471 resultados para RUMINANTS


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As part of a study of plants involved in crystal-associated hepatogenous photosensitization diseases, samples of Brachiaria decumbens and Panicum dichotomiflorum on which cattle and goats had recently been photosensitized were analyzed. The level of saponins associated with these photosensitization outbreaks were determined by GC-MS. Only low levels of Pithomyces chartarum spores were present on the B decumbens, and all isolates obtained failed to produce sporidesmin.


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The cost of maintenance makes up a large part of total energy costs in ruminants. Metabolizable energy (ME) requirement for maintenance (MEm) is the daily ME intake that exactly balances heat energy (HE). The net energy requirement for maintenance (NEm) is estimated subtracting MEm from the HE produced by the processing of the diet. Men cannot be directly measured experimentally and is estimated by measuring basal metabolism in fasted animals or by regression measuring the recovered energy in fed animals. MEm and NEm usually, but not always, are expressed in terms of BW0.75. However, this scaling factor is substantially empirical and its exponent is often inadequate, especially for growing animals. MEm estimated by different feeding systems (AFRC, CNCPS, CSIRO, INRA, NRC) were compared by using dairy cattle data. The comparison showed that these systems differ in the approaches used to estimate MEm and for its quantification. The CSIRO system estimated the highest MEm, mostly because it includes a correction factor to increase ME as the feeding level increases. Relative to CSIRO estimates, those of NRC, INRA, CNCPS, and AFRC were on average 0.92, 0.86, 0.84, and 0.78, respectively. MEm is affected by the previous nutritional history of the animals. This phenomenon is best predicted by dynamic models, of which several have been published in the last decades. They are based either on energy flows or on nutrient flows. Some of the different approaches used were described and discussed.


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Brachiaria spp. são as forrageiras mais importantes para a pecuária brasileira. Entretanto, um fator limitante para sua utilização é a sua toxicidade. A maioria dos surtos de fotossensibilização hepatógena é causada por Brachiaria decumbens; porém, B. brizantha, B. humidicola e B. ruziziensis podem também causar intoxicação. A intoxicação afeta bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e bubalinos. Os ovinos são mais susceptíveis que as outras espécies, e os animais jovens são mais susceptíveis que os adultos. Existem diferenças na susceptibilidade entre animais da mesma espécie e tem sido sugerido que esta resistência é genética. Sugere-se, também, que búfalos e provavelmente alguns ovinos são resilientes (quando intoxicados apresentam lesões histológicas e aumento das concentrações séricas de GGT, mas não apresentam sinais clínicos). Em geral, a concentração de saponinas é maior nas plantas em crescimento, mas surtos ocorrem durante todo o ano, provavelmente por aumento da concentração de saponinas na planta por alguma causa ainda desconhecida. Uma síndrome clínica com progressiva perda de peso e morte, sem fotossensibilização, tem sido descrita em bovinos intoxicados por B. decumbens. As principais medidas preventivas são baseadas na seleção de animais resistentes ou resilientes e o desenvolvimento de espécies ou variedades de Brachiaria com menores concentrações de saponinas.


