939 resultados para Radial distribution networks
Low flexibility and reliability in the operation of radial distribution networks make those systems be constructed with extra equipment as sectionalising switches in order to reconfigure the network, so the operation quality of the network can be improved. Thus, sectionalising switches are used for fault isolation and for configuration management (reconfiguration). Moreover, distribution systems are being impacted by the increasing insertion of distributed generators. Hence, distributed generation became one of the relevant parameters in the evaluation of systems reconfiguration. Distributed generation may affect distribution networks operation in various ways, causing noticeable impacts depending on its location. Thus, the loss allocation problem becomes more important considering the possibility of open access to the distribution networks. In this work, a graphic simulator for distribution networks with reconfiguration and loss allocation functions, is presented. Reconfiguration problem is solved through a heuristic methodology, using a robust power flow algorithm based on the current summation backward-forward technique, considering distributed generation. Four different loss allocation methods (Zbus, Direct Loss Coefficient, Substitution and Marginal Loss Coefficient) are implemented and compared. Results for a 32-bus medium voltage distribution network, are presented and discussed.
Open access philosophy applied by regulatory agencies may lead to a scenario where captive consumers will solely face the responsibility on distribution network's losses even with Independent Energy Producers (also known as Distributed Generation) and Independent Energy Consumers connected to the system. This work proposes the utilization of a loss allocation method in distribution systems where open access is allowed, in which cross-subsidies, that appear due to the influence the generators have over the system losses, are minimized. Thus, guaranteeing to some extent the efficiency and transparency of the economic signals of the market. Results obtained through the Zbus loss allocation method adapted for distribution networks are processed in such a way that the corresponding allocation to the generation buses is divided among the consumer buses, while still considering consumers spatial characteristics. © 2007 IEEE.
In this paper a three-phase power flow for electrical distribution systems considering different models of voltage regulators is presented. A voltage regulator (VR) is an equipment that maintains the voltage level in a predefined value in a distribution line in spite of the load variations within its nominal power. Three different types of connections are analyzed: 1) wye-connected regulators, 2) open delta-connected regulators and 3) closed delta-connected regulators. To calculate the power flow, the three-phase backward/forward sweep algorithm is used. The methodology is tested on the IEEE 34 bus distribution system. ©2008 IEEE.
In this work, a heuristic model for integrated planning of primary distribution network and secondary distribution circuits is proposed. A Tabu Search (TS) algorithm is employed to solve the planning of primary distribution networks. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are used to solve the planning model of secondary networks. The planning integration of both networks is carried out by means a constructive heuristic taking into account a set of integration alternatives between these networks. These integration alternatives are treated in a hierarchical way. The planning of primary networks and secondary distribution circuits is carried out based on assessment of the effects of the alternative solutions in the expansion costs of both networks simultaneously. In order to evaluate this methodology, tests were performed for a real-life distribution system taking into account the primary and secondary networks.
This paper proposes an alternative codification to solve the service restoration in electric power distribution networks using a SPEA2 multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, assuming the minimization of both the load not supplied and the number of switching operations involved in the restoration plan. Constrains as the line, power source and voltage drop limits in order to avoid the activation of protective devices are all included in the proposed algorithm. Experimental results have shown the convenience on considering these new representations in the sense of feasibility maintenance and also in the sense of better approximation to the Pareto set. ©2009 IEEE.
This paper presents the development and the experimental analysis of a new single-phase hybrid rectifier structure with high power factor (PF) and low harmonic distortion of current (THDI), suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors (trolleybus), which are powered by urban distribution network. This front-end rectifier structure is capable of providing significant improvements in trolleybuses systems and in the urban distribution network costs, and efficiency. The proposed structure is composed by an ordinary single-phase diode rectifier with parallel connection of a switched converter. It is outlined that the switched converter is capable of composing the input line current waveform assuring high power factor (HPF) and low THDI, as well as ordinary front-end converter. However, the power rating of the switched converter is about 34% of the total output power, assuring robustness and reliability. Therefore, the proposed structure was named single-phase HPF hybrid rectifier. A prototype rated at 15kW was developed and analyzed in laboratory. It was found that the input line current harmonic spectrum is in accordance with the harmonic limits imposed by IEC61000-3-4. The principle of operation, the mathematical analysis, the PWM control strategy, and experimental results are also presented in this paper. © 2009 IEEE.
