997 resultados para RENAL FIBROSIS
Notre équipe a identifié le thé Labrador [Rhododendron groenlandicum L. (Ericaceae)] comme une plante potentiellement antidiabétique de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale. Dans la présente étude, nous avons évalué les effets néphroprotecteurs potentiels de la plante. De la microalbuminurie et de la fibrose rénale ont été développées chez des souris alimentées avec une diète grasse (DG). Le R. groenlandicum améliore d’une façon non-significative la microalbuminurie, avec des valeurs de l’aire sous la courbe (ACR) diminuant de 0.69 à 0.53. La valeur de la fibrose rénale qui était, à l’origine, de 4.85 unités arbitraires (UA) dans des souris alimentées à la DG, a chuté à 3.27 UA après avoir reçu un traitement de R. groenlandicum. Le R. groenlandicum a réduit la stéatose rénale de presque la moitié alors que l’expression du facteur de modification Bcl-2 (Bmf) a chuté de 13.96 UA à 9.43 UA. Dans leur ensemble les résultats suggèrent que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum peut améliorer la fonction rénale altérée par DG. Dans l’étude subséquente, notre équipe a identifié 17 espèces de la forêt boréale, de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale, qui ont présenté des activités biologiques prometteuses in vitro et in vivo dans le contexte du DT2. Nous avons maintenant examiné ces 17 extraits afin d’identifier lesquels possèdent un potentiel cytoprotecteur rénale en utilisant des cellules Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) mises à l’épreuve dans un médium hypertonique. Nous concluons que plusieurs plantes antidiabétiques Cris exercent une activité de protection rénale qui pourrait être pertinente dans le contexte de la néphropathie diabétique (ND) qui affecte une proportion importante des Cris. La G. hispidula et la A. balsamea sont parmi les plantes les plus puissantes dans ce contexte et elles semblent protectrices principalement en inhibant la caspase 9 dans la voie de signalisation apoptotique mitochondriale. Finalement, nous avons utilisé une approche de fractionnement guidée par un test biologique pour identifier les fractions actives et les composés de A. balsamea avec un potentiel de protection rénale in vitro dans des cellules MDCK mises au défi avec un médium hypertonique. La fraction d’hexane (Hex) possède le potentiel le plus élevé parmi toutes les fractions de solvant contre les dommages cellulaires induits par le stress hypertonique. Dans des études précédentes, trois composés purs ont été identifiés à partir de la fraction Hex, à savoir, l’acide abiétique, l’acide déhydroabiétique et le squalène. L’acide abiétique se distinguait par son effet puissant dans le maintien de la viabilité des cellules MDCK (AnnV-/PI-) à un niveau relativement élevé (augmentation de 25.48% relative au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001), ainsi qu’une réduction significative (diminution de 20.20% par rapport au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001) de l’apoptose de stade précoce (AnnV+/PI-). L’acide abiétique peut donc servir à normaliser les préparations traditionnelles d’A. balsamea et à trouver des applications potentielles dans le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique. Les trois études ont été intrinsèquement liées les unes aux autres, par conséquent, nous avons réussi à identifier R. groenlandicum ainsi que A. balsamea comme nouvelles plantes prometteuses contre la néphropathie diabétique. Nous croyons que ces résultats profiteront à la communauté crie pour la gestion des complications diabétiques, en particulier la néphropathie diabétique. En parallèle, nos données pourraient faire avancer l'essai clinique de certaines plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale du Canada.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk in comparison with the general population. This can be observed even in the early stages of CKD, and rises in proportion to the degree of renal impairment. Not only is cardiovascular disease (CVD) more prevalent in CKD, but its nature differs too, with an excess of morbidity and mortality associated with congestive cardiac failure, arrhythmia and sudden death, as well as the accelerated atherosclerosis which is also observed. Conventional cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidaemia, obesity, glycaemia and smoking, are highly prevalent amongst patients with CKD, although in many of these examples the interaction between risk factor and disease differs from that which exists in normal renal function. Nevertheless, the extent of CVD cannot be fully explained by these conventional risk factors, and non-conventional factors specific to CKD are now recognised to contribute to the burden of CVD. Oxidative stress is a state characterised by excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other radical species, a reduction in