated depositional system. The broad Northern Shelf in the vicinity of the Red River Delta shows, as on the Southern Shelf, incised valleys cut into the Pleistocene land surface by paleo river channels. In this accommodation-dominated shelf area, the sedimentation rate is low with values of 5-10 cm/ky. Where applicable, we assigned the sampled deposits to different paleo-facies. The latter are related to certain intervals of water depths at their time of deposition. Comparison with the sea-level curve of (Hanebuth et al., 2000, doi:10.1126/science.288.5468.1033) indicates subsidence on the Central Shelf, which is in agreement with the high sedimentation rates in this area. In contrast, data from the Northern Shelf suggest tectonic uplift that might be related to recent tectonic movements along the Ailao Shan-Red River Fault zone. Data from the Southern Shelf are generally in agreement with the sea-level curve mentioned above.
This paper investigates determinants of regional income disparity in rural Vietnam, with special emphasis placed on the roles of human capital and land. We apply a decomposition method, suggested by Oaxaca and Blinder. We found that returns to assets rather than endowments, especially those of human capital, are one of the leading factors to account for income differences across regions. We also found that substantial improvements of returns to human capital in the Red River delta region are a driving force to catch up with Mekong River delta region. Unexpectedly, differences in land endowment do not strongly correlate with regional income disparity because better access to land in a region was partially offset by lower returns.
Vietnam has been praised for its achievements in economic growth and success in poverty reduction over the last two decades. The incidence of poverty reportedly fell from 58.1% in 1993 to 19.5% in 2004 (VASS [2006, 13]). The country is also considered to have only a moderate level of aggregate economic inequality by international comparisons. As of the early 2000s, Vietnam’s consumption-based Gini coefficient is found to be comparable to that of other countries with similar levels of per capita GDP. The Gini index did increase between 1993 and 2004, but rather slowly, from 0.34 to 0.37 (VASS [2006, 13]). Yet, as the country moves on with its market oriented reforms, the question of inequality has been highlighted in policy and academic discourses. In particular, it is pointed out that socio-economic inequalities between regions (or provinces) are significant and have been widening behind aggregate figures (NCSSH [2001], Mekong Economics [2005], VASS [2006]). Between 1993 and 2004, while real per capita expenditure increased in all regions, it grew fastest in those regions with the highest per capita expenditures and vice versa, resulting in greater regional disparities (VASS [2006, 37]). A major contributing factor to such regional inequalities is the uneven distribution of industry within the country. According to the Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam, of the country's gross industrial output in 2007, over 50% belongs to the South East region, close to 25% to the Red River Delta, and about 10% to the Mekong River Delta. All remaining regions share some 10% of the country's gross industrial output. At a quick glance, the South East increased its share of the total industrial gross output in the 1990s, while the Red River Delta started to gain ground in more recent years. How can the government deal with regional disparities is a valid question. In order to offer an answer, it is necessary in the first place to grasp the trend of disparities as well as its background. To that end, this paper is a preparatory endeavor. Regional disparities in industrial activities can essentially be seen as a result of the location decisions of enterprises. While the General Statistics Office (GSO) of Vietnam has conducted one enterprise census (followed by annual enterprise surveys) and two stages of establishment censuses since 2000, sectorally and geographically disaggregated data are not readily available. Therefore, for the moment, we will draw on earlier studies of industrial location and the determinants of enterprises’ location decisions in Vietnam. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The following two sections deal with the country context. Section 2 will outline some major developments in Vietnam’s international economic relations that may affect sub-national location of industry. According to the theory of spatial economics, economic integration is seen as a major driver of changes in industrial location, both between and within countries (Nishikimi [2008]). Section 3, on the other hand, will consider some possible factors affecting geographic distribution of industry in the domestic sphere. In Section 4, existing literature on industrial and firm location will be examined, and Section 5 will briefly summarize the findings and suggest some areas for future research.
Cf. Sabin 40807.
1. Dorische Tonart.--2. Phrygische Tonart.
Micropeziza scirpicola Fuckel
Trochila aeruginosa Fuckel, determined by L. Fuckel
Uncinula tulasnei Fuckel