992 resultados para RHX, Dating, Post-medieval, Brick Archaeology


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This thesis explores human-environment interactions during the Mid-Late Holocene in raised bogs in central Ireland. The raised bogs of central Ireland are widely-recognised for their considerable palaeoenvironmental and archaeological resources: research over the past few decades has established the potential for such sites to preserve sensitive records of Holocene climatic variability expressed as changes in bog surface wetness (BSW); meanwhile archaeological investigations over the past century have uncovered hundreds of peatland archaeological features dating from the Neolithic through to the Post-Medieval period including wooden trackways, platforms, and deposits of high-status metalwork. Previous studies have attempted to explore the relationship between records of past environmental change and the occurrence of peatland archaeological sites reaching varying conclusions. More recently, environmentally-deterministic models of human-environment interaction in Irish raised bogs at the regional scale have been explicitly tested leading to the conclusion that there is no relationship between BSW and past human activity. These relationships are examined in more detail on a site-by-site basis in this thesis. To that end, testate amoebae-derived BSW records from nine milled former raised bogs in central Ireland were produced from sites with known and dated archaeological records. Relationships between BSW records and environmental conditions within the study area were explored through both the development of a new central Ireland testate amoebae transfer function and through comparisons between recent BSW records and instrumental weather data. Compilation of BSW records from the nine fossil study sites show evidence both for climate forcing, particularly during 3200-2400 cal BP, as well as considerable inter-site variability. Considerable inter-site variability was also evident in the archaeological records of the same sites. Whilst comparisons between BSW and archaeological records do not show a consistent linear relationship, examination of records on a site-by-site basis were shown to reveal interpretatively important contingent relationships. It is concluded therefore, that future research on human-environment interactions should focus on individual sites and should utilise theoretical approaches from the humanities in order to avoid the twin pitfalls of masking important local patterns of change, and of environmental determinism.


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Archaeologists in settler societies need to find theoretically well-founded ways of understanding the sociopolitical milieux in which they work if they are to deal sensibly and sensitively with the colonizers as well as the colonized in their communities. This article explores one avenue that the author has found helpful in a number of contexts. He advances the proposition that, with certain qualifications, the social conditions of settler nations might usefully be approached as the products of a single social condition - diaspora - in a manifestation that is unique to such societies because it positions indigenous peoples as well as settlers as diasporic.


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The period of the 18th and 19th centuries was one of great change in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Improvement, the Jacobite Rebellions, and the Clearances transformed its communities and landscapes. These events have rightly been a focus of research. However, archaeological approaches have often sought simply to illustrate these processes, rather than create new narratives about life in the past. The resulting picture of the period can over-emphasise economic change whilst failing to reflect the richness and variety of everyday life. This thesis aims to suggest a new approach to the place and period, one which addresses matters often ignored in previous work. Whilst it has an archaeological sensibility, it draws on ideas from outside archaeology, such as landscape theory and on Gaelic oral tradition, an underused resource, to create a novel and broad-based approach to the period. An important part of the method is a synchronic approach that seeks to reconstruct the experience of the landscape at very particular times, engaging fully with the everyday experience of landscape rather than grand historical narratives. Two Hebridean case studies are utilised: Hiort (St Kilda) and Loch Aoineart, South Uist. Thematic discussions drawn from these landscapes are intended as critical assessments of the efficacy of the approach, as well as new narratives about life in the past in themselves. The thesis concludes by comparing the two case studies, reflecting on the merits of the approach, discussing recurrent themes in the work, and considering its wider context and implications. It is concluded that taking a novel approach to the case study landscapes can create narratives that often contrast or expand upon those produced by previous scholars, allow for a more detailed consideration of everyday life in the period, and open up new areas for archaeological enquiry. The extensive and critical use of evidence from Gaelic oral tradition is highlighted as crucial in understanding life and society in the period. The thesis questions the utility of grand historical narratives as a framework for archaeological study of post-medieval Gaeldom and suggests that our understanding of the past is best served by approaching the evidence in ways which allows for many different voices and stories from the past to emerge.