the capacity of antioxidant systems, and disturbance in normal redox homeostasis with depletion of protective vascular signalling molecules such as nitric oxide (NO). This results in oxidative damage to macromolecules such as lipids, proteins and DNA which can alter their functionality. Moreover, many enzymes are sensitive to redox regulation such that oxidative modification to cysteine thiol groups results in activation of signalling cascades which result in adverse cardiovascular effects such as vascular and endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress are present in association with many conventional cardiovascular risk factors, and can be observed even prior to the development of overt, clinical, vascular pathology, suggesting that these phenomena represent the earliest stages of CVD. In the presence of CKD, there is increased ROS production due to upregulated NADPH oxidase (NOX), increase in a circulating asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), uncoupling of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) as well as other mechanisms. There is also depletion in exogenous antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and tocopherol, and a reduction in activity of endogenous antioxidant systems regulated by the master gene regulator Nrf-2. In previous studies, circulating markers of oxidative stress have been shown to be increased in CKD, together with a reduction in endothelial function in a stepwise fashion relating to the severity of renal impairment. Not only is CVD linked to oxidative stress, but the progression of CKD itself is also in part dependent on redox sensitive mechanisms. For example, administration of the ROS scavenger tempol attenuates renal injury and reduces renal fibrosis seen on biopsy in a mouse model of CKD, whilst conversely, supplementation with the NOS inhibitor L-NAME causes proteinuria and renal impairment. Previous human studies examining the effect of antioxidant administration on vascular and renal function have been conflicting however. The work contained in this thesis therefore examines the effect of antioxidant administration on vascular and endothelial function in CKD. Firstly, 30 patients with CKD stages 3 – 5, and 20 matched hypertensive controls were recruited. Participants with CKD had lower ascorbic acid, higher TAP and ADMA, together with higher augmentation index and pulse wave velocity. There was no difference in baseline flow mediated dilatation (FMD) between groups. Intravenous ascorbic acid increased TAP and O2-, and reduced central BP and augmentation index in both groups, and lowered ADMA in the CKD group only. No effect on FMD was observed. The effects of ascorbic acid on kidney function was then investigated, however this was hindered by the inherent drawbacks of existing methods of non-invasively measuring kidney function. Arterial spin labelling MRI is an emerging imaging technique which allows measurement of renal perfusion without administration of an exogenous contrast agent. The technique relies upon application of an inversion pulse to blood within the vasculature proximal to the kidneys, which magnetically labels protons allowing measurement upon transit to the kidney. At the outset of this project local experience using ASL MRI was limited and there ensued a prolonged pre-clinical phase of testing with the aim of optimising imaging strategy. A study was then designed to investigate the repeatability of ASL MRI in a group of 12 healthy volunteers with normal renal function. The measured T1 longitudinal relaxation times and ASL MRI perfusion values were in keeping with those found in the literature; T1 time was 1376 ms in the cortex and 1491 ms in the whole kidney ROI, whilst perfusion was 321 mL/min/100g in the cortex, and 228 mL/min/100g in the whole kidney ROI. There was good reproducibility demonstrated on Bland Altman analysis, with a CVws was 9.2% for cortical perfusion and 7.1% for whole kidney perfusion. Subsequently, in a study of 17 patients with CKD and 24 healthy volunteers, the effects of ascorbic acid on renal perfusion was investigated. Although no change in renal perfusion was found following ascorbic acid, it was found that ASL MRI demonstrated significant differences between those with normal renal function and participants with CKD stages 3 – 5, with increased cortical and whole kidney T1, and reduced cortical and whole kidney perfusion. Interestingly, absolute perfusion showed a weak but significant correlation with progression of kidney disease over the preceding year. Ascorbic acid was therefore shown to have a significant effect on vascular biology both in CKD and in those with normal renal function, and to reduce ADMA only in patients with CKD. ASL MRI has shown promise as a non-invasive investigation of renal function and as a biomarker to identify individuals at high risk of progressive renal impairment.