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Ipomoea carnea is a toxic plant in Brazil and other tropical countries that often poisons livestock; its primary toxin is swainsonine. Some substances that interact with the endocrine system have been called endocrine disruptors (EDs). Considering swainsonine's mode of action, it is feasible to hypothesize that this compound could act as an ED. Bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-mimic, is considered a classical ED in rodents. This study aimed to evaluate the possible ED actions of I. cameo and BPA in male goats. Seventeen adult male goats were divided into three homogeneous groups: control (C, n = 5); IC (n = 6, received 5.0 g/kg body weight of freshly harvested I. cornea per day), and BPA (n = 6, received 25.0 mg/kg body weight of BPA per day). The experimental period was 120 days. During the experiment, blood samples were collected at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days for biochemical and hormonal evaluations. On the same days, semen samples were collected for andrological evaluation, and scrotal circumference and testicular consistency were determined. The males were castrated on day 121, and fragments of testicle and epididymis were collected for histopathological evaluation. A decrease in serum T3 and T4 was observed in the IC group as well as an increase in the number of sperm with morphological alterations. In the BPA group, reduced serum 14 and a decreased percentage of sperm with plasma membrane integrates were observed. A histopathological examination revealed the vacuolar degeneration of Sertoli cells and areas of laminar patterns of calcium deposits in the IC group and vacuolar degeneration in the rete testis in the BPA group. These results indicate that both I. cameo and BPA are potential EDs in goats. This study emphasized the susceptibility of livestock to ED actions. We also demonstrated the action of I. cameo acting as EDs in the endocrine and reproductive systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Laparoscopic endosurgery is an important tool for small ruminant breeding especially due to its wide versatility, both in reproductive biotechnologies and therapeutic approach. The purpose of this review is to present the applicability and advantages of endosurgery for routine use in small ruminants. Several endosurgical techniques of the genitourinary tract of small ruminants, including artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and oocyte retrieval for IVF, ovariectomy, cystotomy and renal biopsy are approached. The endoscopic techniques can improve the development of potential zootechnical indexes on the short-term period in comparison to traditional approaches.


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Digital venography is a contrast angiography technique used to study digital vascularity. The technique is simple to be carried out and can be performed under field conditions using a standard radiographic unit. The venogram examination is used to complement conventional radiographic examinations in animals affected by foot diseases. Discrepancy in the contrast vascular pattern may be observed before the clinical signs of the foot disease. Digital venography studies in ruminants are in smaller number than those in horses. The herein presented review discusses digital venography techniques used in ruminants as well as the differences and similarities between ruminants (cattle, sheep and goat) and horses.


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Background: Ipomoea carnea (I. carnea) is a poisonous plant found in Brazil and other tropical countries that often poison livestock. The plant contains the alkaloids calystegines and mainly swainsonine, which inhibit cellular enzymes and cause systematic cell death. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perinatal effects of I. carnea in goats. Methods: Forty-seven pregnant goats were randomly allocated into 5 treatment groups and given the following doses (g/kg BW) of I. carnea: 0 (IC0), 1.0 (IC1), 3.0 (IC3), 5.0 (IC5) and 7.5 (IC7). The treatment animals were given fresh I. carnea from day 27 of gestation to parturition. Weight gains and serum biochemistry were evaluated. Fetuses were evaluated using ultrasonographic measurements. Results: Goats from the IC7 group showed clinical signs of poisoning. Ultrasound examination revealed that I. carnea feeding in all treatment groups reduced fetal movement compared to the controls. There was an increase in the total number of birth defects (retrognathia and arthrogyposis) in the IC7 and IC5 groups compared to the controls. Conclusion: The results show that I. carnea has teratogenic potential in goats. In addition, ultrasounds were useful in evaluating fetotoxicity and teratogenicity. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 00:17, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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AIM: To investigate the expression of E-cadherin, a major host cell receptor for Listeria monocytogenes (LM) internalin A, in the ruminant nervous system and its putative role in brainstem invasion and intracerebral spread of LM in the natural disease. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry and double immunofluorescence was performed on brains, cranial nerves and ganglia of ruminants with and without natural LM rhombencephalitis using antibodies against E-cadherin, protein gene product 9.5, myelin-associated glycoprotein and LM. RESULTS: In the ruminant brain, E-cadherin is expressed in choroid plexus epithelium, meningothelium and restricted neuropil areas of the medulla, but not in the endothelium. In cranial nerves and ganglia, E-cadherin is expressed in satellite cells and myelinating Schwann cells. Expression does not differ between ruminants with or without listeriosis and does not overlap with the presence of microabscesses in the medulla. LM is observed in phagocytes, axons, Schwann cells, satellite cells and ganglionic neurones. CONCLUSION: Our results support the view that the specific ligand-receptor interaction between LM and host E-cadherin is involved in the neuropathogenesis of ruminant listeriosis. They suggest that oral epithelium and Schwann cells expressing E-cadherin provide a port of entry for free bacteria offering a site of primary intracellular replication, from where the bacterium may invade the axonal compartment by cell-to-cell spread. As E-cadherin expression in the ruminant central nervous system is weak, only very locally restricted and not related to the presence of microabscesses, it is likely that further intracerebral spread is independent of E-cadherin and relies primarily on axonal spread.


