996 resultados para Radiografia digital
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
INTRODUCTION: Biological age is an important parameter for growth and development assessment. It can be evaluated through the observation of radiographic changes in skeletal maturation of cervical vertebrae. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to: a) verify if there is correlation between growth curve and the stages of bone age of animals used in laboratories, by evaluating radiographs of the cervical vertebrae; b) correlate these stages with their correspondents in humans. METHODS: 35 Wistar rats were evaluated for a period of 160 days, starting at day 22nd (weaning), with cross sections for periodic weighing, length measurement and digital radiography. Radiographs of the cervical vertebrae (C2 and C3) were measured by means of a computer program (Radio IMP). Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation. RESULTS: Growth spurt was characterized by fast increasing in weight and length. Through ANOVA, differences were observed in the cervical measurements between days 22, 97, 127, 157, 187 and 217 (p <0.001). A high correlation was found between increasing in body length and weight, as well as in cervical vertebrae height (r = 0.86). Increments in concavities of vertebrae were also observed, similar to humans. CONCLUSIONS: There is correlation between body growth and maturation of cervical vertebrae in rats. Despite the continuous development of concavities, it was not possible to clearly identify the 5/6 stages as in studies of cervical vertebrae maturation in humans.
The best way to detect breast cancer is by screening mammography. The mammography equipments are dedicated and require a rigorous quality control in order to have a good quality image and to early detect this disease. The digital equipment is relatively new in the market and there isn’t a national rule for quality control for several types of digital detectors. This study has proposed to compare two different tests manuals for quality control provided by the manufacturers of digital mammography equipments, and also compare them to the “European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis “(2006). The studied equipments were: Senographe 2000D from General Electric (GE) and the Hologic Selenia Lorad. Both were digital mammography equipments, the GE unit presents an indirect digital system and the other presents a direct digital system. Physical parameters of the image have been studied, such as spatial resolution, contrast resolution, noise, signal-tonoise ratio, contrast-to-noise ratio and modulation transfer function. After that, a study of the importance of quality control and the requirement to implement a Quality Assurance Program has been done. One data collection was done to compare those manual, it was done by checking which tests are indicated and the minimum frequency which they should be conducted in accordance with each manufacturer. The tests were performed by different methodologies and the results were compared. The examined tests were: the breast entrance skin dose, mean glandular dose, contrast-to-noise ratio, signal-to-noise ratio, automatic exposure control and automatic control of density, modulation transfer function, equipment resolution, homogeneity and ghost
The maxillary lateral incisor has a very peculiar and internal morphology that can be influenced by the its external anatomy such as supernumerary roots and ruts deep root, which often hinders an effective endodontic treatment. Generally, this tooth have a single root with one root canal, but teeth with two to four channels can be found. The main canal can present ramifications such as accessory canals, laterals, collaterals, recorrents and apical deltas. All this factors interfere directally on endodonthics treatment. The objective of this work is a study of the internal anatomy of the maxillary lateral incisors by digital and conventional radiographics methods, comparing the results obteined by each method Six hundred upper lateral incisor were used in this study teeth of the collection of the Department of Anatomy ICT – UNESP. All the teeth were radiographed by vestibular face, using a digital radiographic unit(Dabi Atlante). After this step, all the teeth underwent by conventional radiographic technique(Kodak 2200) so that the results obtained were compared. To classify the channel system, it was adopted the classification of Pucci and Reig. All data obtained by digital technique were compared with those obtained in the conventional technique and were subjected to statistical analysis
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether digitized images obtained from periapical radiographs taken with low dose of radiation could be improved with the aid of a computer software (PhotoStyler) for digital treatrnent. Serial and standardized radiographs of molar and premolar areas were studied. A total of 57 images equivalent to the radiographs taken with reduced exposure time ( 60 and 80% of the time considered normal), digitized and treated, were submitted to the evaluation of seven exanúners which compared them with those images without treatment. lt was verified that about 80% of the images equivalem to lhe radiographs taken with 60% reduction of ordinary exposure time were considered to having quality for supporting diagnosis. As for the images taken with 80% reduction of ordinary exposure time, about 50% of them were considered suitable for the sarne purpose
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
PURPOSE: To compare the direct and indirect radiographic methods for assessing the gray levels of biomaterials employing the Digora for Windows and the Adobe Photoshop CS2 systems. METHODS: Specimens of biomaterials were made following manusfacturer's instructions and placed on phosphor storage plates (PSP) and on radiographic film for subsequent gray level assessment using the direct and indirect radiographic method, respectively. The radiographic density of each biomaterial was analyzed using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Digora for Windows software. RESULTS: The distribution of gray levels found using the direct and indirect methods suggests that higher exposure times are correlated to lower reproducibility rates between groups. CONCLUSION: The indirect method is a feasible alternative to the direct method in assessing the radiographic gray levels of biomaterials, insofar as significant reproducibility was observed between groups for the exposure times of 0.2 to 0.5 seconds.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è la caratterizzazione fisica del flat panel PaxScan4030CB Varian, rivelatore di raggi X impiegato in un ampio spettro di applicazioni cliniche, dalla radiografia generale alla radiologia interventistica. Nell’ambito clinico, al fine di una diagnosi accurata, è necessario avere una buona qualità dell’immagine radiologica mantenendo il più basso livello di dose rilasciata al paziente. Elemento fondamentale per ottenere questo risultato è la scelta del rivelatore di radiazione X, che deve garantire prestazioni fisiche (contrasto, risoluzione spaziale e rumore) adeguati alla specifica procedura. Le metriche oggettive che misurano queste caratteristiche sono SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) ed NPS (Noise Power Spectrum), che insieme contribuiscono alla misura della DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency), il parametro più completo e adatto a stabilire le performance di un sistema di imaging. L’oggettività di queste misure consente anche di mettere a confronto tra loro diversi sistemi di rivelazione. La misura di questi parametri deve essere effettuata seguendo precisi protocolli di fisica medica, che sono stati applicati al rivelatore PaxScan4030CB presente nel laboratorio del Centro di Coordinamento di Fisica Medica, Policlinico S.Orsola. I risultati ottenuti, conformi a quelli dichiarati dal costruttore, sono stati confrontati con successo con alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura e costituiscono la base necessaria per la verifica di procedure di ottimizzazione dell’immagine radiologica attraverso interventi sul processo di emissione dei raggi X e sul trattamento informatico dell’immagine (Digital Subtraction Angiography).
Language is a unique aspect of human communication because it can be used to discuss itself in its own terms. For this reason, human societies potentially have superior capacities of co-ordination, reflexive self-correction, and innovation than other animal, physical or cybernetic systems. However, this analysis also reveals that language is interconnected with the economically and technologically mediated social sphere and hence is vulnerable to abstraction, objectification, reification, and therefore ideology – all of which are antithetical to its reflexive function, whilst paradoxically being a fundamental part of it. In particular, in capitalism, language is increasingly commodified within the social domains created and affected by ubiquitous communication technologies. The advent of the so-called ‘knowledge economy’ implicates exchangeable forms of thought (language) as the fundamental commodities of this emerging system. The historical point at which a ‘knowledge economy’ emerges, then, is the critical point at which thought itself becomes a commodified ‘thing’, and language becomes its “objective” means of exchange. However, the processes by which such commodification and objectification occurs obscures the unique social relations within which these language commodities are produced. The latest economic phase of capitalism – the knowledge economy – and the obfuscating trajectory which accompanies it, we argue, is destroying the reflexive capacity of language particularly through the process of commodification. This can be seen in that the language practices that have emerged in conjunction with digital technologies are increasingly non-reflexive and therefore less capable of self-critical, conscious change.