Notre équipe a identifié le thé Labrador [Rhododendron groenlandicum L. (Ericaceae)] comme une plante potentiellement antidiabétique de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale. Dans la présente étude, nous avons évalué les effets néphroprotecteurs potentiels de la plante. De la microalbuminurie et de la fibrose rénale ont été développées chez des souris alimentées avec une diète grasse (DG). Le R. groenlandicum améliore d’une façon non-significative la microalbuminurie, avec des valeurs de l’aire sous la courbe (ACR) diminuant de 0.69 à 0.53. La valeur de la fibrose rénale qui était, à l’origine, de 4.85 unités arbitraires (UA) dans des souris alimentées à la DG, a chuté à 3.27 UA après avoir reçu un traitement de R. groenlandicum. Le R. groenlandicum a réduit la stéatose rénale de presque la moitié alors que l’expression du facteur de modification Bcl-2 (Bmf) a chuté de 13.96 UA à 9.43 UA. Dans leur ensemble les résultats suggèrent que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum peut améliorer la fonction rénale altérée par DG. Dans l’étude subséquente, notre équipe a identifié 17 espèces de la forêt boréale, de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale, qui ont présenté des activités biologiques prometteuses in vitro et in vivo dans le contexte du DT2. Nous avons maintenant examiné ces 17 extraits afin d’identifier lesquels possèdent un potentiel cytoprotecteur rénale en utilisant des cellules Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) mises à l’épreuve dans un médium hypertonique. Nous concluons que plusieurs plantes antidiabétiques Cris exercent une activité de protection rénale qui pourrait être pertinente dans le contexte de la néphropathie diabétique (ND) qui affecte une proportion importante des Cris. La G. hispidula et la A. balsamea sont parmi les plantes les plus puissantes dans ce contexte et elles semblent protectrices principalement en inhibant la caspase 9 dans la voie de signalisation apoptotique mitochondriale. Finalement, nous avons utilisé une approche de fractionnement guidée par un test biologique pour identifier les fractions actives et les composés de A. balsamea avec un potentiel de protection rénale in vitro dans des cellules MDCK mises au défi avec un médium hypertonique. La fraction d’hexane (Hex) possède le potentiel le plus élevé parmi toutes les fractions de solvant contre les dommages cellulaires induits par le stress hypertonique. Dans des études précédentes, trois composés purs ont été identifiés à partir de la fraction Hex, à savoir, l’acide abiétique, l’acide déhydroabiétique et le squalène. L’acide abiétique se distinguait par son effet puissant dans le maintien de la viabilité des cellules MDCK (AnnV-/PI-) à un niveau relativement élevé (augmentation de 25.48% relative au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001), ainsi qu’une réduction significative (diminution de 20.20% par rapport au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001) de l’apoptose de stade précoce (AnnV+/PI-). L’acide abiétique peut donc servir à normaliser les préparations traditionnelles d’A. balsamea et à trouver des applications potentielles dans le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique. Les trois études ont été intrinsèquement liées les unes aux autres, par conséquent, nous avons réussi à identifier R. groenlandicum ainsi que A. balsamea comme nouvelles plantes prometteuses contre la néphropathie diabétique. Nous croyons que ces résultats profiteront à la communauté crie pour la gestion des complications diabétiques, en particulier la néphropathie diabétique. En parallèle, nos données pourraient faire avancer l'essai clinique de certaines plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale du Canada.
