923 resultados para Reactive Tabu Search


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The flowshop scheduling problem with blocking in-process is addressed in this paper. In this environment, there are no buffers between successive machines: therefore intermediate queues of jobs waiting in the system for their next operations are not allowed. Heuristic approaches are proposed to minimize the total tardiness criterion. A constructive heuristic that explores specific characteristics of the problem is presented. Moreover, a GRASP-based heuristic is proposed and Coupled with a path relinking strategy to search for better outcomes. Computational tests are presented and the comparisons made with an adaptation of the NEH algorithm and with a branch-and-bound algorithm indicate that the new approaches are promising. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Numerical optimisation methods are being more commonly applied to agricultural systems models, to identify the most profitable management strategies. The available optimisation algorithms are reviewed and compared, with literature and our studies identifying evolutionary algorithms (including genetic algorithms) as superior in this regard to simulated annealing, tabu search, hill-climbing, and direct-search methods. Results of a complex beef property optimisation, using a real-value genetic algorithm, are presented. The relative contributions of the range of operational options and parameters of this method are discussed, and general recommendations listed to assist practitioners applying evolutionary algorithms to the solution of agricultural systems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A manufacturing system has a natural dynamic nature observed through several kinds of random occurrences and perturbations on working conditions and requirements over time. For this kind of environment it is important the ability to efficient and effectively adapt, on a continuous basis, existing schedules according to the referred disturbances, keeping performance levels. The application of Meta-Heuristics and Multi-Agent Systems to the resolution of this class of real world scheduling problems seems really promising. This paper presents a prototype for MASDScheGATS (Multi-Agent System for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search).


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Important research effort has been devoted to the topic of optimal planning of distribution systems. The non linear nature of the system, the need to consider a large number of scenarios and the increasing necessity to deal with uncertainties make optimal planning in distribution systems a difficult task. Heuristic techniques approaches have been proposed to deal with these issues, overcoming some of the inherent difficulties of classic methodologies. This paper considers several methodologies used to address planning problems of electrical power distribution networks, namely mixedinteger linear programming (MILP), ant colony algorithms (AC), genetic algorithms (GA), tabu search (TS), branch exchange (BE), simulated annealing (SA) and the Bender´s decomposition deterministic non-linear optimization technique (BD). Adequacy of theses techniques to deal with uncertainties is discussed. The behaviour of each optimization technique is compared from the point of view of the obtained solution and of the methodology performance. The paper presents results of the application of these optimization techniques to a real case of a 10-kV electrical distribution system with 201 nodes that feeds an urban area.


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This report describes the full research proposal for the project \Balancing and lot-sizing mixed-model lines in the footwear industry", to be developed as part of the master program in Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Sistemas de Planeamento Industrial of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. The Portuguese footwear industry is undergoing a period of great development and innovation. The numbers speak for themselves, Portugal footwear exported 71 million pairs of shoes to over 130 countries in 2012. It is a diverse sector, which covers different categories of women, men and children shoes, each of them with various models. New and technologically advanced mixed-model assembly lines are being projected and installed to replace traditional mass assembly lines. Obviously there is a need to manage them conveniently and to improve their operations. This work focuses on balancing and lot-sizing stitching mixed-model lines in a real world environment. For that purpose it will be fundamental to develop and evaluate adequate effective solution methods. Different objectives may be considered, which are relevant for the companies, such as minimizing the number of workstations, and minimizing the makespan, while taking into account a lot of practical restrictions. The solution approaches will be based on approximate methods, namely by resorting to metaheuristics. To show the impact of having different lots in production the initial maximum amount for each lot is changed and a Tabu Search based procedure is used to improve the solutions. The developed approaches will be evaluated and tested. A special attention will be given to the solution of real applied problems. Future work may include the study of other neighbourhood structures related to Tabu Search and the development of ways to speed up the evaluation of neighbours, as well as improving the balancing solution method.


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In this paper we consider a location and pricing model for a retail firm that wants to enter a spatial market where a competitor firm is already operating as a monopoly with several outlets. The entering firms seeks to determine the optimal uniform mill price and its servers' locations that maximizes profits given the reaction in price of the competitor firm to its entrance. A tabu search procedure is presentedto solve the model together with computational experience.


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In today s highly competitive and global marketplace the pressure onorganizations to find new ways to create and deliver value to customersgrows ever stronger. In the last two decades, logistics and supply chainhas moved to the center stage. There has been a growing recognition thatit is through an effective management of the logistics function and thesupply chain that the goal of cost reduction and service enhancement canbe achieved. The key to success in Supply Chain Management (SCM) requireheavy emphasis on integration of activities, cooperation, coordination andinformation sharing throughout the entire supply chain, from suppliers tocustomers. To be able to respond to the challenge of integration there isthe need of sophisticated decision support systems based on powerfulmathematical models and solution techniques, together with the advancesin information and communication technologies. The industry and the academiahave become increasingly interested in SCM to be able to respond to theproblems and issues posed by the changes in the logistics and supply chain.We present a brief discussion on the important issues in SCM. We then arguethat metaheuristics can play an important role in solving complex supplychain related problems derived by the importance of designing and managingthe entire supply chain as a single entity. We will focus specially on theIterated Local Search, Tabu Search and Scatter Search as the ones, but notlimited to, with great potential to be used on solving the SCM relatedproblems. We will present briefly some successful applications.