This paper presents the development and experimental analysis of a special input stage converter for a Trolleybus type vehicle allowing its operation in AC (two wires, single-phase) or DC distribution networks. The architecture of proposed input stage converter is composed by five interleaved boost rectifiers operating in discontinuous conduction mode. Furthermore, due to the power lines characteristics, the proposed input power structure can act as AC to DC or as DC to DC converter providing a proper DC output voltage range required to the DC bus. When operation is AC to DC, the converter is capable to provide high power factor with reduced harmonic distortion for the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standard. Finally, the main experimental results are presented in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed converter, demonstrating the benefits and the possibility for AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper proposes a heuristic constructive multi-start algorithm (HCMA) to distribution system restoration in real time considering distributed generators installed in the system. The problem is modeled as nonlinear mixed integer and considers the two main goals of the restoration of distribution networks: minimizing the number of consumers without power and the number of switching. The proposed algorithm is implemented in C++ programming language and tested using a large real-life distribution system. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to provide a set of feasible and good quality solutions in a suitable time for the problem. © 2011 IEEE.
We present a metaheuristic approach which combines constructive heuristics and local searches based on sampling with path relinking. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by an application to the problem of allocating switches in electrical distribution networks to improve their reliability. Our approach also treats the service restoration problem, which has to be solved as a subproblem, to evaluate the reliability benefit of a given switch allocation proposal. Comparisons with other metaheuristics and with a branch-and-bound procedure evaluate its performance. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
In this study, a novel approach for the optimal location and contract pricing of distributed generation (DG) is presented. Such an approach is designed for a market environment in which the distribution company (DisCo) can buy energy either from the wholesale energy market or from the DG units within its network. The location and contract pricing of DG is determined by the interaction between the DisCo and the owner of the distributed generators. The DisCo intends to minimise the payments incurred in meeting the expected demand, whereas the owner of the DG intends to maximise the profits obtained from the energy sold to the DisCo. This two-agent relationship is modelled in a bilevel scheme. The upper-level optimisation is for determining the allocation and contract prices of the DG units, whereas the lower-level optimisation is for modelling the reaction of the DisCo. The bilevel programming problem is turned into an equivalent single-level mixed-integer linear optimisation problem using duality properties, which is then solved using commercially available software. Results show the robustness and efficiency of the proposed model compared with other existing models. As regards to contract pricing, the proposed approach allowed to find better solutions than those reported in previous works. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
The capacitated redistricting problem (CRP) has the objective to redefine, under a given criterion, an initial set of districts of an urban area represented by a geographic network. Each node in the network has different types of demands and each district has a limited capacity. Real-world applications consider more than one criteria in the design of the districts, leading to a multicriteria CRP (MCRP). Examples are found in political districting, sales design, street sweeping, garbage collection and mail delivery. This work addresses the MCRP applied to power meter reading and two criteria are considered: compactness and homogeneity of districts. The proposed solution framework is based on a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure and multicriteria scalarization techniques to approximate the Pareto frontier. The computational experiments show the effectiveness of the method for a set of randomly generated networks and for a real-world network extracted from the city of São Paulo. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The purpose of this paper is to present the application of a three-phase harmonic propagation analysis time-domain tool, using the Norton model to approach the modeling of non-linear loads, making the harmonics currents flow more appropriate to the operation analysis and to the influence of mitigation elements analysis. This software makes it possible to obtain results closer to the real distribution network, considering voltages unbalances, currents imbalances and the application of mitigation elements for harmonic distortions. In this scenario, a real case study with network data and equipments connected to the network will be presented, as well as the modeling of non-linear loads based on real data obtained from some PCCs (Points of Common Coupling) of interests for a distribution company.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In a smart grid environment, attention should be paid not only to the power supplied to satisfy loads and system losses but also to the services necessary to provide security and stability to the system: the so-called ancillary services. As they are well known the benefits that distributed generation can bring to electrical systems and to the environment, in this work the possibility that active power reserve for frequency control could be provided by distributed generators (DGs) in an efficient and economical way is explored. The proposed methodology was tested using the IEEE 34-bus distribution test system. The results show improvements in the capacity of the system for this ancillary service and decrease in system losses and payments of the distribution system operator to the DGs.