Background: The tubule-interstitial fibrosis is the hallmark of progressive renal disease and is strongly associated with inflammation of this compartment. Heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a cytoprotective molecule that has been shown to be beneficial in various models of renal injury. However, the role of HO-1 in reversing an established renal scar has not yet been addressed. Aim: We explored the ability of HO-1 to halt and reverse the establishment of fibrosis in an experimental model of chronic renal disease. Methods: Sprague-Dawley male rats were subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) and divided into two groups: non-treated and Hemin-treated. To study the prevention of fibrosis, animals were pre-treated with Hemin at days -2 and -1 prior to UUO. To investigate whether HO-1 could reverse established fibrosis, Hemin therapy was given at days 6 and 7 post-surgery. After 7 and/or 14 days, animals were sacrificed and blood, urine and kidney tissue samples were collected for analyses. Renal function was determined by assessing the serum creatinine, inulin clearance, proteinuria/creatininuria ratio and extent of albuminuria. Arterial blood pressure was measured and fibrosis was quantified by Picrosirius staining. Gene and protein expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic molecules, as well as HO-1 were performed. Results: Pre-treatment with Hemin upregulated HO-1 expression and significantly reduced proteinuria, albuminuria, inflammation and pro-fibrotic protein and gene expressions in animals subjected to UUO. Interestingly, the delayed treatment with Hemin was also able to reduce renal dysfunction and to decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory molecules, all in association with significantly reduced levels of fibrosis-related molecules and collagen deposition. Finally, TGF-beta protein production was significantly lower in Hemin-treated animals. Conclusion: Treatment with Hemin was able both to prevent the progression of fibrosis and to reverse an established renal scar. Modulation of inflammation appears to be the major mechanism behind HO-1 cytoprotection.
Ischemia and reperfusion injury (IRI) contributes to the development of chronic interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy in renal allograft patients, Cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2 actively participate in acute ischemic injury by activating endothelial cells and inducing oxidative stress. Furthermore, blockade of COX I and 2 has been associated with organ improvement after ischemic damage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of COX I and 2 in the development of fibrosis by performing a COX I and 2 blockade immediately before IRI We subjected C57BI/6 male mice to 60 min of unilateral renal pedicle occlusion, Prior to surgery mice were either treated with indomethacin (IMT) at days -1 and 0 or were untreated. Blood and kidney samples were collected 6 wks after IRI. Kidney samples were analyzed by real-time reverse transcription-poly me rase chain reaction for expression of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), osteopontin (OPN), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-10, heme oxygenose 1 (HO-1), vimentin, connective-tissue growth factor (CTGF), collagen 1, and bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP-7), To assess tissue fibrosis we performed morphometric analyses and Sirius red staining. We also performed immunohistochemical analysis of anti-actin smooth muscle, Renal function did not significantly differ between groups. Animals pretreated with IMT showed significantly less interstitial fibrosis than nontreated animals. Gene transcript analyses showed decreased expression of TGF-beta, MCP-1,TNF-alpha, IL-1-beta, vimentin, collagen 1, CTGF and IL-10 mRNA (all P < 0.05), Moreover, HO-I mRNA was increased in animals pretreated with IMT (P < 0.05) Conversely, IMT treatment decreased osteopontin expression and enhanced BMP-7 expression, although these levels did rot reach statistical significance when compared with control expression levels, I he blockade of COX 1 and 2 resulted in less tissue fibrosis, which was associated with a decrease in proinflammatory cytokines and enhancement of the protective cellular response.