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The public transportation is gaining importance every year basically duethe population growth, environmental policies and, route and streetcongestion. Too able an efficient management of all the resources relatedto public transportation, several techniques from different areas are beingapplied and several projects in Transportation Planning Systems, indifferent countries, are being developed. In this work, we present theGIST Planning Transportation Systems, a Portuguese project involving twouniversities and six public transportation companies. We describe indetail one of the most relevant modules of this project, the crew-scheduling module. The crew-scheduling module is based on the application of meta-heuristics, in particular GRASP, tabu search and geneticalgorithm to solve the bus-driver-scheduling problem. The metaheuristicshave been successfully incorporated in the GIST Planning TransportationSystems and are actually used by several companies.


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The optimal location of services is one of the most important factors that affects service quality in terms of consumer access. On theother hand, services in general need to have a minimum catchment area so as to be efficient. In this paper a model is presented that locates the maximum number of services that can coexist in a given region without having losses, taking into account that they need a minimum catchment area to exist. The objective is to minimize average distance to the population. The formulation presented belongs to the class of discrete P--median--like models. A tabu heuristic method is presented to solve the problem. Finally, the model is applied to the location of pharmacies in a rural region of Spain.


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We offer a formulation that locates hubs on a network in a competitiveenvironment; that is, customer capture is sought, which happenswhenever the location of a new hub results in a reduction of thecurrent cost (time, distance) needed by the traffic that goes from thespecified origin to the specified destination.The formulation presented here reduces the number of variables andconstraints as compared to existing covering models. This model issuited for both air passenger and cargo transportation.In this model, each origin-destination flow can go through either oneor two hubs, and each demand point can be assigned to more than a hub,depending on the different destinations of its traffic. Links(``spokes'' have no capacity limit. Computational experience is provided.


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The Generalized Assignment Problem consists in assigning a setof tasks to a set of agents with minimum cost. Each agent hasa limited amount of a single resource and each task must beassigned to one and only one agent, requiring a certain amountof the resource of the agent. We present new metaheuristics forthe generalized assignment problem based on hybrid approaches.One metaheuristic is a MAX-MIN Ant System (MMAS), an improvedversion of the Ant System, which was recently proposed byStutzle and Hoos to combinatorial optimization problems, and itcan be seen has an adaptive sampling algorithm that takes inconsideration the experience gathered in earlier iterations ofthe algorithm. Moreover, the latter heuristic is combined withlocal search and tabu search heuristics to improve the search.A greedy randomized adaptive search heuristic (GRASP) is alsoproposed. Several neighborhoods are studied, including one basedon ejection chains that produces good moves withoutincreasing the computational effort. We present computationalresults of the comparative performance, followed by concludingremarks and ideas on future research in generalized assignmentrelated problems.


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The paper presents a new model based on the basic Maximum Capture model,MAXCAP. The New Chance Constrained Maximum Capture modelintroduces astochastic threshold constraint, which recognises the fact that a facilitycan be open only if a minimum level of demand is captured. A metaheuristicbased on MAX MIN ANT system and TABU search procedure is presented tosolve the model. This is the first time that the MAX MIN ANT system isadapted to solve a location problem. Computational experience and anapplication to 55 node network are also presented.


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A new direction of research in Competitive Location theory incorporatestheories of Consumer Choice Behavior in its models. Following thisdirection, this paper studies the importance of consumer behavior withrespect to distance or transportation costs in the optimality oflocations obtained by traditional Competitive Location models. To dothis, it considers different ways of defining a key parameter in thebasic Maximum Capture model (MAXCAP). This parameter will reflectvarious ways of taking into account distance based on several ConsumerChoice Behavior theories. The optimal locations and the deviation indemand captured when the optimal locations of the other models are usedinstead of the true ones, are computed for each model. A metaheuristicbased on GRASP and Tabu search procedure is presented to solve all themodels. Computational experience and an application to 55-node networkare also presented.


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Models are presented for the optimal location of hubs in airline networks, that take into consideration the congestion effects. Hubs, which are the most congested airports, are modeled as M/D/c queuing systems, that is, Poisson arrivals, deterministic service time, and {\em c} servers. A formula is derived for the probability of a number of customers in the system, which is later used to propose a probabilistic constraint. This constraint limits the probability of {\em b} airplanes in queue, to be lesser than a value $\alpha$. Due to the computational complexity of the formulation. The model is solved using a meta-heuristic based on tabu search. Computational experience is presented.


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We present new metaheuristics for solving real crew scheduling problemsin a public transportation bus company. Since the crews of thesecompanies are drivers, we will designate the problem by the bus-driverscheduling problem. Crew scheduling problems are well known and severalmathematical programming based techniques have been proposed to solvethem, in particular using the set-covering formulation. However, inpractice, there exists the need for improvement in terms of computationalefficiency and capacity of solving large-scale instances. Moreover, thereal bus-driver scheduling problems that we consider can present variantaspects of the set covering, as for example a different objectivefunction, implying that alternative solutions methods have to bedeveloped. We propose metaheuristics based on the following approaches:GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search procedure), tabu search andgenetic algorithms. These metaheuristics also present some innovationfeatures based on and genetic algorithms. These metaheuristics alsopresent some innovation features based on the structure of the crewscheduling problem, that guide the search efficiently and able them tofind good solutions. Some of these new features can also be applied inthe development of heuristics to other combinatorial optimizationproblems. A summary of computational results with real-data problems ispresented.