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Chlamydophila (C.) abortus is the most common infectious abortigenic agent in small domestic ruminants in Switzerland. In contrast, the knowledge about chlamydiae in wild ruminants is scarce. As interactions between livestock and Alpine ibex (Capra i. ibex) occur on alpine pastures, the question raises if wild ruminants could play a role as carriers of chlamydiae. Thus, we investigated the prevalence of chlamydiae in Alpine ibex in Switzerland. In total, 624 sera, 676 eye swabs, 84 organ samples and 51 faecal samples from 664 ibex were investigated. Serum samples were tested by two commercial ELISA kits specific for C. abortus. Eye swabs, organs and faecal samples were examined by a Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive cases were further investigated by the ArrayTube (AT) microarray method for chlamydial species determination. Of 624 serum samples investigated, 612 animals were negative, whereas nine sera (1.5%) reacted positively in one of the two tests and three sera showed an inconclusive result. Eye swabs of seven out of 412 ibex (1.7%) were tested positive for Chlamydiaceae by real-time PCR. By AT microarray, Chlamydophila (C.) pecorum was identified in two animals, Chlamydophila (C.) pneumoniae was detected in one animal and a mixed infection with C. abortus and C. pecorum was found in four animals. Organs and faecal samples were all negative by real-time PCR analysis. In summary, we conclude that C. abortus is not a common infectious agent in the Swiss ibex population. To our knowledge, this is the first description of C. pneumoniae in ibex. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the situation in other species of wild ruminants as chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus c. capreolus) in Switzerland.


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Colostrum feeding in small ruminants is crucial during the first hours after birth due to the lack of Ig transfer during pregnancy via the placenta. In addition the immature immune system of the neonate is slow to produce its own Ig during the first weeks of life. Colostrogenesis, i.e. the transfer of Ig from blood into mammary secretions, starts several weeks prepartum. In goat plasma, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration decreases by around 38% from the third month of gestation until partum, which coincides with the dry period. Thus, management during the dry period is crucial for the course of colostrogenesis. The colostrum synthesis is determined by the nutrition during the prepartum period, but the transfer of Ig is obviously independent of nutritional influences. The administration of conjugated linoleic acid during the dry period to dairy goats causes a less pronounced decrease of blood plasma IgG concentration (6%) but it did not change colostral IgG levels. In cattle, IgG1 is transported from blood into colostrum by an IgG1 specific receptor located on the surface of alveolar epithelial cells during colostrogenesis, and this is most likely similar in small ruminants. Via inactivation of this receptor, the Ig transfer is downregulated by increasing prolactin (PRL) during lactogenesis. It was recently observed in goats treated with PGF2 alpha, in order to induce parturition, lower colostrum IgG concentrations occurred concomitantly with an earlier increase of plasma PRL as compared to untreated animals. The effect of litter size and number of lactations on colostral IgG concentration in small ruminants has not been made fully clear until now most likely due to the different breeds used in the published studies.


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Listeriosis is a serious food-borne disease with increasing frequency in humans and ruminants. Despite the facts that in both hosts, listeriosis can occur as rhombencephalitis and ruminants are a reservoir of Listeria monocytogenes (LM) strains pathogenic for humans, little work has been done on the pathogenesis in ruminants. This study investigates the neuropathogenesis of listeric encephalitis in over 200 natural cases in cattle, sheep and goats by analyzing anatomical distribution, severity, bacterial load and temporal evolution of the lesions. Our results suggest that LM gains access to the brainstem of all three species via axonal migration not only along the trigeminal nerve, but also along other nerves. The ensuing encephalitis does not remain restricted to the brainstem. Rather, LM spreads further from the brainstem into rostral brain regions likely by intracerebral axonal migration. Significant differences in severity of the lesions and bacterial load were found between cattle and small ruminants, which may be caused by species-specific properties of antibacterial immune responses. As histopathological lesions of human rhombencephalitis caused by LM strongly resemble those of ruminants, the disease likely has a similar pathogenesis in both hosts.


