981 resultados para Recenseamento eleitoral


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Esta pesquisa procura estimar o efeito eleitoral de políticas de transferência de renda condicionada estaduais, operadas em conjunto com o Bolsa Família. A pesquisa analisa resultados eleitorais, no nível municipal, das eleições de 2012 e 2014 e utiliza técnicas de matching com o objetivo de reduzir limitações de inferência causal passíveis de ocorrência em estudos observacionais. Os resultados demonstram indicativos de associação entre políticas de transferência de renda estaduais e o desempenho eleitoral do incumbente estadual, bem como com o desempenho de seus aliados no nível municipal. Estes resultados sugerem que políticas de transferência de renda podem gerar efeitos eleitorais não apenas no nível federal, mas também em outras esferas de governo.


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Pesquisa em foco: As eleições de 2010 e o sistema de partidos no brasil - 2011. Pesquisador: Professor Cláudio Gonçalves Couto


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BTG pactual é o segunfo maior doador eleitoral entre bancos: O grupo do banco BTG Pactual, presidido pelo empresário André Esteves, doou R$ 42,5 milhões em 2014 para candidatos a presidente, governador, senador e deputado federal.


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RIO — A Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (DAPP/FGV) lança hoje duas ferramentas de transparência política: o Mosaico Eleitoral e a Câmara Transparente. O banco de dados interativo é público e pode ser consultado por qualquer pessoa na internet (http://dapp.fgv.br).


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Navegue pela prestação de contas dos candidatos. Você pode escolher iniciar pelos partidos dos candidatos que receberam as doações ou pelos setores econômicos das empresas que doaram recursos.


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Pesquisador da DAPP, Luis Felipe da Graça, comenta a resolução do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral que obriga partidos a terem diretório municipal constituído nas cidades onde pretendem lançar candidato a prefeito


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In Brazil, the Free Political advertising time (HGPE) represents one of the main venues for the contest between political parties, revealing a tool that streamlines the electoral dispute and enables all sectors and social classes of important information about dispute over candidates. In HGPE, political groups have the opportunity to present their programs of government and discuss issues that relate to the demands of the population. This research sought to examine the role played by so-called "government programs" in the electoral race for governor of Rio Grande do Norte in 2006, which had as main candidates, two traditional characters of the political landscape in Natal: Wilma de Faria (PSB) and Garibaldi Alves Filho (PMDB). According to our analysis, discussion of government programs such candidates in HGPE had not meant to enlighten the voters about the political projects designed, not just the desire to build an image of seriousness and competence of candidates, but appeared as a means to meet the schedule imposed by the opponent and as a strategic resource to select a specific segment of the electorate.


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From the importance that the political science and the social sciences began to give the electoral programs on TV, were examined in that work academic the effects of research in electoral marketing strategies in Gratuitous Timetable of the Electoral Publicity of the marketing year the candidate Micarla de Sousa (PV) in 2008 for the prefecture of Natal. To analyze the marketing strategies of electoral candidate Micarla de Sousa were used three sources of data: the HGPE on the first part, The interview with the coordinator's marketing campaign of Micarla de Sousa, José Ivan and the quantitative research carried out by the Office IBOPE before and during the period of HGPE. In the analysis of electoral programs, was used the qualitative and quantitative approach, taking as objective to verify whether there was some change in marketing strategy in the candidate Micarla HGPE. So the electoral programs that candidate were transcribed and analyzed and then faced with the results of researches electoral IBOPE carried out in the same period. The interview with the coordinator's marketing campaign the candidate Micarla de Sousa brought relevant information on the construction of public image at the time pre-electoral and electoral. In search of IBOPE, socioeconomic variables were regarded assex, age, education and income. With the collection of this data, there was an intersection of information about the voting intentions of Micarla candidate for mayor of Natal and it was checked how his candidacy has increased or decreased within the surveyed segments and how these oscillations marketing strategies directed at the candidate's HGPE for any specific audience. Also, do not forget that the electoral process is influenced by various factors, because this process is dynamic


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