Esta propuesta está centralizada en la prevención y detección temprana de daño en el órgano blanco y monitoreo terapéutico para así disminuir las complicaciones derivadas de la hipertensión. Los sistemas internacionales de salud han llegado a disminuir costos de 25-45% aplicando un sistema de prevención eficaz de enfermedad renal crónica. Los pacientes mayores de 65 años tienen una alta tasa de polimedicación asociado a una alta prevalencia de hipertensión arterial. Gran porcentaje de ellos esta tratado con inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina (iECA). Determinar el grado de compromiso en pacientes diagnosticados o no con hipertensión, es fundamental a la hora de comenzar un programa de prevención y monitoreo. Aumentos en la actividad de la ECA se asocia a daño renal, pero son relativamente escasos los datos que analizan el daño renal en relación con los niveles fibrosis renal, variable que hasta ahora solo podía ser observada mediante biopsias. Un 80% de pacientes polimedicados hipertensos desarrollan enfermedad renal crónica, aun teniendo controlada su presión arterial. Actualmente en nuestro conocimiento no hay estudios relacionados con las interacciones medicamentosas de los iECA y el daño en órgano blanco; menos aún con el aumento en la fibrosis renal. Basándonos en ello, se estima que las interacciones medicamentosas de los iECA elevan la concentración de Endotelina-1 urinaria, siendo este un marcador de fibrosis renal. La hipótesis de esta propuesta se basa en que las interacciones medicamentosas de los iECA estimulan la fibrosis renal en pacientes polimedicados hipertensos adultos mayores. Los objetivos de esta propuesta son: 1) Relevar pacientes con interacciones medicamentosas de los iECA y evaluar las interacciones medicamentosas más frecuentes en la población abordada, 2) Evaluar el cumplimiento terapéutico de los pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de hipertensión arterial. 3) Evaluar el daño de órgano blanco renal en modelos animales de hipertensión (ratas espontáneamente hipertensas). Los resultados de esta propuesta contribuirán al afianzamiento de nuevos biomarcadores de daño renal, proveniente de datos de pacientes polimedicados que, generalmente, desarrollan enfermedad renal crónica con el paso del tiempo.
Studies dealing with the increased tendency to stone formation noted in cystic fibrosis, focus on enteric hyperoxaluria. It is well recognized, however, that low urine volume, hypocitraturia and perhaps even hypercalciuria are further risk factors for stone formation.
Progressive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) is a leading cause of chronic allograft dysfunction. Increased extracellular matrix remodeling regulated by matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) has been implicated in the development of IF/TA. The aim of this study was to investigate whether urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs correlate with subclinical IF/TA detected in surveillance biopsies within the first 6months post-transplant. We measured eight different MMPs/TIMPs simultaneously in urine and serum samples from patients classified as normal histology (n=15), IF/TA 1 (n=15) and IF/TA 2-3 (n=10). There was no difference in urinary MMPs/TIMPs among the three groups, and only 1/8 serum MMPs/TIMPs (i.e. MMP-1) was significantly elevated in biopsies with IF/TA 2-3 (p=0.01). In addition, urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs were not different between surveillance biopsies demonstrating an early development of IF/TA (i.e. delta IF/TA≥1 compared to a previous biopsy obtained three months before; n=11) and stable grade of IF/TA (i.e. delta IF/TA=0; n=20). Next, we investigated whether urinary/serum MMP/TIMP levels are elevated during acute subclinical tubulitis in surveillance biopsies obtained within the first 6months post-transplant (n=25). Compared to biopsies with normal histology, serum MMPs/TIMPs were not different; however, all urinary MMP/TIMP levels were numerically higher during subclinical tubulitis (MMP-1, MMP-7, TIMP-1 with p≤0.04). We conclude that urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs do hardly correlate with existing or early developing IF/TA in surveillance biopsies obtained within the first 6months post-transplant. This could be explained by the dynamic process of extracellular matrix remodeling, which seems to be active during acute tubulo-interstitial injury/inflammation, but not in quiescent IF/TA.
We demonstrate here that coexpression of ROMK2, an inwardly rectifying ATP-sensitive renal K+ channel (IKATP) with cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) significantly enhances the sensitivity of ROMK2 to the sulfonylurea compound glibenclamide. When expressed alone, ROMK2 is relatively insensitive to glibenclamide. The interaction between ROMK2, CFTR, and glibenclamide is modulated by altering the phosphorylation state of either ROMK2, CFTR, or an associated protein, as exogenous MgATP and the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A significantly attenuate the inhibitory effect of glibenclamide on ROMK2. Thus CFTR, which has been demonstrated to interact with both Na+ and Cl- channels in airway epithelium, modulates the function of renal ROMK2 K+ channels.
Renal cortical fibroblasts have key roles in mediating intercellular communication with neighboring/infiltrating cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) and maintenance of renal tissue architecture. They express a variety of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and cell adhesion molecules, playing an active role in paracrine and autocrine interactions and regulating both fibrogenesis and the interstitial inflammatory response. They additionally have an endocrine function in the production of epoetin. Tubulointerstitial fibrosis, the common pathological consequence of renal injury, is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix largely due to excessive production in parallel with reduced degradation, and activated fibroblasts characterized by a myofibroblastic phenotype. Fibroblasts in the kidney may derive from resident fibroblasts, from the circulating fibroblast population or from haemopoetic progenitor or stromal cells derived from the bone marrow. Cells exhibiting a myofibroblastic phenotype may derive from these sources and from tubular cells undergoing epithelial to mesenchymal transformation in response to renal injury. The number of interstitial myofibroblasts correlates closely with tubulointerstitial fibrosis and progressive renal failure. Hence inhibiting myofibroblast formation may be an effective strategy in attenuating the development of renal failure in kidney disease of diverse etiology. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma alteração neuromuscular caracterizada por contínua necrose muscular e degeneração, com eventual fibrose e infiltração por tecido adiposo. O aumento progressivo da fibrose intersticial no músculo impede a migração das células miogênicas, necessárias para a formação muscular. O modelo canino constitui-se nas melhores fenocópias da doença em humanos, quando comparados com outros modelos animais com distrofia. O tratamento antifibrose de pacientes DMD, tendo como alvo os mediadores da citocina, TGF-beta, e o tratamento com antiinflamatórios, podem limitar a degeneração muscular e contribuir para a melhora do curso da doença. O presente estudo teve como objetivo observar os possíveis efeitos adversos na fisiologia renal, por meio de avaliação bioquímica sanguínea e da pressão arterial, verificando a viabilidade do uso do Losartan (um inibidor de TGF-beta) nos cães afetados pela distrofia muscular. Foram utilizados quatro cães adultos, sendo dois machos e duas fêmeas. Utilizou-se a dose de 50mg de Losartan, administrada via oral, uma vez ao dia. Os exames clínicos, bem como alterações na função renal, o nível do potássio sérico e a pressão arterial não evidenciaram reação adversa durante todo o período do experimento. O uso de Losartan, por um período de 9 semanas, mostrou-se como uma terapia segura para o tratamento antifibrótico em cães adultos, não afetando a função renal ou pressão arterial dos animais.
Background: Inflammatory events antecede established renal injury in rats with 5/6 renal ablation (Nx), as indicated by the beneficial effects of early, uninterrupted treatment with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). Angiotensin II also exerts a major pathogenic role at this initial phase. We investigated whether losartan (L) or L+MMF treatment, started early, and L+MMF treatment, started late, would exert lasting renoprotection in Nx even after being discontinued. Methods: Adult male Munich-Wistar rats underwent Nx and were divided into three groups: Nx (untreated), Nx(L) (given L), and Nx(LMMF) (given L and MMF). Protocol 1: treatments began on day 1, and ceased on day 30, after Nx. Protocol 2: L+MMF treatment began on day 30 and ceased on day 60. Results: Protocol 1: on day 30, hypertension, albuminuria and renal injury were strongly attenuated in Groups Nx(L) and Nx(LMMF). On day 120, these abnormalities were still attenuated in group Nx(LMMF). Protocol 2: on day 120, all parameters were similar between this late Nx(LMMF) group and untreated Nx. Conclusion: In Nx, temporary suppression of early, transitory hemodynamic/inflammatory phenomena affords relatively durable renoprotection even after treatment discontinuation. This effect is not obtained with similar temporary treatment initiated later in the course of renal disease. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Suppression of the renin-angiotensin system during lactation causes irreversible renal structural changes. In this study we investigated 1) the time course and the mechanisms underlying the chronic kidney disease caused by administration of the AT(1) receptor blocker losartan during lactation, and 2) whether this untoward effect can be used to engender a new model of chronic kidney disease. Male Munich-Wistar pups were divided into two groups: C, whose mothers were untreated, and L(Lact), whose mothers received oral losartan (250 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)) during the first 20 days after delivery. At 3 mo of life, both nephron number and the glomerular filtration rate were reduced in L(Lact) rats, whereas glomerular pressure was elevated. Unselective proteinuria and decreased expression of the zonula occludens-1 protein were also observed, along with modest glomerulosclerosis, significant interstitial expansion and inflammation, and wide glomerular volume variation, with a stable subpopulation of exceedingly small glomeruli. In addition, the urine osmolality was persistently lower in L(Lact) rats. At 10 mo of age, L(Lact) rats exhibited systemic hypertension, heavy albuminuria, substantial glomerulosclerosis, severe renal interstitial expansion and inflammation, and creatinine retention. Conclusions are that 1) oral losartan during lactation can be used as a simple and easily reproducible model of chronic kidney disease in adult life, associated with low mortality and no arterial hypertension until advanced stages; and 2) the mechanisms involved in the progression of renal injury in this model include glomerular hypertension, glomerular hypertrophy, podocyte injury, and interstitial inflammation.
There are few studies on the relationship between the morphology of acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in native kidneys and late functional recovery. Eighteen patients with acute renal failure (ARF) who had undergone renal biopsy were studied. All had the histological diagnosis of ATN and were followed for at least six months. Clinical characteristics of ARF were analyzed, and histological features were semi-quantitatively evaluated (tubular atrophy, interstitial inflammatory infiltrate, interstitial fibrosis, and ATN). According to the maximal GFR achieved during the follow-up, patients were divided into two groups: complete recovery (GFR >= 90 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) and partial recovery (GFR < 90 mL/min/1.73 m(2)). Only 39% of the patients achieved complete recovery. Patients with partial recovery achieved their maximal GFR (63 +/- 9 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) 37 +/- 14 months after ARF, a period of time similar to those patients with complete recovery (i.e., 54 +/- 22 months). Patients with partial recovery had more severe ARF: oliguria was more frequent (90 versus 17%, p < 0.01), and they had higher peak creatinine (13.85 +/- 1.12 versus 8.95 +/- 1.30 mg/dL, p = 0.01), and longer hospitalization (45 +/- 7 versus 20 +/- 4 days, p = 0.03). No single histological parameter was associated with partial recovery, but the sum of all was when expressed as an injury index [4.00 (2.73-5.45) versus 2.00 (1.25-3.31), p < 0.05]. In conclusion, among patients with atypical ATN course, those with more severe ARF and tubule-interstitial lesions are more prone to partial recovery.
OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to describe the T1 and T2 signal intensity characteristics of papillary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and clear cell RCC with pathologic correlation. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Of 539 RCCs, 49 tumors (21 papillary RCCs and 28 clear cell RCCs) in 45 patients were examined with MRI. Two radiologists retrospectively and independently assessed each tumor`s T1 and T2 signal intensity qualitatively and quantitatively (i.e., the signal intensity [SI] ratio [tumor SI/renal cortex SI]). Of the 49 tumors, 37 (76%) were assessed for pathology features including tumor architecture and the presence of hemosiderin, ferritin, necrosis, and fibrosis. MRI findings and pathology features were correlated. Statistical methods included summary statistics and Wilcoxon`s rank sum test for signal intensity, contingency tables for assessing reader agreement, concordance rate between the two readers with 95% CIs, and Fisher`s exact test for independence, all stratified by RCC type. RESULTS. Papillary RCCs and clear cell RCCs had a similar appearance and signal intensity ratio on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images, most papillary RCCs were hypointense (reader 1, 13/21; reader 2, 14/21), with an average mean signal intensity ratio for both readers of 0.67 +/- 0.2, and none was hyperintense, whereas most clear cell RCCs were hyperintense (reader 1, 21/28; reader 2, 17/28), with an average mean signal intensity ratio for both readers of 1.41 +/- 0.4 (p < 0.05). A tumor T2 signal intensity ratio of <= 0.66 had a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 54% for papillary RCC. Most T2 hypointense tumors exhibited predominant papillary architecture; most T2 hyperintense tumors had a predominant nested architecture (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION. On T2-weighted images, most papillary RCCs are hypointense and clear cell RCCs, hyperintense. The T2 hypointense appearance of papillary RCCs correlated with a predominant papillary architecture at pathology.