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BACKGROUND: After bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) emerged in European cattle livestock in 1986 a fundamental question was whether the agent established also in the small ruminants' population. In Switzerland transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in small ruminants have been monitored since 1990. While in the most recent TSE cases a BSE infection could be excluded, for historical cases techniques to discriminate scrapie from BSE had not been available at the time of diagnosis and thus their status remained unclear. We herein applied state-of-the-art techniques to retrospectively classify these animals and to re-analyze the affected flocks for secondary cases. These results were the basis for models, simulating the course of TSEs over a period of 70 years. The aim was to come to a statistically based overall assessment of the TSE situation in the domestic small ruminant population in Switzerland. RESULTS: In sum 16 TSE cases were identified in small ruminants in Switzerland since 1981, of which eight were atypical and six were classical scrapie. In two animals retrospective analysis did not allow any further classification due to the lack of appropriate tissue samples. We found no evidence for an infection with the BSE agent in the cases under investigation. In none of the affected flocks, secondary cases were identified. A Bayesian prevalence calculation resulted in most likely estimates of one case of BSE, five cases of classical scrapie and 21 cases of atypical scrapie per 100'000 small ruminants. According to our models none of the TSEs is considered to cause a broader epidemic in Switzerland. In a closed population, they are rather expected to fade out in the next decades or, in case of a sporadic origin, may remain at a very low level. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, these data indicate that despite a significant epidemic of BSE in cattle, there is no evidence that BSE established in the small ruminant population in Switzerland. Classical and atypical scrapie both occur at a very low level and are not expected to escalate into an epidemic. In this situation the extent of TSE surveillance in small ruminants requires reevaluation based on cost-benefit analysis.


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Listeriosis is an emerging zoonotic infection of humans and ruminants worldwide caused by Listeria monocytogenes (LM). In both host species, CNS disease accounts for the high mortality associated with listeriosis and includes rhombencephalitis, whose neuropathology is strikingly similar in humans and ruminants. This review discusses the current knowledge about listeric encephalitis, and involved host and bacterial factors. There is an urgent need to study the molecular mechanisms of neuropathogenesis, which are poorly understood. Such studies will provide a basis for the development of new therapeutic strategies that aim to prevent LM from invading the brain and spread within the CNS.


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Since 1987, when bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) emerged as a novel disease in cattle, enormous efforts were undertaken to monitor and control the disease in ruminants worldwide. The driving force was its high economic impact, which resulted from trade restrictions and the loss of consumer confidence in beef products, the latter because BSE turned out to be a fatal zoonosis, causing variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in human beings. The ban on meat and bone meal in livestock feed and the removal of specified risk materials from the food chain were the main measures to successfully prevent infection in cattle and to protect human beings from BSE exposure. However, although BSE is now under control, previously unknown, so-called atypical transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in cattle and small ruminants have been identified by enhanced disease surveillance. This report briefly reviews and summarizes the current level of knowledge on the spectrum of TSEs in cattle and small ruminants and addresses the question of the extent to which such atypical TSEs have an effect on disease surveillance and control strategies.


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Switzerland is controlling Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) in cattle (BSE) and small ruminants (scrapie). Since BSE is potentially transmissible to sheep, goats or pigs through feeding of contaminated meat and bone meal, implementation of an active surveillance programme for TSE in these species is discussed. The aim of this pilot study was to obtain preliminary data on the prevalence ofTSE and other neurological disorders in these populations. For that purpose, a total of 398 perished and 825 slaughtered adult small ruminants and pigs was examined for the presence of neuropathological changes. None of these animals revealed positive for TSE. However, the investigations demonstrated that perished sheep and goats exhibited a higher prevalence of relevant neuropathological changes when compared with slaughtered animals. From these results, it is concluded that perished small ruminants are probably a risk population for TSE and should be considered as target populations for an active surveillance programme.