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Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas


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This article tracks the development of the Brut tradition, from its inception in the ninth century text the Historia Brittonum, via Geoffrey of Monmouth’s twelfth century Historia Regum Britannaie, Wace’s Roman de Brut and Layamon’s Brut (both twelfth century), to the myriad Prose Bruts, in Anglo-Norman, Latin and Middle English, from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries. It argues that the Brut is best understood both as a distinctive literary tradition and as a well-spring of mythography from which a range of late medieval, and post-medieval, writers drew. The article indicates the utility of the Brut tradition to emergent notions of English identity and the role the narratives recorded by the Brut tradition played in orchestrating English colonial attitudes to its insular and continental neighbours. The article concludes by assessing the importance of the Brut tradition for book culture and emergent models of literary taste in the later Middle Ages


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As desigualdades sociais na saúde constituem a problemática abordada nesta dissertação, tendo sido escolhidas para explorar esta questão duas séries esqueléticas – igreja de Nossa Senhora da Anunciada (Setúbal) e capela do Espírito Santo (Loures) – cronologicamente enquadradas no período pós-medieval, entre os séculos XVI e XIX, e cujos indivíduos apresentavam estatutos socioeconómicos diferenciados. Na concretização deste objectivo foi realizada uma primeira abordagem que incidiu no estudo integral – contexto funerário e Paleobiologia – das respectivas séries. Do manancial de resultados obtidos foram seleccionados e explorados na segunda abordagem indicadores de estatuto social e de estatuto biológico (ou esqueléticos de stress fisiológico) capazes de responder à problemática enunciada, procurando demonstrar-se que as desigualdades sociais podem actuar sobre factores fundamentais ao desenvolvimento normal e saúde dos indivíduos, manifestando-se, consequentemente, de forma diferencial entre indivíduos de estatutos socioeconómicos contrastantes. A caracterização geral do contexto funerário revelou que no interior da igreja de N. Sra. da Anunciada, localizada no bairro do Troino, habitado por um segmento da população socialmente mais desfavorecido, registaram-se 93 inumações primárias e 155 secundárias, as quais foram realizadas em covas abertas no subsolo e revelando a quase ausência de espólio votivo e de caixão. Por outro lado, na capela do Espírito Santo foram exumadas 46 inumações primárias e 30 secundárias que foram exclusivamente encontradas em criptas, tendo os indivíduos sido inumados em caixão e identificando-se, igualmente, a presença de espólio votivo associado. A documentação histórica refere o nome de mecenas e benfeitores do respectivo convento com direito a sepultura na sua capela. Na caracterização paleobiológica geral foram revelados os perfis biológicos básicos, tendo sido identificados indivíduos de ambos os sexos e diferentes classes etárias, constatando-se em ambas séries esqueléticas a predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino. A análise morfológica evidenciou os caracteres discretos e métricos, bem como a estatura dos indivíduos, sendo esta última, igualmente, referida no estudo das desigualdades sociais. Por fim, o estudo paleopatológico revelou a presença de diversas alterações dentárias e ósseas, incluindo condições enquadradas nos indicadores esqueléticos de stress fisiológico. Na segunda abordagem que se centrou no objectivo específico desta investigação, os indicadores de estatuto social – local de inumação, caixão e espólio votivo – mostraram uma associação dos indivíduos com o seu estatuto socioeconómico clara e inequívoca, enquanto os indicadores esqueléticos de stress fisiológico – crescimento, estatura, cáries, perda de dentes ante mortem, hiperostose porótica, cribra orbitalia, hipoplasias lineares do esmalte dentário, formação de osso novo bilateral nas tíbias, fracturas, osteoartrose, discartrose, alterações nas áreas das enteses e DISH – revelaram que a sua interpretação é muito complexa. Concluiu-se que a interpretação das desigualdades sociais na saúde com base em indicadores de estatuto biológico deve ser prudente, já que não é evidente uma associação ii directa com o estatuto socioeconómico dos indivíduos. Esta investigação corroborou a informação histórica e arqueológica que permite aludir ao estatuto socioeconómico dos indivíduos destas séries esqueléticas, mas a associação deste estatuto a uma saúde diferenciada entre grupos revelou-se inconclusiva.


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Alcácer do Sal é uma cidade que esteve desde sempre ligada ao rio Sado, permitindo essa mesma ligação, que nela se fossem fixando ao longo do tempo, distintos povos, provindos das mais diversas partes do mundo. Esta ocupação por parte das populações, só foi possível, porque o território era abundante em recursos naturais e, entre eles, possuía solos bastante férteis para a agricultura. Uma das comunidades que mais marcas deixou da sua presença naquele núcleo urbano, foi, sem dúvida, a muçulmana, tal como se pode verificar no topónimo que dá o nome à cidade, assim como pela presença dos vários vestígios materiais, como a imponente fortificação militar, que se ergue na colina mais alta da povoação, assim como pelas estruturas e espólios encontrados nas diversas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas naquela cidade. Tendo em conta estes aspetos, esta dissertação pretende fazer uma aproximação ao estudo do urbanismo da medina islâmica de al-Qasr, abarcando cronologicamente o século IX, altura em que os Banu Danis se fixam na cidade, até aos inícios do século XIII, correspondente à última fase de ocupação muçulmana da cidade.


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The paper begins by considering the importance of springs as a focus for votive deposits in Bronze Age Britain. This is not a new idea, but nowhere has this association been examined through the excavation of one of these features. The point is illustrated by excavation at the findspot of a famous group of Late Bronze Age weapons, the Broadward hoard, discovered in 1867. Little was known about the site, where it was found or the character of the original deposit, but a study of contemporary accounts of the hoard, combined with geophysical and topographical surveys, led to small-scale excavation in 2010, which showed that the deposit had most probably been buried in a pit on the edge of a spring. Other finds associated with the spring included an Early Bronze Age macehead, a Roman pot and various Saxon and medieval animal bones. The latest deposit, with a post-medieval carbon date, included a wooden knife or dagger. An adjacent palaeochannel provided an important environmental sequence for this part of the English–Welsh borderland and suggests that the Late Bronze Age hoard had been deposited not far from a settlement. A nearby earthwork enclosure was associated with a clay weight, which may be of similar date. Despite the limited scale of the fieldwork, it illustrates the potential for treating springs associated with artefact finds on the same terms as other archaeological deposits.


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Children represent the most vulnerable members of society, and as such provide valuable insight into past lifeways. Adverse environmental conditions translate more readily into the osteological record of children, making them primary evidence for the investigation of ill-health in the past. To date, most information on growing up in Roman Britain has been based on the Classical literature, or discussed in palaeopathological studies with a regional focus, e.g. Dorset or Durnovaria. Thus, the lifestyles and everyday realities of children throughout Britannia remained largely unknown. This study sets out to fill this gap by providing the first large scale analysis of Romano-British children from town and country. The palaeopathological analysis of 1643 non-adult (0-17 years) skeletons, compiled from the literature (N=690) and primary osteological analysis (N=953), from 27 urban and rural settlements has highlighted diverse patterns in non-adult mortality and morbidity. The distribution of ages-at-death suggest that older children and adolescents migrated from country to town, possibly for commencing their working lives. True prevalence rates suggest that caries (1.8%) and enamel hypoplasia (11.4%) were more common in children from major urban towns, whereas children in the countryside displayed higher frequencies of scurvy (6.9%), cribra orbitalia (27.7%), porotic hyperostosis (6.2%) and endocranial lesions (10.9%). Social inequality in late Roman Britain may have been the driving force behind these urban-rural dichotomies. The results may point to exploitation of the peasantry on the one hand, and higher status of the urban population as a more ‘Romanised’ group on the other. Comparison with Iron Age and post-medieval non-adults also demonstrated a decline in health in the Roman period, with some levels of ill-health, particularly in the rural children, similar to those from post-medieval London. This research provides the most comprehensive study of non-adult morbidity and mortality in Roman Britain to date. It has provided new insights into Romano-British lifeways and presents suggestions for further work.


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This paper is part of the research project HAR2012–34035 (Lectura arqueológica del uso social del espacio. Espacios domésticos y vida social entre la Antigüedad y el Medievo, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).


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Sur le site de Ras el Bassit, durant les campagnes de fouilles menées de 1971 à 1984, 133 timbres amphoriques furent trouvés principalement dans le Tell du Meidan. Ces timbres sont des artefacts précieux. En effet, ce mémoire démontre comment les timbres amphoriques contribuent à l’élaboration de l’histoire d’un site, vue ici par l’analyse de ces 133 timbres amphoriques. Tout d’abord, les termes de base sont présentés pour expliquer ce que sont une amphore et un timbre. Par la suite, l’historiographie des recherches faites sur les timbres montre que, depuis le recueillement des informations sur les sites de production, certaines séries de timbres furent datés à l’année près, contribuant ainsi à améliorer les datations des autres sites. C’est de cette manière que les anses timbrées contribuent le plus souvent à améliorer un site. Il existe aussi d’autres apports. Par exemple, en localisant la production d’une série de timbres, les échanges commerciaux peuvent être aperçus. À travers l’analyse de ces 133 timbres, le site de Ras el Bassit pourra être mieux daté pendant l’époque hellénistique. En effet, les couches stratigraphiques en contexte pourront alors avoir un élément datable d’une grande précision, si tel est le cas. De plus, en connaissant la provenance de ces timbres amphoriques, elle démontrera que les échanges (avec des amphores timbrées) commencèrent dès le IVe siècle, ce qui correspond à une reprise des importations grecques. Ces importations dureront pendant toute l’époque hellénistique.


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Sur le site de Ras el Bassit, durant les campagnes de fouilles menées de 1971 à 1984, 133 timbres amphoriques furent trouvés principalement dans le Tell du Meidan. Ces timbres sont des artefacts précieux. En effet, ce mémoire démontre comment les timbres amphoriques contribuent à l’élaboration de l’histoire d’un site, vue ici par l’analyse de ces 133 timbres amphoriques. Tout d’abord, les termes de base sont présentés pour expliquer ce que sont une amphore et un timbre. Par la suite, l’historiographie des recherches faites sur les timbres montre que, depuis le recueillement des informations sur les sites de production, certaines séries de timbres furent datés à l’année près, contribuant ainsi à améliorer les datations des autres sites. C’est de cette manière que les anses timbrées contribuent le plus souvent à améliorer un site. Il existe aussi d’autres apports. Par exemple, en localisant la production d’une série de timbres, les échanges commerciaux peuvent être aperçus. À travers l’analyse de ces 133 timbres, le site de Ras el Bassit pourra être mieux daté pendant l’époque hellénistique. En effet, les couches stratigraphiques en contexte pourront alors avoir un élément datable d’une grande précision, si tel est le cas. De plus, en connaissant la provenance de ces timbres amphoriques, elle démontrera que les échanges (avec des amphores timbrées) commencèrent dès le IVe siècle, ce qui correspond à une reprise des importations grecques. Ces importations dureront pendant toute l’époque hellénistique.


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The Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO) held at the University of Reading in 2007. Contents: 1) A life course perspective of growing up in medieval London: evidence of sub-adult health from St Mary Spital (London) (Rebecca Redfern and Don Walker); 2) Preservation of non-adult long bones from an almshouse cemetery in the United States dating to the late nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries (Colleen Milligan, Jessica Zotcavage and Norman Sullivan); 3) Childhood oral health: dental palaeopathology of Kellis 2, Dakhleh, Egypt. A preliminary investigation (Stephanie Shukrum and JE Molto); 4) Skeletal manifestation of non-adult scurvy from early medieval Northumbria: the Black Gate cemetery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Diana Mahoney-Swales and Pia Nystrom); 5) Infantile cortical hyperostosis: cases, causes and contradictions (Mary Lewis and Rebecca Gowland); 6) Biological Anthropology Tuberculosis of the hip in the Victorian Britain (Benjamin Clarke and Piers Mitchell); 7) The re-analysis of Iron Age human skeletal material from Winnall Down (Justine Tracey); 8) Can we estimate post-mortem interval from an individual body part? A field study using sus scrofa (Branka Franicevec and Robert Pastor); 9) The expression of asymmetry in hand bones from the medieval cemetery at Écija, Spain (Lisa Cashmore and Sonia Zakrezewski); 10) Returning remains: a curator’s view (Quinton Carroll); 11) Authority and decision making over British human remains: issues and challenges (Piotr Bienkowski and Malcolm Chapman); 12) Ethical dimensions of reburial, retention and repatriation of archaeological human remains: a British perspective (Simon Mays and Martin Smith); 13) The problem of provenace: inaccuracies, changes and misconceptions (Margaret Clegg); 14) Native American human remains in UK collections: implications of NAGPRA to consultation, repatriation, and policy development (Myra J Giesen); 15) Repatriation – a view from the receiving end: New Zealand (Nancy Tayles).