228 resultados para Reatores
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Empresas beneficiadoras de caulim geram resíduo caulinítico que é armazenado em lagoas de sedimentação, e ocupam grandes áreas físicas. O´aproveitamento deste resíduo é um fator importante do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental. Aqui é apresentado um estudo da síntese de zeólitas A, X e sodalita utilizando como matéria-prima um resíduo de caulim da Região Amazônica. O resíduo foi pré-tratado para a eliminação de matéria orgânica, cominuído e ativado termicamente a 750 °C por 2 horas. Ensaios de pré-zeolitização foram realizados em várias frações granulométricas do caulim ativado (metacaulim) a fim de se determinar a granulometria de síntese. Após esta etapa, empregou-se comparativamente dois métodos hidrotermais de obtenção de zeólitas: dinâmico e estático. Para a mistura reacional, utilizou-se a relação SiO2/Al2O3 de 2/1 e 3/1 para obtenção das zeólitas. Análises de caracterização por Difração de Raios-X (DRX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectrometria de Fluorescência de Raios-X (FRX) mostraram uma boa formação da fase zeolítica NaA para a razão 2/1, em ambos os métodos de síntese e sem envelhecimento da mistura, e boa formação da fase NaX para a razão 3/1, em síntese estática com envelhecimento de 12 horas. A fase sodalita foi obtida na mesma estequiometria da zeólita NaX, porém empregando síntese estática e sem envelhecimento.
Esta pesquisa apresenta o estudo comparativo de reatores anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB) e tanque séptico (TS), a fim de investigar a utilização destes reatores em escala unifamiliar no tratamento de esgotos domiciliares. A pesquisa foi realizada em comunidade quilombola próxima a cidade de Belém- PA. Para isto, foram utilizados oito reatores UASB (em forma de “Y”.) e um tanque séptico prismático de câmara única. Os reatores UASB possuíam volume de 0,42 m3, enquanto que o tanque séptico volume de 4,20 m3. Cada reator foi instalado em um domicilio, sendo alimentados exclusivamente por esgoto negro (água, fezes e urina) oriundo dos vasos sanitários dos banheiros. Foi analisada a viabilidade técnica da utilização do primeiro em substituição ao segundo, tendo em vista que o TS é amplamente utilizado em locais do Brasil desprovidos de redes coletoras de esgoto. As operações foram realizadas simultaneamente durante aproximadamente 90 semanas, sendo monitorados parâmetros que possibilitaram a análise da estabilidade operacional e do desempenho de cada reator. Ao final da pesquisa foi observado que os reatores UASB apresentaram desempenho tão satisfatório ou melhor que o do TS no tratamento da matéria orgânica e de sólidos em suspensão. Com isso, ficou evidenciada a viabilidade da aplicação do reator UASB utilizado no tratamento unifamiliar de esgotos de pequenas comunidades rurais.
Nos sistemas elétricos de potência, os reatores em derivação são os equipamentos responsáveis pela redução ou mesmo anulação dos efeitos capacitivos indesejáveis na operação das linhas. Percebe-se, então, a importância desses equipamentos e a necessidade de mantê-los em perfeito funcionamento, pois uma falha grave gera um elevado custo de manutenção corretiva, queda nos indicadores de desempenho, além de multas por parte da agência reguladora - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL. O ciclo de vida de um reator em derivação envolve oito etapas - Planejamento, Especificação, Aquisição, Fabricação, Instalação, Comissionamento, Exploração e Desclassificação. Neste trabalho serão abordados apenas aspectos relativos à gestão da fase de exploração, que contempla o conjunto de processos de operação e manutenção de acordo com as perspectivas da empresa onde este estudo foi realizado. O processo de envelhecimento do reator pode ocorrer de diversas maneiras, no entanto o tempo de vida útil de um reator é condicionado essencialmente por dois fatores: a velocidade de envelhecimento e perda de robustez dos seus materiais e componentes e, as condições de funcionamento a que está sujeito ao longo do tempo. Para evitar danos aos reatores, as empresas de energia elétrica têm adotado procedimentos de manutenção preventivo e preditivo, que quando baseados em diagnósticos de diferentes métodos de avaliação tem um impacto fundamental na vida útil e confiabilidade dos reatores. Sendo a condição de degradação de um reator um processo contínuo no tempo, este pode ser classificado em cinco estágios: Novo, Normal, Anormal, Defeituoso e Falhado. Um índice de condição (IC) pode ser atribuído a cada um destes estágios de degradação, de acordo com os resultados de um conjunto de testes de diagnósticos para análise do estado de operação do reator e estimação da sua posição atual em relação ao seu ciclo de vida. Esta dissertação trata do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para sistematizar a análise com a combinação de catorze diferentes métodos de diagnósticos e mapear os resultados em um modelo de condição que oriente o ciclo de vida do reator. A metodologia foi aplicada em dez reatores de 500 kV em duas subestações da Eletrobras-Eletronorte no Sistema de Transmissão do Pará, empresa na qual foi realizado este estudo.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The anaerobic treatment of sewage is widely employed in Brazil and it is an appreciated way for the treatment of effluents, helping to reduce the environmental impact in rivers. The methane gas obtained from the process can be applied to improve the energetic efficiency of the system, reducing the amount of waste and the cost of the treatment process. This work presents the net energy balance of anaerobic reactors applied to the treatment of sewage. The analysis was performed considering full-scale and laboratory-scale treatment systems. In laboratory scale, the results from three kinds of systems were compared regarding the biological treatment of greywater. Two of them (UASB7 and UASB12) were anaerobic and the other one was a combined anaerobic-aerobic system (UASB7/SBR6). Greywater methanization (compared to theoretical maximum) was calculated considering 100% removal (g BOD/day), the literature percentage removal and the anionic surfactant presence in the effluentt. For each of these three cases, the efficiencies were, respectively, 16.9%, 43.6% and 51.3% in UASB7 reactor, 25.6%, 50.3% and 59.2% in UASB12 reactor and 30.6%, 61.2% and 71.9% in UASB7/SBR6 reactor. The energetic potential was found to be 4.66x10-4, 7.77x10-4 and 5.12x10-4 kWh/L for the UASB7, UASB12 and UASB7/SBR6 reactors, respectively. The pumping system, the aeration (in the anaerobic-aerobic system) and the temperature controlled heating system were considered to calculate the energetic consumption. However, the third one was not employed since tropical regions like Brazil do not need heating systems and also because of its high energetic consumption. The calculated net energy balance in the reactors was negative in the case of greywater, respectively -0.16, -0.28 and -0.18 kWh/L for the reactors UASB7, UASB12 and UASB7/SRB6. In full scale (ETE Jardim das Flores - Rio Claro, SP), the average energy... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study aims to analyze the feasibility of using predictive techniques like thermography, vibration analysis, eddy current, liquid penetrant, visual examination and ultrasound in equipment as batch reactors of the type used in a biodiesel production company. This study is based on: analysis of the practices of corrective and preventive maintenance commonly adopted in the company in question, the cost and time spent for such activities and the potential savings and revenue generation that can be after implementation of these techniques on the analysis of maintenance current
The objective of this work was to develop a numerical method to solve boundary value problems concerning to the use of dispersion model for describing the hydraulic behavior of chemical or biological reactors employed in the wastewater treatment. The numerical method was implemented in FORTRAN language generating a computational program which was applied to solve cases involving reaction kinetics of both integer and fractional orders. The developed method was able to solve the proposed problems evidencing to be a useful tool that provides more accurate design of wastewater treatment reactors
The purpose of this project is to verify whether anaerobic reactors applied to sewage treatment are energetically self-sufficient. This evaluation can be made by balancing the methane produced through the anaerobic transformation stages (hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis) and the reactor energy consumption requirements. The original project included methanogenic activity tests, which could not be performed due to setbacks in the installation of an analytical instrument. Scientific articles about bench- and full-scale anaerobic reactors were investigated instead. An average substrate-to-methane conversion efficiency of 58,2±18,6% was found for the bench-scale reactors and higher efficiencies (89,2%) were found for the cases which had higher Organic Loading Rates (OLRs) values. The average energy output was 0,013 kWh/Lsewage, value unable to meet the energy needs for the reactor operation, considering equipments normally used such as temperature controller. This balance can become positive if few hypotheses are made, for example (i) to eliminate the use of temperature controller (ii) to alter the operation pattern from continuous to intermittent. Based on energy balance assessment of eight bench-scale reactors, it was observed that the implementation of a system for biogas utilization is not energetically feasible. However, interesting results were found for a full-scale sewage treatment plant, ETE Ouro Verde – Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. Even though its substrate-tomethane conversion efficiency was about 10% only, the energy balance was quite positive, with energy consumption of 68 kWh/month and energy production of 660 kWh/month. This analysis leads us to conclude that energy recovery from full-scale sewage treatment plants should be practiced by other plants
This project aimed to analyze the feasibility of the methane yield associated to the anaerobic digestion of brewery residues, checking whether the energetic balance of the system is favorable. The methane yield efficiency was calculated for the parameters of two papers that treated solids with a particle-size <1mm. Theses solids are not degraded in conventional treatment systems. Calculations were based in the reactions of anaerobic degradation of the macromolecules that compose brewery residues, considering the theoretical production and the effective production of methane. The results were 50.44% and 52.86%. Regarding to the energy balance of the anaerobic treatment, we noted the high influence of the selection and operating regime of electrical equipment over the potential energy. The best situation, in which the energetic self-sufficiency was reached, was observed when using the mixer under an intermittent regime (1min/h), without employing the heating recirculator, for the maximum organic loading of 4.0 gVS/L.day (days 248-258). In this case, the system would generate an amount of energy equal to 0.0356 kWh/day, able to overcome the energy required by the equipment in about 6.5 times. Moreover, we also noted the interference of the application of different solid loadings in the reactors, once the application of the higher organic load generated 5 times more energy than the application of the smaller one
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Cassava wastewater, generated during cassava processing, is a highly polluting and toxic waste. This study aimed to assess the relationship of cassava treatment efficiency in two aerobic sequencing batch reactors, cylindrical plastics (31cm height x 9cm diameter), with 2.0 liters capacity and 1.5 liters of work volume, a ratio of diameter and height of the liquid 1:2.5, with a running time of 24 hours and stoppage aeration for 16 hours with average feed of 2,500 and 6,000 mg COD. L -1. COD, pH, SVI and F/M were analyzed. The results obtained in the two reactors showed an average reduction of 94.1% and 76.8% organic content, respectively; pH values showed a rising in the output pH values compared to entry ones; SVI values obtained: 54.1 mL/g, 99.3 mL/g, respectively in a F/M ratio values worked out of 0.4 d-1 and 1,1 d-1 , respectively. The results demonstrated that the process has generated considerable saving in energy consumption compared to traditional continuous systems, was efficient and did not affect the efficiency overly of the reactor.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV