995 resultados para REGULATORY REGIONS
Les facteurs de transcription sont des protéines spécialisées qui jouent un rôle important dans différents processus biologiques tel que la différenciation, le cycle cellulaire et la tumorigenèse. Ils régulent la transcription des gènes en se fixant sur des séquences d’ADN spécifiques (éléments cis-régulateurs). L’identification de ces éléments est une étape cruciale dans la compréhension des réseaux de régulation des gènes. Avec l’avènement des technologies de séquençage à haut débit, l’identification de tout les éléments fonctionnels dans les génomes, incluant gènes et éléments cis-régulateurs a connu une avancée considérable. Alors qu’on est arrivé à estimer le nombre de gènes chez différentes espèces, l’information sur les éléments qui contrôlent et orchestrent la régulation de ces gènes est encore mal définie. Grace aux techniques de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage il est possible d’identifier toutes les régions du génome qui sont liées par un facteur de transcription d’intérêt. Plusieurs approches computationnelles ont été développées pour prédire les sites fixés par les facteurs de transcription. Ces approches sont classées en deux catégories principales: les algorithmes énumératifs et probabilistes. Toutefois, plusieurs études ont montré que ces approches génèrent des taux élevés de faux négatifs et de faux positifs ce qui rend difficile l’interprétation des résultats et par conséquent leur validation expérimentale. Dans cette thèse, nous avons ciblé deux objectifs. Le premier objectif a été de développer une nouvelle approche pour la découverte des sites de fixation des facteurs de transcription à l’ADN (SAMD-ChIP) adaptée aux données de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage. Notre approche implémente un algorithme hybride qui combine les deux stratégies énumérative et probabiliste, afin d’exploiter les performances de chacune d’entre elles. Notre approche a montré ses performances, comparée aux outils de découvertes de motifs existants sur des jeux de données simulées et des jeux de données de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage. SAMD-ChIP présente aussi l’avantage d’exploiter les propriétés de distributions des sites liés par les facteurs de transcription autour du centre des régions liées afin de limiter la prédiction aux motifs qui sont enrichis dans une fenêtre de longueur fixe autour du centre de ces régions. Les facteurs de transcription agissent rarement seuls. Ils forment souvent des complexes pour interagir avec l’ADN pour réguler leurs gènes cibles. Ces interactions impliquent des facteurs de transcription dont les sites de fixation à l’ADN sont localisés proches les uns des autres ou bien médier par des boucles de chromatine. Notre deuxième objectif a été d’exploiter la proximité spatiale des sites liés par les facteurs de transcription dans les régions de ChIP-chip et de ChIP-séquençage pour développer une approche pour la prédiction des motifs composites (motifs composés par deux sites et séparés par un espacement de taille fixe). Nous avons testé ce module pour prédire la co-localisation entre les deux demi-sites ERE qui forment le site ERE, lié par le récepteur des œstrogènes ERα. Ce module a été incorporé à notre outil de découverte de motifs SAMD-ChIP.
Le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal (TCSP) est caractérisé par des rêves intenses et une perte de l’atonie musculaire normalement présente au cours du sommeil paradoxal qui permet l’apparition de comportements oniriques isomorphiques au contenu des rêves. Quelques chercheurs ont étudié le contenu des rêves des patients atteints du TCSP, plusieurs ont trouvé une plus grande présence de thèmes menaçants et agressifs, d’autres ont obtenu des résultats plus mitigés. Ces études comportent des failles méthodologiques importantes, comme l’absence d’un groupe contrôle ou l’inclusion de patients consommant une médication psychoactive. La présence de rêves à caractère dysphorique a été associée, dans d’autres populations, à une psychopathologie marquée et à des difficultés émotionnelles, et cette association, quoiqu’inexplorée pourrait aussi être présente chez patients ayant un TCSP. La raison pour laquelle ces patients font des rêves plus dysphoriques est encore largement inconnue, de même qu’une partie des mécanismes qui génèrent les comportements oniriques. Le but du premier article de cette thèse était de mesurer l’alexithymie et la détresse des cauchemars chez les patients atteints du TCSP par rapport à des contrôles. Les résultats indiquent que les patients souffrent davantage d’alexithymie, et particulièrement d’une difficulté à identifier leurs émotions et qu’elle corrélait avec la détresse due aux cauchemars. Le second article estimait, à l'aide d'un questionnaire validé, la présence de rêves, la diversité des thèmes des rêves chez les patients et examinait leurs thèmes au cours de leur vie. Les patients rapportaient beaucoup plus de cauchemars et plus de thèmes à caractère menaçant, comme des agressions, des catastrophes, et des rêves où le rêveur a peu de contrôle. Le troisième article avait pour objectif de clarifier les écarts dans les résultats des études sur les rêves des patients, c'est-à-dire déterminer si l'agressivité rapportée par ces patients est vraiment une différence au niveau du contenu des rêves, ou s'il s'agit plutôt d'un problème dû à la détresse liée aux rêves. Un second objectif était de mesurer le degré de corrélation entre les comportements à l’éveil, comme les comportements miroirs, et les comportements oniriques chez les patients. L’article démontre que les patients ressentaient une plus grande détresse à l'éveil en lien avec leurs expériences oniriques et que leurs rêves étaient plus dysphoriques et contenaient plus d'anxiété. De plus, leurs résultats au questionnaire de comportements miroirs corrélaient avec la sévérité de leurs comportements oniriques, ce qui suggère que le système de neurones miroirs pourrait avoir une influence sur les manifestations de ces comportements chez les patients. Globalement, ces résultats suggèrent que des difficultés au niveau de la régulation émotionnelle pourraient expliquer à la fois les symptômes émotionnels à l’éveil et les difficultés nocturnes des patients. Nous suggérons qu'un déficit au niveau des régions régulatrices frontales pourrait être à la base des différentes difficultés éprouvées par les patients. De plus, il est possible que des anomalies au niveau du système de neurones miroirs aient à la fois un impact sur la capacité des patients à réguler leurs émotions, mais aussi sur les manifestations de comportements oniriques.
The genetic analysis workshop 15 (GAW15) problem 1 contained baseline expression levels of 8793 genes in immortalised B cells from 194 individuals in 14 Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humane (CEPH) Utah pedigrees. Previous analysis of the data showed linkage and association and evidence of substantial individual variations. In particular, correlation was examined on expression levels of 31 genes and 25 target genes corresponding to two master regulatory regions. In this analysis, we apply Bayesian network analysis to gain further insight into these findings. We identify strong dependences and therefore provide additional insight into the underlying relationships between the genes involved. More generally, the approach is expected to be applicable for integrated analysis of genes on biological pathways.
Adiponectin is an adipose tissue specific protein that is decreased in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes. The objective of the present study was to examine whether variants in the regulatory regions of the adiponectin gene contribute to type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians. The study comprised of 2,000 normal glucose tolerant (NGT) and 2,000 type 2 diabetic, unrelated subjects randomly selected from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES), in southern India. Fasting serum adiponectin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. We identified two proximal promoter SNPs (-11377C-->G and -11282T-->C), one intronic SNP (+10211T-->G) and one exonic SNP (+45T-->G) by SSCP and direct sequencing in a pilot study (n = 500). The +10211T-->G SNP alone was genotyped using PCR-RFLP in 4,000 study subjects. Logistic regression analysis revealed that subjects with TG genotype of +10211T-->G had significantly higher risk for diabetes compared to TT genotype [Odds ratio 1.28; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.07-1.54; P = 0.008]. However, no association with diabetes was observed with GG genotype (P = 0.22). Stratification of the study subjects based on BMI showed that the odds ratio for obesity for the TG genotype was 1.53 (95%CI 1.3-1.8; P < 10(-7)) and that for GG genotype, 2.10 (95% CI 1.3-3.3; P = 0.002). Among NGT subjects, the mean serum adiponectin levels were significantly lower among the GG (P = 0.007) and TG (P = 0.001) genotypes compared to TT genotype. Among Asian Indians there is an association of +10211T-->G polymorphism in the first intron of the adiponectin gene with type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypoadiponectinemia.
Background Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) are neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by difficulties in communication and social interaction, alongside unusually repetitive behaviours and narrow interests. Asperger Syndrome (AS) is one subgroup of ASC and differs from classic autism in that in AS there is no language or general cognitive delay. Genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors are implicated in ASC and genes involved in neural connectivity and neurodevelopment are good candidates for studying the susceptibility to ASC. The aryl-hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 (ARNT2) gene encodes a transcription factor involved in neurodevelopmental processes, neuronal connectivity and cellular responses to hypoxia. A mutation in this gene has been identified in individuals with ASC and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been nominally associated with AS and autistic traits in previous studies. Methods In this study, we tested 34 SNPs in ARNT2 for association with AS in 118 cases and 412 controls of Caucasian origin. P values were adjusted for multiple comparisons, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) among the SNPs analysed was calculated in our sample. Finally, SNP annotation allowed functional and structural analyses of the genetic variants in ARNT2. We tested the replicability of our result using the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) database of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC). Results We report statistically significant association of rs17225178 with AS. This SNP modifies transcription factor binding sites and regions that regulate the chromatin state in neural cell lines. It is also included in a LD block in our sample, alongside other genetic variants that alter chromatin regulatory regions in neural cells. Conclusions These findings demonstrate that rs17225178 in the ARNT2 gene is associated with AS and support previous studies that pointed out an involvement of this gene in the predisposition to ASC.
Endocrine therapies target the activation of the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) via distinct mechanisms, but it is not clear whether breast cancer cells can adapt to treatment using drug-specific mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that resistance emerges via drug-specific epigenetic reprogramming. Resistant cells display a spectrum of phenotypical changes with invasive phenotypes evolving in lines resistant to the aromatase inhibitor (AI). Orthogonal genomics analysis of reprogrammed regulatory regions identifies individual drug-induced epigenetic states involving large topologically associating domains (TADs) and the activation of super-enhancers. AI-resistant cells activate endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis (CB) through stable epigenetic activation in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, CB sparks the constitutive activation of oestrogen receptors alpha (ERα) in AI-resistant cells, partly via the biosynthesis of 27-hydroxycholesterol. By targeting CB using statins, ERα binding is reduced and cell invasion is prevented. Epigenomic-led stratification can predict resistance to AI in a subset of ERα-positive patients
Copia is a retrotransposon that appears to be distributed widely among the Drosophilidae subfamily. Evolutionary analyses of regulatory regions have indicated that the Copia retrotransposon evolved through both positive and purifying selection, and that horizontal transfer (HT) could also explain its patchy distribution of the among the subfamilies of the melanogaster subgroup. Additionally, Copia elements could also have transferred between melanogaster subgroup and other species of Drosophilidae-D. willistoni and Z. tuberculatus. In this study, we surveyed seven species of the Zaprionus genus by sequencing the LTR-ULR and reverse transcriptase regions, and by using RT-PCR in order to understand the distribution and evolutionary history of Copia in the Zaprionus genus. The Copia element was detected, and was transcriptionally active, in all species investigated. Structural and selection analysis revealed Zaprionus elements to be closely related to the most ancient subfamily of the melanogaster subgroup, and they seem to be evolving mainly under relaxed purifying selection. Taken together, these results allowed us to classify the Zaprionus sequences as a new subfamily-ZapCopia, a member of the Copia retrotransposon family of the melanogaster subgroup. These findings indicate that the Copia retrotransposon is an ancient component of the genomes of the Zaprionus species and broaden our understanding of the diversity of retrotransposons in the Zaprionus genus.
Caulobacter crescentus is a free-living alphaproteobacterium that has 11 predicted LysR-type transcriptional regulators (LTTRs). Previously, a C. crescentus mutant strain with a mini-Tn5lacZ transposon inserted into a gene encoding an LTTR was isolated; this mutant was sensitive to cadmium. In this work, a mutant strain with a deletion was obtained, and the role of this LTTR (called CztR here) was evaluated. The transcriptional start site of this gene was determined by primer extension analysis, and its promoter was cloned in front of a lacZ reporter gene. beta-Galactosidase activity assays, performed with the wild-type and mutant strains, indicated that this gene is 2-fold induced when cells enter stationary phase and that it is negatively autoregulated. Moreover, this regulator is essential for the expression of the divergent cztA gene at stationary phase, in minimal medium, and in response to zinc depletion. This gene encodes a hypothetical protein containing 10 predicted transmembrane segments, and its expression pattern suggests that it encodes a putative zinc transporter. The cztR strain was also shown to be sensitive to superoxide (generated by paraquat) and to hydrogen peroxide but not to tert-butyl hydroperoxide. The expression of katG and ahpC, but not that of the superoxide dismutase genes, was increased in the cztR mutant. A model is proposed to explain how CztR binding to the divergent regulatory regions could activate cztA expression and repress its own transcription.
In most bacteria, the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global regulator that controls iron homeostasis and other cellular processes, such as oxidative stress defense. In this work, we apply a combination of bioinformatics, in vitro and in vivo assays to identify the Caulobacter crescentus Fur regulon. A C. crescentus fur deletion mutant showed a slow growth phenotype, and was hypersensitive to H(2)O(2) and organic peroxide. Using a position weight matrix approach, several predicted Fur-binding sites were detected in the genome of C. crescentus, located in regulatory regions of genes not only involved in iron uptake and usage but also in other functions. Selected Fur-binding sites were validated using electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNAse I footprinting analysis. Gene expression assays revealed that genes involved in iron uptake were repressed by iron-Fur and induced under conditions of iron limitation, whereas genes encoding iron-using proteins were activated by Fur under conditions of iron sufficiency. Furthermore, several genes that are regulated via small RNAs in other bacteria were found to be directly regulated by Fur in C. crescentus. In conclusion, Fur functions as an activator and as a repressor, integrating iron metabolism and oxidative stress response in C. crescentus.
Plants are organisms sessile and because of this they are susceptible to genotoxic effects due to environmental exposure such as light [including ultraviolet (UV)], heat, drought and chemicals agents. Therefore, there are differents pathways in order to detect a lesion and correct. These pathways are not well known in plants. The MutM/Fpg protein is a DNA glycosylase that is responsible for detect and correct oxidative lesions. In the sugarcane genome, it was found two possible cDNAs that had homology to this protein: scMUTM1 and scMUTM2. The aim of this work was to characterize the role of these cDNAs in plants. In order to do this, the expression level after oxidative stress was evaluated by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Another point analyzed in order to obtain the full-length gene, it was to use a sugarcane genomic library that was hybridized with both cDNAs as a probe. It was found two clones that will bought and sequenced. The promoter region was also cloned. It was obtained sequences only for scMUTM2 promoter region. The sequences obtained were divided into six groups. It was found regulatory motifs such as TATA-box, CAAT-box, oxidative stress element response and regulatory regions that response to light. The other point analyzed was to characterize the N-terminal region by PCR constructs. These constructs have deletions at 5 region. These sequences were introduce into Escherichia coli wild type strain (CC104) and double mutant (CC104mutMmutY). The results showed that proteins with deletions of scMUTM1 N-terminal region were able to complement the Fpg and MutY-glycosylase deficiency in CC104 mutMmutY reducing the spontaneous mutation frequency
The inflation of an intravascular balloon positioned at the superior vena cava and right atrial junction (SVC-RAJ) reduces sodium or water intake induced by various experimental procedures (e.g. sodium depletion; hypovolaemia). In the present study we investigated if the stretch induced by a balloon at this site inhibits a rapid onset salt appetite, and if this procedure modifies the pattern of immunohistochemical labelling for Fos protein (Fos-ir) in the brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats with SVC-RAJ balloons received a combined treatment of furosemide (Furo; 10 mg (kg bw)(-1)) plus a low dose of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (Cap; 5 mg (kg bw)(-1)). Balloon inflation greatly decreased the intake of 0.3 M NaCl for as long as the balloon was inflated. Balloon inflation over a 3 h period following Furo-Cap treatment decreased Fos-ir in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the subfornical organ and increased Fos-ir in the lateral parabrachial nucleus and caudal ventrolateral medulla. The effect of balloon inflation was specific for sodium intake because it did not affect the drinking of diluted sweetened condensed milk. Balloon inflation and deflation also did not acutely change mean arterial pressure. These results suggest that activity in forebrain circumventricular organs and in hindbrain putative body fluid/cardiovascular regulatory regions is affected by loading low pressure mechanoreceptors at the SVC-RAJ, a manipulation that also attenuates salt appetite.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
HLA-G has an important role in the modulation of the maternal immune system during pregnancy, and evidence that balancing selection acts in the promoter and 3′UTR regions has been previously reported. To determine whether selection acts on the HLA-G coding region in the Amazon Rainforest, exons 2, 3 and 4 were analyzed in a sample of 142 Amerindians from nine villages of five isolated tribes that inhabit the Central Amazon. Six previously described single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified and the Expectation-Maximization (EM) and PHASE algorithms were used to computationally reconstruct SNP haplotypes (HLA-G alleles). A new HLA-G allele, which originated in Amerindian populations by a crossing-over event between two widespread HLA-G alleles, was identified in 18 individuals. Neutrality tests evidenced that natural selection has a complex part in the HLA-G coding region. Although balancing selection is the type of selection that shapes variability at a local level (Native American populations), we have also shown that purifying selection may occur on a worldwide scale. Moreover, the balancing selection does not seem to act on the coding region as strongly as it acts on the flanking regulatory regions, and such coding signature may actually reflect a hitchhiking effect.Genes and Immunity advance online publication, 3 October 2013; doi:10.1038/gene.2013.47.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)